Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

  • djinnamon said:
    ( I legit don't know what's going on anymore ) @Light
    Tazmodo said:
    Jackson caught Alice's smell and then Lucifer along with all the others. He was filled with rage and teleported to them. He was in a state for feral mind and attacked Lucifer with all his strength.
    Lucifer sighed to himself. "Alright. I'm done. I don't have patience anymore for you insolent children!"

    ( ! ) Lucifer moved to the side of Jackson and just as he went by, the back of Lucifer's heel was in the back of his skull, his full power behind it, cracking it. Before he moved another inch, Lucifer used his Twilight Speed to be in front of Jackson, up kicking him, ripping him through the sound barrier. As he flew up the archangel was already behind him, his hand right through Jackson's spine and through his chest, pushing out his heart and spinal fragments and dropping him.

    "Next? Or will you all leave us alone now?"

Light said:
( @Lotusy @Embaga Elder )
Christina appears before Malren and watches him rampage. "You know it was all a lie right? I never really loved you....I simply manipulated myself so I would believe I did. It was a lie!" Christina yells at Malren, a triumphant smile develops upon her face. "So you made the right choice in shooting me down. Congratulations...you're not as hopeless as I thought." Christina didn't perfectly why she had to go through the trouble of doing this, but it made her feel good. Telling Malren that she didn't need him or his love....She seriously couldn't understand why though if she didn't love him. This shouldn't matter to her at all. "I'm leaving....we all are. This is goodbye. I hope we never...EVER! Meet again, it'll be good for the both of us." Christina had the teary eyed expression as if she were about to cry as she disappears. As she faded away she understood why she went through the trouble of visiting him. He may not have been her boyfriend and her feelings may have been fake but Malren was one of her two friends.

Christina appears before Cole and composed herself from the rant she had against Malren. "Our time was brief but I did in fact enjoy it. You're strong...I'll give you that, though you still failed to protect me. I guess you could say this all your fault." Christina gestures to the scene around them. "Dont worry though, I don't blame you. After all we are friends and friends...forgive one another. I wish you the best of luck! This is goodbye, I will see you once again on the day of endings." Christina disappears.

( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @GingerBread @Lotusy @Embaga Elder )

Alice appears before Jackson and sighs. "Look dude....I'm sorry I couldn't respond to your last love confession to me at all. To tell the truth, I'm thankful that a guy like you had such deep feelings for a girl like me. I just couldn't return those feelings for you at that time. I'm sorry to say that I still can't, I'm not ready. You and I? It won't work out Jackson....not now. I most likely won't get along with anyone on a relationship term. I just have too many responsibilities and a relationship and love can't be one of them. We all know how pissy Carnage will get." Alice approaches Jackson and embraces him. "I have to go now...this is goodbye. Most likely it'll be permanent." Alice pulls away and kisses Jackson, her alarmingly tender and warm lips press against his in a shy but longing fashion. Alice pulls away and kisses Jackson one more time, only to separate for good. "I'll give you that though." Alice winks and steps away from Jackson. "Alright now! Stop being a sissy for me alright?" With a final flash of her key grin, Alice disappears from Jackson's sight.

Alice appears before Earl, scratching the back of her head. "Look dude...I don't know you all too well at all. What I do know is that you're dedicated and I like that. Just try and loosen up and express yourself. You can't he afraid about how the world is going to look at you if you haven't shown yourself to begin with." Alice turns away and begins to walk while she waves. "Cya around, Earl!" Alice disappears.

( I know he left but this is for when he was there. )

Alice was about to appear near Vance but it seemed like he was too busy being killed. She appears farther away and yells towards him. "Yo! Shadow idiot! You're pretty cocky and shit but you can at least back it up! Ya hear me?! I respect that and you! We can't have a rematch but I would love to if it were possible. Don't give up or else all the people and lives you've walked over and ended to survive and make it this far will go to waste! You can do it, success isn't that hard if you reach for it the way you are! This is goodbye, cya!" Alice disappears after this.

Alice appears beside Malren and laughs. "So you've met my little sister Julie." Alice gestures towards the priestess. "So are you going to fuck her too?" Alice reveals a mischievous grin and approaches him. "Y'know when I told you we'd be friends? I meant it so its really going to suck since I have to say goodbye without having time to hang out. I was told you use to be a punk bitch but now you're at the top. I would love to pick on you but when I hear about achievements like that I have no choice but to respect someone like you. I heard about your break up with Christina, I can't be mad at you though. You're a man and you make your own decisions. It's not like you're a bad guy though too. In fact I heard that you're really caring and you proved it in my temple. I have never seen anyone so adamant on a goal that nearly had nothing to do with him. For a second I thought no one would give a shit about my orb. I mean what's so special about controlling emotions to people when one orb could control deities. So I'd like to thank you, I felt really special... actually warm in my heart when you went through such lengths for it. I want you to keep climbing, don't stop no matter what. It sounds really selfish but you deserve to be forced to accel. You deserve a push on the back and support! Sadly I can't be your #1 cheerleader since I have to go now." Alice shrugs and sets her hands in her pockets. "Try not to get yourself killed though, that would be upsetting." Alice lightly punches Malren in the shoulder and inevitably hugs him in his lion form. "Goodbye! Take care of yourself big shot!" Alice disappears, the tone she carried the goodbye with meant nothing but they would never meet again.

