Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
"That depends....Will you owe me two favours you cannot deny to know?"
( They all left Germany already. )
Theodore looked at him. "Before I decide to take that one sided offer or not. I mean a question? For a favor like that? But what I want to ask is...... what kind of Grimm are you?" Theodore knew that there were several Grimm's and none as serious as this one. He felt uneasy.

(God damn it where did everybody go)
LokiofSP said:
(All of them :P )

Jayn turned around to face Roman, planting the scythe in the ground she looked him in his eyes, "Who is Isabel? They said something about her doing all this...Is this what you're bringing me along for? Am I supposed to stop this or something? This just all seems to...Hardcore for me, ya know? I hunt people and take their hair and things, I don't stop whatever she is..."

"Isabel is a living tragedy of a Van Fen'rir. Personally I don't know what the hell is going on in her head but she needs to be stopped. No that was not my intention but if this is too much for you I don't blame you." Roman exits his reaper form and takes his human form. "I won't force you to stay here any longer or do anything you don't want to. I can take you somewhere to avoid all of this....of course just know if you go I'll be going with you." Roman stares at Jayn with determined eyes and takes her hand in his once more, waiting on her decision. Based off her decision they would appear there.

LokiofSP said:
Fola didn't skip a beat, "Isabel Van Fen'rir, what happened to her? Tell us what you know... Please, i-it's important..."

GingerBread said:
"I want to know how to stop her from destroying the entirety of existence. So you can tell me how to do that, or you can tell me how to kill her. Either one works" Vance shrugged "So yeah, I want a list of her weaknesses. and a sandwich if you've got the time. I haven't eaten all day"
@LokiofSP @Light
The servant wasn't too informed on the situation regarding Isabel. He also didn't know whom either of them were. He closes the door and runs off. He does come back with a sandwich for Vance but after that he leaves with the doors locked.

Someone was watching them in the darkness, not really caring if they were detected.

Embaga Elder]As the trio stood in the hallsways of Van Fen'rir Castle they felt an ominous feeling coming towards them. Crimson knew what it was but the others didn't. [COLOR=#b30000]Reapers. [/COLOR][COLOR=#808080]What?[/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3]Reapers?? [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000]Is that not what I said. Don't do anything drastic. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]The trio stood there as the ominous feeling got closer. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
At this moment all three of their souls were cut out of their bodies by reapers. This time the reapers weren't joking, the three had no escorts and were trespassing inside the castle. They were about to obliterate their souls as their job commands them to, that was until a voice called out. "Please don't do that to our lovely guests. They're with me....put their souls back in their body." The reapers recognize this voice immediately and set the trio's souls back inside of them.

The woman standing before them smiles as she watches their bodies fill with color. "First off, you owe me. Second off, I know why you're here. Lastly, I won't save you again so stick close and use the front door next time." The woman begins to walk away, down the seemingly endless hallway towards the dinning room. She had a similar aura to Grimm but younger.

Tazmodo said:
Theodore looked at him. "Before I decide to take that one sided offer or not. I mean a question? For a favor like that? But what I want to ask is...... what kind of Grimm are you?" Theodore knew that there were several Grimm's and none as serious as this one. He felt uneasy.
(God damn it where did everybody go)
"Business Grimm and time is money. You must hurry."

( Van Fen'rir castle. )
Light said:
"Isabel is a living tragedy of a Van Fen'rir. Personally I don't know what the hell is going on in her head but she needs to be stopped. No that was not my intention but if this is too much for you I don't blame you." Roman exits his reaper form and takes his human form. "I won't force you to stay here any longer or do anything you don't want to. I can take you somewhere to avoid all of this....of course just know if you go I'll be going with you." Roman stares at Jayn with determined eyes and takes her hand in his once more, waiting on her decision. Based off her decision they would appear there.
The servant wasn't too informed on the situation regarding Isabel. He also didn't know whom either of them were. He closes the door and runs off. He does come back with a sandwich for Vance but after that he leaves with the doors locked.

Someone was watching them in the darkness, not really caring if they were detected.

