Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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" Well to ask your first question , I glare at you because you act like a idiot at time. For the second one I don't know. " he whispered the last part , he himself didn't know why. It was confusing him so bad

GingerBread said:
"I mean the glares you keep giving me" Vance sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "So lets imagine for a second that you do love me and aren't plotting to kill me." Vance glared at Sage, warning him not to try "Why? Why do you love me? All i've done is belittle you and try to kill you, and so far the only vibe i got from you is that you think i'm a heartless monster, so why would you think i would love you back"
Vance just looked at Sage like he was an idiot "You know what? You're an idiot and i want to sleep, so get out" Vance said as he pulled Sage up and began to push him towards the door before stopping "Wait, no. I've changed my mind, you can stay here, only so you don't go around messing stuff up in my body" Vance said as he glared at Sage "But if you want to sleep or sit somewhere, the floor is right there" Vance said as he undressed and climbed into bed.

@djinnamon (I'm going to go to sleep)
Sage looked down and growled before spinning around and glared with fury that he had never shown before. " I'm done. " he said before he ran out of the room crying.

(good night, I'll go to sleep too)

Tazmodo said:
The bears let out their own roars and countered the wolves. Jackson was running low on stamina.
The wolves' and the bears' roars cancel each other out. They both end up charging to one another killing each other until 1 wolf and 1 bear was standing making their final standing. It's a symbol for Inaro and Jackson who are about to make their final stand. This is it boyo. I hope you're ready. After this I'll let you rest. A silver cloak appeared on Inaro. The Cloak had a black howling wolf emblem on the back. He held out his right hand his cane appears. He pulls the cane's hidden blade from the cane. He holds the sword in his left hand and the cane in its right.


Light said:
"It's not that I don't trust you its just...You won't like what I have to tell you. Something happened that you have no knowledge about that one night and..." She touches her stomach so she can prepare herself to drop the bomb.
"Simple, a non sexual relationship status with a loosened dom and sub rate." Luna looks up to the top of the tree and she suddenly starts floating towards it.

Decimus feels himself slowly dying as his existence bleeds away. "Narrate now or die."

The arrow and it's energy was pulled into its mouth. The two pods on the first line begin to glow with the same affects on the symmetrical side. It continues to float around with no care.
Morpheus gently floated up with her. "That's... perfect! Awww we're going to be together forever!" The man poofed back into a cat and rested on her shoulder

Decimus sighed and began. "The most traumatic experience in my remembered life is... A weird vision than a dream. See we had a fourth for quite some time. Damian. But he's long gone now. In this "vision" Damian killed us all. So... Easily. So nonchalantly. What shook me was how helpless he made Morpheus appear. Morpheus is not the easiest man to kill. But that never happened. Damian left."

Ryan tsked and quickly shot an arrow at one of the pods to see what it would do
(fashionably late as always...

Sorry but I skipped ahead and didn't read the 10 pages of new stuff xD (Forgive me for I have sinned) I will sift through it eventually. Hopefully nothing horrible important happened)

The first thing that Arwyn noticed was the unsettling feeling that had gripped her gut whenever she arrived at the scene of the collapsed building. Not the usual queasy feeling that accompanied the act of teleportation but something foreboding and ancient as the gathering dusk. It was something that the dragonknight had not felt in a very long time.

"I feel it too." Syrax said through the bond as he looked at the broken fragments of cement and glass covering the ground. "A dark and ancient evil has done this. Perhaps older than the Sins themselves." Arwyn nodded her head grimly in agreement and took a couple of steps toward the rubble. Sharp wailing could be heard from a cluster of hastily made tents bearing a red cross on the canvas, or whatever strange white materials the humans used. At first she thought that it was some branch of the church, judging by the cross-like symbol flapping in the wind, but as the dragonknight got closer she realized that none of the people scurrying around were priests or nuns. Through Syrax's senses she could detect the scent of blood upon the air.

