Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
LokiofSP said:
Fola laughed, "Know of them? They were some of the closest things I had to friends! Isn't my life sad?" He wiped away tears in his eyes and calmed down, "What does this have to do with them?"

Light said:
"Four score an-" A reaper begins to talk about bullshit and gets scythe hilt to the head. Of course it wouldn't die since it wasn't the blade but it still hurt.
"What he meant to say was this." Another reaper clears his throat. "Have you ever heard of the Van Fen'rir?"
Vance waited until Fola had given his reply to speak "Yeah. they're a bunch of idiots. I've tried to kill two of them before. Didn't really work out though" Vance shrugged and turned to Fola "Well you almost had a child as a friend. But you killed her, didn't you?"
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LokiofSP said:
Jayn touched the tip of Roman's nose, "Boop... Don't worry, I was just kidding around, no need to get so worked up you dork." Jayn approached one of the German's and attempted to speak to them, realizing something halfway through the conversation, "Problem, I can't speak German..."

"I can inform you perfectly fine in any language now." The spirit opens her mouth, releasing her voice as she stares Jayn down. "Are you curious as to how we all died?"

Roman follows after Jayn, setting his hands in his pockets. "Jayn... apparently everyone in Germany just died at the drop of a hat. Continue the interrogation, she has answers. If she refuses to speak..." Roman looks at the flaming scythe in her hand. "Play bad cop. I'll be back." Roman gives Jayn a lingering smile and gaze before he walks off. He erupts in green flames, only to be in his reaper form when they fade away. Roman floats away.

GingerBread said:
Vance waited until Fola had given his reply to speak "Yeah. they're a bunch of idiots. I've tried to kill two of them before. Didn't really work out though" Vance shrugged and turned to Fola "Well you almost had a child as a friend. But you killed her, didn't you?"
LokiofSP said:
Fola laughed, "Know of them? They were some of the closest things I had to friends! Isn't my life sad?" He wiped away tears in his eyes and calmed down, "What does this have to do with them?"
"Long ago a Van Fen'rir by the name of Isabel was captured and never returned in one piece. The pieces lived out her life and experienced all the negative aspects in life. Her return is inevitable and we whom have turned against Grimm have sworn our loyalty to her. She will annihilate everything and there will be nothing to stop her. All because of the Van Fen'rir and a mistake they couldn't make up for. We offer you safety by joining us...give your loyalty to Isabel."
Light said:
"Long ago a Van Fen'rir by the name of Isabel was captured and never returned in one piece. The pieces lived out her life and experienced all the negative aspects in life. Her return is inevitable and we whom have turned against Grimm have sworn our loyalty to her. She will annihilate everything and there will be nothing to stop her. All because of the Van Fen'rir and a mistake they couldn't make up for. We offer you safety by joining us...give your loyalty to Isabel."
Vance glared at the reaper "Fuck off. I'm not going to join some girl who wants to kill everything. Why would me being loyal to her stop her from killing me? Have you seen the things I've done. Anyway, if she's going to destroy everything. me saying I'll help you won't stop her, in the end she'll turn on me. So don't bullshit me and say you can offer me safety. I couldn't give a shit about safety. What I'm going to do is find a solution, whether it be peaceful or not. If I have to fight her to the death, well I'll have to do that. And if I die, I would've died trying. And that's better than dying of old age anyway" Vance shrugged and looked over at Fola, waiting to see what his response would be and whether he'd get in his way.

@LokiofSP @Light

As the girl left Inaro shook his head, then downed yet another bottle of beer. Why do I always attract the psychotic ones? He walks over to the trash can throwing away his bottles. It's sad that she thinks she can take on God. He sighs and rubs his hands through his hair, feeling somewhat disappointed. The guild mark has been buzzing for sometime now. Might as well go see what this is about. He teleports to Germany.

Crimson, Cole, & Inaro


As the reapers the reapers first appeared they looked at them with disgust, already feeling that the weren't the nice kind. As more of their guild members appeared they wished to talk and not fight. Inaro was one of the appearing guild members. He looked at his "brother" simply said Yo. What's up Naro? Where you been? Oh nowhere just been chit chatting with my 10 year old friend. And how did that go? Oh good, she's just turned out to be a psychotic little brat. The two brothers chuckle. You always get the psychotic ones. Yeah I know. Inaro looks around at the group seeing familiar faces and not so familiar. What up people. He said with a smile. When the reapers spoke again he heard something similar, to what he heard from the 10 year old girl. He put two and two together. So that's her name. He thought to himself

@Light @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Lotusy @Throne Trinity
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Fola looked down and put a hand to his chin. This was a touchy and weird subject for him. While he didn't LIKE Isabel as an idea, there was also the promise and vow he'd made to TRY to be nicer....It was weird. He looked at the Reapers as if he was still thinking, "I really have no idea... You say she's destined to destroy all right? You're sure there's NOTHING she can do to you know...Not do that?"

