Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
"Yay an adventure."" She said sarcastically.she and the knight and dragon walked into the pitch blackness,only the demon being able to see.

"So right now I can see that this will be a quiet, awkward, and long walk so,why don't I tell you a story.YAY! (Rolls eyes) long ago a girl named Samantha,who was had 3 friends with her, Jill,Lauren and Mandy.the four lived in a beach side town that had little people living there ,the town had lived in fear of a cave called Sin Cave,every one that entered died.so the four decided to check out the cave to see if the stories were true.when the entered they were greeted by the sound of screams filling the halls.rocks fell blocking the exit.every one exesept one fell to the ground crying, it was Samantha.she had a pure heart,and did not give into the corruption.the devil demanded for her to give up but she just refused.so the devil yelled saying that if she would not give in she would be a demon that kills.darkness filled the room and she lost all her thought.she had.....killed her friends,ate their souls.the devil pleased with her work said she may do what she wants,and he would give her locations of people he wanted dead that she could kill.feeling lost and lonely she did his biding for years,her heart having been pure before she gained control but.....it was hard to keep it when she was hungry for souls,she was trapped in a world of darkness waiting for the cure that is out there in the world waiting for her." She felt a tear fall down her cheek behind her mak,she was glad that the knight would not see it.she continued walking through the halls of flesh.

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LokiofSP said:
Jayn took back her hand, frowning at the child killer comment, deciding to save it for later, she smiled once more, "Oh yeah, I'm a complete and total piece of shit! I'm taking it by your comments and nature that you're an ex-lover right? He broke your heart or something? Yep, going with that!"

Behind her, Fola covered his mouth with his hands, eventually clearing his throat and turning back to to the woman, "So uh, sorry about that. We going soon?"

@Light @GingerBread
"No. Not really. He was kind of a little bitch anyway. Don't know how he stood up, considering he didn't have a spine. Nothing I hate more than people with no assertiveness. But assuming you're not just a piece of shit I would presume that you are a witch or a similar magical creature. You look human, so I can probably narrow it down to demon, werewolf or a vampire. Though you look decently human, so maybe not a full vampire. So half vampire, half demon, witch or werewolf. Let me know if those are close" Vance smirked as he created another chair out of darkness and sat down. "And I wouldn't recommend pissing me off. I only need the smallest of reasons to gut you like a pig. Even if I do have more pressing concerns at the moment, I can still take five seconds out of my life to end yours"

@Light @LokiofSP (Last post. I promise )
LokiofSP said:
Jayn took back her hand, frowning at the child killer comment, deciding to save it for later, she smiled once more, "Oh yeah, I'm a complete and total piece of shit! I'm taking it by your comments and nature that you're an ex-lover right? He broke your heart or something? Yep, going with that!"

Behind her, Fola covered his mouth with his hands, eventually clearing his throat and turning back to to the woman, "So uh, sorry about that. We going soon?"

@Light @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
Vance glanced at her hand, ignoring it he looked up at her face "Oh, did he now? Well I tell you that he's a child murdering sociopath. I mean I left him with a child for like an hour. I come back and she's dead. He claims it was the devil himself who killed her. I think he needs to be locked up" Vance shrugged "But I don't really care, that child must've been weak if he killed it. I'm sure that a newborn would be better in a fight than him. Though I bet he's like a newborn in emotional temperament as well. Would explain why he relies on drinking. Though if you're friends with him, then you must be equally as bad" Vance smirked at Jayn "I'll bet my left nut that I could beat you both in a fight. I mean he's a shitty half witch, so what are you? Half werewolf? Half dog? Complete piece of shit?"
@Light @LokiofSP
Vance could see himself far away from the castle inside a crater. The entire areas sense of time was frozen except for Vance's. Roman had punched Vance so swiftly Vance's nervous system couldn't pick up on it fast enough. Roman appears above Vance, choking him while at the same time making his soul rot away. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are... wait actually I do. Though if you ever talk to Jayn like that ever, I'll do more than simply break both your legs buddy." Roman said what didn't even happen for a reason, it's because at that moment, he stomped on Vance's legs with his astounding strength with enough power to shatter the bones. Roman appears back where he was standing before after notifying medics of Vance's injuries after setting their sense of time back. He releases his abilities grip on everyone else, the only thing they would notice is that Vance was gone and two minutes passed. The medics reach Vance and begin to heal him. Roman approaches Fola with a smile, "I'm Roman. Who are you?"

The woman watches the events occur with an internal smile.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer extended his hands to them and smiled. "Simply for Isabel, as always. After I've done what I want you're welcome to spllt again I don't care. Help your old grand father out"
The split personalities seemed confused on what they should do. "How do we know that you aren't lying to us?"

