Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Malren suddenly became uncomfortable. Something was... up with Kinziel. Usually, she's so confident, ready, and... proud. What happened to her? He looked back to Kinziel, who was staring off in a different direction. With his best attempt at breaking the tension gone, Malren decided to tackle the problem at its roots. "Hey, Kinziel. Just tell me. Did I do something wrong?"

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DizjayDeathPride said:
"You are just so persistant. Very well." He ignored the burning sensation and used the darkness to appear back on the edge of the lake as before. His Cloak reformed and he closed his left eye again, extending his hand to the reaper
Behind it a rotten light purple Cyclops appeared and slammed it's hammar into the side of the reaper disappearing. Another appeared above it and slammed it's hammar on the reaper disappearing.

He knew the reaper didn't feel anything. It as just because of his irritation

( ! ) He looked at the reaper, his one eye flashing purple, and sneered. Giant hands of the Damned ripped out of the boat, grabbing it and ripping it apart, pulling it into the Underworld, reaching around for the Reaper
The reaper floats out of the way of the hands and the boat appears under it once more. Decimus's soul was starting to overheat, past the point of soul heating safety. The reaper swings it's scythe and a crescent of the same soul flame in its lantern flies towards Decimus.

Lotusy said:
Malren suddenly became uncomfortable. Something was... up with Kinziel. Usually, she's so confident, ready, and... proud. What happened to her? He looked back to Kinziel, who was staring off in a different direction. With his best attempt at breaking the tension gone, Malren decided to tackle the problem at its roots. "Hey, Kinziel. Just tell me. Did I do something wrong?"
"Ah no you didn't." Kinziel mumbled to him, not even glancing at Malren. She was still focused on whatever she was staring at.
Light said:
The reaper floats out of the way of the hands and the boat appears under it once more. Decimus's soul was starting to overheat, past the point of soul heating safety. The reaper swings it's scythe and a crescent of the same soul flame in its lantern flies towards Decimus.
"Ah no you didn't." Kinziel mumbled to him, not even glancing at Malren. She was still focused on whatever she was staring at.
Malren kept standing completely still after Kinziel's response. What more could he do? It wasn't as if some random handout from the heavens would save him from this awkward situation. "So, uh, what're you looking at?"
Lotusy said:
Malren kept standing completely still after Kinziel's response. What more could he do? It wasn't as if some random handout from the heavens would save him from this awkward situation. "So, uh, what're you looking at?"
"Nothing really." Kinziel finally looks back at Malren. "So what did you need?" She says this as if she wasn't paying attention to what he was saying before at all.
Lotusy said:
Sergio gagged, almost hurling as he saw the remains of the woman. "Oh, geez. Sorry, little miss, but I think your mother's-" His voice trailed off as the young girl suddenly turned on him, nails becoming long and devilish. He listened to her words with dread, not understanding any of it. "Dragons? I don't know any dragons! All I know is that they're lizards..." It was obvious to Sergio that the girl, now girls, wouldn't listen to him. He had to formulate a plan, but when the girls attacked him, he did what he did best- defending.
The shield bubble was completed instantly, bouncing both girls off. Sergio then proceeded to expand the shield, covering the whole room and squishing one of the girls against the wall. The tight space didn't allow for many maneuvers, and when the shield came in contact with the girl's body, it began to steam and heat up her skin. Sergio knew that this was a stalemate: His shields were top-class, but he couldn't keep them up forever. "Listen, little miss and little miss two. I don't have any kind of quarrel with you. If you could just let me go, that would be swell. Otherwise..." An idea popped into his head. "I'll bring down the building."
The second girl's words were choked by her scream as the shield burned into her skin, however, despite her pain, she continued to attack the shield, throwing herself at it with complete abandon, as if she were mindless and ferocious as a feral animal. The first girl was more cautious, quickly observing the bubble. She inspects the man, violet eyes making him feel warm and hazy, "You'll have to do more than that, Mister. Look at Sister," She inclines her head to the other girl. Where she is burned, she quickly regenerates, skin forming over the injured flesh as quickly as she burns it away. The first girl's eyes flicker back to him, a coy smile playing on her face, "But, since you're nice and pretty, I might make a deal. Y'see, Mister, the Master wouldn't pleased if he found out we didn't follow an order, and he'll get mad if we just... Let you go," She walks as close she dares to the shield, "But your shields seem strong, especially for a human. I've never seen a shield last even two hits against Sister, but yours seems unshakable. So onto the part about the deal, I can bring you into our little, group, and we both leave here alive and content, as unlikely friends."