At this moment all three of their souls were cut out of their bodies by reapers. This time the reapers weren't joking, the three had no escorts and were trespassing inside the castle. They were about to obliterate their souls as their job commands them to, that was until a voice called out. "Please don't do that to our lovely guests. They're with me....put their souls back in their body." The reapers recognize this voice immediately and set the trio's souls back inside of them.

The woman standing before them smiles as she watches their bodies fill with color. "First off, you owe me. Second off, I know why you're here. Lastly, I won't save you again so stick close and use the front door next time." The woman begins to walk away, down the seemingly endless hallway towards the dinning room. She had a similar aura to Grimm but younger.

"Business Grimm and time is money. You must hurry."

( Van Fen'rir castle. )
Theodore thought for a moment. "One silly question doesn't seem to be worth a debt of that magnitude especially sense you are business Grimm and obviously you intend on using this debt for your own benefit. Wat else can you offer me?"

(Sending him now)

Jackson flew to the castle to go see how Emily was doing. He knocked on the door not wanting to die for just walking in.
Light said:
The servant wasn't too informed on the situation regarding Isabel. He also didn't know whom either of them were. He closes the door and runs off. He does come back with a sandwich for Vance but after that he leaves with the doors locked.
Someone was watching them in the darkness, not really caring if they were detected.
"Well I would say he was useless, but I've got a sandwich now. Let the end of the world come, I don't mind" Vance created a chair out of the darkness and sat down and took a bite out of his sandwich "So, you wanna come out of the shadows? I mean, you really think you can hide in there from someone who's hidden in shadows for most of his life? I mean I could be wrong there could be no one there. But I'm hardly wrong." Vance created two more seats out of Darkness "Take a seat child killer. and you new person, or you can stay in the shadows makes no odds to me, I've got a sandwich" Vance took another bite out of his sandwich and leaned back in his chair.

@LokiofSP @Light

Fola sighed, "Oh fuck me... Alright you product of incest, stand back..." Fola pushed Vance out of the way and took allot of steps back. He put his hands to his sides and produced blasts of electricity to send him flying forward at high speeds, building up momentum, he turned in the air and sent himself shoulder first through the door. He pushed himself up and dusted off his jacket to see Vance sitting down. Having not listened to a thing he'd said, he raised a brow and gestured to the door, "Hey, your highness, door's open..."

@Light @GingerBread


Jayn looked around, her eyes looking everywhere on the ground. She eventually gave a much smaller smile than usual and looked up at Roman, "Dammit...As sacred as I am, you piqued my intreats...I need to see how this story ends..." She turned to the scythe in the ground, yanking it up and holding it as she got ready to go, "Bring me somewhere where I can find out more about this... Wherever I need to go..."

LokiofSP said:
Fola sighed, "Oh fuck me... Alright you product of incest, stand back..." Fola pushed Vance out of the way and took allot of steps back. He put his hands to his sides and produced blasts of electricity to send him flying forward at high speeds, building up momentum, he turned in the air and sent himself shoulder first through the door. He pushed himself up and dusted off his jacket to see Vance sitting down. Having not listened to a thing he'd said, he raised a brow and gestured to the door, "Hey, your highness, door's open..."
@Light @GingerBread
"Yeah you go in, I'm sure they'll take kindly to you breaking their stuff. I'm sure they won't try to kill you. And I haven't finished eating either. Also so fiesty with the insults. Tell me, do you actually have a problem with me, or with yourself? Cause in my experience, people only insult other people for two things. 1, they're insecure about themselves. And two, They want to start a fight. I'm thinking you fall more into group one." Vance shrugged and took another bite out of his sandwich, chewing it for as long as possible before swallowing "Anyway, you go in. I mean it's not like we got a note that told us where this place is, from a reaper or anything. I'm sure you'll be fine"

@LokiofSP @Light
Light said:
( How many reapers does she have under her belt now? )
The reapers were cut down and died. The spirit backing away from Jayn turns white and runs.

