Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DizjayDeathPride said:

  • Luci landed, crashing into the carnival attraction. The cotton candy in no way shape or form helped soften his descent. And for almost a second, he was actually proud.

    He stood up and dusted himself off. "Alright.... Let's have it your way" He shrugged off his coat, grabbing it in his left hand and dropping it to the ground. Dark ancient symbols started to glow and write themselves across his skin. Two massive white wings ripped from his back, stretching high above him and touching the ground. They stretched out and ruffled as he stared at them.


    A bystander in the carnival saw their fight and started to play

    for them. Lucifer walked slowly for a step. Just as the song played, "We are outnumbered. But that only means the foe is scared to come at us fierce!" He flapped his wings outward, ripping the air away. In the vacuum he flew to Christina, each blow sending her higher and higher into the sky, one after the other in rapid succession. He left her suspended and replaced her with Ashlyn, slamming his heel on the top of her head, sending her crashing with enough force to make a smoke mushroom. The moment his foot hit her he flashed to Itami, grabbing him by the neck and slamming him to the ground, swinging him in an arc and slamming over his shoulder and to the ground, over and over until Ashlyn finally crashed. He lifted Itami up and replaced him with Christina, blasting her with a pure beam of energy and sending her flying back. Lastly he turned to Alice and just then, the air that was split open and away finally closed on them, pushing all of the group together. He used the momentum of Alice rapidly flying towards him to grab her by her arm, yanking her and fly forward to the edge of the barrier and shoot straight up. He swung her around just as Ashlyn, Christina, and Itami were about to collide and threw her straight down into the middle, letting the four slam into each other, Alice in their direct center.
    The song ended and the bystander had run from the field, trying to escape before he too died

  • All of them get up, groaning in pain as they heal. "I forgot he packs a punch even though he's an old man." Alice coughs out as she stands. She runs off and jumps, ending up on a long roller coaster. Ashlyn, Christina, Itami, Alexandria and Morgan appear on it as well. Morgan and Alexandria decided to join them. The ride starts up and speeds off on the tracks. They expected to carry on the fight on the right. Itami makes Lucifer appear on the ride as well. Morgan was snakes coil around Lucifer's legs to hold him still. Ashlyn flies by and slams her fist into his rib but he was unable to move due to the force, only lean back. Christina appears under him and pushes him up, flipping him using his own leaning momentum since the snakes released him at this time. Christina and Ashlyn appear behind Itami as Alice throws Alexandria at him. She stops abruptly once in his face and flies directly upwards. Only to reveal a crescent of carnage magic flying his way from Alice. The ride drops down after it hits him, sending him to one of the upper rows. Alexandria flies down on him and punches him while they were going down, knocking him to the very front.

    DizjayDeathPride said:

    • Luci landed, crashing into the carnival attraction. The cotton candy in no way shape or form helped soften his descent. And for almost a second, he was actually proud.

      He stood up and dusted himself off. "Alright.... Let's have it your way" He shrugged off his coat, grabbing it in his left hand and dropping it to the ground. Dark ancient symbols started to glow and write themselves across his skin. Two massive white wings ripped from his back, stretching high above him and touching the ground. They stretched out and ruffled as he stared at them.


      A bystander in the carnival saw their fight and started to play

      for them. Lucifer walked slowly for a step. Just as the song played, "We are outnumbered. But that only means the foe is scared to come at us fierce!" He flapped his wings outward, ripping the air away. In the vacuum he flew to Christina, each blow sending her higher and higher into the sky, one after the other in rapid succession. He left her suspended and replaced her with Ashlyn, slamming his heel on the top of her head, sending her crashing with enough force to make a smoke mushroom. The moment his foot hit her he flashed to Itami, grabbing him by the neck and slamming him to the ground, swinging him in an arc and slamming over his shoulder and to the ground, over and over until Ashlyn finally crashed. He lifted Itami up and replaced him with Christina, blasting her with a pure beam of energy and sending her flying back. Lastly he turned to Alice and just then, the air that was split open and away finally closed on them, pushing all of the group together. He used the momentum of Alice rapidly flying towards him to grab her by her arm, yanking her and fly forward to the edge of the barrier and shoot straight up. He swung her around just as Ashlyn, Christina, and Itami were about to collide and threw her straight down into the middle, letting the four slam into each other, Alice in their direct center.
      The song ended and the bystander had run from the field, trying to escape before he too died

      (Also read TDR Light it's about Germany)

    • ( @Throne Trinity )

      At this moment reapers appear in their physical form. They weren't the good kind either. "Submit or die."