Light said:
Vance could see himself far away from the castle inside a crater. The entire areas sense of time was frozen except for Vance's. Roman had punched Vance so swiftly Vance's nervous system couldn't pick up on it fast enough. Roman appears above Vance, choking him while at the same time making his soul rot away. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are... wait actually I do. Though if you ever talk to Jayn like that ever, I'll do more than simply break both your legs buddy." Roman said what didn't even happen for a reason, it's because at that moment, he stomped on Vance's legs with his astounding strength with enough power to shatter the bones. Roman appears back where he was standing before after notifying medics of Vance's injuries after setting their sense of time back. He releases his abilities grip on everyone else, the only thing they would notice is that Vance was gone and two minutes passed. The medics reach Vance and begin to heal him. Roman approaches Fola with a smile, "I'm Roman. Who are you?"
(You know I wanted to sleep. I really did. *Sigh* :P )

"You know what. I wasn't even going to touch her. She's dead now. Don't even give a shit." Once Vance was healed he teleported back to Fola using the guild Symbol and stalked into the shadows, muffling himself as he did. "Game time now kiddies. Oi you, bitch girl. I challenge you to a fight. I win, I get to kill you. You win, well you can have whatever the fuck you want. How does that sound? Oh and if your little time stopping boyfriend gets involved I'll make sure you die. Cause this is a warning. I'll let the whole guild know, I know your name. Jayn. I heard Fola say it. But I felt my soul go weird. So that must mean you're little boyfriend is a reaper. And well he's not allowed to get involved. It's the rules. Now if he does. I'll tell the guild and get them to notify Grimm. And he'll probably just kill him. But I can't speak for him can I? Actually" Vance looks up to the sky, though he's invisible so the gesture goes unnoticed "Yo! Grimm. I need a favour. It's a small one don't worry and I'll even bet it will benefit you. So come on down!" Vance shouted as he stepped out of the shadows.

( ! ) Vance placed a blade up against Jayn's neck, making sure it was digging it slightly, The slightest movement, Vance's or someone else's, would cause Jayn's windpipe and most of her throat to be sliced open and she would start bleeding. Even if she didn't die she would go through massive amounts of pain for her trouble
"See. Bitch boy reaper. I don't like being told what I can and Can't do. Fucking no one has that power over me. So this bitch is going to die"

@Light @LokiofSP (I'm sorry about this)
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GingerBread said:
(You know I wanted to sleep. I really did. *Sigh* :P )
"You know what. I wasn't even going to touch her. She's dead now. Don't even give a shit." Once Vance was healed he teleported back to Fola using the guild Symbol and stalked into the shadows, muffling himself as he did. "Game time now kiddies. Oi you, bitch girl. I challenge you to a fight. I win, I get to kill you. You win, well you can have whatever the fuck you want. How does that sound? Oh and if your little time stopping boyfriend gets involved I'll make sure you die. Cause this is a warning. I'll let the whole guild know, I know your name. Jayn. I heard Fola say it. But I felt my soul go weird. So that must mean you're little boyfriend is a reaper. And well he's not allowed to get involved. It's the rules. Now if he does. I'll tell the guild and get them to notify Grimm. And he'll probably just kill him. But I can't speak for him can I? Actually" Vance looks up to the sky, though he's invisible so the gesture goes unnoticed "Yo! Grimm. I need a favour. It's a small one don't worry and I'll even bet it will benefit you. So come on down!" Vance shouted as he stepped out of the shadows.

( ! ) Vance placed a blade up against Jayn's neck, making sure it was digging it slightly, The slightest movement, Vance's or someone else's, would cause Jayn's windpipe and most of her throat to be sliced open and she would start bleeding. Even if she didn't die she would go through massive amounts of pain for her trouble
"See. Bitch boy reaper. I don't like being told what I can and Can't do. Fucking no one has that power over me. So this bitch is going to die"

@Light @LokiofSP (I'm sorry about this)

LokiofSP said:
(Blame Light! I just did what Vance would do in that situation. I WAS GOING TO GO TO SLEEP! ;-; )
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(Sorry about this @GingerBread, you gotta understand, this is me just trying to play fair and not getting my characters killed to death)

Jayn herself paused, for just a moment, taking notice of the knife and just how deep it was going in. For once, she didn't speak, she couldn't after all.(!) Couldn't risk the knife slicing her neck or something because she tried to have a cool comeback, so instead she took out one of her pistols and put it right next to Vance's crotch discreetly, sure he COULD slice her throat, but she'd been at a similar gig for years now, and even if he was fast, she was willing to bet that at the very least, she'd be fast enough to get a shot through his testicles first. Which would be nice...

