Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Inaro body became intangible and the kick plus the flames went through his body. He does a quick lunge into a headbutt with his metal covered head, after he became tangible again. @Tazmodo
Lotusy said:
Sergio stares at the absolute wreckage and chaos surrounding him and the girl as they rushed down the overcrowded streets to find her mother. What the hell could have done this? Sergio thought to himself, watching men, women, and children alike milling around in a shocked and confused manner. "This is the building? I wouldn't... wait, little miss!" He yelled as the girl suddenpy charged into the decrepit building. "Ugh. The things I do... I blame you, fluff." Before following the girl, he clenched his hand, ready to form a shield. After a deep breath, he followed the girl to the basement.
(TW: Kinda graphic)

At the bottom of the stairs, there's a hallway leading to a singular, open door. Inside, the girl is waiting there, her shoulders shuddering as she stares down at something at her feet. There is a woman there, true to the girl's word, but she isn't trapped under rubble, like she'd been telling others; the woman is very, very clearly dead - she is torn in half at the waist, her lower half completely missing from the room, and it appears as if something - or someone - had eaten some of organs leaking out and pooling blood on the floor. The girl's hands clench and unclench at her side. "You shouldn't have come, Mister," She croons, crouching down to the woman's head. She caresses some of the woman's hair from her wide, glazed eyes, shaking her head slowly as she closes the woman's eyes with her fingertips. Standing and turning, Sergio is able to see, in the dim, flickering lights, that the child's nails are slowly extending into fiercely sharp claws, her teeth narrowing into rows of dangerously pointed needles.

The door behind Sergio closes with a slam, revealing an identical girl, the exact same down to the claws and teeth, with the sole exemption being her shimmering gold eyes. The second girl snarls at him as the first speaks, wringing her fingers together, "I'm really sorry about this, Mister," She says, apology clear in her eyes, "You seem real nice, but the Master ordered us to track the dragon people, so, I don't really have a choice." She nods her head to the second girl, and both lunge towards him with inhuman speed. The first tries to latch herself around his bicep, the other going to punch a hole through his torso.

GingerBread said:
Using the shadow the building cast, Vance teleported before he hit the building but he still had momentum and ended up skidding across the floor, the concrete and small bits of rubble tearing up the skin of his back, leaving it a bloody mess "I Just want to sleep" Vance muttered as he stood up, Hissing at the stinging pain in his back.
Vance stared at the monster "You wanna play that way? Fine" Vance growled at the demon. Vance was somehow managing to keep calm throughout everything that was happening. (!) Vance used the shadows to create 4 greatswords that were just a bit bigger than the demon before having them all swing at the monster while he disappears into the shadows. (!)

(!) The demon screams in pain, thrashing against the great swords. It catches and crushes one in its teeth, and pins another to the ground, its great weight snapping it in half like a tooth pick. The others, it has a rougher time with; the blades it doesn't catch slash long wounds across its hide. By the time it finally takes the rest down, it is badly limping and bleeding all over. It looks to his Summoner, who urges it on with a flick of her staff. It looks around for Vance, despite it's poor eyesight.

djinnamon said:
Sage stood up when he healed and looked at the man and boy. He shoot several large shards of ice at
the two while Komori arcs of extremely hot flames.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan shot the arrow and noticed it was useless. After the first slash he disappeared in a flash of light and appeared behind the boy, shooting him again and disappearing again. Zapping all around him trying to find a weakness to the field
(!) The attacks practically bounce off the shield surrounding boy, only succeeding in drawing his attention. He turns to Ryan and attacks again, slashing, cutting, and stabbing quickly and viciously. Behind him, the man seems extremely focused on maintaining the shield on his comrade, judging by the brief amount of his expression shown from under the hood.
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Earl is somehow happy that he was finally able to find a "weirdo" like him to talk with. He starts to be less rejectful on the fact that he does not act or think like a demon anymore, a sudden warmth fill up his chest.

But still, he has that feeling, that feeling that he may be not doing what he was meant to be doing in the first place, and there are still questions to be answered......

"You make such a good listener, you know? Maybe we can talk again sometime...... " Earl speaks softly to sloth, while she slowly started to fall asleep. @Light (just tagging).