      LokiofSP said:
      Fola HAD been in a good mood, but then the guy had grabbed his nice jacket, so now he was in a slightly less good mood. He took the man's hands off the jacket and brushed himself off, attempting to stay respectful despite what had happened, "While I am not familiar with the situation in Germany, I will apoligize on behalf of the guild for our absence. We were dealing with some other matters at the time, but now that there's nothing on our plate, I'm sure we can handle whatever giant monster is attacking Germany this week...."


      Jayn mock yawned, "Nah, sorry but you're boring, I'm going home..." She smiled and punched Roman's shoulder, "Come on you dork, you should know by now that I have nothing better to do!"

      "No! There's no monster everyone just died! Everyone in Germany is dead!" The man runs back up to Fola once more. "They're leaving us to die!" A Fola action figure from the Dragon's Roar Execution collection hits Fola in the head.

      Roman smiles at this and they both appear in the spirit realm. "Alright... I keep bringing you to places I shouldn't just play it cool. We're here to investigate something. Try and find a recently German spirit. Use the scythe on anything that threatens you."

      [QUOTE="Embaga Elder]


      Inaro raised an eyebrow as the girl went on about destroying existence. He shook his head as she finished. He sighed and didn't know what to say at first, so he downed the rest of his beer. He looked at the girl, and smiles then laughs hysterically. Look who's turning into a psychotic little brat. He makes a thinking face. I don't even think that's the proper word to use in this situation. I think bitch fits this more. Yeah I like the sound of the that. You're a psychotic little bitch. He wipes away a tear that shed as he laughed. He summoned another beer and flicked the top off and chugged the bottle. Tell me he chuckles and calmed down what's the point of it? He said with a straight face.

      "The point? It's no longer time for divine punishment. Your time of forgiveness is over. It's time for an extermination. You have wronged me...all of you. All realms have wronged me too many times to receive forgiveness! It.Is.Over." The girl disappears. The mortal realm shivers again.

Fola yells in suprise as the toy hits him on the head, he blinked as a thought came to mind, 'Why did nobody check in with me about this? The proportions are all wrong and- Wait, why are my teeth yellow? And since when did we have a toy line...Oh shit wait, Germany was destroyed?!' Fola had to process that for a moment. An entire country was just gone like that, they'd shifted focus onto the orbs for a bit and boom, millions of lives were lost.

The witch boy looked at the crowd and gave up trying to be nice, sometimes, you just needed to be an asshole. He grabbe the man by the scruff of tge shirt and adressed the crowd,
"Alright, listen up! I could care less about what you think we did, I couldn't give a damn about how much you hate us for not solving EVERY problem! But you know what?! We're here now! And this shit won't EVER happen again!" He dropped the man and looked around, "Now stop throwing shit and yelling, and be fucking useful for once by telling me EXACTLY what happened in Germany. Did Godzilla attack? Did a fucking meteor hit? Give me awnsers!"


Jayn went inside the portal, talking as she did so, "Alright, I get what you want me to do, but how do I do it? There's no easy way to tell what the diffrence is between a German spirit and a Canadian spirit..."

Ethan smiled "That sounds fun. Don't worry, detective Ethan is on the case. First of, where is the leader? I disbelieve that he is still in the vault making babies." Ethan's smile grow bigger as he thought of being a detective.

Vance groaned and got out of bed as he felt his guild Symbol going haywire Fucking guild. Won't ever let me sleep. This is why I should be god or someone equally as powerful. Then I can't just delete people who wake me up Vance went and had a shower and got dressed, taking as long as he needed.

Vance left his room and started walking out of the guild where he saw a massive crowd and Fola. "Hey child killer" Vance lifted his hand up in a wave sort of gesture "Wanna fill me in? Why is there a group here? And what's happening?"

@LokiofSP (Just gonna slide Vance in here.)
Light said:
There was an ominous feeling in the air, as if many things of dark nature were on their way.
"Grrrrrr!" Rocco begins to growl. "What is it buddy?" Dio pulls out both his revolvers and cocks the hammer. He dismounts Rocco and they walk down the streets side by side waiting for any sort of threat to show itself.

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Fola had sighed in frustration at the sound of Vance's voice, but had promised himself to TRY to be nicer to his fellow man in the guild. So he turned to Vance, "Basically, somewhere in between us looking for orbs and us beating up on a city, Germany was blown up. No survivors besides one man, right now I'm trying to get a handle on the crowd who insists that it's our fault..."