She sticks her hand out, fingertips hovering less than a hair's width from the shield, "What about it, Mister?" She asks, a tilt to her head, "Will you join us? I can give you more information afterwards."

djinnamon said:
Sage and Kotori growl in unison as they both radiate killer intent , both looking extremely scary that even other deities who pale in fear. Kotori raised her weapon and large ball of fire the size of two cars appear and shoot towards the boy and the man. Meanwhile Sage made a single large icicle and shoot into the ground making a mini earthquake.
DizjayDeathPride said:
( ! ) Ryan disappeared in a flash to the light realm. He was badly cut and bleeding. Slowly he healed from the light and thought a moment, realizing where the shield came from. He stood and pulled the string, charging an arrow, then left the realm and appeared right beside the man, letting the arrow of light whizz to the cloaked man's head
The man does not notice the fireball, and shaken by the small earthquake disorients him further. He looks up in time for the fireball to hit him square in the chest, and while he stumbles, he is finished by the arrow from Ryan. The shields around the boy flicker and fail, winking out of existence. The boy, for the first time, is shaken, seeming fearful as he faces Ryan, Kotori, and Sage; his grip on his weapon does not seem as steady as it was beforehand, his stance not as relaxed. His fire shivers like breath against a candle, his eyes losing some of it's sharpness. He squares his jaw, tightening his hold on the weapon to hide his shaking hands as he looks to Sage. He charges Sage with a battlecry, fire flaring and exploding towards Kotori, ice stabbing from the ground towards Ryan.

GingerBread said:
(!) Vance smirked as he saw the hit's connect, he decided to make himself visible again for long enough for the demon to see him and then he went invisible again and moved from where he was standing. Once Vance had done this he summoned another 2 giant shadow greatswords and aimed one directly for it's neck while the other would go towards it's stomach (!)

The demon blocks the one going for it's neck with it's hand, but takes the blow to its stomach. It roars in agony, falling to the ground. Once it falls, it shatters like glass against the concrete, shards of shadow sprawling across the street. The Summoner raises her staff once more, but it appears as if the larger demon has taken out a large chunk of mana from her, since nothing comes forth at her call. Her eyes, just barely visible, look to Vance, wide and fearful. Her staff slips from her hands, clattering uselessly to the ground as she steps back. Her voice is quiet, barely loud enough for anyone to even hear her, "Please don't kill me," She whispers, eyes brimming with tears, "I'm sorry. I'm only doing what He told me to. I swear it! I swear I'm only doing what He told me to."
CelticSol said:
The demon blocks the one going for it's neck with it's hand, but takes the blow to its stomach. It roars in agony, falling to the ground. Once it falls, it shatters like glass against the concrete, shards of shadow sprawling across the street. The Summoner raises her staff once more, but it appears as if the larger demon has taken out a large chunk of mana from her, since nothing comes forth at her call. Her eyes, just barely visible, look to Vance, wide and fearful. Her staff slips from her hands, clattering uselessly to the ground as she steps back. Her voice is quiet, barely loud enough for anyone to even hear her, "Please don't kill me," She whispers, eyes brimming with tears, "I'm sorry. I'm only doing what He told me to. I swear it! I swear I'm only doing what He told me to."
Vance walked closer to the woman creating a dagger from the darkness, staying on alert and far enough away if she tried anything "You just tried to kill me, but if you give me information i'll let you live, as i want to kill the tosspot who apparently has it out for me"