Alice appears in front of Crimson and Zedd, holding out his hand for him to stop. "Hey there! The whole adventure we had was fun. Though the outcome wasn't what we wanted and I was still attacked, the build up was worth it. We're both angry people but I need to ask you to do this one task for me. Work on controlling your anger dude. People will find out you're actually a really sweet and kind person if you do! We can't blow shit up right now because I have to get out of here. This'll be the last time we see each other again. Zedd, I have to leave Emily behind with the rest of the Van Fen'rir sadly. Thank you for tolerating the name Rose. Emily really likes you and wants to become the best of friends so you can visit her in the castle. I promise the reapers there will be nice and let you in. Please visit her, she only has her siblings and no other friends to speak of." Alice was sobbing at this point. "Thank you!" She turns around and covers her face. "I swear she'll be a good girl and she'll become very successful in the future. She'll repay your kindness with her own tenfold! That girl has a lot of it in that small heart of hers. This is goodbye! I wish you both the best of luck." Alice disappears so she could visit her children one last time before disappearing for good.

( @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP )

Morgan appears before Ryan and lightly pats his head. "Hm...I would test on your hair but I don't have any time. I'll make this brief since you can in between the lines. I don't hate you, but I don't exactly love you. Yet at the same time opinions change and I'm not perfectly known for sticking to one opinion when influence is involved. I never told you no to the proposal either but I never said yes." Morgan continues to talk as she runs both hands through Ryan's hair. "I had....fun. Yes that's the word, fun." Kisses Ryan with her cold but soft lips once more, temporarily blinding him until she leaves with a spell. She puts her hands behind her back and leans forward as she backs away. "This is goodbye for good Ryan. You need to finish this one for me. Roses are Red, Violets are Blue." She whispers the words to him and adjusts the conditions of the blindness. With each word he says to finish the poem after she leaves his eyes sight will slowly come back and be completely restored once he's finished. Though once he does finish, she would be gone. She disappears with an audible ghastly sigh in the form of a whisper.

Morgan appears before Fola and yawns. "Looks like I'm back to give you a proper goodbye. You don't have to feel so bad about whatever's going on. You can always spill your feelings to me." Morgan approaches him and touches his heart. "After all I will always be in your heart. I am your queen and even though it may not seem like it, I never leave my subject's side. You don't need him." Morgan casts a glance at the snake on his shoulders and takes Fola's hands within her own. "You're a witch...half witch or full it doesn't matter. You have just as much potential as any other. You just have to read and train to get a grip on your powers. I can't help you accel, only you can. Though what I can do is pave the roads for you, give you a starting push, and congratulate you at the finish line and every checkpoint. This is my final goodbye to you. Enjoy your life....I've given you enough hell for you not to." Morgan gives him the smile from before and slowly let's his hands go, backing away from him. "You'll be fine. Just take the first step, I'll support you along the way." Morgan disappears after this.

( @DizjayDeathPride @Daimao @Tazmodo )

Alexandria appears before Richard and hides behind her wings. "O-oh....I have to go. Thank you for being my friend. It means a lot to me. I'm happy I saved your life that day. In a way...You saved mine." It's too bad you have to leave the realm soon. There are so many things to see here. I wish we could have done....friend things. This is goodbye." Alexandria rushes up to Richard and gives him a quickly hug, disappearing afterwards.

Alexandria appears before Decimus and slightly hides behind her wings. "I'm happy that you got my orb. You were dedicated to protecting me, I almost felt like I was in the realm of neutrality again. I got to show you my confident side, something I haven't done in years." Alexandria rushes up to Decimus and hugs him. "I'm not afraid of you anymore."

Alexandria appears before Typhon and gives him a book on modern technology. "I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly I had things to handle. I hope your vengeance allows you to find happiness... if not then what's the worth? Goodbye friend!" Alexandria pokes Typhon and disappears.

Alexandria appears before the sleeping Julliette and writes her a letter. 'Thank you for attempting to be my friend. I would have talked to you but you were pulled elsewhere. This is goodbye.' Alexandria pokes Julliette and disappears.

( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @djinnamon @Lotusy @Austria @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries @Daimao @Nova King @Embaga Elder )

Ashlyn appears before Jackson and humbly bows. "I'd like to thank you for joining my guild and fighting alongside it. I'd also like to thank you for taking it upon yourself to defend Alice. The bond that we've had wasn't direct but we did live and fight for the same cause, which is enough for me." Ashlyn ranks Jackson up and hugs him. "This is goodbye." Ashlyn disappears.

Ashlyn appears before Reed and embraces him. "I'm sorry for everything I have done and will do." Ashlyn returns Reeds memories to him. "I can't return the feelings you have for me. It's time that I've told you that I have really...really deep feelings for Jackie that won't be returned. It's nice that you felt that way about me though, it's nice to feel loved y'know. Which is why you have to move on, I can't love you the way you want me too." Ashlyn hugs Reed once more and rubs his back. "This is goodbye for good." Ashlyn disappears.

Ashlyn appears inside Julliette's room and leaves her with Grimm's number since she's been trying to talk to him. She tucks Julliette in properly and makes sure the temperature is okay in the room after ranking her up three times. She leaves a note telling Julliette the painting was finished. Ashlyn disappears.

Ashlyn appears before Sarah's grave within the guilds memorial building and sets down flowers. She stays for a moment to send Sarah prayers after making sure the tombstone doesn't have even a single imperfection on it. Ashlyn disappears.

Ashlyn appears before Earl and hugs him. "Make sure that you take care of yourself. Brush your teeth, eat healthy, and sleep. You're a troublesome one....always poking around in things." Ashlyn hands Earl the book he read before without the smudged out name. The words displayed Ashlyn Van Fen'rir. "Please get along with the other guild members, they need you as much as you need them. Try to talk with them honestly, you don't need to hide from any of us. Introduce one of your favourite books to them, you might find a great friend for life within this guild that has your tastes. You don't have to let go of things Earl. Good luck, this is goodbye." Ashlyn fixes his hair and inspects him, ranking him up three times. "Yup, you're good! Goodbye!" Ashlyn disappears.