LokiofSP said:
Fola had sighed in frustration at the sound of Vance's voice, but had promised himself to TRY to be nicer to his fellow man in the guild. So he turned to Vance, "Basically, somewhere in between us looking for orbs and us beating up on a city, Germany was blown up. No survivors besides one man, right now I'm trying to get a handle on the crowd who insists that it's our fault..."

"I Can kill them, or I can put them on mute for you. I just want to solve this problem and go back to sleeping" Vance shrugged and created a chair out of darkness to sit down on. "If you're as good at public speaking as you are at killing children, then this should be no problem for you"

  • Light said:
    All of them get up, groaning in pain as they heal. "I forgot he packs a punch even though he's an old man." Alice coughs out as she stands. She runs off and jumps, ending up on a long roller coaster. Ashlyn, Christina, Itami, Alexandria and Morgan appear on it as well. Morgan and Alexandria decided to join them. The ride starts up and speeds off on the tracks. They expected to carry on the fight on the right. Itami makes Lucifer appear on the ride as well. Morgan was snakes coil around Lucifer's legs to hold him still. Ashlyn flies by and slams her fist into his rib but he was unable to move due to the force, only lean back. Christina appears under him and pushes him up, flipping him using his own leaning momentum since the snakes released him at this time. Christina and Ashlyn appear behind Itami as Alice throws Alexandria at him. She stops abruptly once in his face and flies directly upwards. Only to reveal a crescent of carnage magic flying his way from Alice. The ride drops down after it hits him, sending him to one of the upper rows. Alexandria flies down on him and punches him while they were going down, knocking him to the very front.
    ( @Throne Trinity )

    At this moment reapers appear in their physical form. They weren't the good kind either. "Submit or die."

    "No! There's no monster everyone just died! Everyone in Germany is dead!" The man runs back up to Fola once more. "They're leaving us to die!" A Fola action figure from the Dragon's Roar Execution collection hits Fola in the head.

    Roman smiles at this and they both appear in the spirit realm. "Alright... I keep bringing you to places I shouldn't just play it cool. We're here to investigate something. Try and find a recently German spirit. Use the scythe on anything that threatens you."

    "The point? It's no longer time for divine punishment. Your time of forgiveness is over. It's time for an extermination. You have wronged me...all of you. All realms have wronged me too many times to receive forgiveness! It.Is.Over." The girl disappears. The mortal realm shivers again.
    Lucifer grabbed Alexandia, falling back from her strike and swinging her, tossing her off the ride. He slammed his fist I to the ride, grabbing the bar of the track and stopping it, inertia sending them flying towards him. He flapped his wings and flew forward, arms extended, catching Alice and Ashlyn in the bit of his elbow. The ride continued to fall by gravity and he spun them around so fast he became a blur of a tornado, tossing them into the cart of the ride and making it crash off the tracks. He flashed behind Itami and wrapped his arms around his necl, RKO-ing him down into a dunk tank, holding him under the water

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Fola's eye twitched, but he needed to keep it friendly. To do that it would take a bit of self control that he didn't have, so instead of going all out, he gave him little doses, "No, don't use your powers on regular people, they'd die in seconds, and having the blood of more innocent people on my hands doesn't sound fun... But thanks for showing up, didn't think you had it in you to stop fucking your boyfriend for a second to come out and help..."

LokiofSP said:
Fola's eye twitched, but he needed to keep it friendly. To do that it would take a bit of self control that he didn't have, so instead of going all out, he gave him little doses, "No, don't use your powers on regular people, they'd die in seconds, and having the blood of more innocent people on my hands doesn't sound fun... But thanks for showing up, didn't think you had it in you to stop fucking your boyfriend for a second to come out and help..."

"I don't have a boyfriend anymore" Vance shrugged as he leaned back in his chair "Anyway, who said I'd use my powers? And why would I care how fast they'd die anyway? You seem to forget what my Job description is, I kill if I get a reason. It could be for stealing a can of coke. I don't care as long as I get something in return" Vance gave a dismissive hand wave "But I can get them all to shut up in an instant. Without violence if you'd like"

Fola shook his head, attempting to think of something other guild leaders would do while also putting his own twist on it, "No, shutting them up takes away a possible info source. By the way, if that's your job, then I don't think there's anything you can do here, when we need a mindless killer I'll be sure to shine a damn signal in the sky for you..."