"We should help them." Arwyn said at once and began digging through her bags in search of Dawn's Heart only to find that it was dangling around her neck by a chain made from the same material as the shimmering stone. When she slowly reached up for it the chains simply dissolved and the artifact glided by itself into her outstretched palm. "Since when could it do that?" Arwyn said as she looked up in surprise at the red wyvern beside her. The great beast simply shrugged his scaly shoulders and unleashed a puff of smoke. "It does what it wishes I suppose." he said before lumbering towards the tents.
CelticSol said:
(You'll learn that Violet and Viola care more about getting the job done than with the technicalities. They'd much rather have an unneeded casualty than leave someone to get away.)

Viola seems ready, for the first time, to speak, but is cut off by Violet's clipped tone, "A pleasure, Sergio. An unfortunate situation, but necessary in the end. Changing the world often comes with war and a hefty list of casualties," Her steady strides lead them to one of the portals. Two guards there snap a quick salute to the trio, though they eye Sergio with open curiosity. They step from carnage into a large valley, framed on all sides by enormous mountains of obsidian, covered in daisies, if the entirety of it had been painted black. Everything - from the grass, the trees, the flowers, the stone - is dark like onyx, waving slightly in a non-existent wind. The area shines under moonlight as Violet and Viola match their paces to Sergio, both twins taking one of his hands. Suddenly, instead of a mile away, they are teleported right before one mountain, which appears to have a stronghold cut into it.

The massive doors open for them on their approach, revealing a cavernous foyer worthy of a King, with a pristine white marble floor contrasting harshly against the darkness of everything else. Viola immediately releases his hand as they enter, and dismisses herself with a grunt. Violet waves away two members who come to her side immediately, and they hesitantly leave, eyes narrowed suspiciously at Sergio. Most of the eyes in the foyer are on Sergio and Violet as she leads him up the stairs and into one of the rooms. When they enter, she sighs dramatically, throwing off the tattered dress and revealing a short sleeved, short legged body suit underneath. "You would think they would have seen a human before! Honestly, a bunch of children, all of them," She mostly grumbles to herself, changing into more comfortable clothing, though she does keep her bodysuit on. As she changes clothes, her actual appearance changes - in an instant, Violet, who had looked no older than seven years old, ages before Sergio's eyes, until she is comparatively similar in age to him, all childish pudge lost off her face, and her rectangle body shape has grown into full curves.

She looks to him, as if her sudden aging is nothing new, raising an eyebrow, "Are you ready to go?"
Sergio nodded to her response. "No, no, that's not the case. In fact, it's good to know if my new employers have... this much power. Casualties mean nothing." What the hell am I saying? He thought to himself. This doesn't sound like me. I am a protector, not- He shook his head and followed Violet into one of the portals. No matter. I have been employed. As he appeared on the other side, he shot the two guards equally curious glances before setting his eyes on the wonder before him. Everything seemed to be black, from the mountains to the trees, like a landscape doused completely in ink. The sight was majestic, and it gave Sergio a sense of vertigo as the view rustled in a wind he could not feel. He only raises an eyebrow curiously as both girls took his hand, and he followed the again, this time into the stronghold.

Sergio nodded as Viola left him, but quickly noticed something else. Mostly, the fact that everyone, including two people who walked up to him, were simply staring. He heard something Violet said about not seeing a human, and upon closer inspection, not all seemed human. All probably were not human, the humanoid ones using a disguise. These are powerful people, his mind said. They radiate it. As he followed Violet into the room, he became surprised when she threw off the dress, showing a bodysuit underneath. He gave her a questioning look, but she simply threw on more clothes and changed into an adult right before his eyes. He noticed the look that she gave him, wondering why he was surprised, and he just shrugged. "Of course I'm ready."

Light said:
"It's not that I don't trust you its just...You won't like what I have to tell you. Something happened that you have no knowledge about that one night and..." She touches her stomach so she can prepare herself to drop the bomb.
Malren looked at her in surprise. "I won't want to hear it? Kinziel, you should know better than to say that! I'll listen, I swear-" He noticed how she was touching her stomach, shocked. No way... Is that what I think it is? How did it happen so fast? He cleared his throat. "Well, I'm ready for anything you could tell me."
djinnamon said:
Sage looked down and growled before spinning around and glared with fury that he had never shown before. " I'm done. " he said before he ran out of the room crying.
(good night, I'll go to sleep too)
Wait.... If i'm not nice to him, i won't get my body back will i? This was this arseholes plan the whole time wasn't it? Vance thought angrily as he got out of bed and got dressed and left his room looking for Sage.