Roman floats over after finishing whatever business he had to focus on. "So what happened?"

"Well...we are magical girls...we should respect his wishes." Ashlyn speaks up first and the other two agree with her. They remove the curse and the spell, allowing Lucifer to fall freely from the Ferris wheel.

Fola and Vance were kindly greeted by a servant of the Van Fen'rir castle at the large front cathedral doors. "Hello...how may I help you?"

( ! ) Inaro, Crimson, and Cole could feel something ominous coming their way.

Lucifer floated down and sucked his wings back in, going back to normal. "Well if you're in a wish respecting mood, hurry along and fuse together for me"
"I wouldn't usually do this, but considering who we're dealing with and what we can do, I feel it's necessary... Also I insult you because I feel as if it relives allot of the stress you give me, and while I would usually just show you every reason that you're a waste of human space, I'm really trying to be nicer here. So I'm going with things that hit just a LITTLE bit further away from home..." He stretched his arms and looked at Vance, "Come on, I'm not THAT dumb. If I go in there, I'm going to need some backup, so get off your ass. That's an order from a Beta by the way..."

@GingerBread (sorry this took so long, you probably know why it did)
LokiofSP said:
"I wouldn't usually do this, but considering who we're dealing with and what we can do, I feel it's necessary... Also I insult you because I feel as if it relives allot of the stress you give me, and while I would usually just show you every reason that you're a waste of human space, I'm really trying to be nicer here. So I'm going with things that hit just a LITTLE bit further away from home..." He stretched his arms and looked at Vance, "Come on, I'm not THAT dumb. If I go in there, I'm going to need some backup, so get off your ass. That's an order from a Beta by the way..."

@GingerBread (sorry this took so long, you probably know why it did)
"You should know by now I'd don't take orders. I'm under no obligation to either and while you may be a higher Rank. I could still kick your arse. And I wouldn't bother trying to be nice to me. If you can offend me, then I'll give you Thor's hammer or something" Vance leaned forwards in his chair "And I understand you're a bit slow. So I'll try to say thing slowly this time. We got this location, from a reaper. You know, the things that can kill pretty much anything." Vance shrugged "Also there's still someone in the shadows out here. And I'm not sure about you, but why would someone be hiding in the shadows around this place if they were with us? And if they're not with us, they could probably kill us if they're here"

@LokiofSP @Light
Fola smirked, "Then you better hand over that hammer, because I've already gotten you steamed as all hell...You're welcome, by the way, for that time I helped you with Ashyln despite what a prick you were being. Also, allow me to be clear when I tell you that I am not slow, I understand what's in that house, but I CAN'T be afraid... This is what WE signed up for, so spooky house or not, we're going i- Wait, somebodies watching us?"

@GingerBread @Light
LokiofSP said:
Fola smirked, "Then you better hand over that hammer, because I've already gotten you steamed as all hell...You're welcome, by the way, for that time I helped you with Ashyln despite what a prick you were being. Also, allow me to be clear when I tell you that I am not slow, I understand what's in that house, but I CAN'T be afraid... This is what WE signed up for, so spooky house or not, we're going i- Wait, somebodies watching us?"

@GingerBread @Light
"Did you? I feel remarkably calm right now. And I've got a sandwich, so my days going pretty good. I didn't want any help with Ashlyn before. Did you see me fighting back? No, not until other people got involved. I knew she wouldn't kill me, otherwise she wouldn't have even given me a chance. And I didn't sign up for this. I didn't sign anything actually. I joined this guild to destroy it from the inside. But I ended up killing my employers, so that went to shit" Vance leaned back in his chair once again and finished his sandwich "And yeah, someone is watching us. When you've been an assassin as long as I have, you tend to gain a sixth sense about people watching you. Kinda annoying actually, since I'm not doing the whole assassin business anymore. Can't actually, got my face plastered over the news and god knows what else"

@LokiofSP @Light
Tazmodo said:
Theodore thought for a moment. "One silly question doesn't seem to be worth a debt of that magnitude especially sense you are business Grimm and obviously you intend on using this debt for your own benefit. Wat else can you offer me?"
"I offer you nothing then." The clone of Grimm disappears.