Ashlyn appears before Inaro and pulls on his cheeks. "You've been a great addition to Dragon's Roar! I'd like to personally thank you for you achievements. You've grown powerful alongside all of us and ran down enemies like a tractor!" Ashlyn was pulling on his cheeks with each word. "I have to go now though so I will give you this." Inaro could feel himself rank up to Alpha and he could feel a warm and soft hug from Ashlyn. "Goodbye!" Ashlyn disappears.

Ashlyn appears before Sage and puts a flower into his hair. "Hey! It seems like you've had a rough experience with the other guild members throughout your time here. Have you managed to get along with them now? I would hope so. Sage I need you to continue to work hard but most of all I need you to focus on developing yourself as a person. I know you can do better, I'm speaking from deity to deity, person to person. This is goodbye now Sage." Ashlyn hugs Sage and disappears after ranking him up once.

Ashlyn appears behind Malren and taps his lion shoulder. "Hello there mister heart breaker!" Ashlyn lightly laughs and begins to play with his fur. "You've been extremely kind to people in my guild, a clear inspiration to most new people. I can't assist you any longer from this point on but I hope that you'll cherish my blessings. I have to deeply thank you for getting my father off of that mountain, he's needed something like that. Something you gave him is what he needed. I want you to honor and fight what for what you stand for and the guild shall fight for what you stand for as well, like a family." Ashlyn floats down and hugs him, disappearing afterwards.

Ashlyn floats around Jasmise who's a sloth in a tree. She picks up Jasmine and cradles her. "Hello there Jasmine! Also known as the objective set bird. I saw the way you were looking for other guild members with Derek for a mission. I see a lot of the things you do. I hope my blessings have served you well, that's what they're intended to do, protect my family. Ashlyn begins to float around with sloth Jasmine in her arms. "I want you to look out for yourself, Derek, and fellow guild members. Utilize your knowledge. This is goodbye." Ashlyn floats over to the tree and gently sets down Jasmine after hugging her and ranking her up once.

Ashlyn appears upside down above Derek. "Hellooo! I've recently spoke to Jasmine, she's recently gotten the message of. I appreciate you!" Ashlyn slightly yells with that last sentence. She flips over so she's right side up. "If you're doing well then I'm happy! Do you understand that you have a family within the guild? I want you to protect it from now own alongside Jasmine." Ashlyn hugs Derek and disappears after ranking him up once.

Ashlyn appears above Vance and floats down. She begins to heal him as she speaks. "Now look at you, I don't know if that was bravery or just the usual you. I remember the time when you were dedicated to killing me. I hope you've changed your mind and found a new goal since I have to go." Ashlyn ranks Vance up twice. "I know you're staying in this guild for power but I hope you use that power to protect others in this guild, that's the responsibility of ranking up. Thank you for sticking around for so long, this is goodbye." Ashlyn disappears after giving him a hug.

Ashlyn appears before Jackie a causal smile displayed upon her face. "I'm going to come clean about this. I've had deep feelings of love for you for some time now. I've never told you this because I know you have such a beautiful relationship with Alpha, that I support because it makes you so happy. I want to stay best friends but sometimes I wish for a little more. I just had to come clean before I left." Ashlyn embraces Jackie longer than the other guild members. "I'll miss you...and Sanctum. Goodbye Jackie." Ashlyn disappears.

Ashlyn appears before Decimus with a slight smile, she was still sad about the situation with Jackie but she had shed tears over it long ago. "Hello Decimus! I hope you're feeling great today because I have an even better surprise. You get two great things!" Ashlyn hugs him and buries her face in the crook of his neck. "You need to warm and up and feel my friend! This is my mission from me to you! Make more friendships within your family! You don't just have TDR. You have an abundance of people to protect, fight alongside, and laugh with. I want you to make more friendships than I ever could! I'm serious. Decimus yah gotta be happy!" Ashlyn pulls on his cheeks to form a smile and hugs him once last time, disappearing.

Ashlyn appears before Ryan with a romance book in her hands. "Ryan! I bought this book just for you to read since you seem to be interested in the topic nowadays. Try not to shoot anyone in the guild, you're supposed to protect your family not attack them." Ashlyn hugs Ryan and rubs his back. "This is goodbye for good."

Ashlyn appears beside the real Morpheus and rests his head in her lap, healing him as she speaks. "You're of the Meta rank and this is what happens to you? Oh Morpheus you've always tried to be friendly with everyone you've met and I deeply appreciate that since the guild needs more friendly bonding if we're going to be a family. I need you to get back up and fight for the guild in my place. There's so much riding on the next few decisions you all make together and I need you all to make the right ones. This is goodbye Morpheus." Ashlyn hugs him and finishes healing him, disappearing afterwards.

Ashlyn appears before Theo and hugs him. "You're a...rebellious young one aren't you?" She pulls away and tugs on his cheeks. "You need to calm down there young one! Promise me that you'll act your own age." Ashlyn ranks Theo up once and hugs him, disappearing.

Ashlyn appears before Damian and pats his shoulder, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you for handling the media when they were attacking Dragon's Roar over social media. I'm sorry you lost your company in the process." Ashlyn disappears after this.

Ashlyn appears before Richard and pokes his forehead. "Thank you for your assistance in everything!" Richard ranks up twice. "I'd like you to enjoy your stay here as much as you can! We're your family here!" Ashlyn hugs Richard and disappears.