Fola's eyes widened his teeth gritting under his closed his eyes, taking in a few breaths. There was no way he'd be able to teleport behind Vance and get to him, not fast enough to stop him anyways. The witch boy shook slightly, wondering if maybe he could go for his sword...Maybe if he rushed forward fast enough...No, there was nothing he could do! Any attack he went for either wasn't quick enough or would hurt Jayn as well! His knuckles went white as he clutched his sword, his hand shaking, "Vance...Please...Don't do this! I just found her again! DON'T make me lose another one...Or else I will gut you like a fucking fish..."

@GingerBread @Light (RIP Vance's testicles, that's a win in my book ;P)
LokiofSP said:
(Sorry about this @GingerBread, you gotta understand, this is me just trying to play fair and not getting my characters killed to death)
Jayn herself paused, for just a moment, taking notice of the knife and just how deep it was going in. For once, she didn't speak, she couldn't after all.(!) Couldn't risk the knife slicing her neck or something because she tried to have a cool comeback, so instead she took out one of her pistols and put it right next to Vance's crotch discreetly, sure he COULD slice her throat, but she'd been at a similar gig for years now, and even if he was fast, she was willing to bet that at the very least, she'd be fast enough to get a shot through his testicles first. Which would be nice...

Fola's eyes widened his teeth gritting under his closed his eyes, taking in a few breaths. There was no way he'd be able to teleport behind Vance and get to him, not fast enough to stop him anyways. The witch boy shook slightly, wondering if maybe he could go for his sword...Maybe if he rushed forward fast enough...No, there was nothing he could do! Any attack he went for either wasn't quick enough or would hurt Jayn as well! His knuckles went white as he clutched his sword, his hand shaking, "Vance...Please...Don't do this! I just found her again! DON'T make me lose another one...Or else I will gut you like a fucking fish..."

@GingerBread @Light (RIP Vance's testicles, that's a win in my book ;P)
"You wanna know something interesting. As a reaper, he can see past, present and future. That means he knew how and when you died. But by getting involved. He changed everything. Ever heard of the butterfly effect? How one small thing can have drastic consequences. So because he decided to get involved. He changed fucking everything. So if you want someone to blame Fola Blame her little bitch of a boyfriend. That's what I love about destiny. One idiot can fuck it up. I'm merely going along with it. So I'm sorry, but this has to happen. I didn't want to do this. But. I'm sure many of the germans didn't want to die. Shit happens eh?" Vance smirked as he forcibly tilted Jayn's head up and dug the blade slightly deeper in her throat causing the threat of either of them moving even slightly to become more dangerous. Vance also bound the Dagger to his hand using thousands of tendrils of darkness, so it couldn't be knocked out of his hand either.

"But the thing is. I don't really want to kill you. I'd get nothing out of it. Cause your little bitch of a boyfriend would probably break the rules and bring you back. But on the bright side. You'd get to die twice. Cause that isn't going to go unnoticed, is it? Bringing someone back to life, outside of the castle that the reapers seem to surround. That's going to raise some red flags, isn't it?" Vance let out a shaky sigh "But. You must understand, that I have to kill you now. Because if I don't kill you and just let you go. Your boyfriend will kill me. And I'll achieve the same effect if I kill you. But I'd be taking out the both of you." Vance looked over at Fola, keeping one eye on Jayn "Tell me Fola. How much is her life worth to you? Because your going to lose it because of him, her little reaper boyfriend. She would've been fine if he didn't get involved. But butterfly effect and all that. So I'll give you a chance to say goodbye. See I'm not completely heartless. Just mostly" Vance smirked at fola and waited for him to say goodbye, but he kept the dagger firmly up against Jayn's throat.

@LokiofSP @Light (You caused this Light ;-;. Also Loki. Speed of darkness, apparently even fast than light. Combined with Vance's natural speed, She might be able to slightly graze Vance :P But I'm serious, I can't get out of this without Vance dying. But he won't go out without taking someone with him. Move that dagger even slightly and she's dead D: )
(Man, I had plans for her to! I was JUST starting to really get into the flow of writing her and everything! She was JUST starting to get REALLY super fun for me!)

Fola shook in rage, "Vance, no matter WHAT you do you don't win this fight...You kill her, you just said her...Friend over there is a Reaper, you kill her, she comes back to life and YOU die...Twice...because I WILL make him bring you back to life so I can kill you MYSELF..." He was serious as well. Jayn wasn't just his best friend, she was literally the first person he'd mat that gave a shit about him, he'd cut her out of his life and regretted it the moment he had... He would fucking do it...

