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Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

Kild Kannuk

They say a dragon lives atop winterfell. They say he once burned the village because they angered him. They say that one day, a boy will rise, with the power to tame dragons, they say he will be the last of a dying breed, the last of the dragonborn. He can tame the dragon, he will succeed where other's failed, that day has come, a boy was born with the mark of the dragon. Now we must wonder, can this little boy face the might of a dragon?
Akian gummed a small tune as he walked home from the market, he held a basket full of things his mother had asked for as well as a gift for his parents
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An adult male human stepped out of the town's smithy after recently made a purchase of gear. He took a moment to inspect his armor. It felt light, but it wasn't restricting in his movement which was just what he wanted. His blade, which he got enchanted, felt a little cold at his side even while it was still sheathed.

From there he took a small breath of fresh air and looked out over the town, wondering where he should go from here.
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Akian smiled at the male when he past and gave a friendly wave to the man. He hoped that the man wouldn't bow to him like everyone else he greeted did, it bothered him that people treat him like some kind of god, he seriously doubted his ability as a Dragonborn seeing as he didn't have the proper training. He didn't care that his 'father' wasn't his real father, it didn't bother him that much
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Upon seeing the young boy cross his path, the man immediately gave a modest bow to him though it was pretty clear that by his bow, the human in question was an outsider. "Sir..." he said, addressing the boy as a respected adult, "Good day to you." He smiled as genuinely as he could in return to the boy's greeting.
Akian kept his smile as he held out his hand for the human to shake "You must be a traveler, my name is Akian, it's nice to meet you." Akian said with a smile, he didn't care much for the bow as it was a bow in greeting "If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here? Glaeld doesn't get many visitors this time of year."
The adult human shook the boy's hand of course and had a look in his eye like he didn't appreciate doing the bow as well but smiled none the less in greeting. "Well met Akian, I am Jonithus, and you are quite right I am not from this region. I traveled far from the south from a small rural farmland..."

In regards to the youth's question Jonithus answered, "Well... to be frank, money." he said rather plainly, "There's an apparent need for guard here due to a dragon issue from what I've heard and I have been out living in the woods for a couple weeks now on little food. I just can't pass up the chance to make a bit of coin and maybe stay at a nice warm in for a change. To be brutally honest, I do not look forward to having to fend against a dragon... I've heard horrible stories about their power."
Akian frowned a bit 'He must be one of the guards the council insist I take..' he thought to himself. He looked back at the male stating "Well if that's the case, you could come and stay with me. My mother is an excellent cook and I;m my father wouldn't mind extra hunting help, I've had to stop to refer to sword and magic practice, thankfully I can use a bow or I'd never have enough time on my hands.." Akian said with a soft sigh

"The dragon has never bothered us unless we bothered him so I don't see a need to kill him" he said frowning again "Not to mention the possibly that the dragon is my father.." he accidentally thought aloud
Jonithus felt a little off at the invitation from a boy he barely knew. Still given Akian's rank and status in the city he opted to yield to the boy's wishes and nodded slowly, "As you wish..."

While walking along side Akian, however, the man caught the boy's little mumbling and remarked, "You would be surprised at what fear and uncertainty can do to people young master. Those that think the dragon is a threat won't sleep peacefully unless he/she is dealt with. I know it's not a very favorable decision, as I have said before I have no desire to stand toe-to-toe against a dragon in battle, but... well I need the money. Such is the life of the mercenary."
Akian seemed to become frustrated "If he was a threat he would have attacked already, he needs no preparation as no mortal blade can pierce a dragon's scales." the boy huffed "The townsfolk are fools at times, the only reason the dragons attacked previously was because the men attacked their children and threatened the safety of their bloodline, wouldn't you be angry had someone tried to slay your children while you were away? Especially since the Dragonborn had done nothing to provoke an attack."
While Jonithus did listen to the boy's words he chose to remain silent in response. It was obvious that the whole ordeal was a sensitive subject for the young boy and, to be honest, Jonithus didn't support or condone the action taken by the counsel to have the dragon dealt with. He felt a bit awkward being in the middle of all of this in the first place and really just was doing it for the pay as most mercenaries behave.
Akian sighed once again, happier when he reached the hut he called home.

