Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus stayed in the kitten form and pranced after Luna

Decimus slowly gained control of himself, subtracting away the corrupted parts of himself. The Cloak disappeared and his eyes returned to normal. He cracked his neck and exhaled, appearing before the snake
Luna seemed interested in the trees more than the people. "Do you know what specific property these trees hold?"

The moment Decimus appears by the snake, he ends up in a completely black room. "What is your name?"

Lotusy said:
Malren's face flushed a bright red. "Whatwaitno! No! It's not, uh, like that!" It's exactly like that, he thought. Just, that wasn't the question I asked earlier. Looks like she has me figured out, though. He continued to talk on. "I mean, uh, no, because you totally haven't rejected me, never happened, heh. Gah! Nevermind." He let himself cool off a bit to think. Well, Mal, this is no time for feelings or anything. Well, it is, but don't be personal. He cleared his throat. "Well, earlier, I ask if you, well, even existed anymore. You seemed distant, and..." A thought popped into his head. "Is it because you're missing the essence of Pride?"
"I don't..... know." In fact she did know and she desired to tell the truth but she wasn't sure if Malren was completely ready. She couldn't handle the stress of secrecy any longer though, he face even showed it with the growing arc in her eyebrows.
Light said:
Luna seemed interested in the trees more than the people. "Do you know what specific property these trees hold?"
The moment Decimus appears by the snake, he ends up in a completely black room. "What is your name?"

"I don't..... know." In fact she did know and she desired to tell the truth but she wasn't sure if Malren was completely ready. She couldn't handle the stress of secrecy any longer though, he face even showed it with the growing arc in her eyebrows.
Morpheus lundged and glided in the air, landing on her shoulder. The cat shook its head and nuzzled her face, trying to nudge her to the trees to investigate

Decimus looked around on high alert. "My name is Decimus Nogaletta. A member of Legion."
Inaro sensed Jackson coming out of his shadow, by his heart beat, and sensing his life energy. When Jackson fully emerges from the shadow Inaro ducks the same time Jackson tries to smack his head causing Jackson's hands to clap. When Inaro completely dodges the attack, a pole stretches out from his back hitting Jackson in the gut. Inaro then stands up and pulls the pole out from his back and twirls it like a bow staff, as he backed up creating distance between them two. @Tazmodo
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Lotusy said:
Sergio raised his eyebrow. As he thought, they weren't human. Girl #2's flesh was regenerating as fast as he was burning it, and he knew this was the ultimate stalemate. That is, until the girl offered him another choice. He listened, slightly tempted, and considering it for a moment. "Well, little miss, that sounds brilliant, except... how can I trust you?" He formed a small shield bubble on the floor above them, hearing the rock crack as it slowly expanded. "I mean, you did trick me into coming here, plus I've heard it all before. When people can't break my shields by force, they break it with words. Sorta killed one or two of my clients. But, I am very easy to persuade, so you can give it a shot."
She considers his words carefully as well, putting a finger to her lower lip as she thinks. She looks to Sister, and snaps out a quick order in an indiscernible language, which immediately halts the second girl's attack on his shield as if she had been completely frozen in place. She looks up at the ceiling crumbling, then back to him, "You said you've had clients, yeah? Well, same thing - Viola and I are contracted to this guy. We have to do what he says, and he said to track down anyone who had a guild symbol with a dragon, or anyone that was with them. You were with them. However, it'd be a shame to let that shield go to waste, like I said earlier, and I'm offering you a job to put it to good use, Mister. A very high ranked, with a paycheck high enough that you wouldn't even know what to do with all the money," She crosses her arms, shifting her weight on to one hip, "It's up to you, Mister."

GingerBread said:
"So all it took for you to join is the promise of power? And you didn't even ask what the plan was?" Vance asked, growing more annoyed with the woman's sobbing "And stop crying before i cut out your god damn tear ducts"
djinnamon said:
Sage rolled his eyes. "You are too cruel. " he said as he crouched at looked at the girl with a gentle stare and wiped away her tears with his thumb. " Please tell me all you knock about your boss, ok?. " he said sweetly deciding to play the god cop in this situation.
GingerBread said:
Vance felt a cold sensation on his back that slightly stung when it came into contact with his cuts and lacerations and quickly turned back around to face Sage "So do you still think I should be nice to her? Cause i don't" Vance said as he turned to the woman "All i wanted to do was take a god damned nap today, so I'm not in the best of moods, less so now that he's here" Vance motioned towards Sage "So here's what's going to happen, you're going to tell me everything you know and if i think you're lying or withholding information, I'll kill you"
She flinches away from Sage's contact, but stays otherwise still when he wipes her tears. She nods, eyeing Vance warily as she started to speak quickly, "We were all orphans, or child soldiers, or slaves, or in some state where the world treated us like... Like we weren't even people because we had powers. He promised us we'd get back at them. And," She looks at Vance sharply, before looking back to Sage, "There was a plan. We had to clear out this city of everyone, even if they were... If they were like us. They didn't tell us why, but they said they wouldn't give us our revenge if we didn't completely the job," She trails off as she looks around, as if she thought someone were going to hear her, and she was going to get in trouble, "But about our... Our boss. He's a deity, and He is stronger than anything I've ever seen." She looks around again, then takes a deep breath to steady herself, "His name is-"