GingerBread said:
"Did you? I feel remarkably calm right now. And I've got a sandwich, so my days going pretty good. I didn't want any help with Ashlyn before. Did you see me fighting back? No, not until other people got involved. I knew she wouldn't kill me, otherwise she wouldn't have even given me a chance. And I didn't sign up for this. I didn't sign anything actually. I joined this guild to destroy it from the inside. But I ended up killing my employers, so that went to shit" Vance leaned back in his chair once again and finished his sandwich "And yeah, someone is watching us. When you've been an assassin as long as I have, you tend to gain a sixth sense about people watching you. Kinda annoying actually, since I'm not doing the whole assassin business anymore. Can't actually, got my face plastered over the news and god knows what else"
@LokiofSP @Light
LokiofSP said:
Fola smirked, "Then you better hand over that hammer, because I've already gotten you steamed as all hell...You're welcome, by the way, for that time I helped you with Ashyln despite what a prick you were being. Also, allow me to be clear when I tell you that I am not slow, I understand what's in that house, but I CAN'T be afraid... This is what WE signed up for, so spooky house or not, we're going i- Wait, somebodies watching us?"

@GingerBread @Light
Tazmodo said:
(Sending him now)
Jackson flew to the castle to go see how Emily was doing. He knocked on the door not wanting to die for just walking in.
The same woman inside of the castle with Inaro, Crimson, and Cole also appear before Fola, Vance, and Jackson. "Well it seems like you've destroyed the doors. That's not good....the reapers are already surrounding you." She gestures to nothing since the reapers weren't visible. "Its nice that you could sense me in the shadows, Vance. My name is Abyssum Van Fen'rir. I have the answers you desire. Disperse." She was speaking to the reapers whom listened to her orders. She gave off the same aura as Grimm.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer floated down and sucked his wings back in, going back to normal. "Well if you're in a wish respecting mood, hurry along and fuse together for me"
The split personalities looked back and forth at one another. They didn't know what to do...this fight couldn't go on for long until Lucifer grew impatient and used those they cared about for leverage. "Why do you wants us to fuse so badly?"

LokiofSP said:

Jayn looked around, her eyes looking everywhere on the ground. She eventually gave a much smaller smile than usual and looked up at Roman, "Dammit...As sacred as I am, you piqued my intreats...I need to see how this story ends..." She turned to the scythe in the ground, yanking it up and holding it as she got ready to go, "Bring me somewhere where I can find out more about this... Wherever I need to go..."


Roman slowly nods his head and kindly smiles, he focuses and they appear in the Van Fen'rir castles entrance before Abyssum, Jackson, Vance, and Fola holding hands.
"Honestly...do it,I'm tired of being this creature,and I also think you won't kill me,I'm the only one who knows where your dragon is." She felt her body slowly heal into a scab,that took away the pain of the cut.it still hurt a little to breath, but other then that she was good.she focused all her energy into turning invisible.she walked around the room so swiftly and silently that the knight would not hear her.if the knight bothered to look at the ground she would see the tiny pressure on the ground.

"Kill me mortal, I might not fight back,if you are lucky.the devil turned me into this beast,I used to be a normal girl like you,till me and my friends walked into a cave on a beach. I woke up covered in blood and was hurt by the light." As she talked she was able to find her mask and pick it up,as soon as she touched it turned invisible,she then placed it back on her face.then she walked up behind the girl and took out her sword,that she had also picked up while talking,and placed it on the knight's neck.she was now visible and had one hand pressing the knight against her and the other holding her blade tight to the already damaged dragon knight's throat.

"Who is the one with the blade to the neck now!" She snickered.she let out a sigh she was more then this.she put her sword away, and with a move of her arm the cage that held the dragon appeared.she crossed her arm and leaned against the wall.

"Here is your dragon."

