Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
"And why would i agree to this? I could just kill you anyways, i don't need your permission to do that" Vance pointed out
djinnamon said:
Sage smirked. " Try. I what to take away that arrogant attitude. " he said as a rapier appeared in his grip again
At this moment Ashlyn appears since the meeting was over and it left her in a bad mood. She strips away both Sage's and Vance's power ups and make them do the opposite, adding even more limitations than they had and weakening instead of boosting. She floats in the center of the battle and looks at both sides, waiting for an explanation. "Well... who wants to explain first?"
Sage huffed and glared. " This idiot was killing people. " he said referring to Vance as he turned to Ashlyn.

Light said:
At this moment Ashlyn appears since the meeting was over and it left her in a bad mood. She strips away both Sage's and Vance's power ups and make them do the opposite, adding even more limitations than they had and weakening instead of boosting. She floats in the center of the battle and looks at both sides, waiting for an explanation. "Well... who wants to explain first?"
GingerBread said:
Vance had a look of boredom on his face, after a second of silence vance came up with an idea "How about we use the deal but make it more interesting? If i win you have to take your own life, if you win, you can have your side of the deal. How does that sound?" Vance smirked at the idea of making Sage take his own life.

"I haven't killed anyone.... Yet" Vance replied glaring at Sage and Ashlyn "Anyway me and sage were just about to engage in a friendly duel, But you appear to have weakened us, is it because you know i could easily beat you?"

@Light @djinnamon
Light said:
At this moment Ashlyn appears since the meeting was over and it left her in a bad mood. She strips away both Sage's and Vance's power ups and make them do the opposite, adding even more limitations than they had and weakening instead of boosting. She floats in the center of the battle and looks at both sides, waiting for an explanation. "Well... who wants to explain first?"
Ryan could feel through the symbol just who she was. His power felt... Entitled when she was around. The head. Ryan appeared before her in a very light flash. "I don't mean to be a bother. Im going to just leave." He gave a light bow and disappeared in another dim flash
Sage rolled his eyes and sat on the pouch of the abandoned house. He didn't particularly Ashlyn but he won't insult her. " So what now, you gonna chain me to him for punishment. " he muttered and chuckled slighting at the joke he made.

@Light @GingerBread
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan could feel through the symbol just who she was. His power felt... Entitled when she was around. The head. Ryan appeared before her in a very light flash. "I don't mean to be a bother. Im going to just leave." He gave a light bow and disappeared in another dim flash
GingerBread said:
"I haven't killed anyone.... Yet" Vance replied glaring at Sage and Ashlyn "Anyway me and sage were just about to engage in a friendly duel, But you appear to have weakened us, is it because you know i could easily beat you?"

@Light @djinnamon
( @djinnamon )

Ashlyn watches Ryan leave, Sage make his explanation, and Vance make his statement. She makes mental notes as these events go by. So he's the smart one, he's pretty honest and good, and he obviously hasn't faced anything stronger than a pack of wolves if he's this confident. "I did that to keep you to from killing each other. I have no need or intention to fear you because I don't intend to fight." Ashlyn gave them both their powers back. "Though we do need to talk, both of you. I cannot let this slide with a light scolding. So what do you think I'm going to do as punishment?" Ashlyn watches them, they may be quick but she was much faster. She would make sure they wouldn't escape if they tried to.
Light said:
( @djinnamon )
Ashlyn watches Ryan leave, Sage make his explanation, and Vance make his statement. She makes mental notes as these events go by. So he's the smart one, he's pretty honest and good, and he obviously hasn't faced anything stronger than a pack of wolves if he's this confident. "I did that to keep you to from killing each other. I have no need or intention to fear you because I don't intend to fight." Ashlyn gave them both their powers back. "Though we do need to talk, both of you. I cannot let this slide with a light scolding. So what do you think I'm going to do as punishment?" Ashlyn watches them, they may be quick but she was much faster. She would make sure they wouldn't escape if they tried to.
"Give us both a slap on the wrist? Or kick us out of this 'Guild' I'm fine with either of those" Vance replied as he as down under a nearby tree.

@Light @djinnamon
"If you do that you'd only be punishing one of us, until the other mysteriously dies" Vance said after hearing what Sage said, making sure to shoot Sage a glare as he did.