@GingerBread @Light
Light said:
Vance could see himself far away from the castle inside a crater. The entire areas sense of time was frozen except for Vance's. Roman had punched Vance so swiftly Vance's nervous system couldn't pick up on it fast enough. Roman appears above Vance, choking him while at the same time making his soul rot away. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are... wait actually I do. Though if you ever talk to Jayn like that ever, I'll do more than simply break both your legs buddy." Roman said what didn't even happen for a reason, it's because at that moment, he stomped on Vance's legs with his astounding strength with enough power to shatter the bones. Roman appears back where he was standing before after notifying medics of Vance's injuries after setting their sense of time back. He releases his abilities grip on everyone else, the only thing they would notice is that Vance was gone and two minutes passed. The medics reach Vance and begin to heal him. Roman approaches Fola with a smile, "I'm Roman. Who are you?"
The woman watches the events occur with an internal smile.

The split personalities seemed confused on what they should do. "How do we know that you aren't lying to us?"

"Simple. I could give a fuck what she or any of you do after I've accomplished my plans. I just want to actually you know. ACCOMPLISH MY PLANS! After that? Do whatever floats your boat"
GingerBread said:
"You wanna know something interesting. As a reaper, he can see past, present and future. That means he knew how and when you died. But by getting involved. He changed everything. Ever heard of the butterfly effect? How one small thing can have drastic consequences. So because he decided to get involved. He changed fucking everything. So if you want someone to blame Fola Blame her little bitch of a boyfriend. That's what I love about destiny. One idiot can fuck it up. I'm merely going along with it. So I'm sorry, but this has to happen. I didn't want to do this. But. I'm sure many of the germans didn't want to die. Shit happens eh?" Vance smirked as he forcibly tilted Jayn's head up and dug the blade slightly deeper in her throat causing the threat of either of them moving even slightly to become more dangerous. Vance also bound the Dagger to his hand using thousands of tendrils of darkness, so it couldn't be knocked out of his hand either.

"But the thing is. I don't really want to kill you. I'd get nothing out of it. Cause your little bitch of a boyfriend would probably break the rules and bring you back. But on the bright side. You'd get to die twice. Cause that isn't going to go unnoticed, is it? Bringing someone back to life, outside of the castle that the reapers seem to surround. That's going to raise some red flags, isn't it?" Vance let out a shaky sigh "But. You must understand, that I have to kill you now. Because if I don't kill you and just let you go. Your boyfriend will kill me. And I'll achieve the same effect if I kill you. But I'd be taking out the both of you." Vance looked over at Fola, keeping one eye on Jayn "Tell me Fola. How much is her life worth to you? Because your going to lose it because of him, her little reaper boyfriend. She would've been fine if he didn't get involved. But butterfly effect and all that. So I'll give you a chance to say goodbye. See I'm not completely heartless. Just mostly" Vance smirked at fola and waited for him to say goodbye, but he kept the dagger firmly up against Jayn's throat.

@LokiofSP @Light (You caused this Light ;-;. Also Loki. Speed of darkness, apparently even fast than light. Combined with Vance's natural speed, She might be able to slightly graze Vance :P But I'm serious, I can't get out of this without Vance dying. But he won't go out without taking someone with him. Move that dagger even slightly and she's dead D: )
LokiofSP said:
(Man, I had plans for her to! I was JUST starting to really get into the flow of writing her and everything! She was JUST starting to get REALLY super fun for me!)
Fola shook in rage, "Vance, no matter WHAT you do you don't win this fight...You kill her, you just said her...Friend over there is a Reaper, you kill her, she comes back to life and YOU die...Twice...because I WILL make him bring you back to life so I can kill you MYSELF..." He was serious as well. Jayn wasn't just his best friend, she was literally the first person he'd mat that gave a shit about him, he'd cut her out of his life and regretted it the moment he had... He would fucking do it...

@GingerBread @Light
The woman before them looks at Roman and smiles. Roman catches her drift and opens up his arm to a position in which he's holding someone by his side. ALl of Vance's darkness powers seem to disappear as well as the tendrils and knife. Jayn's body becomes resistant to damage and appears in Romans extended arm, allowing him to hold her by his side.