GingerBread said:
Vance walked closer to the woman creating a dagger from the darkness, staying on alert and far enough away if she tried anything "You just tried to kill me, but if you give me information i'll let you live, as i want to kill the tosspot who apparently has it out for me"
Her eyes grow wide, "I don't know a whole lot - b-but, I know He's a deity! He recruited us for His cause, said it'd-" Tears spill over her cheeks, and she wipes them callously, "Please, I don't want to- I don't know, they didn't tell us anything!" She breaks down into hysterical sobs, "T-They j-j-just told us they'd let us g-get payback! They p-promised no one c-c-could hurt us with our powers! This s-shouldn't be happening! I d-don't wanna die! I don't want to die!"
Sage scuffed and large ice shards burst from under the boy as a clear wall of ice protects Sage and Komori easily. The both glance at each other and more large icicles slam into the ground making a bigger earthquake.

CelticSol said:
The second girl's words were choked by her scream as the shield burned into her skin, however, despite her pain, she continued to attack the shield, throwing herself at it with complete abandon, as if she were mindless and ferocious as a feral animal. The first girl was more cautious, quickly observing the bubble. She inspects the man, violet eyes making him feel warm and hazy, "You'll have to do more than that, Mister. Look at Sister," She inclines her head to the other girl. Where she is burned, she quickly regenerates, skin forming over the injured flesh as quickly as she burns it away. The first girl's eyes flicker back to him, a coy smile playing on her face, "But, since you're nice and pretty, I might make a deal. Y'see, Mister, the Master wouldn't pleased if he found out we didn't follow an order, and he'll get mad if we just... Let you go," She walks as close she dares to the shield, "But your shields seem strong, especially for a human. I've never seen a shield last even two hits against Sister, but yours seems unshakable. So onto the part about the deal, I can bring you into our little, group, and we both leave here alive and content, as unlikely friends."
She sticks her hand out, fingertips hovering less than a hair's width from the shield, "What about it, Mister?" She asks, a tilt to her head, "Will you join us? I can give you more information afterwards."

The man does not notice the fireball, and shaken by the small earthquake disorients him further. He looks up in time for the fireball to hit him square in the chest, and while he stumbles, he is finished by the arrow from Ryan. The shields around the boy flicker and fail, winking out of existence. The boy, for the first time, is shaken, seeming fearful as he faces Ryan, Kotori, and Sage; his grip on his weapon does not seem as steady as it was beforehand, his stance not as relaxed. His fire shivers like breath against a candle, his eyes losing some of it's sharpness. He squares his jaw, tightening his hold on the weapon to hide his shaking hands as he looks to Sage. He charges Sage with a battlecry, fire flaring and exploding towards Kotori, ice stabbing from the ground towards Ryan.

The demon blocks the one going for it's neck with it's hand, but takes the blow to its stomach. It roars in agony, falling to the ground. Once it falls, it shatters like glass against the concrete, shards of shadow sprawling across the street. The Summoner raises her staff once more, but it appears as if the larger demon has taken out a large chunk of mana from her, since nothing comes forth at her call. Her eyes, just barely visible, look to Vance, wide and fearful. Her staff slips from her hands, clattering uselessly to the ground as she steps back. Her voice is quiet, barely loud enough for anyone to even hear her, "Please don't kill me," She whispers, eyes brimming with tears, "I'm sorry. I'm only doing what He told me to. I swear it! I swear I'm only doing what He told me to."
CelticSol said:
Her eyes grow wide, "I don't know a whole lot - b-but, I know He's a deity! He recruited us for His cause, said it'd-" Tears spill over her cheeks, and she wipes them callously, "Please, I don't want to- I don't know, they didn't tell us anything!" She breaks down into hysterical sobs, "T-They j-j-just told us they'd let us g-get payback! They p-promised no one c-c-could hurt us with our powers! This s-shouldn't be happening! I d-don't wanna die! I don't want to die!"
"So all it took for you to join is the promise of power? And you didn't even ask what the plan was?" Vance asked, growing more annoyed with the woman's sobbing "And stop crying before i cut out your god damn tear ducts"

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Sage looked over at Vance when he saw him looming over the woman and jumped over to him While Komori dealt with the boy. " So who is this. " He asked as he looked at the sobbing lady.