@Embaga Elder @GingerBread @Light


Jay nodded at the spirits question, "Anything you know about the who, what, when, where, why and how would help tons..."

@Light (How far is Jayn from the other group? Just asking for character reasons...)
Jackson was in the Rocky Mountain hating himself for being useless.

Theodore teleported to Germany and looks at the carnage in horror. He resists the urge to throw up and keeps walking looking for the source. His mind to focused on Ashlyn to really know where he's going. He felt somewhat hollow inside.
GingerBread said:
Vance glared at the reaper "Fuck off. I'm not going to join some girl who wants to kill everything. Why would me being loyal to her stop her from killing me? Have you seen the things I've done. Anyway, if she's going to destroy everything. me saying I'll help you won't stop her, in the end she'll turn on me. So don't bullshit me and say you can offer me safety. I couldn't give a shit about safety. What I'm going to do is find a solution, whether it be peaceful or not. If I have to fight her to the death, well I'll have to do that. And if I die, I would've died trying. And that's better than dying of old age anyway" Vance shrugged and looked over at Fola, waiting to see what his response would be and whether he'd get in his way.
@LokiofSP @Light
LokiofSP said:
Fola looked down and put a hand to his chin. This was a touchy and weird subject for him. While he didn't LIKE Isabel as an idea, there was also the promise and vow he'd made to TRY to be nicer....It was weird. He looked at the Reapers as if he was still thinking, "I really have no idea... You say she's destined to destroy all right? You're sure there's NOTHING she can do to you know...Not do that?"
Tazmodo said:
Theodore teleported to Germany and looks at the carnage in horror. He resists the urge to throw up and keeps walking looking for the source. His mind to focused on Ashlyn to really know where he's going. He felt somewhat hollow inside.
The reaper glares at Vance. "Remember this... You had a choice...and you made the wrong one."

Another reaper speaks up. "Well...I heard she had two choices in destiny but I don't know the other." The reaper was immediately killed by Musical Grimm afterwards for speaking up about it. "Basically what he meant was...She has chosen her path. The path of endings. Which is why everyone in Germany is dead....this was just a warning of her arrival." The entire universe within the mortal realm shivers for two full seconds. "Yes....She gains more power with each second."

LokiofSP said:
Jay nodded at the spirits question, "Anything you know about the who, what, when, where, why and how would help tons..."

@Light (How far is Jayn from the other group? Just asking for character reasons...)
( Very far. You're in the realm of spirits. Which is not the Mortal realm. Grimm just made it like the mortal realm and other realms so when things die they go to their spirit version of the realm. So they feel comfortable knowing where things are in the afterlife. #GrimmavusCares )

"Our Queen...Isabel. She is the end...earlier this day....Germany....we all simply died because we decided too....She merely asked us all to die and we said yes. Then we all just...burst into blood."
When the shadowy being fell down to the ground Arwyn wasted no time in closing in for the kill. With a sickening crunch her boot collided with the woman's jaw and sent her reeling backwards through the air only to land on her back. Some time in between the assassin's bronze mask had been shook loose from her face and skidded to a halt against the living walls of the room. In her fury Arwyn hadn't even noticed this detail until she lowered her sword against the woman's neck and found herself staring into two vacant voids for eyes. Shadow demon, she thought in disgust.

Blood had smeared all over the dragon knight's neck and had clotted into her mussed up hair giving her a savage look, but it was her eyes that truly warned of danger. Flecks of uncanny gold flickered within those two amber irises as they glared down at the shadow demon and for a second there was no longer a injured and enraged human, there was an ancient force peering through the depths.

It took everything she had in her to not slay the demon out of rage.

"Where is Syrax?" she growled at the demon below her, pressing her foot onto the demon's chest to hold her still. "And how did you find us?"Her sword's point brushed up against the demon's Adam's apple.

"I suggest you start spilling your guts before I have to do it for you!" she hissed between clenched teeth.

