Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
"I wasn't expecting you to win" Vance muttered as he shot Sage a glare "Anyway i don't have any formal clothes and i'd rather not have to look at my own face for however long this 'date' will take" Vance pointed out, though he knew he didn't really have a choice either way; He was now Sage's 'Slave' as he so elegantly put it

Light said:
Jackie was taken to a large crystal square room. H80ft W80ft. "Alright then. You're my most capable Beta who was bound to reach Alpha anyways. You know the rule... You have to fight me and force me to release two seals to become Meta. Now before we fight you have a choice. Would you like to fight me with, or without limitations?"
Jackie crosses her arms, putting some serious thought. With the first option, Ashlyn is limited, and so is Jackie. There is a chance, that with Ashlyn brought down a level, that Jackie can take her down with some good old fashioned 'I'm-going-to-punch-your-molars-down-your-throat-and-let-you-choke-on-them' style hand to hand, but, while Jackie knew Ashlyn well, she didn't exactly know Ashlyn's level of hand-to-hand capabilities, since she virtually never fought without magic. With the second option, on one hand, she goes full power, able to use Sanctum to his full potiential, but so does Ashlyn. And, though Jackie loved her to death, it was a known fact between them that Ashlyn had gone off the deep end a long time ago; had been been pushed too hard, nudged a bit too close to the edge, and she had snapped and left a body count that even Jackie could barely stomach.

Honestly? Jackie didn't want to see what she could do if she had nothing holding her back.

"Limitations," She says finally, shaking out her hands and some of her nerves with an anticipated laugh, "Love ya, Ash, but you're a scary bitch with limitations. Don't wanna see what you can do without them."

Lotusy said:
Sergio nodded, watching the girl return to her old, childish, and hella-less-demonic appearance. Of course, now that he knew what she was capable of, he kept up his old and guarded tone. "Yes. It's nice to meet you, Violet, Viola." He gave a nod of acknowledgement to the other girl before following them up the streets and into the crowd. Before he left completely, though, he looked back to the dead woman, sending chills up his spine. I work with them now. Well, a client is a client. "Alright, then. To the base it is." As the girls led him outside, the chaos apparently continued. Terrified civilians were still milling around, compared to Violet and Viola's calm strides. "Hm. Well, I'm Sergio. Sergio Protegat, absolute defender. And I just have one question." He gestured to the utter chaos around the group, smoke rising with the screams of people. "Is this the power you hold?"
(You'll learn that Violet and Viola care more about getting the job done than with the technicalities. They'd much rather have an unneeded casualty than leave someone to get away.)

Viola seems ready, for the first time, to speak, but is cut off by Violet's clipped tone, "A pleasure, Sergio. An unfortunate situation, but necessary in the end. Changing the world often comes with war and a hefty list of casualties," Her steady strides lead them to one of the portals. Two guards there snap a quick salute to the trio, though they eye Sergio with open curiosity. They step from carnage into a large valley, framed on all sides by enormous mountains of obsidian, covered in daisies, if the entirety of it had been painted black. Everything - from the grass, the trees, the flowers, the stone - is dark like onyx, waving slightly in a non-existent wind. The area shines under moonlight as Violet and Viola match their paces to Sergio, both twins taking one of his hands. Suddenly, instead of a mile away, they are teleported right before one mountain, which appears to have a stronghold cut into it.

The massive doors open for them on their approach, revealing a cavernous foyer worthy of a King, with a pristine white marble floor contrasting harshly against the darkness of everything else. Viola immediately releases his hand as they enter, and dismisses herself with a grunt. Violet waves away two members who come to her side immediately, and they hesitantly leave, eyes narrowed suspiciously at Sergio. Most of the eyes in the foyer are on Sergio and Violet as she leads him up the stairs and into one of the rooms. When they enter, she sighs dramatically, throwing off the tattered dress and revealing a short sleeved, short legged body suit underneath. "You would think they would have seen a human before! Honestly, a bunch of children, all of them," She mostly grumbles to herself, changing into more comfortable clothing, though she does keep her bodysuit on. As she changes clothes, her actual appearance changes - in an instant, Violet, who had looked no older than seven years old, ages before Sergio's eyes, until she is comparatively similar in age to him, all childish pudge lost off her face, and her rectangle body shape has grown into full curves.

She looks to him, as if her sudden aging is nothing new, raising an eyebrow, "Are you ready to go?"
Guess it could be worse Vance thought as he walked to his room and pulled out a random dress shirt and pants before slipping them on and walking back to Sage "Happy now?" Vance growled, glaring at Sage.

Sage smirked and cocked his hip. " Very. Lets go to a restaurant " he said before he grabbed Vance's hand and teleported to a beach side restaurant. "Lets go. " he said as he walking into the building.

I have to be seen in public with him? I thought i would just have eat a sandwich with him or something Vance thought as he followed Sage into a restaurant and just sitting down at the first table he saw, which happened to be the one right next to the window with a view of the beach.

Vance yanked his arm back "No, Just no" Vance replied, not wanting to sing; Vance assumed that Sage wouldn't do anything to him anyway as Sage was a wimp in his eyes.

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Sage glared as tendrils appeared. " Don't test me today. " he growled out , his eyes glowing like a demon's and a fang seem to peek out of his mouth slightly. Overall he looked like the demon version of Vance as he oozed killer intent.
"You can threaten me all you like, I'm not going to even go near a karaoke machine" Vance replied as he looked away from Sage and looked out the window instead.

