Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Sage use his telekinetic to shoot the icicles back at the man as Sage growled unsure of what to do.

CelticSol said:
"Maybe," Sovereign sang, his grin only growing wider. A double door linking two walls together closes in front of Grimm, halting his very passionate march. "But this is my world. The rules from out there don't matter here." To emphasize his words, he shifted into Grimm himself, pushing himself up from his seat to stand before Grimm, his grin unnaturally wide on Grimm's face. As he came to stand before the other Deity, his grin faltered ever so slightly, slipping into a more business-like expression, "Despite your thoughts, I'm not here just to pester you - though it's definitely a bonus - but I'm here to make you an offer."
His voice dropped any pretense of friendliness, the last flicker of a smile tightening into a cool, calculated expression as his voice grew grave, "I am bringing change to this world. Change that is desperately needed, but will come at a very steep price. People will die, which is another reason for this meeting. I know your duties as the Reaper, but I need you out of the way; I need you not to interfere in what I will be doing to this world. If you stay out of this, then I swear to you that your family will be spared," He trailed off, a flash of something sparking in his eyes, "... I will also, for you, find Layla, which may be a partially selfish desire of mine - she meant as much to me as she does to you, but it should assure you that I will work tirelessly in order to bring her back to you. But only if you step back until my plan is complete."

The man's threw a ring of fire around himself, spinning it like a wheel around him as protection. Icicles formed from the moisture in the air and shot like bullets towards Sage, tracking his movements as the man tracked him with his eyes.
djinnamon said:
Sage use his telekinetic to shoot the icicles back at the man as Sage growled unsure of what to do.
A flick of his wrist melted his own weapons, though he was splashed with some of the water. The man holds his sword aloft, fire flaring around the blade, reflecting off his strange, ice blue eyes. He stepped towards Sage, getting into a battle stance as he met his opponent's eyes.
Sage took a deep breath before he stared into the man's eyes as the area suddenly felt chilly because of Sage's killer intent. He raised his rapier and poured more mana into it to make it more durable. He then shoot forward at a amazing speed with his rapier outstretched.

CelticSol said:
A flick of his wrist melted his own weapons, though he was splashed with some of the water. The man holds his sword aloft, fire flaring around the blade, reflecting off his strange, ice blue eyes. He stepped towards Sage, getting into a battle stance as he met his opponent's eyes.
Jackson stood up. "Who wants to fight?"

Jasmine stayed where she was. She couldn't get any stronger then she alreafy was.

Reed sat down in the corner. He was Beta and didn't care about climbing at the moment.
djinnamon said:
Sage took a deep breath before he stared into the man's eyes as the area suddenly felt chilly because of Sage's killer intent. He raised his rapier and poured more mana into it to make it more durable. He then shoot forward at a amazing speed with his rapier outstretched.
(!) The man, ready for the onslaught, deflected the blow by knocking Sage's to the side, opening his arms for an attack. Flame formed in the man's fist as he struck Sage in the chest.
Sage was sent through the air and hit a wall causing a loud crash. He pulled himself from the wall slowly and growled as millions of ice shards appeared around the man and shoot at him from all directions. He fell not his butt and panted as he placed a hand on the bloody wound on his chest before he froze it to keep it from bleeding. He got up slowly and leaned against the wall.

CelticSol said:
(!) The man, ready for the onslaught, deflected the blow by knocking Sage's to the side, opening his arms for an attack. Flame formed in the man's fist as he struck Sage in the chest.
A large beam of fire shoot at the cloaked man from behind as well.

CelticSol said:
(!) The man, ready for the onslaught, deflected the blow by knocking Sage's to the side, opening his arms for an attack. Flame formed in the man's fist as he struck Sage in the chest.
DizjayDeathPride said:
The clone of Morpheus died and Decimus extended his hand to the undead, rising his own to fight them
Morpheus appeared next to Ryan. "You noticed what I did?"

Ryan as ready in his power mode, already charging arrows to shoot.

( ! ) He disappeared in a flash and shot one behind her, disappearing again and shooting her again from another angle, constantly keeping up this barrage rapidly until he noticed she caught on
The being received many attacks from Ryan that it couldn't dodge and falls to the ground. Arrows stuck out of the demons body but she manages to have the undead fall into a portal and land on top of Decimus.

GingerBread said:
Vance saw the Razor sharp shards and tendrils curve back around and start heading towards him, Vance moved to dodge the shards and tendrils. Vance didn't manage to dodge all the shards. Vance grunted in pain as 3 of the shards ended up ripping through his arm She only seems to be able to dodge because she see's the attacks coming towards her Vance thought, concentrating on the battle rather than his heavily bleeding arm.
(!) Vance ran to a shadow to the side of the clone of Ashlyn and started sending another barrage of shards and tendrils at her before teleporting to shadows on the other side of her and sending Shards and tendrils from that side as well, Vance then ran directly in front of Ashlyn and sent yet another barrage of Shards at her (!)