LokiofSP said:
Fola shook his head, attempting to think of something other guild leaders would do while also putting his own twist on it, "No, shutting them up takes away a possible info source. By the way, if that's your job, then I don't think there's anything you can do here, when we need a mindless killer I'll be sure to shine a damn signal in the sky for you..."

"And how much information are you going to be able to get from them if they're all talking at once? I could make then unable to talk and then tell them if they would like to talk again in their life. Then they all talk one at a time. Then Once we've got the information I can unmute them all. Problem solved." Vance shrugged "But by all means, do it your way. I'm sure they listen to some low rank in the guild. But could you wait until I've got some popcorn to fail horrendously?" Vance smirked at Fola before leaning back further in his chair so that he was looking at the sky.

GingerBread said:
"And how much information are you going to be able to get from them if they're all talking at once? I could make then unable to talk and then tell them if they would like to talk again in their life. Then they all talk one at a time. Then Once we've got the information I can unmute them all. Problem solved." Vance shrugged "But by all means, do it your way. I'm sure they listen to some low rank in the guild. But could you wait until I've got some popcorn to fail horrendously?" Vance smirked at Fola before leaning back further in his chair so that he was looking at the sky.
(Waiting for Light, holl up)
LokiofSP said:
Jayn went inside the portal, talking as she did so, "Alright, I get what you want me to do, but how do I do it? There's no easy way to tell what the diffrence is between a German spirit and a Canadian spirit..."

metalcity said:
Ethan smiled "That sounds fun. Don't worry, detective Ethan is on the case. First of, where is the leader? I disbelieve that he is still in the vault making babies." Ethan's smile grow bigger as he thought of being a detective.
Grimmavus sends Ethan to the realm of spirits not too far away from Roman and Jayn.

Roman gestures to the realm around them, it looked just like New York except was filled with spirits. "Well...for starters we could just go to Germany. Think about Germany and you'll just appear there. No big deal, you can do it." Roman gives her a supporting smile and scoots closer. Extending his hand slowly towards hers, he was intending to appear there with her. "May I?"

GingerBread said:
"And how much information are you going to be able to get from them if they're all talking at once? I could make then unable to talk and then tell them if they would like to talk again in their life. Then they all talk one at a time. Then Once we've got the information I can unmute them all. Problem solved." Vance shrugged "But by all means, do it your way. I'm sure they listen to some low rank in the guild. But could you wait until I've got some popcorn to fail horrendously?" Vance smirked at Fola before leaning back further in his chair so that he was looking at the sky.
LokiofSP said:
Fola shook his head, attempting to think of something other guild leaders would do while also putting his own twist on it, "No, shutting them up takes away a possible info source. By the way, if that's your job, then I don't think there's anything you can do here, when we need a mindless killer I'll be sure to shine a damn signal in the sky for you..."

The man shakes his head. "No! There was no explosion everyone just died immediately, blood everywhere. Please oh please help! We could be next!"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer grabbed Alexandia, falling back from her strike and swinging her, tossing her off the ride. He slammed his fist I to the ride, grabbing the bar of the track and stopping it, inertia sending them flying towards him. He flapped his wings and flew forward, arms extended, catching Alice and Ashlyn in the bit of his elbow. The ride continued to fall by gravity and he spun them around so fast he became a blur of a tornado, tossing them into the cart of the ride and making it crash off the tracks. He flashed behind Itami and wrapped his arms around his necl, RKO-ing him down into a dunk tank, holding him under the water
Air bubbles rapidly rise from Itami's mouth as he bellows in protest. Holy fire erupts from his body and begins to burn water. The holy fire burns him free of Lucifer's grasp since the holy element begins to push him away. The dunk tank bursts open as Itami stands in the form of holy fire, of course he wasn't exactly holy fire to the point in which he could 've manipulated by users of it but he had its appearance and powers. He was a humanoid figure made out of the white and yellow flames he mixes it in with death flame, Holy Death flame. At this moment Itami remembers that he has to keep himself under control and exits that form. He wanted answers from Lucifer. "Father wh-" At this moment a large solid hammer made out of carnage magic slams Lucifer away into the Ferris wheel. Alexandria sees this and nervously taps her fingers together. "O-ouch....that will hurt." Alexandria wishes for Lucifer to have a safe landing on the Ferris wheel and his body reaches out for a car, catching himself and landing safely. The other split personalities give Alexandria a confused look which causes her to hide behind Alice as usual even though she's also giving her the stare. "A-alright....I-I'll fix it." Alexandria curses Lucifer and the Ferris wheel. It erupts in holy flame and he cannot leave until he loses or its destroyed. Once the split personalities stopped giving her the look she felt relieved.