GingerBread said:
"So all it took for you to join is the promise of power? And you didn't even ask what the plan was?" Vance asked, growing more annoyed with the woman's sobbing "And stop crying before i cut out your god damn tear ducts"
djinnamon said:
Sage looked over at Vance when he saw him looming over the woman and jumped over to him While Komori dealt with the boy. " So who is this. " He asked as he looked at the sobbing lady.
"This" Vance motioned towards the woman "Is the idiot who decided to try to kill me, and look how she feels about finding out she couldn't" Vance said as a small smirk grew on his face "Anyway i'm trying to get information out of her, so far all she's told me is that the person in charge is a deity. And apparently she was fine knowing bugger all when she decided to kill people for the cult she joined"

@djinnamon @CelticSol
Sage rolled his eyes. "You are too cruel. " he said as he crouched at looked at the girl with a gentle stare and wiped away her tears with his thumb. " Please tell me all you knock about your boss, ok?. " he said sweetly deciding to play the god cop in this situation.

GingerBread said:
"This" Vance motioned towards the woman "Is the idiot who decided to try to kill me, and look how she feels about finding out she couldn't" Vance said as a small smirk grew on his face "Anyway i'm trying to get information out of her, so far all she's told me is that the person in charge is a deity. And apparently she was fine knowing bugger all when she decided to kill people for the cult she joined"
@djinnamon @CelticSol
CelticSol said:
Her eyes grow wide, "I don't know a whole lot - b-but, I know He's a deity! He recruited us for His cause, said it'd-" Tears spill over her cheeks, and she wipes them callously, "Please, I don't want to- I don't know, they didn't tell us anything!" She breaks down into hysterical sobs, "T-They j-j-just told us they'd let us g-get payback! They p-promised no one c-c-could hurt us with our powers! This s-shouldn't be happening! I d-don't wanna die! I don't want to die!"
djinnamon said:
Sage rolled his eyes. "You are too cruel. " he said as he crouched at looked at the girl with a gentle stare and wiped away her tears with his thumb. " Please tell me all you knock about your boss, ok?. " he said sweetly deciding to play the god cop in this situation.
"She just tried to kill me, my back is shredded six ways to sunday, and you think i'm being cruel. Look at my back" Vance made sure he could see the girl out of the corner of his eye before he turned around and showed Sage his back that looked like it had just been through a meat grinder.

@CelticSol @djinnamon
Sage stood up quickly and examined Vance's back. He watched as blood from the cuts. He attempted to freeze Vance's back to stop the bleeding.

GingerBread said:
"She just tried to kill me, my back is shredded six ways to sunday, and you think i'm being cruel. Look at my back" Vance made sure he could see the girl out of the corner of his eye before he turned around and showed Sage his back that looked like it had just been through a meat grinder.
@CelticSol @djinnamon
djinnamon said:
Sage stood up quickly and examined Vance's back. He watched as blood from the cuts. He attempted to freeze Vance's back to stop the bleeding.
Vance felt a cold sensation on his back that slightly stung when it came into contact with his cuts and lacerations and quickly turned back around to face Sage "So do you still think I should be nice to her? Cause i don't" Vance said as he turned to the woman "All i wanted to do was take a god damned nap today, so I'm not in the best of moods, less so now that he's here" Vance motioned towards Sage "So here's what's going to happen, you're going to tell me everything you know and if i think you're lying or withholding information, I'll kill you"