@Light(What would happen if we die during this training?)
Lotusy said:
Malren shook himself awake as he watched the battle between Vance and the Ashlyn clone, open-mouthed. In a rush, he bounded forwards, summoning a quarterstaff in his hand and thrusting it towards the clone's gut, careful to steer around the shards sent by Vance.
@Light @GingerBread

(Sergio anytime soon, or are you busy? I mean, no rush.)
( You die.... )

Vance manages to damage the Ashlyn clone by hitting where her eyes couldn't see. Once he steps in front of her, she didn't notice Malren behind him until it was too late. The Ashlyn clone melts away in a pile of ashes. Both Malren and Vance rank up to Omicron.

Once Sergio steps through the door he's taken towards NY with his fluff.

CelticSol said:
"Maybe," Sovereign sang, his grin only growing wider. A double door linking two walls together closes in front of Grimm, halting his very passionate march. "But this is my world. The rules from out there don't matter here." To emphasize his words, he shifted into Grimm himself, pushing himself up from his seat to stand before Grimm, his grin unnaturally wide on Grimm's face. As he came to stand before the other Deity, his grin faltered ever so slightly, slipping into a more business-like expression, "Despite your thoughts, I'm not here just to pester you - though it's definitely a bonus - but I'm here to make you an offer."
His voice dropped any pretense of friendliness, the last flicker of a smile tightening into a cool, calculated expression as his voice grew grave, "I am bringing change to this world. Change that is desperately needed, but will come at a very steep price. People will die, which is another reason for this meeting. I know your duties as the Reaper, but I need you out of the way; I need you not to interfere in what I will be doing to this world. If you stay out of this, then I swear to you that your family will be spared," He trailed off, a flash of something sparking in his eyes, "... I will also, for you, find Layla, which may be a partially selfish desire of mine - she meant as much to me as she does to you, but it should assure you that I will work tirelessly in order to bring her back to you. But only if you step back until my plan is complete."
The moment Sovereign brings up Layla, something inside Grimm snaps. "I'm death. I'm not obligated to save any of those people in the first place, if it's their time it is their time. Though.... if you think I'll let you do any of this and threaten my family? You are sadly mistaken. As much as I love Layla, I will not sacrifice the lives of many for my own selfish desire, nor will I allow you to lay a hand on a single Van Fen'rir. I believe Layla would not forgive me if I did. Besides... she can handle herself, she's Layla."
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Light said:
The being received many attacks from Ryan that it couldn't dodge and falls to the ground. Arrows stuck out of the demons body but she manages to have the undead fall into a portal and land on top of Decimus.
( You die.... )

Vance manages to damage the Ashlyn clone by hitting where her eyes couldn't see. Once he steps in front of her, she didn't notice Malren behind him until it was too late. The Ashlyn clone melts away in a pile of ashes. Both Malren and Vance rank up to Omicron.

Once Sergio steps through the door he's taken towards NY with his fluff.

The moment Sovereign brings up Layla, something inside Grimm snaps. "I'm death. I'm not obligated to save any of those people in the first place, if it's their time it is their time. Though.... if you think I'll let you do any of this and threaten my family? You are sadly mistaken. They can handle themselves though, I know this. As much as I love Layla, I will not sacrifice the family she's cared for and built up for my own selfish desire. Besides... she can handle herself."
(!) Ignoring the undead, Ryan poured all of his energy into the arrow and shot the being directly in the head

(!) Decimus saw the being and had darkness protect him as we as darkness pierced the beings heart when Ryan shot

(!) For extra measure Morpheus had a clone teleport to the being and stab her skull as Ryan's arrow pierced

The three had their attack perfectly coordinated to strike at the exact same moment, the arrow exploding with enough force to cause a decent 5 foot crator
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Light said:
Vance manages to damage the Ashlyn clone by hitting where her eyes couldn't see. Once he steps in front of her, she didn't notice Malren behind him until it was too late. The Ashlyn clone melts away in a pile of ashes. Both Malren and Vance rank up to Omicron.
"I've ranked up again...... Yay?" Vance had as much enthusiasm as a cat trapped inside a wheelie bin, that is to say none at all "So, That was easier than i thought it would be, do you reckon we could just kill the real one?" Vance wondered aloud before a sharp pain brought his attention back to the fact that he had holes going directly through his arm, though they luckily missed anything major and more cuts on his arms and legs than a pig that repeatedly ran through a roll of barbed wire.

@Lotusy @Light (Fun :D )
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Malren dusted himself off, closing his eyes and selecting his powerup before responding to Vance. "Highly doubt it. The guy from before said that this was a powered-down version. Besides, it almost killed us anyways." Vance caught Malren's attention when the other man flinched from pain. Surprised by this new turn of events, Malren rushed over. "Damn. You're pretty beat up right now. Do you need any help?"