"I am Abyssum....Deity of Darkness, younger sister of Grimm." She stares at Vance and turns around, causing Fola and Vance to walk after her uncontrollably. "You want information on Isabel but now that I've seen how you all act." She casts a glare at even Roman. "Do you even deserve it?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
"Simple. I could give a fuck what she or any of you do after I've accomplished my plans. I just want to actually you know. ACCOMPLISH MY PLANS! After that? Do whatever floats your boat"
Ashlyn sighs and extends her hands, Morgan and Alexandria take her hands. They were preparing.
Light said:
The woman before them looks at Roman and smiles. Roman catches her drift and opens up his arm to a position in which he's holding someone by his side. ALl of Vance's darkness powers seem to disappear as well as the tendrils and knife. Jayn's body becomes resistant to damage and appears in Romans extended arm, allowing him to hold her by his side.
"I am Abyssum....Deity of Darkness, younger sister of Grimm." She stares at Vance and turns around, causing Fola and Vance to walk after her uncontrollably. "You want information on Isabel but now that I've seen how you all act." She casts a glare at even Roman. "Do you even deserve it?"
"I don't see your point. I'm an assassin, it's my job to kill people, if everyone dies, I'm even more out of a job than I am right now. And I don't deserve shit. But if you don't want to give us information so we can do something about it. I recommend getting up off of your arse and doing it yourself. If you don't want to do that. Tell us How to. Sound good? Good?" Vance shook his head and sighed heavily "Oi Fola. I wasn't going to kill her, just needed to teach old bitch boy, that he can't do whatever he wants without consequences, People will target people you care about. If I wanted to kill her I wouldn't have given her a chance. But in the future. Remember, people like me. They have no morals, they don't care how they kill people or hurt them, just so long as they do. Those are the sort of people you want to kill when you meet them"

@LokiofSP @Light
Light said:
The woman before them looks at Roman and smiles. Roman catches her drift and opens up his arm to a position in which he's holding someone by his side. ALl of Vance's darkness powers seem to disappear as well as the tendrils and knife. Jayn's body becomes resistant to damage and appears in Romans extended arm, allowing him to hold her by his side.
"I am Abyssum....Deity of Darkness, younger sister of Grimm." She stares at Vance and turns around, causing Fola and Vance to walk after her uncontrollably. "You want information on Isabel but now that I've seen how you all act." She casts a glare at even Roman. "Do you even deserve it?"

Ashlyn sighs and extends her hands, Morgan and Alexandria take her hands. They were preparing.
Luci looked at them and tilted his head. "Alice? Christina? Join the hand holding intimacy circle"
Fola moved forward with his teeth clenched, throwing Vance dirty looks occasionally, but he looked at the woman, "I'm sorry miss, I'm just very protective of her...She and I have a very...Close history to say the least. But we NEED that info, I could give less of a shit about what you think about Vance! But know that I am a man with the best interests of my world at heart! I am a paw- No...I'm apart of a FAMILY, even if we butt heads sometimes, we're a damn family! And that families duty in the world is to protect it, so as long as I'm in this damn family, I'll do my damn job! And right now, my job is knowing about Isabel, so I NEED to know..."

He turned to Vance, "Okay fine, 'brother' just know that if you get five feet NEAR her, I'm going to fucking CASTRATE you and make you and feed you your own dick! That is a damn promise..."

Jayn collapsed, taking in a breath she'd been holding in as tears threatened to come from her eyes. She'd literally been a breath away from death, the slightest twitch away from having her head being removed. She shook, feeling bile begin to rise from her stomach. She's been CLOSE to death before, but never that close...She had felt the steel in her neck, she'd seen the pain in her eyes as a man she considered closer than family had practically released all hope that she would live... She buried her head in Roman, just for a moment so she could gather herself...

@Light @GingerBread
LokiofSP said:
Fola moved forward with his teeth clenched, throwing Vance dirty looks occasionally, but he looked at the woman, "I'm sorry miss, I'm just very protective of her...She and I have a very...Close history to say the least. But we NEED that info, I could give less of a shit about what you think about Vance! But know that I am a man with the best interests of my world at heart! I am a paw- No...I'm apart of a FAMILY, even if we butt heads sometimes, we're a damn family! And that families duty in the world is to protect it, so as long as I'm in this damn family, I'll do my damn job! And right now, my job is knowing about Isabel, so I NEED to know..."

He turned to Vance, "Okay fine, 'brother' just know that if you get five feet NEAR her, I'm going to fucking CASTRATE you and make you and feed you your own dick! That is a damn promise..."

Jayn collapsed, taking in a breath she'd been holding in as tears threatened to come from her eyes. She'd literally been a breath away from death, the slightest twitch away from having her head being removed. She shook, feeling bile begin to rise from her stomach. She's been CLOSE to death before, but never that close...She had felt the steel in her neck, she'd seen the pain in her eyes as a man she considered closer than family had practically released all hope that she would live... She buried her head in Roman, just for a moment so she could gather herself...