@CelticSol @djinnamon (I'm going to go to sleep now, night )
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CelticSol said:
The second girl's words were choked by her scream as the shield burned into her skin, however, despite her pain, she continued to attack the shield, throwing herself at it with complete abandon, as if she were mindless and ferocious as a feral animal. The first girl was more cautious, quickly observing the bubble. She inspects the man, violet eyes making him feel warm and hazy, "You'll have to do more than that, Mister. Look at Sister," She inclines her head to the other girl. Where she is burned, she quickly regenerates, skin forming over the injured flesh as quickly as she burns it away. The first girl's eyes flicker back to him, a coy smile playing on her face, "But, since you're nice and pretty, I might make a deal. Y'see, Mister, the Master wouldn't pleased if he found out we didn't follow an order, and he'll get mad if we just... Let you go," She walks as close she dares to the shield, "But your shields seem strong, especially for a human. I've never seen a shield last even two hits against Sister, but yours seems unshakable. So onto the part about the deal, I can bring you into our little, group, and we both leave here alive and content, as unlikely friends."
She sticks her hand out, fingertips hovering less than a hair's width from the shield, "What about it, Mister?" She asks, a tilt to her head, "Will you join us? I can give you more information afterwards."

The man does not notice the fireball, and shaken by the small earthquake disorients him further. He looks up in time for the fireball to hit him square in the chest, and while he stumbles, he is finished by the arrow from Ryan. The shields around the boy flicker and fail, winking out of existence. The boy, for the first time, is shaken, seeming fearful as he faces Ryan, Kotori, and Sage; his grip on his weapon does not seem as steady as it was beforehand, his stance not as relaxed. His fire shivers like breath against a candle, his eyes losing some of it's sharpness. He squares his jaw, tightening his hold on the weapon to hide his shaking hands as he looks to Sage. He charges Sage with a battlecry, fire flaring and exploding towards Kotori, ice stabbing from the ground towards Ryan.

The demon blocks the one going for it's neck with it's hand, but takes the blow to its stomach. It roars in agony, falling to the ground. Once it falls, it shatters like glass against the concrete, shards of shadow sprawling across the street. The Summoner raises her staff once more, but it appears as if the larger demon has taken out a large chunk of mana from her, since nothing comes forth at her call. Her eyes, just barely visible, look to Vance, wide and fearful. Her staff slips from her hands, clattering uselessly to the ground as she steps back. Her voice is quiet, barely loud enough for anyone to even hear her, "Please don't kill me," She whispers, eyes brimming with tears, "I'm sorry. I'm only doing what He told me to. I swear it! I swear I'm only doing what He told me to."
(Sorry if I missed something because I'm replying before I read)

(!) Ryan turned to the boy and shot an arrow of light straight at him, aiming to explode before hitting him, to knock him back and make him unconscious
Sage glared at Vance. " You will do no such thing. " he said before he turned back to the girl. (I'm gonna sleep too)

GingerBread said:
Vance felt a cold sensation on his back that slightly stung when it came into contact with his cuts and lacerations and quickly turned back around to face Sage "So do you still think I should be nice to her? Cause i don't" Vance said as he turned to the woman "All i wanted to do was take a god damned nap today, so I'm not in the best of moods, less so now that he's here" Vance motioned towards Sage "So here's what's going to happen, you're going to tell me everything you know and if i think you're lying or withholding information, I'll kill you"
@CelticSol @djinnamon (I'm going to go to sleep now, night )
CelticSol said:
Her eyes grow wide, "I don't know a whole lot - b-but, I know He's a deity! He recruited us for His cause, said it'd-" Tears spill over her cheeks, and she wipes them callously, "Please, I don't want to- I don't know, they didn't tell us anything!" She breaks down into hysterical sobs, "T-They j-j-just told us they'd let us g-get payback! They p-promised no one c-c-could hurt us with our powers! This s-shouldn't be happening! I d-don't wanna die! I don't want to die!"
Light said:
The reaper floats out of the way of the hands and the boat appears under it once more. Decimus's soul was starting to overheat, past the point of soul heating safety. The reaper swings it's scythe and a crescent of the same soul flame in its lantern flies towards Decimus.
Decimus continued to multiply his life force, seeing what the draining point of the lantern was. If he got too hot he would fall into the shadow realm to cool off. The Underworld closed up to conserve energy