Light said:
"I offer you nothing then." The clone of Grimm disappears.
The same woman inside of the castle with Inaro, Crimson, and Cole also appear before Fola, Vance, and Jackson. "Well it seems like you've destroyed the doors. That's not good....the reapers are already surrounding you." She gestures to nothing since the reapers weren't visible. "Its nice that you could sense me in the shadows, Vance. My name is Abyssum Van Fen'rir. I have the answers you desire. Disperse." She was speaking to the reapers whom listened to her orders. She gave off the same aura as Grimm.

The split personalities looked back and forth at one another. They didn't know what to do...this fight couldn't go on for long until Lucifer grew impatient and used those they cared about for leverage. "Why do you wants us to fuse so badly?"

Roman slowly nods his head and kindly smiles, he focuses and they appear in the Van Fen'rir castles entrance before Abyssum, Jackson, Vance, and Fola holding hands.
Theodore shrugged and continued walking. He knew no one was here but kept going anyway. "Alright I'll find out another way."

Jackson looked at her. "I didn't brake any doors though. Also is there a way to save Alice?" He asked in a calm tone.
Light said:
The same woman inside of the castle with Inaro, Crimson, and Cole also appear before Fola, Vance, and Jackson. "Well it seems like you've destroyed the doors. That's not good....the reapers are already surrounding you." She gestures to nothing since the reapers weren't visible. "Its nice that you could sense me in the shadows, Vance. My name is Abyssum Van Fen'rir. I have the answers you desire. Disperse." She was speaking to the reapers whom listened to her orders. She gave off the same aura as Grimm.
"What did I say Fola? What did I bloody say?" Vance threw his hands up in mock exasperation before turning to the woman "You weren't exactly hard to sense. Almost like you wanted me to find you. But maybe I'm just that good" Vance smirked at the woman before taking a more serious disposition "Anyway. If you have the answers I need, tell me. How do I kill or peacefully stop whats-her-face. Cause if she kills everything. I'm going to be out of a job for at least a couple of months"

@Light @LokiofSP
Light said:
"I offer you nothing then." The clone of Grimm disappears.
The same woman inside of the castle with Inaro, Crimson, and Cole also appear before Fola, Vance, and Jackson. "Well it seems like you've destroyed the doors. That's not good....the reapers are already surrounding you." She gestures to nothing since the reapers weren't visible. "Its nice that you could sense me in the shadows, Vance. My name is Abyssum Van Fen'rir. I have the answers you desire. Disperse." She was speaking to the reapers whom listened to her orders. She gave off the same aura as Grimm.

The split personalities looked back and forth at one another. They didn't know what to do...this fight couldn't go on for long until Lucifer grew impatient and used those they cared about for leverage. "Why do you wants us to fuse so badly?"

Roman slowly nods his head and kindly smiles, he focuses and they appear in the Van Fen'rir castles entrance before Abyssum, Jackson, Vance, and Fola holding hands.
Lucifer extended his hands to them and smiled. "Simply for Isabel, as always. After I've done what I want you're welcome to spllt again I don't care. Help your old grand father out"

Fola looked at the woman and gave a very slight nod of the head, "Thank you miss, so sorry to interrupt you, I was just wondering from whatever you were doing. But as you can imagine, we need to find out as many awnsers we can as soon as possible. Now please excuse this waste of space..." He pointed at Vance as a gasp was heard behind him, "Because he's a rude fuck who deserves to be nutere-" He was cut off as a blur of red and black suddenly rushed into him...


Jayn looked around at the lush scene, grass and hills all around them as she took in the place for a moment, enjoying the sights... She looked at the giant castle in front of her, how big it was, how it seemed to go on forever, and pondered what was inside. Then she looked down and went to her scythe, thinking for a brief moment she'd have to kill more Reaper's, but instead there was a woman and two men.

One of these men was of a much more average height and build. Looked like a face that could blend into a crowd from behind if it wasn't for the weird way his hair seemed to be cut short in the back, but then looked overgrown in the front, with two large strands falling just above his neck on the sides of his face. That and his jacket...Which was patchy and had various items sown on...It seemed familiar...Almost like...