@Light @GingerBread
"Don't. Don't call me brother, just weird man. And As long as she's got her little bitch boy following her I'm not going to. don't worry through, If I want to kill any of you I'll challenge you to a fight. You guys have earnt my respect, you get that much at least. You get to know you're going to die before it happens." Vance smirked at at Fola before turning his attention back to the woman "So which one is it? You getting off your arse and doing something? Or telling us so we can do something?"

@LokiofSP @Light (Gonna go sleep for realsy this time :P Don't post anything cool that will make me come back before I go to sleep :P )
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@Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t @Daimao @metalcity @Fluffykitty9000 @Nova King )

DizjayDeathPride said:
Luci looked at them and tilted his head. "Alice? Christina? Join the hand holding intimacy circle"
Alice and Christina join the hand holding circle with the other split personalities, their orbs float away from Julie and phases into their bodies. They all glow and emit a beam of power from their chests, forming Isabel's orb. Every realm begins to quake heavily, every aspect of them, including reality. The barrier Ashlyn set up goes down as a plume of power erupts from thee center of the circle. The split personalities were dragged into the orb completely, once they were the orb begins to spin rapidly, absorbing more power from the realm. The orb stops after absorbing enough and floats still, emitting a white gas. This white gas begins to form in the sky as well, generating its own form of lightning. A lightning bolt strikes the orb and an explosion only a high up supernatural being could survive spreads forth from the orb. There was a purple dust cloud with sparks of energy, mana, and witch mana spreading through it. Isabel stood in the center where her orb once was and opens her eyes, causing the dust cloud to sink into her body. She was at the age of 22, no clothes but still has some of the energy gas on and around her body so she wouldn't be seen. She makes eye contant with Lucifer and frowns immediately, "I'd like clothes...suitable clothes......clothes." Isabel whispers the last one to herself as if the term was slowly becoming alien to her. "Wait....no...I can do it myself." Isabel was trying to adjust to the world around her, it was all confusing. The gas energy on and around her form into a black and white dress, a black collar, black hoop earings, and a black hair band. "Why do you need me? Why am I here? Where is...the lab.....the lab. I'm older. My memories are....restoring...slowly." Isabel begins to wander off in a slow pace in a random direction. The realms stop quaking and everything reverts back to normal.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7cfde9dd_purpleorb.jpg.1232de7fbe1982c97a2a797d387afd2f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105758" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7cfde9dd_purpleorb.jpg.1232de7fbe1982c97a2a797d387afd2f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abyssum turns around to Vance, Fola, and Roman. "It's too late. It doesn't matter anymore...she's here."

Roman catches Jayn and holds her to him tightly, from what Abyssum just said the end game was near. He didn't care though since he had to focus on Jayn. "It's alright....nothing will hurt you like that ever again. I told you I loved you and that I'd protect you. Hell! I'll even break laws for you Jayn! Nothing but you matters to me. You're my focus now, not my job as a reaper. You have nothing to fear..."

Grimmavus was traveling to find his wife but he felt the sensation. The balance was thrown off, not going to good or bad. He knew Isabel had returned. "No...."



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Ethan followed Roman and Jayn around, tip toeing around and hiding behind multiple surfaces. When he heard Roman say he would break rules for her Ethan started thinking "so if we kill the girl he won't break the rules, that's a great plan. If only I could kill things, and interfere." Ethan sighed and pulled out a fax machine from his pocket, he started to type up what he said and he sent it over to the boss guy.

@Light @LokiofSP
Light said:
At this moment all three of their souls were cut out of their bodies by reapers. This time the reapers weren't joking, the three had no escorts and were trespassing inside the castle. They were about to obliterate their souls as their job commands them to, that was until a voice called out. "Please don't do that to our lovely guests. They're with me....put their souls back in their body." The reapers recognize this voice immediately and set the trio's souls back inside of them.
The woman standing before them smiles as she watches their bodies fill with color. "First off, you owe me. Second off, I know why you're here. Lastly, I won't save you again so stick close and use the front door next time." The woman begins to walk away, down the seemingly endless hallway towards the dinning room. She had a similar aura to Grimm but younger.
As their souls were reaped and was ascending to Babylon Inaro and Cole looked at Crimson with a glare. Crimson just had his same calm face expression. What?? He asked as if it wasn't his fought that there died. Reapers he said. Don't do anything drastic he said. Well look what happened!!!!! He yelled toward Crimson. Wait til we get to Babylon I'm betting your ass. Inaro's silver aura started flowing off of him. Crimson's aura started to flow as he looked at Inaro. Inaro I'm going to beat the leaving shit outta you when we get there. He said calmly as his aura begins to flow off of him. Inaro looks at Cole You reffing this time? Hell no I'm in this shit. I'ma beat both y'all asses Alright so its a free for all then. Hell yeah. Cole's aura begins flowing off of him. We gone rock the hell out of Babylon.