The council insisted he live in the center of town, but he refused every time they asked. He was going to stay with his parents until his adulthood
Jonithus approved of the home's exterior greatly with a smile. "Heh, nice place... pretty big too." he said out loud, though he was not used to staying in larger homes for a few years. For the moment, he didn't wander off on his own and stuck by the boy letting him lead him wherever he saw fit, after all he was a guest at this home.
Akian opened the door to the house, setting the basket on the table he then looked around for his parents, deciding to show Jonithus to the guest room
Jonithus followed and looked around at the interior decorations if there were any. He walked with his hands behind his back and said, "Um... as long as I am to stay with you and your parents, don't hesitate in tasking me to help out with any cleaning or washing." he said, feeling a little guilty that he was staying in someone's home for nothing.
Akian smiled "Alright, I'll be sure to alert you if we require help." he nodded his head towards the door "This is the guest room."
As they walked Jonithus felt a bit more at ease with his company, despite the awkwardness of the whole situation. "So um... you're dragonborn? I've heard the legend but never thought I'd actually be around one to be honest..." he said softly while they went to the guest room.
Akian nodded slowly "Yes, I am a Dragonborn, the townsfolk believe I'm the last one. I'm afraid that if the dragon is my father, I won't be able to face him" Akian's shoulders slouched as he spoke

//Sorry for the late reply
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(OH that's fine, this is forum RPing after all so delays are going to happen, sometimes my delays can last a day or two)

Jonithus nods and says, "While I do feel for your personal struggle, I try to keep myself from getting to emotionally involved in these jobs. Understand that the work I do as a mercenary doesn't really mean that I support one side or another, we sorta don't have any sides to be honest..." He says and waits for the young boy to show him into the room.
Akian smiled a bit "I suppose it's easier that way." he opened the dooor in front of him "Here it is, I have to go and help with dinner, in the mean time, make yourself at home." he said smiling up at the male before scampering off to the kitchen to help his mother prepare the food for the dish she was making.
After the boy left, Jonithus lifted off his pack and removed his sheath and buckler. He felt safe here which was something he hadn't felt in a while. He thought about Akian a bit while be undid his leather vest and set his armor aside. He admired the lad's spirits, and he seemed quite genuine in his words however he doubted that the boy could ever understand how the man felt. He started second guessing coming here for the job, on paper it seemed like a simple dragon fending but he never guessed there'd be more to it than just that.

Jonithus remained in his room for the time being, he was always a little shy when meeting new people which was funny considering how much he to do to survive out in the wilds on his own. He's battled his share of orcs and even a pack of gnoll poachers but he'd rather do that than have to try and break the ice with new faces. Still... he couldn't stay in his room forever and eventually he summoned the courage to step out of his room and into the hallway, wandering a bit towards the smells coming from the kitchen
Akian's mother


ran about trying to prepare different parts at the same time, obviously having forgotten that Akian had come into the kitchen to help her. Akian now stood near the counter as his mother scattered about, having he'd finished the job she gave him
When Jonithus drew near the kitchen door, he kept quiet and didn't interfere at first but merely watched the boy and his mother bustle around, seeing how they worked together. While feeling safe in the house he did still feel like a stranger which made socializing a big awkward for him. Eventually, when the mother did turn and see the mercenary standing there by the door, Jonithus gave a respectful little bow of his head, nothing so formal as the bow he gave the boy but a bit more casual.

"Ma'am..." he said with a simple smile.
"I appreciate the hospitality... if there's anything I can do, anything you need of me just ask." Jonithus says as sincerely as he could though the mother could sense a feeling of unease coming from him. He felt a tad out of place in the home and he sorta looked the part too from his mildly grizzled appearance. Jonithus took a moment to tour the kitchen though keeping out of the mother and son's way well enough, pausing every once in a while to observe their work.

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