Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
"Fine" Vance replied as he teleported the guild and started looking around for Sage. Vance quickly found Sage in a corner and it looked like he was about to cry "No crying in my body!". (!) Vance Charged towards Sage summoning a dagger made of ice and aiming it for his neck.

@DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon
Sage barely noticed Vance and teleported with the shadows out of the way in time. He stood behind Vance and glared at him. " What the hell are you doing you Dick. "

GingerBread said:
"Fine" Vance replied as he teleported the guild and started looking around for Sage. Vance quickly found Sage in a corner and it looked like he was about to cry "No crying in my body!". (!) Vance Charged towards Sage summoning a dagger made of ice and aiming it for his neck.

@DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon
( ! ) Ryan appeared before him with arrow fully charged to explode. "Move an inch and I will shoot you"
(!)"If i kill you, I get my own body back and you'll be dead, it's killing two birds with one stone" Vance replied as he saw Ryan appear "Do i care? either way i win, there's no way for me to lose in this situation" Vance replied as he ran towards Sage aiming the dagger for his throat once again.

@DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon
djinnamon said:
Sage growled and jagged solid shadows erupt from the ground under Vance. " I'll make you pay for scaring me you prick. " he yelled
(Wait how? there's no shadow's under Vance, unless the guild has a complete lack of lighting)
Vance growled as he was tripped up Im at a disadvantage, he's got the better body and powers right now, and i'm not used to this body or it's powers Vance thought as he stood back up "So if you don't want me to kill myself, and you don't want me to kill you. How do you propose we get our bodies back"

@djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride
" Let's attempt to get along so Ashlyn gives back our normal bodies. " he said simply as he moved from behind Ryan and folded his arms and cocked his hip(:3)

GingerBread said:
Vance growled as he was tripped up Im at a disadvantage, he's got the better body and powers right now, and i'm not used to this body or it's powers Vance thought as he stood back up "So if you don't want me to kill myself, and you don't want me to kill you. How do you propose we get our bodies back"

@djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride
Ryan tilted his head to Sage-Vance. "Thats a great idea Sage. We should do that. Don't you agree, Vance?"
Sage's eye twitched as a shadow was cast over his face and his eyes glowed red from the shadows like a demon. " What did you just say about my body you witless virgin. " he yelled as his teeth appeared like fangs. He was instantly attack Vance with a fury of kicks and punchs.

djinnamon said:
Sage's eye twitched as a shadow was cast over his face and his eyes glowed red from the shadows like a demon. " What did you just say about my body you witless virgin. " he yelled as his teeth appeared like fangs. He was instantly attack Vance with a fury of kicks and punchs.
(Wait, how is he doing the glowy eye thing and the fangs, he doesn't have any of his powers :/ )

Vance brought up a wall of ice to stop Sage from reaching him "So you do agree my idea is better, good. Glad we could agree on this" Vance mocked, a smirk growing on his face "But you know what? Rethinking this whole thing, we're both at a disadvantage, you don't know my powers as well as i do and vice versa. So I'm going to take a nap for as long as it take for Ashlyn to get off her period and change us back. Oh quick tip, don't go to Russia, Britain, France..... You know what, don't go to any part of europe and While you're at it don't go to Asia. A lot of people want me dead" Vance said as he began to walk to his room before turning around "Actually if you could go to one of those places and die, that would be great" Vance said before he turned around and continued walking to his room.

@DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon
Sage smirked and ran into Vance's room and sits on his bed. " Welcome home hun. " he said cheekily as he crossed his legs.
GingerBread said:
(Wait, how is he doing the glowy eye thing and the fangs, he doesn't have any of his powers :/ )
Vance brought up a wall of ice to stop Sage from reaching him "So you do agree my idea is better, good. Glad we could agree on this" Vance mocked, a smirk growing on his face "But you know what? Rethinking this whole thing, we're both at a disadvantage, you don't know my powers as well as i do and vice versa. So I'm going to take a nap for as long as it take for Ashlyn to get off her period and change us back. Oh quick tip, don't go to Russia, Britain, France..... You know what, don't go to any part of europe and While you're at it don't go to Asia. A lot of people want me dead" Vance said as he began to walk to his room before turning around "Actually if you could go to one of those places and die, that would be great" Vance said before he turned around and continued walking to his room.

@DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon
Ryan closed his eyes and sighed. "People are so... Difficult."
When he saw Sage sitting on his bed Vance just walked to his clothes and pulled out his wallet "Fuck off" Vance said, not sounding angry just tired. Vance walked back out, shutting the door behind him before teleporting to a Hotel.

Sage pouts and lays on Vance's bed before hugging a pillow. 'Why do I care for that idiot so much. No don't tell me that, that can't be true , he is heartless , arrogant, cruel , thoughtless jerk. But grr , damn it emotions are so stupid sometimes. " he thought before snuggling his face into Vance's pillow and drifts off to sleep.

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Vance arrived at the hotel and payed for a room, happy to be away from that idiot already All i have to do is stay in this for at most a week, and then i'll probably get my body and powers back, I don't care what kind of disaster happens they apparently don't want me to help, so we'll see how long this whole thing lasts. If it does last forever then i've got a new body, means i go back into other countries and kill people in them, so win win really Vance thought as he walked to his room.

Once vance got to his room he unlocked it before stepping in and locking it again and flopped on the bed, eager for a good rest And no one should be trying to kill me either, so i can get some proper sleep Vance thought as he allowed himself to drift off to sleep.

(Well Vance's plan is to stay out of everything until he gets his body back, though i'm not sure how this body swap will affect Sage and Vance's relationship yet)
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Ryan walked back to the training grounds. He couldn't sleep just yet. Things seemed different since he left. He looked over to where Morpheus fought, not know it was his fight. He looked to his right and in the distance he could see a giant cloud tadpol thing. He decided this was just the thing he needed.

( ! ) In a flash of light he appeared before it and charged a powerful arrow, increasing it to vaporize, not explode

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Vance woke up, not used to sleeping for long periods of time Great, it wasn't a nightmare, maybe i should try to...... Be nice to Sage, Ashlyn probably just did this to teach us a lesson anyways, and it's probably to be all happy and nice and everything should be sunshine and rainbows Vance thought, disgusted by the thought of it But Waiting hasn't seemed to work and without my powers i won't be able to murder efficiently Vance sighed as he teleported back to the guild.

Once Vance had gotten to the guild he started walking back to his room before slamming open the door to his room
"Get Up, we're going to try your idea and i'm going to try to be......... Not mean"

Sage hugged the pillow tighter. " Let me have a few more minutes hugging Vance. " he muttered in his sleep and snuggled the pillow as a smile came to his face. He was having a nice dream of him and Vance snuggling.

Vance's face formed a scowl as he heard what Sage said If that prick is dreaming about me..... Then i won't do anything apart from lightly scold him, after all i'm being nice to him Vance thought as he started to roughly shake Sage in an attempt to wake him up "Wake the hell up, you tosser"


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