Sage looked down sadly. " I wanted to sing for you. " he muttered before walking to the karaoke machine and picking a song and picked up a mic. "Ok guys I'm going to be singing to today and there is some special person in the crowd. " he said before the melody started and swayed side to side.
"Yes because threatening people is how you get them to do what you want...... Oh wait, that's abuse" Vance replied scowling at Sage. Special someone? What special some- It's me, isn't it? Vance thought as he pinched the bridge of his nose I could just teleport back to the guild, but he'd probably cry to Ashlyn and i'd have to wait longer to get my body.... Back. Vance's thoughts slowed down as he realized something Wait, that's my body! He's trying to make a fool out of me by using my body to do stupid shit and pretending that it's because he wanted to do it for me Vance thought angrily as he glared daggers at Sage.


He began to sing as the crowd swooned at how good his voice sounded. He kept singing getting more and more cheers before the last verse came and he jumped off the stage still sing , extremely thankful that it was cordless. He stood in front of Vance and smiled as he the last line. " I'm in love with you. " he sang as the melody took over then the song ended.

CelticSol said:
Jackie crosses her arms, putting some serious thought. With the first option, Ashlyn is limited, and so is Jackie. There is a chance, that with Ashlyn brought down a level, that Jackie can take her down with some good old fashioned 'I'm-going-to-punch-your-molars-down-your-throat-and-let-you-choke-on-them' style hand to hand, but, while Jackie knew Ashlyn well, she didn't exactly know Ashlyn's level of hand-to-hand capabilities, since she virtually never fought without magic. With the second option, on one hand, she goes full power, able to use Sanctum to his full potiential, but so does Ashlyn. And, though Jackie loved her to death, it was a known fact between them that Ashlyn had gone off the deep end a long time ago; had been been pushed too hard, nudged a bit too close to the edge, and she had snapped and left a body count that even Jackie could barely stomach.
Honestly? Jackie didn't want to see what she could do if she had nothing holding her back.

"Limitations," She says finally, shaking out her hands and some of her nerves with an anticipated laugh, "Love ya, Ash, but you're a scary bitch with limitations. Don't wanna see what you can do without them."
Ashlyn stayed limited down and Jackie received her limits again. Ashlyn makes the first move and adds more distance between the two. After this she starts to fly around at high speeds but not too fast since she wanted to test how much Jackie can track. Jackie can feel several telekinetic blasts bombard her body from several sides on after the other while crystal shards rocket towards her. ( ! )

( @Dreamtique )

Once Earl arrives at the guild he can see Grimm standing in the front in a sweater. "Youre finally here!"
Vance was irritated when Sage felt he had to flaunt how much he was destroying his reputation by walking towards him. "Could you not have picked a better song?" Vance growled, thinking the last line was just the song and had no connection to him "And can we go now, i want to sleep and get away from you"

@djinnamon (God i feel bad D: But on another note, that song is great)
Sage growled as he glared at Vance. " I tell you I love you and you say that of all things. You are a tucking Dick. " he yelled before teleporting to Vance's room in the guild. He would have gonna to his room but he grew attached to this bed. He plopped on Vance's bed and promptly cried into a pillow. He felt so stupid for confessing now.

"Wait, what?" Vance felt several people glaring at him I need to have a word with him Vance thought as he teleported to the guild and walked to his room, where Sage like to stay most of the time. Vance booted open the door "Oi! What the hell was that? Why did you say you love me? I would say you have stockholm syndrome but i haven't tried to kidnap you at all, so that wouldn't make any sense. In fact i've been trying to get away from you" Vance said, mostly trying to work out what was going on "Did you just do all this to ruin my reputation?"

Light said:
Once Earl arrives at the guild he can see Grimm standing in the front in a sweater. "Youre finally here!"
"You are...Grimm, is it? " Earl gives Grimm a weird look, he is not sure why is he even talking to him. @Light
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Sage glared at him through his tears that he wiped away but they kept coming. " I said it because it was the truth. " he said as he sat up. He kept trying to wipe his tears. @GingerBread
"Yes, all the dirty looks you keep giving me really prove that you love me" Vance replied as he sat down on the end of his bed, sitting as far away from Sage as possible "Love isn't even real in the first place. Love is just something stupid people trick themselves into believing so they don't have to die alone"

@djinnamon (I'm surprised you haven't taken more advantage of Vance being Sage's slave)
(Sage isn't the kind of person to take advantage in such situation)

" Yes the person who apparently does have emotions , so you would know nothing. " he said as he final forced his tears away. " And what do you mean dirty looks you pervert. " he said

GingerBread said:
"Yes, all the dirty looks you keep giving me really prove that you love me" Vance replied as he sat down on the end of his bed, sitting as far away from Sage as possible "Love isn't even real in the first place. Love is just something stupid people trick themselves into believing so they don't have to die alone"

@djinnamon (I'm surprised you haven't taken more advantage of Vance being Sage's slave)
"I mean the glares you keep giving me" Vance sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "So lets imagine for a second that you do love me and aren't plotting to kill me." Vance glared at Sage, warning him not to try "Why? Why do you love me? All i've done is belittle you and try to kill you, and so far the only vibe i got from you is that you think i'm a heartless monster, so why would you think i would love you back"


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