Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Sage yelped and entered the kitchen. " What is going on. " He asked himself as he held the scythe to his chest.
Earl then proceeds by "disintegrating" the shadow being.

Thought started to flow into his mind continuously:" What is up with me... I am on of their kind...why am I even concern about this." He feels confused.

"He puts his hand in front of his chest, it is him...this guy......some how I have a feeling that I need to stop them......" He can't tell whether he likes that feeling or not.
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Sarah didn't know what to do. She walked up to one of them. "Umm hi I'm Sarah."

Reed looked at Sage. "Why do you have Grimms scythe?"
djinnamon said:
Sage yelped and entered the kitchen. " What is going on. " He asked himself as he held the scythe to his chest.
Grimm appears in the kitchen and smiles at Sage. "Oh you found it! Thank you, you can hold it for now. I might lose it again." Grimm looks at the surrounding Dragon's Roar members. "Look at all these people! I wonder why I'm here since I'm not a member. Looks like I broke in again! Sage!" Grimm was much smaller, standing on Sage's shoulder. "I'll catch you up on what they've learned so far. Which is the fact that the seven deadly sins are behind the incident in Africa and they plan t-. Oops you all don't know that, can't spoil too much. Just talk with them and try and solve the problem before the world ends!" Grimm disappears with a burst of confetti and party sounds.

Bruce proceeds to step forward and help Earl to stay up on his feet and calm down. "Calm down there, buddy. There's no need for alarm here... or there is but it's not going to do any good if you're like this. How about we take a seat?" He helped Earl over to one of the chairs in the kitchen. Or dragged, depending on resistance.
Sage looked at reed. " Well he gave it to me. " He said before he looked at Grimm and listened to what he was saying.
Earl tries to stand up again and shouts:"Guys!!! What are you waiting for...we need to tell Ashlyn about this now!!! NOW!!!" He looks worry and angry in the same time.
Malren really hated it when fate suddenly decided, "Hey! Let's throw Malren into the middle of nowhere!" A few days earlier, he felt a peculiar force overtake his mind, and he suddenly transformed into an eagle, taking a long, long, trip eastwards from Europe. Just yesterday, he woke up, buried in snow, and turned into a bear, unconsciously plodding towards... wherever he was supposed to go. A few hours ago, he's made it to some large crystal pillar in the middle of nowhere. The strange force left his body, and he collapsed in front of the pillar. Well, at least it's a pretty crystal, he thought as he slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

@Light (Does this work?)
Lotusy said:
Malren really hated it when fate suddenly decided, "Hey! Let's throw Malren into the middle of nowhere!" A few days earlier, he felt a peculiar force overtake his mind, and he suddenly transformed into an eagle, taking a long, long, trip eastwards from Europe. Just yesterday, he woke up, buried in snow, and turned into a bear, unconsciously plodding towards... wherever he was supposed to go. A few hours ago, he's made it to some large crystal pillar in the middle of nowhere. The strange force left his body, and he collapsed in front of the pillar. Well, at least it's a pretty crystal, he thought as he slowly drifted into unconsciousness.
@Light (Does this work?)
( Yep )

Ashlyn was standing out in the front with Alpha. She turns her attention towards Malren and has him float towards her, she uses magic to heat and heal him. "I hope he's okay..."
Dreamtique said:
Earl tries to stand up again and shouts:"Guys!!! What are you waiting for...we need to tell Ashlyn about this now!!! NOW!!!" He looks worry and angry in the same time.
(This isn't real time, you know. You don't have to make another post right after your first one.)


"All right all right." Bruce sighed and rushed back out to the front of the guild hall to where Ashlyn was. "Hey there, long time no see or talk. Anyways, Earl is having this whole panic attack about the seven deadly sins. He's located five I believe and really wants you to know about this danger. Which, I do too but it's the panicking that it is a bit much."
djinnamon said:
( Everything is moving so fast)
( I know it's because you're focusing on all the other things and the big picture. Just focus on you. You do you. Unless someone tags you and says something to your character don't worry about it. For now it's just Sage talking to Reed in the kitchen with the others. Just focus on that. )
Dreamtique said:
(okay, these are actually contents that I intended to put it in a paragraph but fail to. It is hard to change that habit.)
(Move to Ashlyn with the whole crew if possible @Afrobrony )
(Well I can't just take control of the whole crew, they have to follow Bruce. Besides, he can handle talking to her about what's going on.)
Light said:
( Yep )
Ashlyn was standing out in the front with Alpha. She turns her attention towards Malren and has him float towards her, she uses magic to heat and heal him. "I hope he's okay..."
Mal could feel his body become weightless, and slowly move off in a random direction. The air around him began to heat to a warmer temperature, and he started to regain full consciousness. What, huh? Did I.. die? He slowly opened his eyes to see a woman healing his body. "Am... am I in heaven?" he asked as he slowly thawed out.