Arwyn and Syrax were greeted by two guards with the word "SWAT" emblazoned on the front of their coats. The most peculiar sight was what they were holding; each carried a strange metal object with a hollow tube at the front end, which was currently aimed at her and the wyvern beside her. "Stay back!" one of them yelled in a commanding voice that was somewhat tainted by a fearful voice crack, "Don't move or we will shoot!" Peering behind the two guards, Arwyn could see the cowering forms of the injured people inside of the tent along with the healers dressed in brightly colored uniforms.

"It is alright, we are here to help." Arwyn said in an attempt of calming down the guards. To empathize this she held out her hands as if pushing at the empty air and gestured to the two men to calm down.

Without warning Arwyn's hand glowed and a soft haze formed around the guards and enveloped them in a foggy mist. Moments later they dropped their guns and sagged down in exhaustion onto the ground and promptly began sleeping. A scream came from inside the tent.

"By the dawn..." Arwyn muttered as she looked down at her hand. "That is the same thing that Sloth used on us during the battle..." she trailed off as she looked up at the terrified people in the tent. When she moved towards them and tried to convince them that she didn't kill them it only resulted in a couple of the younger ones sobbing uncontrollably. How can we show them we are not trying to murder them? She thought as she looked at the pale faces looking at her. In the corner of the makeshift tent she finally spotted some people who were not cowering. In fact they couldn't because they were too injured to move or were unconscious.

Moving over to one of them, she knelt down beside a bed and looked at the broken form of a man who looked to be in his 30's. She could see the blood soaked bandages covering his mangled limbs and his thighbone was showing through the burned mess that was his leg. Stood beside him was a soot covered girl who was probably younger than 7. She looked up at Arwyn with wide eyes.

"Is this your father?" Arwyn asked in the gentlest voice she was capable of. The child flinched at the voice as if she had been struck and nodded her head while fresh tears washed lines down her blackened face. Sighing, Arwyn removed her helmet and let the child see her face, "You are scared...Is this any better?" she asked, although she knew it probably didn't help that much, the dragonknight did have an old scar across her face after all. The child only stood as stiff as a post and continued to cry silently. Poor thing.

Lifting Dawn's Heart to the father's wounds, Arwyn muttered some words under her breath and paid no mind to the distressed shouts and crying coming from the crowd inside of the tent. Golden light poured from the artifact onto the injured man until it coated over his entire body and filled the tent with a rich glow. Then as suddenly as it began the light faded and the burns and open gashes were replaced with smooth skin. The tent was dead silent when Arwyn got back to her feet and looked at the speechless crowd. "Im here to help." Arwyn said and broke the silence. There was not a sound from the survivors or the healers in their bright uniforms.

Do they not want my help?
Arwyn thought despairingly.

It was only then that the little girl squealed in joy. "Daddy! You're okay!" Everyone looked in disbelief as the man who had once been on death's doorstep sat up and began hugging the small child.
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Sage went to his room and slammed the door sending loud echo through the halls. He leaned against and slide down it , he hugged his legs to his chest and whimpered.' God , I'm such a Goldman baby.' he thought

GingerBread said:
Wait.... If i'm not nice to him, i won't get my body back will i? This was this arseholes plan the whole time wasn't it? Vance thought angrily as he got out of bed and got dressed and left his room looking for Sage.

Vance heard a door slamming and assumed that it was Sage God he's over dramatic Vance thought as he walked up to the door and knocked on it "Sage" Vance said, not caring if Sage opened the door or not "I'm not going to lie and say i suddenly care about you, or that i'm okay with all of this" Vance growled out, not trying to be nice "But you won the fight, so that means i'm your........ Slave, for at least the rest of the day. So do with that what you will, if it makes you feel better, and helps me get my body back" Vance said muttering the last part "I won't say no to what you want me to do anymore, if i do then i'm do a forfeit or punishment or whatever, I'm sure you can think of something" Vance sighed, after waiting for a second Vance began to walk away I don't want to have to do this, but if it gets me my body back, then i guess i have to Vance thought, annoyed at what he was about to do.