Ashlyn appears before Fola and lightly pushes him. "You're not a foot soldier so stop referring to yourself as one. Am I speaking clearly to you? If I am, good." Ashlyn hugs Fola in person this time. "We're all family in this guild so stop treating yourself like a disposable pawn! You're special, Morgan wouldn't try so hard for you if she didn't think so. If you have a problem, express it. There are so many people to rely on in this guild if you just give them a chance and trust." Ashlyn pulls away from the hug and smiles. "I have to go now Fola. This is goodbye." Ashlyn disappears after ranking Fola up three times.

Ashlyn appears before Ace. "I never got any time to speak deeply with you. I have to go now which is the bad part about it. So to make up for it, I leave behind the guild with you. I want you to make friends with your family in the guild." Ashlyn ranks Ace up once. "This is goodbye." Ashlyn disappears.

Ashlyn appears before Cole and hugs him. "Even though you were new and didn't know much about the guilds current whereabouts, I want to thank you for stepping in to help at the drop of the hat. The guild of Dragon's Roar is honored to have you amongst our ranks. Goodbye, we won't be meeting each other again but that doesn't mean we won't be connected!" Ashlyn ranks Cole up three times and disappears.

Ashlyn appears before Crimson and pokes his nose. "Your strength in this guild will help out with proper maintenance and bonding. Communication with fellow guild members will help you pull off bigger achievements since teamwork is key!" Ashlyn hugs Crimson and he can feel himself rank up three times. "I have to say goodbye to you now." Ashlyn disappears.

Ashlyn appears behind Typhon. "Hello! We haven't met but my name is Ashlyn, the leader of Dragon's Roar!" Ashlyn pulls Typhon into a hug and he can feel himself rank up three times. "I have to leave now sadly so you won't get the time to talk with me and nor will I get the time to talk with you. I want to say one thing to you though. Good luck! Dragon's Roar will be an amazing experience for you, I know it. I'll take my leave now. Goodbye!" Ashlyn disappears.

Colin could see Ashlyn appear before him. "Hello there! You're the popular one nowadays, getting yourself into a lot of sticky situations. I know the start of Dragon's Roar was a rocky one for you so I must thank and congratulate you for holding on. I wish I could see your development as a person but I have to go now. Your emotions aren't yours alone to handle, you have people within this guild to cry on. As well as people in this guild to let cry on you. We're a family and sometimes letting others know what your weakness is a good thing, it helps us all grow stronger as a group. I believe you can rise to the top!" Ashlyn hugs Colin and he can feel himself rank up three times. "This is where we must split ways Colin!" Ashlyn disappears.

Ashlyn appears above Alexei and smiles. "Hello! I've come to specifically thank you for cleaning out each toilet in the guild and keeping our building clean. Even though the guild members seem all tough, even the slightest sickness could get to them." Ashlyn lightly bows to Alexei. "Your service shall not be ignored. Neither will your paintings, in fact they've given me the inspiration to paint a mural in he guilds hall of fame!" Ashlyn holds out a vial of clear liquid. "If you stick a brush in there and think about a specific colour, it'll appear. This is yours!" Ashlyn has the vial float over to him as she backs away. "I must go, but I wish you the best of luck. Please take care of the building. You've been making sure the hygiene of our family has been spotless so far, please don't stop!" Ashlyn disappears and releases him from the realm of creativity after hugging him.

Ashlyn appears before Ivan and pokes his shoulder. "Our guild has been constantly targeted and we have you to thank for the lack of destruction upon this current one. I have this for you." Ashlyn lightly bows and extends her hands, revealing an orb to erect barriers around the guild and or put them down. "I made this just for you. Now you can protect the guild on a much higher level. I must go now." Ashlyn hugs him and disappears.

Ashlyn appears before Boris and smiles. "Hello master chef! For your dedication and various duties towards the guild, I would like to award you with the keys to the electronics vault!" Ashlyn bows and hands over the keys. Any electronic that has ever came out, new or old, was in there. "You've kept food within our stomachs and made sure our teleportation was accurate since we do use that form of transport all the time. It would be bad if we didn't have an expert like you." Ashlyn hugs Boris and slowly backs away, "This is the last time we'll meet, so this is where I say goodbye." Ashlyn disappears.

Ashlyn appears before Viktor and hugs him immediately. "Thank you for training the members of our guild! It must be extremely painful to die like that even if you come back up. Trust me, I know. If you're okay with It, I'd like for you to stay and help out. They're pretty rowdy and you'd be pretty good at crowd control without the fear of dying permanently as terrible as that sounds. The job may be painful but it can be used for good. So far you're doing just that." Ashlyn bows and opens her hands. "I present to you a spore gun. Each bullet has a different spore that has a different affect. Like paralysis." Ashlyn has the gun appear and float over to Viktor. "Gotta go!" Ashlyn disappears.

Ashlyn appears before Julius Roman and hugs him. "Sorry this seems weird but I'd like to welcome you personally to Dragon's Roar!" Pulls away and Julius could feel himself rank up three times. "I hope you have a great time with our guild. I have to go but it was nice meeting you!" Ashlyn disappears.

( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @djinnamon @Lotusy @Austria @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries @Daimao @Nova King @Embaga Elder )

Ashlyn sent all the Dragon's Roar members mental visions about the mural she painted for them, depicting them all in the guilds hall of fame. Ashlyn wasn't painted into it, as if she intentiointentionally left herself out of the equation. A mental message rings throughout all of their minds. "Go back to the guild, forget the orbs and the priestess. Just worry about defending yourselves and each other. This isn't your problem anymore. No one will blame you." Ashlyn had smiles and a cheery attitude with everyone earlier but as soon as she was alone, she couldn't help but feel weak in her knees and concentration, making her fall from floating. She curls up and begins to sob in the middle of an abandoned amusement park. No longer caring about showing off an uplifting card, no longer caring about how loud her wails may be, and, no longer caring about being happy. She had to abandon one of the many things she's cared about for so long and it hurt. "I can't take this anymore....It's all just sadness and it's your fault." She was talking to herself about Lucifer. "I've separated myself from them so just leave them alone, they have nothing to do with the problem anymore. We've all separated ourselves from the problem. So just ignore Dragon's Roar and come for us. You have no need to hurt them." Christina, Alice, Morgan, and Alexandria appear beside Ashlyn and stand ready for whatever may come. They said their goodbyes for the same reason. Julie appears there as well with all five orbs floating around her, the curses no longer affecting anything. They were ready, and now that they felt like they wouldn't have any worries about anyone else getting hurt, they weren't afraid.
After all that, Typhon looked at the book that Alexandria had given him. "Tech-no-lo-gy..." Opening it, Typhon skimmed some pages. "Humans sure have come far..."