@Light @djinnamon
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus gave a decent life explanation but it only came out as meows and purrs

Decimus looked around as he whispered under his breath. "A name is a powerful thing Morpheus always said. Shit." He surveyed the scene, looking at everything, and spoke out loud. "And what happens if I don't?"
Luna ignored the remaining purrs after the first one since she didn't understand cat. "This has basic natural properties, it's exactly as it seems. The same with this relationship we have. It's exactly as it seems and it cannot and shall not change."

This moment in time begins to fade away and all people affiliated in this scene start to forget this happened. "If you refuse all memories of you and your existence fade away permanently and then you shall fade as well."

GingerBread said:
"If you do that you'd only be punishing one of us, until the other mysteriously dies" Vance said after hearing what Sage said, making sure to shoot Sage a glare as he did.

@Light @djinnamon
djinnamon said:
Sage suddenly shoot up. " I retract my statement about you chaining me and Vance together. So please don't do that. " he said quickly.
@Light @GingerBread
"Hmmm... Vance you shall receive further punishment for attempting to kill a civilian such as losing one rank and the recent power ups you've made as you've climbed to Xi. As for the both of you." Suddenly Sage is inside Vance and Vance is inside of Sage. Ashlyn caused them to switch bodies and powers. So now they had the other's powers. "You'll stay this way until I see fit." Vance no longer had the same physical abilities he had before in Sage's body. "Now that the problem is solved I'll take my leave. Please don't let this happen again." With that, Ashlyn disappears.
Sage yelped. " No! My beautiful body is in the hands of that virgin. The things he will do are unspeakable.
"Right, well i'm off to jump off a cliff, see ya in hell" Vance said as he picked a random direction and began walking.

@djinnamon @Light (I will throw him off a cliff, when Vance finds one, so better stop him ;) )
Light said:
Luna ignored the remaining purrs after the first one since she didn't understand cat. "This has basic natural properties, it's exactly as it seems. The same with this relationship we have. It's exactly as it seems and it cannot and shall not change."
This moment in time begins to fade away and all people affiliated in this scene start to forget this happened. "If you refuse all memories of you and your existence fade away permanently and then you shall fade as well."

"Hmmm... Vance you shall receive further punishment for attempting to kill a civilian such as losing one rank and the recent power ups you've made as you've climbed to Xi. As for the both of you." Suddenly Sage is inside Vance and Vance is inside of Sage. Ashlyn caused them to switch bodies and powers. So now they had the other's powers. "You'll stay this way until I see fit." Vance no longer had the same physical abilities he had before in Sage's body. "Now that the problem is solved I'll take my leave. Please don't let this happen again." With that, Ashlyn disappears.
Kitten Morpheus stared at her with big shaking eyes. He didn't know if he should be terrified or ecstatic. He didn't know what their relationship what. A clone of him came over and did the speaking. "Exactly what.... Is our relationship?"

Decimus raised an eyebrow. "And why do you think I care if I'm forgotten? In time, everyone is forgotten. I do not fear being forgotten. I've created no legacy intended to live beyond me. My purpose is very clear"
GingerBread said:
"Right, well i'm off to jump off a cliff, see ya in hell" Vance said as he picked a random direction and began walking.

@djinnamon @Light (I will throw him off a cliff, when Vance finds one, so better stop him ;) )
djinnamon said:
Sage yelped. " No! My beautiful body is in the hands of that virgin. The things he will do are unspeakable.
A last minute message floats through their minds from Ashlyn. "Oh! Any damage you do to the body or receive in that body just affects your soul personally. So if you die in that body, the body will be healed and you'll just... die."
"I'd rather be dead than be in this idiots body" Vance replied to his voice before he was tackled by Sage "If you stop me i'll find another way, are you forgetting i used to kill people for a living"

@djinnamon @Light (Gonna have to try harder than that ;) )
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(Gonna go ahead and post with Malren, no material for Sergio, but no use waiting.)