@Light @GingerBread

Meanwhile, Sergio felt the disorienting pull of teleportation as he found himself in New York with his fluffball. Bring lights, concrete, and metal twisted and turned in every direction, as far as the eye could see. Well, this certainly is New York. He stared down at the fluff, exchanging a silent glance before speaking. "Hm. That certainly screwed up my vacation," he said to the fluffball. "Can't a man have his peace? I mean, I just saved a gang, and now I'm in NY, and- Actually, why am I talking to you?" He checked his surroundings. "Not that you'd know, but where should we go?"
"I'm fine, though I should probably cover up the bloody holes in my arm soon" Vance replied, shrugging slightly. Although he was in massive pain right now, he wasn't going to look weak in front of some boy "Anyway if we were to fight the real one, we'd most likely know her tactics and knowing is half the battle" Vance sat down, leaning up against a nearby tree, his face starting to slowly lose colour from the blood loss.

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DizjayDeathPride said:
(!) Ignoring the undead, Ryan poured all of his energy into the arrow and shot the being directly in the head
(!) Decimus saw the being and had darkness protect him as we as darkness pierced the beings heart when Ryan shot

(!) For extra measure Morpheus had a clone teleport to the being and stab her skull as Ryan's arrow pierced

The three had their attack perfectly coordinated to strike at the exact same moment, the arrow exploding with enough force to cause a decent 5 foot crator
The demon turns to ash and they all rank up.

Lotusy said:
Meanwhile, Sergio felt the disorienting pull of teleportation as he found himself in New York with his fluffball. Bring lights, concrete, and metal twisted and turned in every direction, as far as the eye could see. Well, this certainly is New York. He stared down at the fluff, exchanging a silent glance before speaking. "Hm. That certainly screwed up my vacation," he said to the fluffball. "Can't a man have his peace? I mean, I just saved a gang, and now I'm in NY, and- Actually, why am I talking to you?" He checked his surroundings. "Not that you'd know, but where should we go?"
The fluff shakes its head, it didn't know either. "Rawr."
The three walked together, waiting for the next possible challenge.

Morpheus spotted Jasmine and decided to talk to her again. He walked over briskly and took her hand. "Together again"

DizjayDeathPride said:
The three walked together, waiting for the next possible challenge.
Morpheus spotted Jasmine and decided to talk to her again. He walked over briskly and took her hand. "Together again"

Jasmine smiled when she saw Morpheus. "Hey I missed you. Your friend Ryan experiment it on me. But other then that nothings happens. What about you?"
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine smiled when she saw Morpheus. "Hey I missed you. Your friend Ryan experiment it on me. But other then that nothings happens. What about you?"
Morpheus squinted to her. "He didn't hurt you did he? Ill kill him right here."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus squinted to her. "He didn't hurt you did he? Ill kill him right here."
Jasmine shook her head. "Not not really I was fine. He opened my eyes about my core so I was happy. Anyways about you. How was your day?"
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine shook her head. "Not not really I was fine. He opened my eyes about my core so I was happy. Anyways about you. How was your day?"
Morpheus twirled her and held her closer. "My day has been so exciting! I did just help kill a crazy demon. A rank higher I am"
GingerBread said:
"I'm fine, though I should probably cover up the bloody holes in my arm soon" Vance replied, shrugging slightly. Although he was in massive pain right now, he wasn't going to look weak in front of some boy "Anyway if we were to fight the real one, we'd most likely know her tactics and knowing is half the battle" Vance sat down, leaning up against a nearby tree, his face starting to slowly lose colour from the blood loss.

( ! ) An arrow of light whizzed past Vance's head. Ryan was currently charging another. This time, not intending to miss
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus twirled her and held her closer. "My day has been so exciting! I did just help kill a crazy demon. A rank higher I am"
Jasmine blushed. "That's sounds like a lot more fun then my day. I haven't heard from Derek sense the experiments but he's probably just mad."
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine blushed. "That's sounds like a lot more fun then my day. I haven't heard from Derek sense the experiments but he's probably just mad."
Morpheus kissed her head gently. "I hope he didn't die. Ryan is notorious for going too far. Mind if I go inside of you? And discover the problem." Morpheus took that intentional pause, looking her naughtily while saying it, before going back to serious. "I can make sure he's a okay"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus kissed her head gently. "I hope he didn't die. Ryan is notorious for going too far. Mind if I go inside of you? And discover the problem." Morpheus took that intentional pause, looking her naughtily while saying it, before going back to serious. "I can make sure he's a okay"
Jasmine blushed even more. "Um sure go ahead." Derek was I the back of her mind he was sitting silently waiting for Jasmine to fall asleep.
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine blushed even more. "Um sure go ahead." Derek was I the back of her mind he was sitting silently waiting for Jasmine to fall asleep.
Morpheus closed his eyes and focused, entering her mind and walking around. "Oh Derekkkk where aaaaare you? Jazzie is worried. Hey jazzie can you hear me? I'm going to guess yes. Dereeeeeek where are you?!"

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