Sage crawled over to his bed completely ignoring Vance and curled up under the sheets. Fresh tears began flowing breath heavily and whimper , his body trembling with sobs. He was extremely hurt and confused , he was contemplating leaving the guild but he won't. He heard Vance say something about slave and listened to what he had to say. He growled despite himself and summon a tendril that slipped under the door and went to slap Vance in the face with speed of a striking snake.

GingerBread said:
Vance heard a door slamming and assumed that it was Sage God he's over dramatic Vance thought as he walked up to the door and knocked on it "Sage" Vance said, not caring if Sage opened the door or not "I'm not going to lie and say i suddenly care about you, or that i'm okay with all of this" Vance growled out, not trying to be nice "But you won the fight, so that means i'm your........ Slave, for at least the rest of the day. So do with that what you will, if it makes you feel better, and helps me get my body back" Vance said muttering the last part "I won't say no to what you want me to do anymore, if i do then i'm do a forfeit or punishment or whatever, I'm sure you can think of something" Vance sighed, after waiting for a second Vance began to walk away I don't want to have to do this, but if it gets me my body back, then i guess i have to Vance thought, annoyed at what he was about to do.
Embaga Elder]The wolves' and the bears' roars cancel each other out. They both end up charging to one another killing each other until 1 wolf and 1 bear was standing making their final standing. It's a symbol for Inaro and Jackson who are about to make their final stand. [B]This is it boyo. I hope you're ready. After this I'll let you rest. [/B]A silver cloak appeared on Inaro. The Cloak had a black howling wolf emblem on the back. He held out his right hand his cane appears. He pulls the cane's hidden blade from the cane. He holds the sword in his left hand and the cane in its right. [CENTER][IMG]https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=http://www.uniquecanes.com/WolfmanCaneSword4.jpg&hash=32ed6092fd6508f0c85e54a223437fdd[/IMG][/CENTER] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17275-tazmodo/ said:
Jackson took a deep breath. He drew his sword as well. He took a deep breathe and started to heal himself. Giving him enough energy for one last attack. "Heh I guess being a deity has its perks. Just don't kill me I don't want to restart another cycle."
djinnamon said:
Sage crawled over to his bed completely ignoring Vance and curled up under the sheets. Fresh tears began flowing breath heavily and whimper , his body trembling with sobs. He was extremely hurt and confused , he was contemplating leaving the guild but he won't. He heard Vance say something about slave and listened to what he had to say. He growled despite himself and summon a tendril that slipped under the door and went to slap Vance in the face with speed of a striking snake.
Vance growled when he felt himself get slapped, he turned around and went back to Sage's room and slammed open the door "What the hell do you want from me!? Do you expect me to love you back? because even if you wanted me to, i'd only be falling in love with my own body. And that's if i was able to feel any fucking emotions any more! What more do you fucking want, i give you the next best thing to me loving you back and you just slap me in the face" Vance ranted, getting angier and angier "You know what, i fucking quit, i'm leaving this guild, there you go you never have to fucking see me again. Have fun with my body" Vance turned and walked out the door, and then starting to head towards the main entrance

Sage growled and followed him. " Oh so you can't feel emotion right , then what are you feeling right now then. " he asked as he got in front of Vance and glared. " Yes , I was hoping you would love me back. Also I don't want to use you like that , I was originally planning to use the slave deal to try and help you get your emotions back" he said truthfully.