Juju said:
When the shadowy being fell down to the ground Arwyn wasted no time in closing in for the kill. With a sickening crunch her boot collided with the woman's jaw and sent her reeling backwards through the air only to land on her back. Some time in between the assassin's bronze mask had been shook loose from her face and skidded to a halt against the living walls of the room. In her fury Arwyn hadn't even noticed this detail until she lowered her sword against the woman's neck and found herself staring into two vacant voids for eyes. Shadow demon, she thought in disgust.
Blood had smeared all over the dragon knight's neck and had clotted into her mussed up hair giving her a savage look, but it was her eyes that truly warned of danger. Flecks of uncanny gold flickered within those two amber irises as they glared down at the shadow demon and for a second there was no longer a injured and enraged human, there was an ancient force peering through the depths.

It took everything she had in her to not slay the demon out of rage.

"Where is Syrax?" she growled at the demon below her, pressing her foot onto the demon's chest to hold her still. "And how did you find us?"Her sword's point brushed up against the demon's Adam's apple.

"I suggest you start spilling your guts before I have to do it for you!" she hissed between clenched teeth.

( Juju! There you are! *Approaches and kisses both cheeks.* How have you been? )
Light said:
The reaper glares at Vance. "Remember this... You had a choice...and you made the wrong one."
Another reaper speaks up. "Well...I heard she had two choices in destiny but I don't know the other." The reaper was immediately killed by Musical Grimm afterwards for speaking up about it. "Basically what he meant was...She has chosen her path. The path of endings. Which is why everyone in Germany is dead....this was just a warning of her arrival." The entire universe within the mortal realm shivers for two full seconds. "Yes....She gains more power with each second."
"Well I never was once for going with the crowd. I tend to go against it if anything. So if you could kindly tell me where she is, that would be wonderful" Vance Looked at Fola "When she ends up betraying you, don't say I didn't warn you" Vance smirked at Fola before turning back to the reapers. "You guys are reapers right? So I'll see you guys after this then, yeah?"

@LokiofSP @Light @Embaga Elder
(I have been just lovely, thank you for asking! I have noticed an excess of heart-felt good byes in this RP recently... I think it's safe to say you are collecting a jar of hearts ;3

Light said:
The reaper glares at Vance. "Remember this... You had a choice...and you made the wrong one."
Another reaper speaks up. "Well...I heard she had two choices in destiny but I don't know the other." The reaper was immediately killed by Musical Grimm afterwards for speaking up about it. "Basically what he meant was...She has chosen her path. The path of endings. Which is why everyone in Germany is dead....this was just a warning of her arrival." The entire universe within the mortal realm shivers for two full seconds. "Yes....She gains more power with each second."

( Very far. You're in the realm of spirits. Which is not the Mortal realm. Grimm just made it like the mortal realm and other realms so when things die they go to their spirit version of the realm. So they feel comfortable knowing where things are in the afterlife. #GrimmavusCares )

"Our Queen...Isabel. She is the end...earlier this day....Germany....we all simply died because we decided too....She merely asked us all to die and we said yes. Then we all just...burst into blood."
Theodore looks for Grimm. "Hey man do you know what's happening?" He said hoping to get a response. He kept walking to whatever the source of all the death was.

Jackson felt the power and teleported to it. "So I guess you really are coming and there isn't a way to save Alice. Is there?"

Fola closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. What the fuck was he going to do?! There was a part of him that wanted to say fuck the girl (NOT LIKE THAT) and that he should just keep on going without caring about her. But there was yet another part of him that felt bad...She was, in some way, the girls that had been so nice to him. She had a chance...He just didn't know what to do.

He took in a breath, "Alright look...I won't devote myself to her, but tell her that before she detroys Canada, that she better bring it up with Fola Keryn first..."

@GingerBread @Lotusy @Embaga Elder


Jayn's breath caught in her throat and she forced herself to swallow. One person did all this? What the hell... Jayn spoke, "This, 'queen' of yours...Just exactly who is she? What can she do? Why is she doing it?"

GingerBread said:
"Well I never was once for going with the crowd. I tend to go against it if anything. So if you could kindly tell me where she is, that would be wonderful" Vance Looked at Fola "When she ends up betraying you, don't say I didn't warn you" Vance smirked at Fola before turning back to the reapers. "You guys are reapers right? So I'll see you guys after this then, yeah?"
@LokiofSP @Light @Embaga Elder
LokiofSP said:
Fola closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. What the fuck was he going to do?! There was a part of him that wanted to say fuck the girl (NOT LIKE THAT) and that he should just keep on going without caring about her. But there was yet another part of him that felt bad...She was, in some way, the girls that had been so nice to him. She had a chance...He just didn't know what to do.

He took in a breath, "Alright look...I won't devote myself to her, but tell her that before she detroys Canada, that she better bring it up with Fola Keryn first..."
"She cannot be found...She is currently in a state of omnipresence." A reaper speaks up and floats away. "She is everywhere but she is nowhere."