Suddenly, Earl can feel his inner symbol calling, he immediately dashes his way to the guild.

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CelticSol said:
(TW: Kinda graphic)
At the bottom of the stairs, there's a hallway leading to a singular, open door. Inside, the girl is waiting there, her shoulders shuddering as she stares down at something at her feet. There is a woman there, true to the girl's word, but she isn't trapped under rubble, like she'd been telling others; the woman is very, very clearly dead - she is torn in half at the waist, her lower half completely missing from the room, and it appears as if something - or someone - had eaten some of organs leaking out and pooling blood on the floor. The girl's hands clench and unclench at her side. "You shouldn't have come, Mister," She croons, crouching down to the woman's head. She caresses some of the woman's hair from her wide, glazed eyes, shaking her head slowly as she closes the woman's eyes with her fingertips. Standing and turning, Sergio is able to see, in the dim, flickering lights, that the child's nails are slowly extending into fiercely sharp claws, her teeth narrowing into rows of dangerously pointed needles.

The door behind Sergio closes with a slam, revealing an identical girl, the exact same down to the claws and teeth, with the sole exemption being her shimmering gold eyes. The second girl snarls at him as the first speaks, wringing her fingers together, "I'm really sorry about this, Mister," She says, apology clear in her eyes, "You seem real nice, but the Master ordered us to track the dragon people, so, I don't really have a choice." She nods her head to the second girl, and both lunge towards him with inhuman speed. The first tries to latch herself around his bicep, the other going to punch a hole through his torso.

(!) The demon screams in pain, thrashing against the great swords. It catches and crushes one in its teeth, and pins another to the ground, its great weight snapping it in half like a tooth pick. The others, it has a rougher time with; the blades it doesn't catch slash long wounds across its hide. By the time it finally takes the rest down, it is badly limping and bleeding all over. It looks to his Summoner, who urges it on with a flick of her staff. It looks around for Vance, despite it's poor eyesight.

(!) The attacks practically bounce off the shield surrounding boy, only succeeding in drawing his attention. He turns to Ryan and attacks again, slashing, cutting, and stabbing quickly and viciously. Behind him, the man seems extremely focused on maintaining the shield on his comrade, judging by the brief amount of his expression shown from under the hood.
( ! ) Ryan disappeared in a flash to the light realm. He was badly cut and bleeding. Slowly he healed from the light and thought a moment, realizing where the shield came from. He stood and pulled the string, charging an arrow, then left the realm and appeared right beside the man, letting the arrow of light whizz to the cloaked man's head
CelticSol said:
(!) The demon screams in pain, thrashing against the great swords. It catches and crushes one in its teeth, and pins another to the ground, its great weight snapping it in half like a tooth pick. The others, it has a rougher time with; the blades it doesn't catch slash long wounds across its hide. By the time it finally takes the rest down, it is badly limping and bleeding all over. It looks to his Summoner, who urges it on with a flick of her staff. It looks around for Vance, despite it's poor eyesight.
(!) Vance smirked as he saw the hit's connect, he decided to make himself visible again for long enough for the demon to see him and then he went invisible again and moved from where he was standing. Once Vance had done this he summoned another 2 giant shadow greatswords and aimed one directly for it's neck while the other would go towards it's stomach (!)

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Sage and Kotori growl in unison as they both radiate killer intent , both looking extremely scary that even other deities who pale in fear. Kotori raised her weapon and large ball of fire the size of two cars appear and shoot towards the boy and the man. Meanwhile Sage made a single large icicle and shoot into the ground making a mini earthquake.

CelticSol said:
(TW: Kinda graphic)
At the bottom of the stairs, there's a hallway leading to a singular, open door. Inside, the girl is waiting there, her shoulders shuddering as she stares down at something at her feet. There is a woman there, true to the girl's word, but she isn't trapped under rubble, like she'd been telling others; the woman is very, very clearly dead - she is torn in half at the waist, her lower half completely missing from the room, and it appears as if something - or someone - had eaten some of organs leaking out and pooling blood on the floor. The girl's hands clench and unclench at her side. "You shouldn't have come, Mister," She croons, crouching down to the woman's head. She caresses some of the woman's hair from her wide, glazed eyes, shaking her head slowly as she closes the woman's eyes with her fingertips. Standing and turning, Sergio is able to see, in the dim, flickering lights, that the child's nails are slowly extending into fiercely sharp claws, her teeth narrowing into rows of dangerously pointed needles.