CelticSol said:
(@Daimao )
Jackie stares with wide eyes where Ashlyn had been, slowly absorbing her words. Jackie had made jokes about it for years, but she had never actually thought there had been actual feelings involved in it... Her hands, still held out to accompadate Ashlyn's embrace, clench into tight fists, "No way, bitch," She hisses, "No way," She looks to Alpha, her eyes narrowed, "Alpha, I will be back. Gotta handle something."

A flick of her wrist opens a shadowy portal before her that envelopes her, drowning Jackie in shadow. Sanctum, where's our girl?

Sanctum's answer was dropping her under the awning of what appeared to be a carnival game. Ahead of her, grouped together, was Ashlyn, Morgan, and three other women Jackie doesnt recognize, but Jackie's eyes zero in on Ashlyn, who is on her knees on the ground. Normally, that'd concern her - Ashlyn almost always floated around - but now, white hot rage burned in her gut. Without even putting thought into it, Jackie is stomping towards Ashlyn, her fingers grabbing the girl by the front of her shirt and hauling her to her feet. With all the easy strength of a delinquent turned criminal, she levels Ashlyn with a punch to the mouth.

She drops Ashlyn, looking down at her with furious eyes, "Are you fucking serious? You drop a bomb like that and you just run off? Hell no, bitch!" Jackie crouches down and grabs Isabel by her shirt so she is forced to look into Jackie's eyes, which have lost their anger and now seem exasperated and sad, "I'm sorry that I don't feel the same way, Bells. I wish I did, but I don't. That doesn't mean I don't want to be your friend, and that doesn't mean I think less of you or any bullshit like that."

Jackie's grip shifts, until she's holding Ashlyn's face in her hands, "And I don't really know what's going on right now, or why you're doing what you're doing, but I know for damn sure you're being a self-sacrificial twat just so other people aren't going to hurt," Jackie shakes her head, "Don't you get it? You're not alone in this anymore. You've got a whole guild of people who trust you and love you, who have your back and will fight beside you. I've gone through hell and back for you, but I'd do it as many times as we could get ourselves in trouble, because I'm your best friend and best friends always have each others backs, even if that means we have to face off against genocidal deities or lunatics with dreams of world domination," Jackie pulls Ashlyn into a tight hug, whispering in her ear, "We're in this together, Ashlyn. You don't have to protect me. For once, let me fight with you."
Alpha nodded as Jackie left. "Yup, I'll be here. Waiting," he said simply. After she was gone, Alpha looked around. 'I like hugs...'
CelticSol said:
(@Daimao )
Jackie stares with wide eyes where Ashlyn had been, slowly absorbing her words. Jackie had made jokes about it for years, but she had never actually thought there had been actual feelings involved in it... Her hands, still held out to accompadate Ashlyn's embrace, clench into tight fists, "No way, bitch," She hisses, "No way," She looks to Alpha, her eyes narrowed, "Alpha, I will be back. Gotta handle something."

A flick of her wrist opens a shadowy portal before her that envelopes her, drowning Jackie in shadow. Sanctum, where's our girl?

Sanctum's answer was dropping her under the awning of what appeared to be a carnival game. Ahead of her, grouped together, was Ashlyn, Morgan, and three other women Jackie doesnt recognize, but Jackie's eyes zero in on Ashlyn, who is on her knees on the ground. Normally, that'd concern her - Ashlyn almost always floated around - but now, white hot rage burned in her gut. Without even putting thought into it, Jackie is stomping towards Ashlyn, her fingers grabbing the girl by the front of her shirt and hauling her to her feet. With all the easy strength of a delinquent turned criminal, she levels Ashlyn with a punch to the mouth.

She drops Ashlyn, looking down at her with furious eyes, "Are you fucking serious? You drop a bomb like that and you just run off? Hell no, bitch!" Jackie crouches down and grabs Isabel by her shirt so she is forced to look into Jackie's eyes, which have lost their anger and now seem exasperated and sad, "I'm sorry that I don't feel the same way, Bells. I wish I did, but I don't. That doesn't mean I don't want to be your friend, and that doesn't mean I think less of you or any bullshit like that."

