Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Vance had one foot in the shadows and teleported away as soon as he felt ice touch his feet "Too bad, Guess i'll be winning then" Vance said as he made himself invisible in the shadows. (!) Vance leaped out of the shadows, his eyes burning with unspent rage, His dagger aimed at Sage's throat.

djinnamon said:
Sage glanced behind him as the area became a few degrees colder. " I'll do what I want mister heartless virgin. If you hate me so much and don't want to hit this why are you behind me, mister perverted heartless virgin. " he asked as turned completely with a cheeky smirk etched on his attractive face. He was having too much fun making fun of this idiot.
GingerBread said:
Vance walked up behind Sage "I suggest you stop saying i'm a virgin, unless you want to find my dagger lodged in your windpipe" Vance threatened as he glared daggers at Sage "And i'm sure you have lot's of people who want to 'hit that'" Vance said, sarcasm dripping from his words "That's why you keep talking to me about it isn't it?"

A very pissed off looking Jackie materializes beside both Vance and Sage. Her eyes narrow further at their arguing, tendrils shooting out of her back and ripping them apart, as if they were arguing children. "Are you fucking kidding me? Get a fucking grip, shit bags, and take a fuckin' look around you!" She holds her arms wide, gesturing to the overwhelming carnage around them, the screams surrounding them, "People are dying, this city is burning to the fucking ground, you two are having a god damn dick measuring contest?! Are you out of your fucking mind? Get your shit together and do something productive before I kick your asses six ways to Sunday - and before either of you motherfuckers say I can't, I'm the fucking beta. I ranked up 23 fucking times for a reason, and if you aren't helping a civilian in 10 seconds, I'm going to show you."
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Sage stomped his foot and ice come up around him and trapped Vance's arm , stopped the dagger short. " Witless weak swine. " he said as the began to freeze Vance's hand. As he teleported behind Vance

As the box started to close in on Inaro, he summoned a bottle of beer then tossed it back finishing it right before he got squished. When he finished he teleports a few feet behind Jackson leaving the bottle to get crushed. While Inaro was behind Jackson, 5 8 foot wolf appeared next to Inaro. Fetch is all he says as he points towards Jackson. Not even a second later after Inaro said fetch the wolves charged towards Jackson. @Tazmodo
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus lundged and glided in the air, landing on her shoulder. The cat shook its head and nuzzled her face, trying to nudge her to the trees to investigate

Decimus looked around on high alert. "My name is Decimus Nogaletta. A member of Legion."
Luna decides to stroke the kittens head while her eyes scan the tree. "Would you like to take a guess before I explain it to you?"

"Hmmm.. acceptable. I am Rowvis." Suddenly they're back to the worst moment in Decimus's life. Both of them watching in third person view like ghosts. "Explain what's happening as it goes and how you felt."

Lotusy said:
Malren was frustrated with himself and the current situation. There was something up with Kinziel, but he wasn't quite sure what. You're being too nosy, echoed a voice in his mind. Just because you like her doesn't mean you need to solve her problems. He shook his head, trying his best to focus, but it came back. Besides, why are you so eager to be a slave? Do you like her that much? Malren's fist connected with the wall, bleeding slightly. A glance at Kinziel showed that she wanted to say something, but was waiting for him. "Oh. Er, sorry. Kinziel, is there something you need to tell me? I'm... sorta getting that vibe from you."
"Yes.... there is something I need to tell but I don't think you're ready for it." Kinziel decided to tell that much of the truth.
Vance summoned tendrils from the shadows to break the ice around his arm. Vance glared at Jackie before walking over to a person trapped under the rubble "How about i do this instead?" Vance asked as he stabbed his dagger into the throat of the person under the rubble

@djinnamon @CelticSol

(I didn't like the other one, so i rewrote it )
Light said:
Luna decides to stroke the kittens head while her eyes scan the tree. "Would you like to take a guess before I explain it to you?"
"Hmmm.. acceptable. I am Rowvis." Suddenly they're back to the worst moment in Decimus's life. Both of them watching in third person view like ghosts. "Explain what's happening as it goes and how you felt."

"Yes.... there is something I need to tell but I don't think you're ready for it." Kinziel decided to tell that much of the truth.
Morpheus gave a decent life explanation but it only came out as meows and purrs

Decimus looked around as he whispered under his breath. "A name is a powerful thing Morpheus always said. Shit." He surveyed the scene, looking at everything, and spoke out loud. "And what happens if I don't?"
GingerBread said:
Vance summoned tendrils from the shadows to break the ice around his arm. Vance glared at Jackie before walking over to a person trapped under the rubble "How about i do this instead?" Vance asked as he stabbed his dagger into the throat of the person under the rubble
@djinnamon @CelticSol

(I didn't like the other one, so i rewrote it )
Ryan quickly shot an arrow of life force into her to save her from dying and heal her. "Yo. Murderer. Can you leave the innocent out of it? Please?"
Sage eyes widen and ran over to the person. " Oh no. You Dick! "he screamed at Vance. The area around them began to freeze over as Sage glowed. " I'll make you pay. " he said as he looked up at Vance until he saw Ryan save the girl. He turned back to Vance. " I actually feel sad for you. " he said

GingerBread said:
"Oh is the 'not a hero' trying to save people now" Vance asked as he stabbed the person before ripping out the dagger and stabbing them again, leaving the dagger lodged in their throat "And just be glad it's only this person"

@DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @djinnamon
Ryan's eye twitched as he continued to pour power to the arrow, saving her, and appeared over there in a flash of light, taking the dagger out, and slowly healing her. Instead of staying there he flashed away with her to take her somewhere safe
djinnamon said:
Sage suddenly opened a portal that lead to the yard of a abandoned house in the forest and moved to jumpkick Vance inside of it.
Vance saw the portal open and looked around just in time to see Sage kick him into the portal, his back colliding against the floor causing his cut's to start to bleed again; Vance hissed in pain as his back started bleeding again. Getting up Vance saw he was in a forest near what looked like an abandoned house.

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Ryan healed the woman and let her go. "I am sorry for your pain ma'am. I can't help you-"

Morpheus cut Ryan off and used the connection of the symbol to erase the whole event from her mind. She would remember going to the store then falling asleep. "I have so much to tell you later buddy!" He cut off the connection

Ryan simply nodded as the women fell asleep, perfectly content. He flashed away to a decently empty restaurant and flashed back to the fight, his bow out and an arrow of light made pointed to Vance. "Let's settle down"

The howls jumped over the spikes, then howled towards the bears. As the wolves howled a destructive force was released from their mouths aimed for the bears and Jackson. @Tazmodo

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" Lets fight , you win you get to kill little old me , if I win you become my loyal little servant. " he said as he smirked

GingerBread said:
Vance ignored Ryan but still kept him in his vision in case he tried to shoot him "What sort of deal? Because i feel this is going to benefit you more than me"

@DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon
djinnamon said:
" Lets fight , you win you get to kill little old me , if I win you become my loyal little servant. " he said as he smirked
"And why would i agree to this? I could just kill you anyways, i don't need your permission to do that" Vance pointed out

Vance had a look of boredom on his face, after a second of silence vance came up with an idea "How about we use the deal but make it more interesting? If i win you have to take your own life, if you win, you can have your side of the deal. How does that sound?" Vance smirked at the idea of making Sage take his own life.

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