The door behind Sergio closes with a slam, revealing an identical girl, the exact same down to the claws and teeth, with the sole exemption being her shimmering gold eyes. The second girl snarls at him as the first speaks, wringing her fingers together, "I'm really sorry about this, Mister," She says, apology clear in her eyes, "You seem real nice, but the Master ordered us to track the dragon people, so, I don't really have a choice." She nods her head to the second girl, and both lunge towards him with inhuman speed. The first tries to latch herself around his bicep, the other going to punch a hole through his torso.

(!) The demon screams in pain, thrashing against the great swords. It catches and crushes one in its teeth, and pins another to the ground, its great weight snapping it in half like a tooth pick. The others, it has a rougher time with; the blades it doesn't catch slash long wounds across its hide. By the time it finally takes the rest down, it is badly limping and bleeding all over. It looks to his Summoner, who urges it on with a flick of her staff. It looks around for Vance, despite it's poor eyesight.

(!) The attacks practically bounce off the shield surrounding boy, only succeeding in drawing his attention. He turns to Ryan and attacks again, slashing, cutting, and stabbing quickly and viciously. Behind him, the man seems extremely focused on maintaining the shield on his comrade, judging by the brief amount of his expression shown from under the hood.
Decimus raised an eyebrow on Morpheus' fight and decided he needed something as well. He tapped into symbol and connected to the head. "Hello. My name is Decimus Nogaletta. I am new. I was curious if there's anything I can do in order to gain rank along with my peers"

CelticSol said:
Sovereign's smile spreads across his face once more, for the briefest moment when Grimm says 'Layla can handle herself', but composes it into an amused quirk at the corner of his mouth. "Whatever you say, Grimm. It wasn't a threat, however; just a promise that they would be avoided," Sovereign shrugs, "But I suppose they are now no more than the average human, if you have no will to have your family protected," Sovereign steps back, crossing his arms with the same easy, self-satisfied smile on his lips, "However, I would encourage you to keep this in mind, brother; in the past, you may have been more powerful than me, but even you will fall to me. Once my plan is in motion, not even Death will be able to stop my Madness."
He smiles, as if his words were not a thinly veiled threat and more like pleasant conversation, then waves as a portal appears behind Grimm. Krii steps out from behind Sovereign, having hid in the shadows the entire conversation, and she pushes Grimm by the chest into the portal, leading to his family's home, implying they know the location of his loved ones. The portal snaps closed with a pop!, vanishing into thin air.
Grimm's blank expression hid what he was thinking and feeling. He wasn't concerned about the location of the portal. Since the only Van Fen'rir who stays here is Morgan who is perfectly capable. He starts to venture around the castle. Grimm was concerned about the fact that he couldn't read the future of the one who pushed him. Maybe Sovereign did have some type of magic to get around him, is what he chose to assume.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus raised an eyebrow on Morpheus' fight and decided he needed something as well. He tapped into symbol and connected to the head. "Hello. My name is Decimus Nogaletta. I am new. I was curious if there's anything I can do in order to gain rank along with my peers"
"I'll send more things to fight, my name is Ashlyn. It's nice to meet you Decimus." After that sentence several more challenges rise up from the ground in different places throughout the forest.

( In the center of the lake. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/b9270ed4b5df4ac8e0957f1002ae26ad.jpg.d8ecd35aed9a4f0bd47e9d61cbca788c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95817" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/b9270ed4b5df4ac8e0957f1002ae26ad.jpg.d8ecd35aed9a4f0bd47e9d61cbca788c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( High up on a mountain where the clouds touch the peak. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/gasgiant_natehallinan_wallpape_2560x1600_artwallpaperhi.com.jpg.00f89977094814269990d427fa1f612b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95818" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/gasgiant_natehallinan_wallpape_2560x1600_artwallpaperhi.com.jpg.00f89977094814269990d427fa1f612b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( The river where a safe form of Absolute Darkness is casted with a moon. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/water_snake_by_elxi_ameyn-d5r1wan.jpg.7d2f008c46047b25bd4343ac0644faa3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95819" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/water_snake_by_elxi_ameyn-d5r1wan.jpg.7d2f008c46047b25bd4343ac0644faa3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Juju said:
(Sorry for not responding sooner. I went out to see the new Star Wars movie!! :3 )
The dragonknight considered the talking dog's proposition before answering. "Syrax and I will accompany you as a means of learning more about this guild. Besides, it seems as though we have the same motives and share a common enemy."