"Hey team! I've got something for you here." Morgan extends her hands for them all to take and forms a circle formation while doing so.

Alice raises an eyebrow as a glowing orb appears in the center of their circle.
"What's going on?"

"You'll see." After Morgan delivers her response, the orb explodes in massive power. The split personalities were nowhere to be seen in the massive sphere of light they were encased in. Itami was blown back by the simple shockwave which was a problem that humans have to deal with. He wasn't even hit with the force of power yet. The feeling of the energy would even give Lucifer a bad feeling, as if all his senses for once told him to run. The sphere stops growing and actually shrinks back down to nothing. Revealing them all in magical girl outfits.

( Christina's outfit )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/ce285ae9cd9506c42cee6eec2ea5586f.jpg.7ded1f1b5cea84fbd52cbe799fefd164.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105466" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/ce285ae9cd9506c42cee6eec2ea5586f.jpg.7ded1f1b5cea84fbd52cbe799fefd164.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( Alice's outfit )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/7d793c75149e9f5c2a79390c02555867.jpg.7f7abcc94a9f55422d31c9849d734f64.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105468" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/7d793c75149e9f5c2a79390c02555867.jpg.7f7abcc94a9f55422d31c9849d734f64.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( Morgan's outfit )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/aef0f7c14b64a2e508058b4d012ae5b5.jpg.e10578422de519aa73fb581e8326f65a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/aef0f7c14b64a2e508058b4d012ae5b5.jpg.e10578422de519aa73fb581e8326f65a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( Alexandria's outfit )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/f7070f0a58ceb22c59010bf80210e3d5.jpg.9e24aa1b6cf498d8373057344329ddb2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/f7070f0a58ceb22c59010bf80210e3d5.jpg.9e24aa1b6cf498d8373057344329ddb2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( Ashlyn's outfit )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/d499ce80aa2980463bd0bebe50e07701.jpg.b0c4386f36cbea9d38e92eb0f466b3cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105465" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/d499ce80aa2980463bd0bebe50e07701.jpg.b0c4386f36cbea9d38e92eb0f466b3cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"What.......the fuck." Alice was looking at her new outfit with a less than happy expression. "Why are we dressed like this?"

"I was watching magical girl animes and I thought it would be cool to just become a magical girl once....with you all."

"First off, fuck you. Second off, what about all that power from the orb? Why did it envelop us?"

"Oh it's because it needed to take measurements from all angles. You know Christina's body could make the world a happy place with a glance, I can't fit her clothes."

"What about the pulse of power and the whole shrinking thing?"

"Oh, the sphere just didn't want anyone near as it was changing our clothes. It was pulling in matter to make the clothes and such. Things can't appear out of thin air sometimes y'know. Also most of it was just showing off."

"Okay then what was the whole point of having it take so long though? What's the point of these clothes?"

"They just enhance our capabilities and such by a little temporarily. It took a bit because it's not easy to perfectly align every single thread Alice."

"Alright, fuck it. I'm not fighting right now." Alice walks over or a bench and sits down.

"As nice as it looks on me, I don't want to fight anymore in it either." Christina walks over to the house of mirrors to find a normal mirror. She was totally checking herself out after they complimented her like that, wondering if it would work on Malren.

"Alright then, it's just us. Let's go." Morgan has a large snake appear and jumps on it's head. The snake so others throughout the air towards Lucifer. Ashlyn and Alexandria were already there in their magical girl outfits. Ashlyn extends her hand and a telekinetic fists slams him into the center of the Ferris wheel. Morgan appears by their side as the snake crashes into Lucifer, sinking its fangs into him. It flies through the flaming Ferris wheel and takes him with it. Morgan opens a vial and drops a liquid potion on a section of the fire as Ashlyn and Alexandria fly away, taking her with them afterwards. The curse pulls Lucifer back to the Ferris wheel, causing his flesh in his right arm to rip as he was since he was in the snakes grasp. The potion takes affect and turns the holy fire on the Ferris wheel to holy webbing. Lucifer slams into the Ferris wheel and ends up stuck on it like a fly on a spider web.