Jackie's grip shifts, until she's holding Ashlyn's face in her hands, "And I don't really know what's going on right now, or why you're doing what you're doing, but I know for damn sure you're being a self-sacrificial twat just so other people aren't going to hurt," Jackie shakes her head, "Don't you get it? You're not alone in this anymore. You've got a whole guild of people who trust you and love you, who have your back and will fight beside you. I've gone through hell and back for you, but I'd do it as many times as we could get ourselves in trouble, because I'm your best friend and best friends always have each others backs, even if that means we have to face off against genocidal deities or lunatics with dreams of world domination," Jackie pulls Ashlyn into a tight hug, whispering in her ear, "We're in this together, Ashlyn. You don't have to protect me. For once, let me fight with you."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer appeared in the amusement park with them, landing gently on the ground. "That's all I've ever wanted. Like seriously. I don't care about your little pets or 'friendships' as you call them. I. Want. You. And now you're all here! Have you all gotten along like I said?"
djinnamon said:
" Well , there is no particular reason. " He said before he and Diana got the mental message from Ashlyn. Sage had flown to Diana and two teleported to China. " Let's get destroying. " Sage said and began freezing everything in sight while Diana destroyed the things Sage froze with ice magic. When the two got the lther message they stopped. " We need to find Ashlyn. " Sage said before he teleported to her.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson caught Alice's smell and then Lucifer along with all the others. He was filled with rage and teleported to them. He was in a state for feral mind and attacked Lucifer with all his strength.
( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @djinnamon @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t @Daimao @Throne Trinity @metalcity @Fluffykitty9000 @Nova King @Embaga Elder LUCIFER ARC. )

Ashlyn watches Jackson get beat basically to the edge of death and shakes her head. "I get that Jackie but this isn't something I want you involved in. He's going for kills, not a fair fight. I get that you want to fight with me but now is not the time. Ashlyn sends Jackie, Sage, and Jackson away with the addition of healing Jackson. She puts up a barrier around the area to make sure only Van Fen'rir can enter. This would be a family brawl. "They're gone now. You could also say that yes we have been getting along."

LokiofSP said:
A few vague words from two girls, then they were gone and he was left alone besides the snake on his shoulder. Once again, he felt as he was being cast aside, felt as if there was something he was missing! He felt like a child once more, lost as he looked on at angry and upset adults as he looked on, confused as to what he did wrong. He needed a drink, and he needed time time to think. He walked off to the main shopping district of Chicago and picked up things from various stores (Yes he stole them). He walked out of the last one, he was unsure of this last pick up, it was something he hadn't felt he had use for in years, yet he felt as if it was important...
He pulled on his shirt (or what was left of it), he was hot, he needed a shower and time alone. He teleported back to the guild and went to his room, throwing down various bags by his door as he stepped inside the shower. Turning on the hottest temperature he could manage, he let the water soak his skin, let it wash over him as he thought. He thought of anything he could have done, something he could have said, played out every point from this morning to the point he was at now, and thought of ANYTHING he could have done to prevent this.

He could still remember the warmth he would feel on his back whenever he had been at his lowest points, the most comforting feeling that existed. He'd taken it for granted, true, but the more he looked back on it the more he appreciated them. To a small extent, it had let him know he wasn't alone, that he was being watched over to some small extent...

He still felt the fresh bruises and scars from the fights, every single fight he'd gotten into so he could prove his worth. He'd worked SO HARD during those times, and each time he'd felt as if he were a rag doll to be tossed from person to person. It'd made him take on a terrible view on his position, but it was only as he realized just how far he'd come that he appreciated it all. He was Beta! He'd gotten so strong, and there were still so many limits he was pushing past, as he saw when he literally fought himself...

He stepped out from the shower got dressed, putting on his clothes he almost immediately dug out a bottle of brown liquid from a bag. He uncorked the bottle and sat on his bed, thoughts running through his head. He didn't want to deal with any of it just then, so he went to tip the bottle back and empty the contents...But he couldn't.

The bottle was an inch from his lips, and he heard it,

"You'll be fine."

He swirled the contents of the bottle and sucked on his teeth, attempting to bring it to his lips once more...

"You're special"

Once again he couldn't. He put the bottle aside and stared off into nothingness for a few moments.

"There are so many people to rely on in this guild if you just give them a chance and trust."

He blinked once and looked at the bottle once more.

"Just take the first step..."

"Okay, fine...I get it..." He grabbed the bottle and the bag filled to the brim with various bottles of similar sizes and shapes, all with brownish liquids inside them. Reaching the shower, he took the uncorked bottle and emptied its contents into the drain, he put the now empty bottle to the side and picked up another, uncorking the bottle and emptying its contents before placing it to the side. He did so until the bag was empty, and he was left on the floor.

He exited the bathroom and came to the one item he'd stolen that wasn't cheap liquor. He approached it carefully, looking at with with a sense of nostalgia and familiarity, yet distance. There was once a time when his fingers were calloused, when his vocal chords could reach much higher notes, when his heart was all the way in it. It'd been years, yet this one time, he felt there was one song he had to belt out...

He unclasped the case and slowly lifted the top. The inside was smooth, filled with fur to hold the fragile instrument. He lifted it up and felt the smooth wood beneath his fingers, felt the thick cords along his fingers, and took in a deep breath to fill his lungs with the familiar scent...

Tears began to well up in his eyes as he cleared his throat. He began to strum, he figured it was fitting. After all, even though he knew it would suck, even though he would want to quit, and even though he may not be doing it for himself, for the first time in nearly ten years, Fola Keryn was actually attempting to get better...

So he sung as he attempted to take the first step, hoping that maybe, this time he wouldn't be alone when doing so...

(Hurray for unnecessarily long posts!)

Fola could feel the witch mana within him balancing out and streaming faster.

LokiofSP said:
Jayn yelled back, "You can't rush art! Or whatever this is..." She moved as quickly as she lifted the large scythe as best she could against the other reapers, cutting in half, splitting down the middle, whatever worked was what she did. By the time she'd gotten through all the ones she could see, she was breathing slightly heavier. She looked around, "So is that it? Any more?"

Roman releases his grasp on the sense of time. "Yeah that's it." Roman was slowly forgetting things. "I know who you are, I just forgot this one thing. What's your name again?"

The young girl appears and displays a sinister smile. "Why would I be leaving when I'm about to arrive?"

metalcity said:
"Nope" Ethan simply replied, he yawned as the situation started to bore him.
"I want you to follow the leader of the Monopoly gang around. Make sure he doesn't see you. Don't interact with him even if he breaks a law. Just gather information and report to me."