The dog and the clone of Grimm nod their heads in approval. With that, Arwyn and Syrax end up in NY with the destroyed building.

( @CelticSol )



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Light said:
Grimm's blank expression hid what he was thinking and feeling. He wasn't concerned about the location of the portal. Since the only Van Fen'rir who stays here is Morgan who is perfectly capable. He starts to venture around the castle. Grimm was concerned about the fact that he couldn't read the future of the one who pushed him. Maybe Sovereign did have some type of magic to get around him, is what he chose to assume.
"I'll send more things to fight, my name is Ashlyn. It's nice to meet you Decimus." After that sentence several more challenges rise up from the ground in different places throughout the forest.

( In the center of the lake. )

View attachment 213232

( High up on a mountain where the clouds touch the peak. )

View attachment 213233

( The river where a safe form of Absolute Darkness is casted with a moon. )

View attachment 213234

The dog and the clone of Grimm nod their heads in approval. With that, Arwyn and Syrax end up in NY with the destroyed building.

( @CelticSol )
Decimus went to the Lake and rose out of the darkness.

( ! ) He caught sight of the being and sent a spike of darkness go straight for the being's head. It tendrilled out and wrapped around the being's arms and body, completely wrapping around him, restraining him
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus went to the Lake and rose out of the darkness.
( ! ) He caught sight of the being and sent a spike of darkness go straight for the being's head. It tendrilled out and wrapped around the being's arms and body, completely wrapping around him, restraining him
The tendrils of darkness loosen up and go into the frontal mouth of the boat. The boat begins to have a dark fog flow off of it, spreading around the lake. It spins its scythe in a circle once.
Light said:
The tendrils of darkness loosen up and go into the frontal mouth of the boat. The boat begins to have a dark fog flow off of it, spreading around the lake. It spins its scythe in a circle once.
Decimus had the darkness that was being sucked wrap around the head of the boat and crush it

( ! ) He looked to the reaper spinning his staff. The shadows under him from the fog wrapped around his lower body and climbed up
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus had the darkness that was being sucked wrap around the head of the boat and crush it
( ! ) He looked to the reaper spinning his staff. The shadows under him from the fog wrapped around his lower body and climbed up
The broken pieces of the head of the boat float in place and reform, continuing to absorb the darkness. It spins its scythe once more and the dark fog is absorbed as well, as if it were saving that and spins its scythe three times. It raises its left hand and the souls of the fish are pulled into the blue flame. It spins its scythe four times. The spinning of the scythe had no real meaning but it was a nice distraction.
Light said:
The broken pieces of the head of the boat float in place and reform, continuing to absorb the darkness. It spins its scythe once more and the dark fog is absorbed as well, as if it were saving that and spins its scythe three times. It raises its left hand and the souls of the fish are pulled into the blue flame. It spins its scythe four times. The spinning of the scythe had no real meaning but it was a nice distraction.
Decimus cracked his neck and his cloak turned black with a light purple moving through. He closed his left eye and his right glowed a bright purple. Above Decimus, two giant Hands formed, the size of a semi each. The flesh a purple and violet, peeling off.