Throne Trinity] [COLOR=#000000][B]"Grrrrrr!" [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][B]Rocco begins to growl. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][B]"What is it buddy?" [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][B]Dio pulls out both his revolvers and cocks the hammer. He dismounts Rocco and they walk down the streets side by side waiting for any sort of threat to show itself. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:

( You never replied to any of these posts. These things are occurring in Dio's literal breathing space and they've been tagging you. )

( At this moment reapers appear in their physical form. They weren't the good kind either. "Submit or die." - Light

Richard stood between the reapers and TDR. "How about I offer the same courteously. Summit. Or die" - DizjayDeathPride

The two looked at each other as they felt another life force and an ominous feeling coming towards them. Let's go check up on that life force first, before that ominous feeling gets closer. Yeah it might be a survivor. The two teleported towards Dio.Yo dude, what are you doing here? You do know this is a bad place to be right now right? He asked as he smoked his cigarette. You should go before you end up like everyone else here...dead. he said before taking a sip of whiskey. -Embaga Elder

Ryan was first on the scene before the other TDR members to Germany. The devastation he saw didn't necessarily phase him so much as it just.... shocked him. He had always wondered how much blood a single city could fill. Let alone a COUNTRY. Down, he could see Damian had just ran to the scene. From the lack of military it was safe to assume Damian handled that part. Not even the media was allowed to enter. Though he was sure there would be the few who documented this horror.

Richard appeared next to him, shaking his head. The sensation of so many lives lost at once was enough to bring him. And next to him, Decimus.

Damian eventually saw the three and nodded to them, knowing his role. He ran off, going to deal with coverage. He had to save their reputation by any means necessary.

Ryan sighed. There was nothing they could necessarily do. Nothing but stare into the sea of blood. He looked over to Decimus who appeared more tense than usual. And he knew exactly why. The blood was enticing him, itching him to do more.

Decimus scanned the area and saw two faint souls. He assumed they were the culprits and looked over to Richard and Ryan. Ryan nodded and sighed, the two going forward. Richard went down into the blood, leaving his human form and becoming a Reaper to salvage any souls that hadn't passed on yet - DizjayDeathPride )



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Light said:
The man shakes his head. "No! There was no explosion everyone just died immediately, blood everywhere. Please oh please help! We could be next!"
"Such useful information. We can find out what happened from that can't we, child killer?" Vance sat forward to look at the crowd, his expression was of boredom. "I suggest anyone who hasn't got any useful information leaves. Or you can all stay there wasting our time, when we could be going to wherever this happened and solving it. So by all means, stay there. Less work for me"

@LokiofSP @Light

Fola sighed in frustration, "Look, here's what's going to happen, I'm going to go Germany and see if I can find ANYTHING about what happened! Does that sound good? That sound okay?!"



Jayn took Roman's hand once more...

"Germany, cool. I'll come with you. I can't have you dying, I'll need you in the future" Vance stood up and walked over to Fola "Whenever you're ready. Unless you want me to go first? I mean there could be a death field surrounding the whole country. Would explain why everyone died. Or Grimm finally snapped and went on a killing spree. Or it could be another thing, maybe Germany pissed off God." Vance shrugged "In any case, you'll need my help"

Fola snorted, "You'll need me? I'm like, 90% sure I'm higher ranking than you, so shut your damn mouth, alright? Anyways, I should go first, that way you can find a way to stop all these people from ransacking the guild. I'd REALLY appreciate if you did and I'm really not giving you a choice here..." He waved at Vance and teleported to Germany.

@GingerBread @Light @DizjayDeathPride (Yo, me and Ginger about to crash this Germany party)
LokiofSP said:
Fola snorted, "You'll need me? I'm like, 90% sure I'm higher ranking than you, so shut your damn mouth, alright? Anyways, I should go first, that way you can find a way to stop all these people from ransacking the guild. I'd REALLY appreciate if you did and I'm really not giving you a choice here..." He waved at Vance and teleported to Germany.

@GingerBread @Light @DizjayDeathPride (Yo, me and Ginger about to crash this Germany party)
Vance shrugged and turned towards the crowd "Now I don't care if you lot go in there. If you do, you can ransack anyone's room apart from mine. Step even a foot in my room and I will find out and I will kill you and your loved ones" Vance smirked at the crowd before turning away and walking towards a shadow "Oh, and if you go in there, you'll probably get shot. So charge in there at your own risk" Vance turned around and walked into a shadow and teleported away.