( @Throne Trinity )

The demon laughs at Dio's threat. "Alright then! Kill me! I refuse to better a word of information!"
Vance was inside his darkness realm, sitting on a chair "So. Ashlyn decided to save my life, kinda pointless at this point but I'm not complaining. Now I get the chance to have another shot at old Lucy" Vance dragged his hands down his face and sighed. "But even then holy water didn't really do much, Though it proved to be effective. I'll need to get more of the stuff. But I need a plan, now I can't kill Lucy by myself, I could if he couldn't fly. But he can. So I'll need other people, even if they're just cannon fodder. I'll need to find out his weaknesses, Everything that give him power, I'll need to rip away" Vance stood up from his chair and started walking through the Darkness realm, without an end goal in mind. "I'll need more powerful people to assist me. But to do that I'll need to convince them that it's actually doable. So I'll need a solid plan, I need to plan for every possible move he could make. Which shouldn't be too hard, Lucy seems arrogant and doesn't seem to change what he does much. He tends to not do much by himself, he prefers to watch chaos unfold rather than be a direct part in it. I need to exploit all this, find a way to use it against him. When we were fighting the sins, they were susceptible to the opposite of themselves. Maybe Lucy is the same. I'd need someone who isn't evil, accepts humility and is holy. And they're not exactly a dime a dozen around here. I'll need to think on this plan some more. I'm sure I'll end up seeing Lucy again before I meet my End. Even then I'll see him in hell. But this plan can go on the backlines for now. But every spare moment I have I'll add to it the best I can" Vance teleported out of his realm and into the guild, Going into his room to sleep on the idea.

(I don't really know what this post is. But it made sense after the whole Lucifer fight. So I did it :P )
Sage growled a banged on the barrier. " Ashlyn, please! " he yelled before he fell to his knees. " I couldn't help her again. " He muttered before he got up and used a few of his rank up points to strengthen all his powers. He had only 3 points left so he needed to save them. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. " Please be safe Ashlyn. " He muttered before teleporting to Diana. " Let's go back to the forest before returning to the guild. " He said and Diana nodded and the two returned to the forest only to see the two Morpheuses. The boys growled loudly and glowed and a thin circle of ice appeared behind him , fancy snowflake was craved in. " Stop fighting right now. " He growled out as large wall appeared between the Morpheuses.

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
Throne Trinity] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
(!) Dio pulls the trigger.

Dio looks around at his surrounding area in search of any oncoming threats.
It seemed like the chaos bad died down and the curses running rampant throughout the realms are no longer here.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Luci clapped and landed, ignoring the blood on his hand. "Amazing! Im proud. Now hurry along and reform"
"We refuse kindly and adorably."

"Not until you make us old man."

"Honestly it's whatever, I'll make like Julie and meet the demands of the winning side."

"G-guys....I don't know...This is violence."

"We will not bend to your will so easily grandfather!"

Itami appears as well. "Wait!" He stands in between them, turning to Lucifer with a regular stare. "Why? Why did you do it father? WHY DID YOU KILL HER?!" Itami was talking about his wife.

Julie had her blank expression upon her face, listening to what's occurring but looking in a different direction. 'They're about to fight. They may look at me expecting to join in...Just look the other way and they won't notice you.'

Morgan glances at Julie but eventually looks back at Lucifer.

Julie was internally freaking out. 'Shhhhiiiiiiit. I felt eyes on me. I felt eyes on me!' Julie continued to display a blank expression.
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  • Light said:
    It seemed like the chaos bad died down and the curses running rampant throughout the realms are no longer here.
    "We refuse kindly and adorably."

    "Not until you make us old man."

    "Honestly it's whatever, I'll make like Julie and meet the demands of the winning side."

    "G-guys....I don't know...This is violence."

    "We will not bend to your will so easily grandfather!"

    Itami appears as well. "Wait!" He stands in between them, turning to Lucifer with a regular stare. "Why? Why did you do it father? WHY DID YOU KILL HER?!" Itami was talking about his wife.

    Julie had her blank expression upon her face, listening to what's occurring but looking in a different direction. 'They're about to fight. They may look at me expecting to join in...Just look the other way and they won't notice you.'

    Morgan glances at Julie but eventually looks back at Lucifer.

    Julie was internally freaking out. 'Shhhhiiiiiiit. I felt eyes on me. I felt eyes on me!' Julie continued to display a blank expression.
    Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't have time FOR YOUR REBELLIOUS BULLSHIT!" The force of his power was ripping and bending all of the rides apart, shaking the ground under the, destroying it. ( ! ) He moved past Itami to Christina first, back handing her to the ground. Before she moved he swipe kicked Alice to the ground. And before she moved, he upper cut Ashlyn. And finally, before she moved he and punched Itami in the throat, shattering his Adam's Apple.

    The speed he moved, it was like he hasn't moved at all to their senses. Until his fist hit Itami. Them all of them felt their blows. He looked over to Alexandria and Morgan. "Do you two have some smartass comment as well? Please I've got all fucking day. I'VE GOT ALL OF TIME APPARENTLY!"



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djinnamon said:
Sage growled a banged on the barrier. " Ashlyn, please! " he yelled before he fell to his knees. " I couldn't help her again. " He muttered before he got up and used a few of his rank up points to strengthen all his powers. He had only 3 points left so he needed to save them. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. " Please be safe Ashlyn. " He muttered before teleporting to Diana. " Let's go back to the forest before returning to the guild. " He said and Diana nodded and the two returned to the forest only to see the two Morpheuses. The boys growled loudly and glowed and a thin circle of ice appeared behind him , fancy snowflake was craved in. " Stop fighting right now. " He growled out as large wall appeared between the Morpheuses.
@Light @DizjayDeathPride
(Not on earth. They're somewhere else. Go do something else)

Right after Ashlyn disappeared from his sight, his wide opened eyes became watery.