Light said:
"Yes.... there is something I need to tell but I don't think you're ready for it." Kinziel decided to tell that much of the truth.
"Not ready for it? I would throw my life away for y- wait what? Oh, sorry. Wrong confession." Malren rubbed his head awkwardly, expecting a different response. "Er... why am I not ready? Do you not trust me or something?"
Sage smirked and rubbed his hand on Vance's thigh. " This is my body , so I know all your weak spots that means you'll become a moaning mess soon. " he said with a devilish grin.

Vance almost showed some emotion "Yeah, no, as much as this is your body, it's still my soul and since i'm emotionless it won't effect me" Vance replied as he reached out his hand and tried to create a dagger out of the shadows by ended up making one out of ice "cool" Vance said as he brought the dagger to his chest and stabbed himself.

@djinnamon @Light
GingerBread said:
Vance almost showed some emotion "Yeah, no, as much as this is your body, it's still my soul and since i'm emotionless it won't effect me" Vance replied as he reached out his hand and tried to create a dagger out of the shadows by ended up making one out of ice "cool" Vance said as he brought the dagger to his chest and stabbed himself.

@djinnamon @Light
Physical damage didn't occur but Vance could feel a stabbing chill in his soul, a sensation he's never felt before.
Lotusy said:
Sergio smiled slightly as the second girl stopped her attack, and mulled over his options. One was to destry the cieling, which would probably only kill himself. He saw the level of regeneration the girls were capable of, and knew they could probably dig themselves out after a while. The second was to run. Again, not likely. The third, though, was both tempting and profitable. He raised his hand, slowly dissolving the shield in a bold manner. "You are quite the persuasive one, little miss. I'm quite happy to come out of this with my life, the money will just be a bonus. But there's something else that piped my interest. You said these 'Dragon mark' people, they are your enemy, no? They are mine now, as well. I'm not sure why you thought I was one, but rest assured, I am not. Why would they risk a life of one of their own like this? Absolutely heartless." He checked his watch before continuing. "I think it would be a pleasure to work with you. Besides, I need to hone my shieldwork. The deal is on, no?" His hand became extended for a handshake.
(Seriously, he never joined Dragon's Roar xD ) @CelticSol
(Like Light says, the fluff is affiliated, and you were affiliated with said fluff. Honestly, this whole situation is mostly a misunderstanding.)

She smiles widely, showing that her teeth have turned into flat, blunt teeth. She takes his hand with the utmost gentleness, careful not to hurt him with her strength. "Of course, Mister," She suddenly looks surprised with herself, then a little sheepish, "Oh, and by the way, my name is Violet, and this-" She gestures to her Sister, who now stands beside her, "-is my sister, Viola. We both are combat specialists and representatives of our Organization. If you wouldn't mind, I can take you to one of our bases and get you intiated, which involves a complete debriefing of our purpose, and how you fit into it. Come with me," She heads up the stairs, out of the building, and into the streets, leading Sergio against the tides of terrified civilians. When it comes to the group hunting them, they give Violet, Viola, and Sergio a wide berth. Violet looks back at Sergio, "Two things; one, what is your name? And two, do you have any questions, human?"

GingerBread said:
Vance summoned tendrils from the shadows to break the ice around his arm. Vance glared at Jackie before walking over to a person trapped under the rubble "How about i do this instead?" Vance asked as he stabbed his dagger into the throat of the person under the rubble
@djinnamon @CelticSol

(I didn't like the other one, so i rewrote it )
Jackie looks at him almost blankly, her eyes flat. She looks to him, her eyes so overwhelmingly empty of emotion and empathy that is seems like they had frozen over. "I see," She rubs along her neck, activating communication with Ashlyn, "I want to take the Alpha test. Right now. Or Meta, whatever gives me the right to strip this fuck of his rank."
God damn that hurt, eh 4 or 5 more stabs ought to kill me Vance thought as he raised the dagger again before bringing it down again, wincing slightly at the chilling pain.

@djinnamon @Light
Sage scuffed and sat on Vance's stomach. " Look I want to get my body hack. So talk and actually get to know each other so we can get along and then Ashlyn will give us our bodies back , ok? " he asked

"Or i could continue to keep trying to kill myself, that seems to work well" Vance replied as he pushed Sage off of him "I don't see why you're complaining, you get to live and you'd get your body back"


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