Vance appeared next to Fola
"So, you wanted me to get them to raid your room, right? Cause I'm sure you have nothing of worth. But I did tell them you had to stuff to bring people back to life with. and that you were hiding it in your room" Vance smirked maliciously at Fola "Now. lets solve this problem. Remember if we have to fight something, you're on the defensive. AKA, you're a meat shield. And I'm on offencive. Got that? Good. And I'm pretty sure I'm a higher rank than you. So I'm in charge by default, unless a higher rank shows up"

@LokiofSP @Light @DizjayDeathPride
LokiofSP said:
Jayn took Roman's hand once more...

Roman stares into Jayn's eyes because he hopes that she'll hold his hand for a while. She wasn't focusing on Germany yet so they didn't go anywhere. "So....you have a really nice hand."

GingerBread said:
Vance shrugged and turned towards the crowd "Now I don't care if you lot go in there. If you do, you can ransack anyone's room apart from mine. Step even a foot in my room and I will find out and I will kill you and your loved ones" Vance smirked at the crowd before turning away and walking towards a shadow "Oh, and if you go in there, you'll probably get shot. So charge in there at your own risk" Vance turned around and walked into a shadow and teleported away.
Vance appeared next to Fola
"So, you wanted me to get them to raid your room, right? Cause I'm sure you have nothing of worth. But I did tell them you had to stuff to bring people back to life with. and that you were hiding it in your room" Vance smirked maliciously at Fola "Now. lets solve this problem. Remember if we have to fight something, you're on the defensive. AKA, you're a meat shield. And I'm on offencive. Got that? Good. And I'm pretty sure I'm a higher rank than you. So I'm in charge by default, unless a higher rank shows up"

@LokiofSP @Light @DizjayDeathPride
LokiofSP said:
Fola snorted, "You'll need me? I'm like, 90% sure I'm higher ranking than you, so shut your damn mouth, alright? Anyways, I should go first, that way you can find a way to stop all these people from ransacking the guild. I'd REALLY appreciate if you did and I'm really not giving you a choice here..." He waved at Vance and teleported to Germany.

@GingerBread @Light @DizjayDeathPride (Yo, me and Ginger about to crash this Germany party)
( @GingerBread @Lotusy @DizjayDeathPride @Embaga Elder @Throne Trinity )

The reapers didn't know what to do now that they were threatened back. There were 15 of them in a physical form surrounding the group of Dio, Ryan, Vance, Fola, Decimus, Cole, Richard, Crimson, and Damian. They were rouge reapers whom are rebelling against Grimmavus along with the Grimm clones. A clone of Grimm steps up as well and glares, it was Musical Grimm. "Instead of killing...I'd like to talk and explain to you exactly what has happened here and what is going on."

"I mean, they can go in my room, no big deal, I'll just pay you back telling everybody about the CRAZY kinky sex you and your boyfriend used to have. Hell, maybe with a bit of magical help I can even get my hand of a video of some kind. Best part? We're apparently famous now, so people will care..." The witch boy waved off Vance, "I really get it, you want to prove that you can fight so that maybe daddy will finally care, but if we're going to be honest with ourselves, it might make more sense for us to fight as equals as opposed to meat shields. I know it'll be hard to take your head out of your own ass for a few moments and listen to me, but it might work..."

It was then that Fola looked around and almost threw up. All around him was an entire country that had been leveled entrily, and so quickly as well... It was then he noticed the reapers. He went to his sword quickly, keeping his hand there just in case, but attempted to go for a peaceful solution still, "Okay, go ahead and talk. Excuse us if we're a little on edge, coming across you in the middle of all of this...It doesn't look good to say the least..."

@GingerBread @Lotusy @DizjayDeathPride @Embaga Elder @Throne Trinity


Jayn looked at Roman for a few moments with a blank expression before bursting out laughing, "Oh god you are SUCH a dork! In a good way! It's just, who tells a girl they have nice hands? Is that your fetish or something? Never letting you anywhere near my hands after this." She smiled lightheartedly and closed her eyes, focusing on Germany...