An arrow punctures through her trachea before she speaks, her eyes flying wide open and her mouth opening in a scream she cannot make. Blood drips from her open lips as she gasps for air her body no longer can take in, her hand flying up to grab Sage's as she falls to the ground. She looks to Sage, eyes wide in terror, gripping his hand tightly and trying to mouth something to him. Her hand slips from his as she dies, her eyes focusing and glazing over when the last bit of air left in her lungs exits in a choked rasp. The assailant, a woman holding an incriminating bow, melts into the crowd and vanishes before she can be tracked. When the girl dies, Vance feels himself rank up once, as he had been the one to bring her down, originally.

djinnamon said:
Sage scuffed and large ice shards burst from under the boy as a clear wall of ice protects Sage and Komori easily. The both glance at each other and more large icicles slam into the ground making a bigger earthquake.
DizjayDeathPride said:
(!) Ryan turned to the boy and shot an arrow of light straight at him, aiming to explode before hitting him, to knock him back and make him unconscious
The floor rips apart under the boy, an icicle piercing through his bicep and pinning him in place. The others pierce through him quick enough that he isn't even able, as he is unable to run, which puncture through his chest and legs before he can even so much as scream. The boy's heart has failed before the arrow even hits him, the explosion snapping the pieces off in his body and throwing him to the ground, where he doesn't so much as twitch. As he had performed the killing shot, Sage ranks up once.
CelticSol said:
She flinches away from Sage's contact, but stays otherwise still when he wipes her tears. She nods, eyeing Vance warily as she started to speak quickly, "We were all orphans, or child soldiers, or slaves, or in some state where the world treated us like... Like we weren't even people because we had powers. He promised us we'd get back at them. And," She looks at Vance sharply, before looking back to Sage, "There was a plan. We had to clear out this city of everyone, even if they were... If they were like us. They didn't tell us why, but they said they wouldn't give us our revenge if we didn't completely the job," She trails off as she looks around, as if she thought someone were going to hear her, and she was going to get in trouble, "But about our... Our boss. He's a deity, and He is stronger than anything I've ever seen." She looks around again, then takes a deep breath to steady herself, "His name is-"
An arrow punctures through her trachea before she speaks, her eyes flying wide open and her mouth opening in a scream she cannot make. Blood drips from her open lips as she gasps for air her body no longer can take in, her hand flying up to grab Sage's as she falls to the ground. She looks to Sage, eyes wide in terror, gripping his hand tightly and trying to mouth something to him. Her hand slips from his as she dies, her eyes focusing and glazing over when the last bit of air left in her lungs exits in a choked rasp. The assailant, a woman holding an incriminating bow, melts into the crowd and vanishes before she can be tracked. When the girl dies, Vance feels himself rank up once, as he had been the one to bring her down, originally.
Vance looked on as the woman died "Guess that saves me the trouble of doing it myself" Vance said as he walked over to a bit on rubble and sat down once more I've ranked up, i have like 5 ranks upgrades i've yet to spend now Vance thought, wondering what he should spend them on. After a couple of seconds vance had decided to use 2 of his ranks points so he could nullify peoples powers in his shadow realm Now i've got 3 left, guess i'll just save them.

@djinnamon @CelticSol (So i'm now Xi right?)
Sage looked at the girls dead body sadly before he stood up. When he felt himself rank up he decided to save. He then turned to Vance and glared. " You really are heartless you d*ck. " he growled out before he walked away.

@GingerBread @CelticSol
Sergio smiled slightly as the second girl stopped her attack, and mulled over his options. One was to destry the cieling, which would probably only kill himself. He saw the level of regeneration the girls were capable of, and knew they could probably dig themselves out after a while. The second was to run. Again, not likely. The third, though, was both tempting and profitable. He raised his hand, slowly dissolving the shield in a bold manner. "You are quite the persuasive one, little miss. I'm quite happy to come out of this with my life, the money will just be a bonus. But there's something else that piped my interest. You said these 'Dragon mark' people, they are your enemy, no? They are mine now, as well. I'm not sure why you thought I was one, but rest assured, I am not. Why would they risk a life of one of their own like this? Absolutely heartless." He checked his watch before continuing. "I think it would be a pleasure to work with you. Besides, I need to hone my shieldwork. The deal is on, no?" His hand became extended for a handshake.