Edit: Added the reply
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Afrobrony said:
(This isn't real time, you know. You don't have to make another post right after your first one.)

"All right all right." Bruce sighed and rushed back out to the front of the guild hall to where Ashlyn was. "Hey there, long time no see or talk. Anyways, Earl is having this whole panic attack about the seven deadly sins. He's located five I believe and really wants you to know about this danger. Which, I do too but it's the panicking that it is a bit much."
Lotusy said:
Mal could feel his body become weightless, and slowly move off in a random direction. The air around him began to heat to a warmer temperature, and he started to regain full consciousness. What, huh? Did I.. die? He slowly opened his eyes to see a woman healing his body. "Am... am I in heaven?" he asked as he slowly thawed out.
"No you're not in heaven, you're at the guild Dragon's Roar. This is our tower and you were called here because you have powers that you're willing to use for a cause similar to our own." Ashlyn sends the information on rank ups to Mal mentally and let's him stand on his own. "I know this is sudden but there is much going on in the world. Would you like to join us?" Ashlyn extends her hand for Mal to take.

Ashlyn sends her response to Bruce mentally. "Go back and collect as many members as you can. Split them up to each location with those whom are the opposite of the sin they're taking on. Capture them of possible, we don't want to attract attention either. Go."
Light said:
"No you're not in heaven, you're at the guild Dragon's Roar. This is our tower and you were called here because you have powers that you're willing to use for a cause similar to our own." Ashlyn sends the information on rank ups to Mal mentally and let's him stand on his own. "I know this is sudden but there is much going on in the world. Would you like to join us?" Ashlyn extends her hand for Mal to take.
Ashlyn sends her response to Bruce mentally. "Go back and collect as many members as you can. Split them up to each location with those whom are the opposite of the sin they're taking on. Capture them of possible, we don't want to attract attention either. Go."
"A guild? P-powers? And you brought me- hey!" Mal shook himself as best he could, falling to the floor. "You guys were the one who controlled me to get here? You almost got me ki-" Though the druid was angry, his mind was suddenly filled with information. As he saw the letters and ranks flash before him, his mind clicked into a totally different view. The powers, especially influenced him. Powering up, huh? This could cure all my weaknesses! As soon as the mental presentation finished in his mind, he stood up, shaking his head. "Uh, yes ma'am! I'd love to join this guild!"
Lotusy said:
"A guild? P-powers? And you brought me- hey!" Mal shook himself as best he could, falling to the floor. "You guys were the one who controlled me to get here? You almost got me ki-" Though the druid was angry, his mind was suddenly filled with information. As he saw the letters and ranks flash before him, his mind clicked into a totally different view. The powers, especially influenced him. Powering up, huh? This could cure all my weaknesses! As soon as the mental presentation finished in his mind, he stood up, shaking his head. "Uh, yes ma'am! I'd love to join this guild!"
"That's good! Alright!" The inner guild symbol is now within Mal. "Just follow Bruce here inside and he'll give you directions to your first mission for potential rank ups!" Ashlyn points towards Bruce.

( @Afrobrony )
"Yes, ma'am," Malren said, giving the woman a slight bow before trotting over to the man she indicated was Bruce. "I'm in your care, sir," he said, bowing again. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a new figure waving to him. "Um, hello?" he said, uncertainly. He fell attracted to this new man, but tried his best to stay with his orders.


(@djinnamon I had Mal notice Sage.)
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Sage looked at Mal and walked up to him. " Hi " He said as he waved slightly and smiled , he was unconciously using his power of attraction on Mal.

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" How are you. " He asked as he cocked his hips and folded his arms , keeping mindful of the scythe in his hands, as he smiled at Mal

Lotusy said:
"A guild? P-powers? And you brought me- hey!" Mal shook himself as best he could, falling to the floor. "You guys were the one who controlled me to get here? You almost got me ki-" Though the druid was angry, his mind was suddenly filled with information. As he saw the letters and ranks flash before him, his mind clicked into a totally different view. The powers, especially influenced him. Powering up, huh? This could cure all my weaknesses! As soon as the mental presentation finished in his mind, he stood up, shaking his head. "Uh, yes ma'am! I'd love to join this guild!"
@Light @Dreamtique @Tazmodo @djinnamon

Bruce waved to Mal and motioned for him to come along. He understood the mental message, it was a good plan of action and one that he would have taken if Ashlyn hadn't spoken it to him. He went back into the kitchen to announce this plan to everyone else. "Okay guys! The plan is that we're going to split up and take these seven deadly sins down. But do it discreetly and try to capture them instead of just killing them. Does this sound like a good plan? Yes it does. Now who wants who?"

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