( ! ) The Left Hand moved like an extension of Decimus' arm and reached to the boat, crushing it in its grip. The Right went for the reaper and wrapped around it. If it could feel, the touch was a burning cold. Destroying skin if it had skin
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus cracked his neck and his cloak turned black with a light purple moving through. He closed his left eye and his right glowed a bright purple. Above Decimus, two giant Hands formed, the size of a semi each. The flesh a purple and violet, peeling off.
( ! ) The Left Hand moved like an extension of Decimus' arm and reached to the boat, crushing it in its grip. The Right went for the reaper and wrapped around it. If it could feel, the touch was a burning cold. Destroying skin if it had skin
The boats pieces shatter even more and escape once they're small enough, reforming. The reaper drops its lantern and ends up being absorbed by the boat while it falls. He rises up from the wood of the boat and the lantern flies back to his hand. The water from the lake was beginning to crawl up on the land.
Light said:
The boats pieces shatter even more and escape once they're small enough, reforming. The reaper drops its lantern and ends up being absorbed by the boat while it falls. He rises up from the wood of the boat and the lantern flies back to his hand. The water from the lake was beginning to crawl up on the land.
Decimus took note and had an idea. The Left Hand slammed into the Reaper, knocking him back and tendrils of darkness grabbed the lantern, pulling the opposite way and taking it to the shadow realm
Lotusy said:
Malren walked away from the scene of the fight when an arrow of light whizzed bast himself and Vance, coming from Ryan. Not knowing why Ryan suddenly wanted to kill them, Mal transformed into an eagle, fleeing the scene. He only turned back once he reached the portal that brought them there in the first place, choosing to go through it. Better safe than sorry, he thought. No idea what's up with Ryan.
On the other end, Malren stumbled back onto the icy plains in front of the Dragon's Roar guild. He saw Kinziel on the front steps, wondering what she was doing. "Uh, hey, Kinziel. What are you still doing out here? Don't you need to be inside?"
Kinziel was staring at the snow but looks up at Malren quickly. "Oh! Well I can't go inside without a guild member being in there with me."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus took note and had an idea. The Left Hand slammed into the Reaper, knocking him back and tendrils of darkness grabbed the lantern, pulling the opposite way and taking it to the shadow realm
The reaper fell into the water and ended up rising out of the boat again. It's old lantern simply breaks down and another lantern forms in its hand. The firing rekindled and the reaper pointed its scythe at Decimus. His life energy begins to flow out of his mouth into the lantern. The water reaches Decimus's feet and he couldn't help but be pulled deeper into the lake. It was like a new and stronger pull of gravity.
Light said:
The reaper fell into the water and ended up rising out of the boat again. It's old lantern simply breaks down and another lantern forms in its hand. The firing rekindled and the reaper pointed its scythe at Decimus. His life energy begins to flow out of his mouth into the lantern. The water reaches Decimus's feet and he couldn't help but be pulled deeper into the lake. It was like a new and stronger pull of gravity.
Decimus dropped the Cloak and the hands disappeared. He opened his left eye and rose a wall of darkness in front of him, letting the water pull him into it. As well, a hand from the reaper's shadow grabbed it and pulled it into the darkness. He went into the wall by the force of the water and entered the shadow realm with the reaper. While facing it he began to add to his life force again with his greed given power
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus dropped the Cloak and the hands disappeared. He opened his left eye and rose a wall of darkness in front of him, letting the water pull him into it. As well, a hand from the reaper's shadow grabbed it and pulled it into the darkness. He went into the wall by the force of the water and entered the shadow realm with the reaper. While facing it he began to add to his life force again with his greed given power
( Life force naturally comes back to you. You don't need to do that xD . Though I do understand the urgency of needing full when battling something like this. )

The reaper in the shadow realm breaks down and rises back in the boat with the lantern. It waits for Decimus to return.
Light said:
( Life force naturally comes back to you. You don't need to do that xD . Though I do understand the urgency of needing full when battling something like this. )
The reaper in the shadow realm breaks down and rises back in the boat with the lantern. It waits for Decimus to return.
(Just being safe xD )

Decimus considered this and pondered. Neither the lamp nor the boat nor the reaper. He had one last theory

( ! ) All of the darkness under the water opened to the realm and the water, boat, and reaper all fell inside.

Decimus made a safe platform of darkness to stand on while the water poured in
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Just being safe xD )
Decimus considered this and pondered. Neither the lamp nor the boat nor the reaper. He had one last theory

( ! ) All of the darkness under the water opened to the realm and the water, boat, and reaper all fell inside.