"Ah no you didn't." Kinziel mumbled to him, not even glancing at Malren. She was still focused on whatever she was staring at.
Decimus continued to multiply his life force, seeing what the draining point of the lantern was. If he got too hot he would fall into the shadow realm to cool off. The Underworld closed up to conserve energy
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus continued to multiply his life force, seeing what the draining point of the lantern was. If he got too hot he would fall into the shadow realm to cool off. The Underworld closed up to conserve energy
( ! ) Since Decimus didn't move out of the way of the crescent it slams right into him. Actually setting his body and soul aflame and draining whatever life force and energy it can, making it straight to the boats mouth. The lantern gets brighter with each second only for it all to go back to a small candle light since it's traveled inside the reaper.
Light said:
( ! ) Since Decimus didn't move out of the way of the crescent it slams right into him. Actually setting his body and soul aflame and draining whatever life force and energy it can, making it straight to the boats mouth. The lantern gets brighter with each second only for it all to go back to a small candle light since it's traveled inside the reaper.
(!) Decimus watched the reaper closer, falling to his knees in pain. With some of his last energy he had a shadow wrap around the flame and engulf it, destroying it.

Decimus fell into the shadow world and collapsed, slowly having the darkness fill him and build his energy
DizjayDeathPride said:
(!) Decimus watched the reaper closer, falling to his knees in pain. With some of his last energy he had a shadow wrap around the flame and engulf it, destroying it.
Decimus fell into the shadow world and collapsed, slowly having the darkness fill him and build his energy
The lantern appears in its hand again. The reaper simply waits for Decimus to return.
Light said:
The lantern appears in its hand again. The reaper simply waits for Decimus to return.
Decimus absorbed more and more of the darkness and multiplying his power more nd more. Slowly he rose, already in his Cloak. His eyes were both wide open and flashing purple. "Oh now this... Is getting fun." The lock around his neck was waving wildly in the force of his power. As he stood, all of his joints popped and cracked. A slow demonic smile came over him and he rose out of the ground. Quickly a blanket of Absolute Darkness covered everything but the reaper, lantern, and boat. Trapping them inside

(!) He looked at the reaper and a spike of darkness pierced into it from under, spreading and spiking out, infused with underworld and tainting into its soul essence.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus absorbed more and more of the darkness and multiplying his power more nd more. Slowly he rose, already in his Cloak. His eyes were both wide open and flashing purple. "Oh now this... Is getting fun." The lock around his neck was waving wildly in the force of his power. As he stood, all of his joints popped and cracked. A slow demonic smile came over him and he rose out of the ground. Quickly a blanket of Absolute Darkness covered everything but the reaper, lantern, and boat. Trapping them inside
(!) He looked at the reaper and a spike of darkness pierced into it from under, spreading and spiking out, infused with underworld and tainting into its soul essence.
The lantern shifts into the astral plane by using the flame connected to it in the plane. Once the lantern is there the reaper and the boat ends up there as well. The reaper ends up retreating to another lake to save its life.
Light said:
The lantern shifts into the astral plane by using the flame connected to it in the plane. Once the lantern is there the reaper and the boat ends up there as well. The reaper ends up retreating to another lake to save its life.
A growled "No" rolled from Decimus' throat. His eyes got brighter and the lock was starting to break.

(!) The corrupted darkness continued traveling inside of the essence of the reaper, spiking out and infecting, killing it
DizjayDeathPride said:
A growled "No" rolled from Decimus' throat. His eyes got brighter and the lock was starting to break.
(!) The corrupted darkness continued traveling inside of the essence of the reaper, spiking out and infecting, killing it
The reaper appears once more with the lantern and the boat. Completely purged of the corrupted darkness.

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