"-Now please excuse this waste of space..."

Jayn gasped in shock and let go of Roman's hand, running at the man, "OH MY GOD NO WAY!" She tackled him to the ground and turned him over, fists connecting with his face as Jayn herself went through various emotions, "YOU STOPPED CALLING ME YOU JERK!"






Jayn stopped punching him and smiled, closing her eyes as she hugged him, "OH MAN! I never thought I would see you again!"

Fola, who now had a black eye, blinked ten times before breaking out into a smile and hugging back, "Holy shit! Jayn!"

@Light @GingerBread (Long ass post because of bestie reunion)
LokiofSP said:
Fola looked at the woman and gave a very slight nod of the head, "Thank you miss, so sorry to interrupt you, I was just wondering from whatever you were doing. But as you can imagine, we need to find out as many awnsers we can as soon as possible. Now please excuse this waste of space..." He pointed at Vance as a gasp was heard behind him, "Because he's a rude fuck who deserves to be nutere-" He was cut off as a blur of red and black suddenly rushed into him...


Jayn looked around at the lush scene, grass and hills all around them as she took in the place for a moment, enjoying the sights... She looked at the giant castle in front of her, how big it was, how it seemed to go on forever, and pondered what was inside. Then she looked down and went to her scythe, thinking for a brief moment she'd have to kill more Reaper's, but instead there was a woman and two men.

One of these men was of a much more average height and build. Looked like a face that could blend into a crowd from behind if it wasn't for the weird way his hair seemed to be cut short in the back, but then looked overgrown in the front, with two large strands falling just above his neck on the sides of his face. That and his jacket...Which was patchy and had various items sown on...It seemed familiar...Almost like...

"-Now please excuse this waste of space..."

Jayn gasped in shock and let go of Roman's hand, running at the man, "OH MY GOD NO WAY!" She tackled him to the ground and turned him over, fists connecting with his face as Jayn herself went through various emotions, "YOU STOPPED CALLING ME YOU JERK!"






Jayn stopped punching him and smiled, closing her eyes as she hugged him, "OH MAN! I never thought I would see you again!"

Fola, who now had a black eye, blinked ten times before breaking out into a smile and hugging back, "Holy shit! Jayn!"

@Light @GingerBread (Long ass post because of bestie reunion)
"Hey is this someone you failed to kill while they were a child Fola?" Vance sarcastically asked, glaring at Fola as he did "But You guys can fuck later. Right now the whole of the universe is in trouble. But You know. Go ahead and screw. I can do this shit by myself anyway" Vance shook his head and stood up, his chair disappearing behind him as he did. "I will warn you guys though, if you don't help me. I'm killing the both of you"

@LokiofSP @Light
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Kaylee read till she heard the sound of the water boiling.she jumped up and emptied the hot water into a cup.she then mixed it with herbs making a tea.she sat down on the bed leaning on the soft fur of Snow Paw.she relaxed into the fur as she drank the tea.once she finished the tea she got up and changed into warm pjs,then put some more wood into the fire.then she laid down next to Snow Paw,curling up into a ball and yawning.she looked into the fire watching it crack and pop,she felt her eyes grow heavy and she let them drop and fall into a sleep.
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Arwyn growled a curse under her breath when the demon suddenly vanished and began speaking from the shadows. I should have slaughtered the thing while I had her pinned down, she thought. She drew up her sword and shield in a defensive position and listened to the creature's tale with distaste.

"Don't try and prey upon my pity, creature, you spit lies of bile and mockery." she said cooly. "I have no doubt you killed those girls in the cave, I will give you that, but rarely will a human child suddenly become some monstrous shadow demon.The only way would be through possession, yet you seem to be more of a common shadow demon."

The dragon knight stiffened when she felt the unnaturally cold steel of the demon's blade and remained so still it was as if she were carved of stone. The clotted mess that was her throat began to flow red once more as old wounds reopened from the blade's touch. She didn't respond to the demon's taunt but glared sideways at her assailant, noticing she was masked once more. It was uncertain what Arwyn might have done next but as fate would have it she didn't need to; for some reason the demon stayed her hand.