Since the brothers have been arguing for awhile they haven't yet realized that someone had revived them. They stood there in a perfect triangle with their signature auras flowing off of them. Crimson was the first to realized. As Crimson was looking at his brothers he realized the scenery. They were still at the castle. We should've been in Babylon by now right? Yeah. So why are we still in the castle? the brother's aura stopped flowing and they looked around seeing that they were still in the castle. I'm guessing we were revived. Revived huh?? Inaro looked at crimson and dashed towards him. Crimson felt im coming and but up his guard. Inaro punched Crimson's forearm and moving him back an inch or two. You couldn't wait huh? Nope! You're a child Inaro. Cole sniffed the room catching the scent of a girl. He turned in the direction to the girl put two and two together realizing that she was the one to help them. Yo I'm uncultured settle this later we have someone to thank. Crimson and Inaro looked at the girl and waved. @Light
Jackson walked away from the castle and spread his wings he flew to Rocky Mountain again.

Theodore grew bored of walking through out the slaughtered country and teleported to the guild. He went inside and used his guild symbol to connect with Morpheus. "Hey I need something to do this is very boring. Also there's a Grimm out there not like the other and he's recruiting favors. He tried to get me but lost patience and left." @DizjayDeathPride

The man in the masked wondered around bored. He no longer had a job or source of income but luckily he had saved enough money. He saw the cloud and went over to it after the explosion. He saw Lucifer and Isabel but she was older. "Huh it actually worked. I wonder what will happen next." He didn't want to approach her just yet with Lucifer there. @Light
Light said:
@Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t @Daimao @metalcity @Fluffykitty9000 @Nova King )

Alice and Christina join the hand holding circle with the other split personalities, their orbs float away from Julie and phases into their bodies. They all glow and emit a beam of power from their chests, forming Isabel's orb. Every realm begins to quake heavily, every aspect of them, including reality. The barrier Ashlyn set up goes down as a plume of power erupts from thee center of the circle. The split personalities were dragged into the orb completely, once they were the orb begins to spin rapidly, absorbing more power from the realm. The orb stops after absorbing enough and floats still, emitting a white gas. This white gas begins to form in the sky as well, generating its own form of lightning. A lightning bolt strikes the orb and an explosion only a high up supernatural being could survive spreads forth from the orb. There was a purple dust cloud with sparks of energy, mana, and witch mana spreading through it. Isabel stood in the center where her orb once was and opens her eyes, causing the dust cloud to sink into her body. She was at the age of 22, no clothes but still has some of the energy gas on and around her body so she wouldn't be seen. She makes eye contant with Lucifer and frowns immediately, "I'd like clothes...suitable clothes......clothes." Isabel whispers the last one to herself as if the term was slowly becoming alien to her. "Wait....no...I can do it myself." Isabel was trying to adjust to the world around her, it was all confusing. The gas energy on and around her form into a black and white dress, a black collar, black hoop earings, and a black hair band. "Why do you need me? Why am I here? Where is...the lab.....the lab. I'm older. My memories are....restoring...slowly." Isabel begins to wander off in a slow pace in a random direction. The realms stop quaking and everything reverts back to normal.


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Abyssum turns around to Vance, Fola, and Roman. "It's too late. It doesn't matter anymore...she's here."

Roman catches Jayn and holds her to him tightly, from what Abyssum just said the end game was near. He didn't care though since he had to focus on Jayn. "It's alright....nothing will hurt you like that ever again. I told you I loved you and that I'd protect you. Hell! I'll even break laws for you Jayn! Nothing but you matters to me. You're my focus now, not my job as a reaper. You have nothing to fear..."

Grimmavus was traveling to find his wife but he felt the sensation. The balance was thrown off, not going to good or bad. He knew Isabel had returned. "No...."
Lucifer ignored everything she said and stared back into her eyes saying one thing. "I'm sorry."

After a slight pause he sighed almost painfully and continued. "Am I sorry for killing your mother? No. Your scum of a father deserved that. But I am sorry for killing her in front of you. Especially at such an age. Forgive me or don't, I don't really care. Do with that as you please. Thats all I wanted. Now I have something else to take care of. Goodbye grand daughter. If you need me, call."