Musical Grimm stares Fola down. "Alright then....that's all we wished to discuss. Whatever you do next is on you." The reapers and the Grimm clone disappear. Leaving the Dragon's Roar members in a bleeding country. A piece of paper fell out of a reapers pocket before it disappeared. The location to the Van Fen'rir castle, Scotland.

LokiofSP said:
Jayn's breath caught in her throat and she forced herself to swallow. One person did all this? What the hell... Jayn spoke, "This, 'queen' of yours...Just exactly who is she? What can she do? Why is she doing it?"

"I refuse to speak any longer!" The spirit backs away from Jayn and turns red. Reapers in the area feel the disturbance and float over, manifesting their scythes.

Tazmodo said:
Theodore looks for Grimm. "Hey man do you know what's happening?" He said hoping to get a response. He kept walking to whatever the source of all the death was.
Jackson felt the power and teleported to it. "So I guess you really are coming and there isn't a way to save Alice. Is there?"
Evil Grimm appears. "Yes but whether or not I should tell you is the real question."

( You can't find Isabel she's nowhere. )

Juju said:
(I have been just lovely, thank you for asking! I have noticed an excess of heart-felt good byes in this RP recently... I think it's safe to say you are collecting a jar of hearts ;3
( Yes yes! It's all for you, my love. )
Light said:
"She cannot be found...She is currently in a state of omnipresence." A reaper speaks up and floats away. "She is everywhere but she is nowhere."
Musical Grimm stares Fola down. "Alright then....that's all we wished to discuss. Whatever you do next is on you." The reapers and the Grimm clone disappear. Leaving the Dragon's Roar members in a bleeding country. A piece of paper fell out of a reapers pocket before it disappeared. The location to the Van Fen'rir castle, Scotland.
Vance noticed the piece of paper fall onto the ground and went over and picked it up "Scotland, eh? Must be somewhat important" He stuffed the bit of paper into a pocket and turned to look at Fola "Oi! Child killer, I found a location. I don't know what it is, but do you want to come with me? There might be children to kill"


Fola walked up to Vance, "Give me that..." He took the paper from him and his eyes scanned it. He looked up at the small group of people before him, handing the paper to Inaro he began to step away, "Looks like we're doing so more damn detective work or something, fuck if I know. Either way, if you all want to come that's alright, but me and Failed Abortion over here..." He pointed to Vance, "Are gonna check it out." Without getting a response he got ready to teleport to the castle.

@GingerBread @Embaga Elder @Light @DizjayDeathPride @Lotusy


Jayn extended a hand for the spirit, "WAIT! I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS! WHAT'S GOING O-" She stopped when she saw the Reapers approach, she laughed nervously and looked at them, "Um...Hey there officers...No need to get so hostile, me and my freind here were just talking about sports ball and stuff. So you can all just..." (!) She didn't allow herself to finish that thought as she swung her own scythe in an arc, hitting as many as she could.
Light said:
"She cannot be found...She is currently in a state of omnipresence." A reaper speaks up and floats away. "She is everywhere but she is nowhere."
Musical Grimm stares Fola down. "Alright then....that's all we wished to discuss. Whatever you do next is on you." The reapers and the Grimm clone disappear. Leaving the Dragon's Roar members in a bleeding country. A piece of paper fell out of a reapers pocket before it disappeared. The location to the Van Fen'rir castle, Scotland.

"I refuse to speak any longer!" The spirit backs away from Jayn and turns red. Reapers in the area feel the disturbance and float over, manifesting their scythes.

Evil Grimm appears. "Yes but whether or not I should tell you is the real question."

( You can't find Isabel she's nowhere. )

( Yes yes! It's all for you, my love. )
Theodore kept walking. "That's up to you I can't force you to do anything. Do you plan on telling me?" He said looking around.


Jackson was in Germany. The sudden death's looked suspicious. He walked around looking for answers.
Lucifer stuck to the webs and sighed, trying to tug himself free to no avail. "Alright alright fine. Stuck. Whoopty doo. Damn Holy magic bullshit. Now be dears and please let me go? Pretty please?"