Confusion passed over Arwyn's face as she reached her hand up to rub her neck, mangled yet still intact. Relief replaced it however whenever Syrax appeared before her in a shadowy cage. The wyvern was still recovering from his previous paralysis yet he still had the strength to break free of the cage (which was in fact weakened by the demon's will) and lumbered over towards the demon. Just looking at his companion's wounds caused a flash of anger to appear in the dragon's eyes. Using old draconic he growled to the demon. "Dark-spawn, explain yourself. What was your purpose for attacking us, if not to kill?"

"I'm a assassin of the devil,I'm meant to kill for work,I see into your souls, I know your weakness, your pain your struggles,the devil gives me work. I was supposed to kill you,yes...but." She stayed quiet for the last part thinking if she could trust this knight.

"The devil he,makes the assassins himself,but when me and my friends walked willingly into the cave of sins he decided to make one of us a demon." she let out a sigh and looked at the wall.she did not feel like explaining this to a human.

"Fallow me if you want to get out,or you can stay I don't care." She walked to one wall that opened up a dark passage way.she walked forward one step into the passage.

"You coming or not?"

Jayn let go of Fola, looking at Vance she leaned in closer to the witch boy's ear and whispered, "He's not very pleasant, is he?"

"Yeah, he's kinda a bitch..."

Jayn nodded, standing up and extending a hand to Fola, which he accepted. She pulled him up and they both dusted themselves off, with Fola making sure to be more thorough. Jayn looked at Vance and smiled, extending a hand, "Hey there! My friend here says you're a bitch! Nice to meet you!"

@Light @GingerBread
Arwyn hesitated in following the demon, the sharp pain in her throat was a reminder of what this demon was capable of. She mentally conversed with Syrax. "We can't trust her." it was more of a statement than anything but she wanted to hear her companion's input on the unusual situation.

"No." he said in agreement. "Yet we have no other choice but to follow her. If what she says is true, she may be trying to escape her corruption."

"That's preposterous!" Arwyn said with a frown. "It is unheard of in a demon."

Yet Arwyn could not deny the truth in her companion's words; they could not stay here, so grudgingly she followed after the shadow demon through the darkened tunnel. "Lead the way, dark-spawn." she said to the demon.

LokiofSP said:
Jayn let go of Fola, looking at Vance she leaned in closer to the witch boy's ear and whispered, "He's not very pleasant, is he?"

"Yeah, he's kinda a bitch..."

Jayn nodded, standing up and extending a hand to Fola, which he accepted. She pulled him up and they both dusted themselves off, with Fola making sure to be more thorough. Jayn looked at Vance and smiled, extending a hand, "Hey there! My friend here says you're a bitch! Nice to meet you!"

@Light @GingerBread
Vance glanced at her hand, ignoring it he looked up at her face "Oh, did he now? Well I tell you that he's a child murdering sociopath. I mean I left him with a child for like an hour. I come back and she's dead. He claims it was the devil himself who killed her. I think he needs to be locked up" Vance shrugged "But I don't really care, that child must've been weak if he killed it. I'm sure that a newborn would be better in a fight than him. Though I bet he's like a newborn in emotional temperament as well. Would explain why he relies on drinking. Though if you're friends with him, then you must be equally as bad" Vance smirked at Jayn "I'll bet my left nut that I could beat you both in a fight. I mean he's a shitty half witch, so what are you? Half werewolf? Half dog? Complete piece of shit?"

@Light @LokiofSP
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Jayn took back her hand, frowning at the child killer comment, deciding to save it for later, she smiled once more, "Oh yeah, I'm a complete and total piece of shit! I'm taking it by your comments and nature that you're an ex-lover right? He broke your heart or something? Yep, going with that!"

Behind her, Fola covered his mouth with his hands, eventually clearing his throat and turning back to to the woman, "So uh, sorry about that. We going soon?"

@Light @GingerBread

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