(Seriously, he never joined Dragon's Roar xD ) @CelticSol

Malren was frustrated with himself and the current situation. There was something up with Kinziel, but he wasn't quite sure what. You're being too nosy, echoed a voice in his mind. Just because you like her doesn't mean you need to solve her problems. He shook his head, trying his best to focus, but it came back. Besides, why are you so eager to be a slave? Do you like her that much? Malren's fist connected with the wall, bleeding slightly. A glance at Kinziel showed that she wanted to say something, but was waiting for him. "Oh. Er, sorry. Kinziel, is there something you need to tell me? I'm... sorta getting that vibe from you."

djinnamon said:
Sage looked at the girls dead body sadly before he stood up. When he felt himself rank up he decided to save. He then turned to Vance and glared. " You really are heartless you d*ck. " he growled out before he walked away.
@GingerBread @CelticSol
"I thought we already established that" Vance sounded uninterested and wasn't even paying attention to Sage "yet you still wanted to get into my bed and cuddle up to me"

Sage growled and turned back him before stomping back over to him. " Be glad because I'm sure no else is trying to get in your pants so f*ck you. Oh and by the way idiot before we established that you had a heart but you could feel emotion but now I realise you really don't have one." he said as he folded his arms.

"If i didn't have a heart, i would be dead, one of the many flaws of being human" Vance replied, still nonchalant and calm "Anyway, if i did want someone 'In my Pants'" Vance did air quotes motions "I could do a whole lot better than a whiny imbecile like you"

Sage felt extremely offended. " Excuse me , I doubt you could any better than this 'whiny imbecile'. " he growled out. That just insult him in a such a way ,how dare he , he was the deity of sexual pleasure damn it and know one would get away with saying anyone was better than him.

"You can keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night" Vance replied as he stood up "Oh wait, you need me to help you sleep don't you" Vance mocked smirking as he did

Sage smirked cruelly as he cocked his lips. " No I have many men who would love to hit this , so I really don't need you you. You missed a golden opportunity mister heartless virgin. " he said before he walked away to Kotori. "Have you accepted my offer to join the guild. " he asked with a kind smile causing the girl to nod and he made a portal.

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Inaro pretended to yelled in pain as the shadows shredded his insides. After q couple seconds of fake pain he started laughing. Hehe I'm just joking with you. Inaro's body became intangible and he levitated himself out of the hole. When his body became tangible again,it was made entirely out of light energy. Inaro shifted his body into light energy extinguishing the shadows inside and around him freeing himself from the grasp and the danger of the shadows. He then turns his body back to its regular condition still metallic. @Tazmodo
Vance walked up behind Sage "I suggest you stop saying i'm a virgin, unless you want to find my dagger lodged in your windpipe" Vance threatened as he glared daggers at Sage "And i'm sure you have lot's of people who want to 'hit that'" Vance said, sarcasm dripping from his words "That's why you keep talking to me about it isn't it?"

Sage glanced behind him as the area became a few degrees colder. " I'll do what I want mister heartless virgin. If you hate me so much and don't want to hit this why are you behind me, mister perverted heartless virgin. " he asked as turned completely with a cheeky smirk etched on his attractive face. He was having too much fun making fun of this idiot.

djinnamon said:
Sage glanced behind him as the area became a few degrees colder. " I'll do what I want mister heartless virgin. If you hate me so much and don't want to hit this why are you behind me, mister perverted heartless virgin. " he asked as turned completely with a cheeky smirk etched on his attractive face. He was having too much fun making fun of this idiot.
Vance glared at sage and began gritting his teeth in anger "I suggest you shut the hell up right now" Vance hissed through clenched teeth as he reached into the shadows and pulled out a dagger.

Jackson smiled. The moment he turned into light energy he absorbed it. He used this energy to create a box around his with walls a foot thick. He surrounded that box with a another box made using gravity constructs. The box closes in and crushes him.
Sage glared with rage as a rapier of ice appeared in his grip. " Don't tell me what do you witless disgusting pig. " he growled out as the area became even colder.

Vance smirked as he saw Sage create a rapier made of ice "I will warn you before we begin, this will be a fight to the death and i don't intend on losing"

Ryan could feel the temperature start to drop where he was not too far away. He turned back to the two and raised an eyebrow. "Interesting... This could be good social research.." He thought a moment then decided to head back and watch their squabble. Safely away of course

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