LokiofSP said:
"I mean, they can go in my room, no big deal, I'll just pay you back telling everybody about the CRAZY kinky sex you and your boyfriend used to have. Hell, maybe with a bit of magical help I can even get my hand of a video of some kind. Best part? We're apparently famous now, so people will care..." The witch boy waved off Vance, "I really get it, you want to prove that you can fight so that maybe daddy will finally care, but if we're going to be honest with ourselves, it might make more sense for us to fight as equals as opposed to meat shields. I know it'll be hard to take your head out of your own ass for a few moments and listen to me, but it might work..."
It was then that Fola looked around and almost threw up. All around him was an entire country that had been leveled entrily, and so quickly as well... It was then he noticed the reapers. He went to his sword quickly, keeping his hand there just in case, but attempted to go for a peaceful solution still, "Okay, go ahead and talk. Excuse us if we're a little on edge, coming across you in the middle of all of this...It doesn't look good to say the least..."
"If you want to release a video go ahead. Maybe it will slander my image and help me fade out of the public eye. And I'll just let everyone know how you killed a crying child that only wanted a friend. And I also have no clue about my parents, they could be dead, they could've never existed, I wouldn't know" Vance shrugged nonchalantly "Anyway Lions don't concern themselves with the opinion of sheep. And if you want to fight me later, we can do that. I'll kick your arse no problem" Vance looked around and scowled "That's a lot of potential jobs gone. Shame. Anyway like child killer said. Go ahead and talk, I'll butt in if you all get a bit stupid. So I might have to interrupt after every word"

@LokiofSP [COLOR=rgb(86,86,86)]@Lotusy[/COLOR] @DizjayDeathPride @Embaga Elder @Throne Trinity @Light
Last edited by a moderator:
LokiofSP said:
Jayn looked at Roman for a few moments with a blank expression before bursting out laughing, "Oh god you are SUCH a dork! In a good way! It's just, who tells a girl they have nice hands? Is that your fetish or something? Never letting you anywhere near my hands after this." She smiled lightheartedly and closed her eyes, focusing on Germany...

( Gonna post this first since the second one will take a bit. )

"N-no I didn't mean it like that! I was just thinking about it a-and it slipped!" Roman was completely flustered as they left to Germany and was just as flustered as they arrived. "I swear to you I just....I screwed up..." Roman was too flustered to notice the spirits of the recently slaughtered German people staring at them.
LokiofSP said:
"I mean, they can go in my room, no big deal, I'll just pay you back telling everybody about the CRAZY kinky sex you and your boyfriend used to have. Hell, maybe with a bit of magical help I can even get my hand of a video of some kind. Best part? We're apparently famous now, so people will care..." The witch boy waved off Vance, "I really get it, you want to prove that you can fight so that maybe daddy will finally care, but if we're going to be honest with ourselves, it might make more sense for us to fight as equals as opposed to meat shields. I know it'll be hard to take your head out of your own ass for a few moments and listen to me, but it might work..."

It was then that Fola looked around and almost threw up. All around him was an entire country that had been leveled entrily, and so quickly as well... It was then he noticed the reapers. He went to his sword quickly, keeping his hand there just in case, but attempted to go for a peaceful solution still, "Okay, go ahead and talk. Excuse us if we're a little on edge, coming across you in the middle of all of this...It doesn't look good to say the least..."

@GingerBread @Lotusy @DizjayDeathPride @Embaga Elder @Throne Trinity
GingerBread said:
"If you want to release a video go ahead. Maybe it will slander my image and help me fade out of the public eye. And I'll just let everyone know how you killed a crying child that only wanted a friend. And I also have no clue about my parents, they could be dead, they could've never existed, I wouldn't know" Vance shrugged nonchalantly "Anyway Lions don't concern themselves with the opinion of sheep. And if you want to fight me later, we can do that. I'll kick your arse no problem" Vance looked around and scowled "That's a lot of potential jobs gone. Shame. Anyway like child killer said. Go ahead and talk, I'll butt in if you all get a bit stupid. So I might have to interrupt after every word"
@LokiofSP [COLOR=rgb(86,86,86)]@Lotusy[/COLOR] @DizjayDeathPride @Embaga Elder @Throne Trinity @Light
"Four score an-" A reaper begins to talk about bullshit and gets scythe hilt to the head. Of course it wouldn't die since it wasn't the blade but it still hurt.

"What he meant to say was this." Another reaper clears his throat. "Have you ever heard of the Van Fen'rir?"

Fola laughed, "Know of them? They were some of the closest things I had to friends! Isn't my life sad?" He wiped away tears in his eyes and calmed down, "What does this have to do with them?"


Jayn touched the tip of Roman's nose, "Boop... Don't worry, I was just kidding around, no need to get so worked up you dork." Jayn approached one of the German's and attempted to speak to them, realizing something halfway through the conversation, "Problem, I can't speak German..."


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