GingerBread said:
Vance growled when he felt himself get slapped, he turned around and went back to Sage's room and slammed open the door "What the hell do you want from me!? Do you expect me to love you back? because even if you wanted me to, i'd only be falling in love with my own body. And that's if i was able to feel any fucking emotions any more! What more do you fucking want, i give you the next best thing to me loving you back and you just slap me in the face" Vance ranted, getting angier and angier "You know what, i fucking quit, i'm leaving this guild, there you go you never have to fucking see me again. Have fun with my body" Vance turned and walked out the door, and then starting to head towards the main entrance
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djinnamon said:
Sage growled and followed him. " Oh so you can't feel emotion right , then what are you feeling right now then. " he asked as he got in front of Vance and glared. " Yes , I was hoping you would love me back. Also I don't want to use you like that , I was originally planning to use the slave deal to try and help you get your emotions back" he said truthfully.
"What makes you think i care, and yes i feel anger, it's the only emotion i do feel, but only when someone pushes me to my limit, But it doesn't matter Because i'm leaving" Vance covered Sage's face with his hand and pushed Sage away before he carried on walking.

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Sage gritted his teeth as tears began to stream down his face. " Vance..... please don't go , I love you. " he begged as he curled up into a ball. He could take it anymore , he just about to give up.

GingerBread said:
"What makes you think i care, and yes i feel anger, it's the only emotion i do feel, but only when someone pushed me to my limit, But it doesn't matter Because i'm leaving" Vance covered Sage's face with his hand and pushed Sage away before he carried on walking.

Tazmodo said:
Jackson took a deep breath. He drew his sword as well. He took a deep breathe and started to heal himself. Giving him enough energy for one last attack. "Heh I guess being a deity has its perks. Just don't kill me I don't want to restart another cycle."
A small blue tulip grew out of the ground before Jasmine, growing and growing, blossoming, Morpheus sitting in the center with a crown of white tulips, drinking a cup of nectar in his throne. "Helloooo Jasmine! I've got amazing news"
djinnamon said:
Sage gritted his teeth as tears began to stream down his face. " Vance..... please don't go , I love you. " he begged as he curled up into a ball. He could take it anymore , he just about to give up.
Vance stopped and turned around "And why do you think i even slightly care? The fact that i'm in your hideous body is all your fault, and if i even slightly liked you before, i definitely don't now. So why don't you give me one good reason to stay? Because right now, it feels and looks like this little Lizard cult doesn't want me here"

Sage looked down and thought. " More power , money , get to kill your enemies. I would rather not be cheesy and say something like , well I want you here cause I know you won't particularly care. But I doubt you would care what people think of you, so I don't get part of your reason or leaving. " he said as he stood up and looked at Vance with dead eyes , he was emotionally tired and could not take it anymore.

GingerBread said:
Vance stopped and turned around "And why do you think i even slightly care? The fact that i'm in your hideous body is all your fault, and if i even slightly liked you before, i definitely don't now. So why don't you give me one good reason to stay? Because right now, it feels and looks like this little Lizard cult doesn't want me here"
djinnamon said:
Sage looked down and thought. " More power , money , get to kill your enemies. I would rather not be cheesy and say something like , well I want you here cause I know you won't particularly care. But I doubt you would care what people think of you, so I don't get part of your reason or leaving. " he said as he stood up and looked at Vance with dead eyes , he was emotionally tired and could not take it anymore.
"Well I can't get more power if i'm in your hideous body, and if I wanted money I could just go back to being an assassin, couldn't I?" Vance asked as he walked over to Sage "But my offer from earlier still stands, because i still want my body back. I'm not going to say i love you though, but i will pretty much do what you say, Do you want to take it or leave it? Because maybe during that, I'll actually start to like you, but i doubt that, I don't like wimps"

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DizjayDeathPride said:
A small blue tulip grew out of the ground before Jasmine, growing and growing, blossoming, Morpheus sitting in the center with a crown of white tulips, drinking a cup of nectar in his throne. "Helloooo Jasmine! I've got amazing news"
Jasmine stretched as she woke up. "Hey Morpheus. Something seems different."
djinnamon said:
Sage sighed and folded his arms. " Fine but Ingesting my hopes up, go get me a sandwich. " he said as he walked to his room. He needed to lay down.
Vance walked off and teleported to to a small shop Already has me running pointless errands Vance thought as he picked up a random sandwich and teleported back to the guild He's probably gone back to his room Vance thought as he walked to Sage's room "Here you go" Vance said as he walked in offering the sandwich to Sage "Anything else you want me to do? Maybe cuddle in bed with you" Vance replied sarcastically, doing his best not to glare at Sage.


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