LokiofSP said:
Fola walked up to Vance, "Give me that..." He took the paper from him and his eyes scanned it. He looked up at the small group of people before him, handing the paper to Inaro he began to step away, "Looks like we're doing so more damn detective work or something, fuck if I know. Either way, if you all want to come that's alright, but me and Failed Abortion over here..." He pointed to Vance, "Are gonna check it out." Without getting a response he got ready to teleport to the castle.
"I don't know why you say failed abortion like it's a bad thing. It just means people couldn't even kill me when I couldn't do anything about it. Unlike you who has to have everything fed to you on a sliver spoon before you can do anything." Vance shrugged "Anyway, off we go. Probably to our deaths" Vance teleported to the castle

@Light @LokiofSP
As Vance and Fola disappeared Inaro looked at his brothers and held out his fist. All three of them bump fist and Inaro relayed the information about the little girl to them. They both had a mildly shocked face expression and all Inaro says is Yep. Wow, did not see that coming. Yeah let's talk about this later. First let's go follow the two that left. They went to the Van Fen'rir castle in Scotland. I've been there before. Zedd is there right now playing with Emily. Alright then Scotland it is. The trio teleported to the inside of the castle nowhere near Vance and Fola. Crimson speaks first. Emily, Zedd I'm here! He yelled as his voice echoed through the maze of a castle.


LokiofSP said:
Jayn extended a hand for the spirit, "WAIT! I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS! WHAT'S GOING O-" She stopped when she saw the Reapers approach, she laughed nervously and looked at them, "Um...Hey there officers...No need to get so hostile, me and my freind here were just talking about sports ball and stuff. So you can all just..." (!) She didn't allow herself to finish that thought as she swung her own scythe in an arc, hitting as many as she could.
( How many reapers does she have under her belt now? )

The reapers were cut down and died. The spirit backing away from Jayn turns white and runs.

Roman floats over after finishing whatever business he had to focus on. "So what happened?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer stuck to the webs and sighed, trying to tug himself free to no avail. "Alright alright fine. Stuck. Whoopty doo. Damn Holy magic bullshit. Now be dears and please let me go? Pretty please?"
"Well...we are magical girls...we should respect his wishes." Ashlyn speaks up first and the other two agree with her. They remove the curse and the spell, allowing Lucifer to fall freely from the Ferris wheel.

GingerBread said:
"I don't know why you say failed abortion like it's a bad thing. It just means people couldn't even kill me when I couldn't do anything about it. Unlike you who has to have everything fed to you on a sliver spoon before you can do anything." Vance shrugged "Anyway, off we go. Probably to our deaths" Vance teleported to the castle
@Light @LokiofSP


LokiofSP said:
Fola walked up to Vance,
"Give me that..." He took the paper from him and his eyes scanned it. He looked up at the small group of people before him, handing the paper to Inaro he began to step away, "Looks like we're doing so more damn detective work or something, fuck if I know. Either way, if you all want to come that's alright, but me and Failed Abortion over here..." He pointed to Vance, "Are gonna check it out." Without getting a response he got ready to teleport to the castle.

@GingerBread @Embaga Elder @Light @DizjayDeathPride @Lotusy

Fola and Vance were kindly greeted by a servant of the Van Fen'rir castle at the large front cathedral doors. "Hello...how may I help you?"

( ! ) Inaro, Crimson, and Cole could feel something ominous coming their way.

Tazmodo said:
Theodore kept walking. "That's up to you I can't force you to do anything. Do you plan on telling me?" He said looking around.

Jackson was in Germany. The sudden death's looked suspicious. He walked around looking for answers.
"That depends....Will you owe me two favours you cannot deny to know?"

( They all left Germany already. )

Fola didn't skip a beat, "Isabel Van Fen'rir, what happened to her? Tell us what you know... Please, i-it's important..."


(All of them :P )


Jayn turned around to face Roman, planting the scythe in the ground she looked him in his eyes, "Who is Isabel? They said something about her doing all this...Is this what you're bringing me along for? Am I supposed to stop this or something? This just all seems to...Hardcore for me, ya know? I hunt people and take their hair and things, I don't stop whatever she is..."

As the trio stood in the hallsways of Van Fen'rir Castle they felt an ominous feeling coming towards them. Crimson knew what it was but the others didn't. Reapers. What?Reapers?? Is that not what I said. Don't do anything drastic. The trio stood there as the ominous feeling got closer. @Light
LokiofSP said:
Fola didn't skip a beat, "Isabel Van Fen'rir, what happened to her? Tell us what you know... Please, i-it's important..."
Light said:
Fola and Vance were kindly greeted by a servant of the Van Fen'rir castle at the large front cathedral doors. "Hello...how may I help you?"
"I want to know how to stop her from destroying the entirety of existence. So you can tell me how to do that, or you can tell me how to kill her. Either one works" Vance shrugged "So yeah, I want a list of her weaknesses. and a sandwich if you've got the time. I haven't eaten all day"

@LokiofSP @Light

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