Decimus made a safe platform of darkness to stand on while the water poured in
( ! ) The reaper looks around at its surroundings and raises the lantern, allowing it to grow brighter and brighter.
Light said:
( ! ) The reaper looks around at its surroundings and raises the lantern, allowing it to grow brighter and brighter.
(!) Decimus smirked as left the realm, having it collapse and completely crush everything inside.

He stood at the bottom of the now empty lake
Malren smiled sheepishly. "Oh yea. That is kinda my fault." He helped her up before opening the large doors. Damn. I just left her out here? Well, I was in a rush. Speaking of which..." His thoughts turned back to Kinziel, especially the question he asked earlier. She never answered my question. Malren shook off his thoughts, following Kinziel inside. As soon as he got into the hall, a staff materialized in his hand. "Uh, you up for a spar?" It was his best attempt at removing the awkward tension in the air.


Sergio gagged, almost hurling as he saw the remains of the woman. "Oh, geez. Sorry, little miss, but I think your mother's-" His voice trailed off as the young girl suddenly turned on him, nails becoming long and devilish. He listened to her words with dread, not understanding any of it. "Dragons? I don't know any dragons! All I know is that they're lizards..." It was obvious to Sergio that the girl, now girls, wouldn't listen to him. He had to formulate a plan, but when the girls attacked him, he did what he did best- defending.

The shield bubble was completed instantly, bouncing both girls off. Sergio then proceeded to expand the shield, covering the whole room and squishing one of the girls against the wall. The tight space didn't allow for many maneuvers, and when the shield came in contact with the girl's body, it began to steam and heat up her skin. Sergio knew that this was a stalemate: His shields were top-class, but he couldn't keep them up forever. "Listen, little miss and little miss two. I don't have any kind of quarrel with you. If you could just let me go, that would be swell. Otherwise..." An idea popped into his head. "I'll bring down the building."

DizjayDeathPride said:
(!) Decimus smirked as left the realm, having it collapse and completely crush everything inside.
He stood at the bottom of the now empty lake
The reaper has the lantern explode in a super nova of souls, only for it to be pushed back by the collapsing realm. The reaper is surrounded by the explosion of souls and uses this to access the astral plane. Through there the reaper floats where he usually would be if the lake had water. To solve this problem, water pushes out the cracks in the boat. The reaper has his lantern burst with heat to make Decimus feel like his soul was uncomfortably drenched in hot sweat.

Lotusy said:
Malren smiled sheepishly. "Oh yea. That is kinda my fault." He helped her up before opening the large doors. Damn. I just left her out here? Well, I was in a rush. Speaking of which..." His thoughts turned back to Kinziel, especially the question he asked earlier. She never answered my question. Malren shook off his thoughts, following Kinziel inside. As soon as he got into the hall, a staff materialized in his hand. "Uh, you up for a spar?" It was his best attempt at removing the awkward tension in the air.
Kinziel slowly shakes her head. For once she wasn't in the mood to accept the challenge. "No thanks...." Kinziel looks off to the side, her eyes seemed to want something.
Light said:
The reaper has the lantern explode in a super nova of souls, only for it to be pushed back by the collapsing realm. The reaper is surrounded by the explosion of souls and uses this to access the astral plane. Through there the reaper floats where he usually would be if the lake had water. To solve this problem, water pushes out the cracks in the boat. The reaper has his lantern burst with heat to make Decimus feel like his soul was uncomfortably drenched in hot sweat.
Kinziel slowly shakes her head. For once she wasn't in the mood to accept the challenge. "No thanks...." Kinziel looks off to the side, her eyes seemed to want something.
"You are just so persistant. Very well." He ignored the burning sensation and used the darkness to appear back on the edge of the lake as before. His Cloak reformed and he closed his left eye again, extending his hand to the reaper

Behind it a rotten light purple Cyclops appeared and slammed it's hammar into the side of the reaper disappearing. Another appeared above it and slammed it's hammar on the reaper disappearing.

He knew the reaper didn't feel anything. It as just because of his irritation

( ! ) He looked at the reaper, his one eye flashing purple, and sneered. Giant hands of the Damned ripped out of the boat, grabbing it and ripping it apart, pulling it into the Underworld, reaching around for the Reaper

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