He waved his hand and behind him, a rift in space opened. He walked backwards inside of it, and left

  • The group could sense each shake in the fabric of reality itself which Isabel emerged. They looked to each other and up to the sky sighing. They were still floating above the land of blood before finally deciding to move somewhere else

    Ryan closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. The call to Morpheus was routed to him and he looked around, having completely forgot about the guild symbol being able to do that. "Oh. Hello Theodore. If entertainment is what you seek we have another objective. Would you like to help me and Decimus or Damian and Richard?"

( @Tazmodo Theo's reply is in TDR )



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DizjayDeathPride said:

  • The group could sense each shake in the fabric of reality itself which Isabel emerged. They looked to each other and up to the sky sighing. They were still floating above the land of blood before finally deciding to move somewhere else

    Ryan closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. The call to Morpheus was routed to him and he looked around, having completely forgot about the guild symbol being able to do that. "Oh. Hello Theodore. If entertainment is what you seek we have another objective. Would you like to help me and Decimus or Damian and Richard?"

( @Tazmodo Theo's reply is in TDR )
Theodore teleported to him. "Well I only know you two. I haven't really met Richard and Damian. So what are we doing then?" He was still bothered by the Grimm but decided to worry about it later.
Light said:
Abyssum turns around to Vance, Fola, and Roman. "It's too late. It doesn't matter anymore...she's here."
Roman catches Jayn and holds her to him tightly, from what Abyssum just said the end game was near. He didn't care though since he had to focus on Jayn. "It's alright....nothing will hurt you like that ever again. I told you I loved you and that I'd protect you. Hell! I'll even break laws for you Jayn! Nothing but you matters to me. You're my focus now, not my job as a reaper. You have nothing to fear..."
"See. I told you, you should've have just told us what we wanted in the first place or got off of your arse. Can you at least tell me where she is? Cause that'd be useful. And if you don't want to tell me. Tell child killer over there, he can go and inform people he trusts. Cause I doubt he's stupid enough to go alone. And well after that whole fiasco. I don't really feel like helping save anyone. Cause i'm sure the bitch boy reaper will handle it. Actually why don't we just send Jayn to fight her? Her bitch of a reaper will break Laws to save her, It's the perfect strategy"

@Light @LokiofSP
Tazmodo said:
Theodore teleported to him. "Well I only know you two. I haven't really met Richard and Damian. So what are we doing then?" He was still bothered by the Grimm but decided to worry about it later.
Ryan shrugged. "Going to the source of everything we've sensed"

"The fun way right?" Morpheus' voice rang to them before he appeared in front of them. "Let's go the fun way. What's the fun way? Well I'm glad you asked! The fun way is simple. We turn facing one direction. And we extend our hands like so"


"And we appear in front of the source! With absolutely no warning"

Morpheus tilted his hat and walked up to Isabel. "Why hello ma'am. Might I say you look positively radiant. Don't tell me. Isabella Van Fen'rir, correct? My name is Morpheus Galizur." He tipped his hat and bowed to her. "These lovely 5 people behind me are my The Dragon's Rawriors. Which reminds me. You 4. Deal with the guild. Damian get a mass press release. Im going to speak to the nation. Richard... Stay out of everything. You need to gain control over the reaper realm. I'm sure an entire country's death had to have some negative effect." He looked back to Isabel and chuckled, shrugging. "C'est la vie et cela ne change rien, je suis droit?" He looked back to Decimus and pointed. "You and Ryan go handle the guild itself. Break!" As he clapped, the four left him and Theo

He smiled to Isabel and bowed once more. "I apologize for the interruption. Are you preoccupied?"
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If he could, Fola would've punched Vance in the face. But instead he released a shaky breath and counted to ten, "So there's nothing we can do? Um...Look...If you tell Vance and I where the situation is going on, Vance can go get killed, which should buy us thirty seconds. Meanwhile I can go tell the people who don't know and we can prepare...Something? I don't know what to do...We can't kill her but... Doing anything else might not work..."

Jayn sniffled slightly, she realized just how much Roman cared about her...It was, slightly creepy, yet somehow cute...If she could get over the fact that it was slightly creepy. She laughed slightly and pushed off Roman, looking in his eyes, "If we can do something to survive and not be killed by Isabel, I may just have to take you up on that date you asked me about..."

She rubbed he neck, wiping off the thin trail of blood next to the cut on it,
"But right now I'd rather the world didn't blow up, I still have allot of things I need it for...Like living...Oh, and I also have to get back at what's his face bitch boy over there..." She pointed at Vance.

@GingerBread @Light

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