"I knew it." He looked at the book in his hand, and ran his fingers gently on the name "Ashlyn Van Fen'rir", unknowingly, he started to smile. He then bought the book near his chest, still smiling.

Every single word Ashlyn and Alice said were still echoing in his mind. The guild hall felt emptier than it ever been, it almost felt like their voice were still echoing around.

Earl could feel his respect and love towards Dragon's Roar growing, every minute, every second, as the guild and him step forward together with the same reason, with the same aim-----to guide and bring peace and love to all beings.

"I see now......" He looked up.

"Why do you want me to join this guild......" He slowly stretch out one of his arms and looked at his palm.

He can't stop thinking about the man...this man...Earl...

Thank you......... His lips synced to the word.

But still, he can't help it but to think of what happened in the white orb temple, the memory that flashed into his mind, he was uncertain...but he remembered it......

He was once a human.

But...why?? And how?? What makes him..who..and when did he turned into a demon?? He can't remember the rest except for the blurry memory of him being a human once.

His fear and doubt, he didn't know if he is ready for all of this...and worse, for what that are yet to come...the memories that will come back to haunt him......

He lowered his head and sighed deeply, but as Ashlyn and Alice's words flashed into his mind, and as the words slowly turned into courage, he looked forward again. He knew that he have to face them, he have to face his past before he can continue to move forward. He must face and accept his past in order to obtain true freedom. All this time, he had been escaping, neglecting, he had been locking them away just because of how scary it was to him, to face them. But now he knew that he can't pretend to be hollow anymore, he must once again, break free from the chain of the past.

"Maybe what they said are right, for now...I should open up myself to this world once again... and accept my new life. Let's see, what this world have to offer...and what my past have to offer."

"I am ready." He looked at his palm again and whisper.

He stared into the blank, finally, he said out the word that was stuck in his throat with a hoarse voice,

"See you again." replying Ashlyn and Alice, he didn't want to say good bye.

He closed his eyes, leaving time to do its job.

He could feel a soothing warmth in his chest, and his mind opened up a little bit more. He glowed in a faint blue aura that slowly disappeared.


"Finally...the curse is starting to break......"

"You can do it...I know you can do it...I had always believe in you...
My dear brother......"

"You can finally get back what you deserve...
your freedom as a soul......"

The little light orb surrounding Earl slowly fade away without Earl even noticing.



The red eyes were still watching......

"Earl of Derwint......" A cunning smile stretched across its face......
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"Well Rocco, looks like we might have just gotten ourselves mixed up in some seriously fucked up shit." Dio looks to his companion. The Thunder Spirit, about size of a small horse begins to wag its tail and licks Dio's face. "Yeah Yeah, you did good buddy. Now come on lets find out whats happening." Dio takes out more bullets and and rubs them in the holy water, making sure each weapon was loaded and ready to kill. Dio then did the same thing to his prosthetic arm and the blades of the Rifle Blade. He wanders back into the bar and goes behind the counter taking a bottle of cranberry juice and putting it in the knap sack attached to Rocco's saddle. He then mounts Rocco and they take of. Scouring the streets of Germany looking for people to help.
(I really have no idea how to respond to that first one so...Bear with me please)

Fola blinked for just a moment, unused to the feeling he felt. But he shook his head and smiled, playing a bit faster.


Jayn gasped in mock shock, "My goodness Roman, here I thought I was your good friend! And yet you forget about me so quickly? You wound me sir! This is an injustice that I shall not stand fo- My name is Jayn, it's like Jane but fancier."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't have time FOR YOUR REBELLIOUS BULLSHIT!" The force of his power was ripping and bending all of the rides apart, shaking the ground under the, destroying it. ( ! ) He moved past Itami to Christina first, back handing her to the ground. Before she moved he swipe kicked Alice to the ground. And before she moved, he upper cut Ashlyn. And finally, before she moved he and punched Itami in the throat, shattering his Adam's Apple.
The speed he moved, it was like he hasn't moved at all to their senses. Until his fist hit Itami. Them all of them felt their blows. He looked over to Alexandria and Morgan. "Do you two have some smartass comment as well? Please I've got all fucking day. I'VE GOT ALL OF TIME APPARENTLY!"
Alexandria and Morgan simply back away. They weren't getting involved at all, both of them sat down on a bench. "No...n-no comments at all." Alexandria sinks into her seat.

Itami heals his Adams Apple as Alice rushes over to Lucifer, switching places with Christina due to replacement magic. Christina touches Lucifer's chest and and switches places with Alice instantaneously whom punches Lucifer with amazing force in the nose. Pushing him back and runs after him. Ashlyn appears behind him, stopping him with her hand to his back, she blasts him forward into Alice with a telekinetic blast. Alice clotheslines Lucifer and appears behind him as he falls backwards she kicks the back of his head so he'll be set up straight. Alice is sent back to Itami through replacement magic and Ashlyn comes flying swiftly towards Lucifer, slamming her fist into his back to knock him forward. Christina pulls upon the threads of ectoplasm she's left behind on his chest to make sure he flies forward even faster. She has a small apparition appear to grab Lucifer as he passes by to be spun. The apparition uses the momentum of Lucifer's launch speed and it's own strength to turn things into a complete spin and launches him into the air. Christina begins to him back down to the ground and Ashlyn sets herself underneath him, in position as she flies up. She upper cuts Lucifer back, stalling him in that point in the air as she's slightly above him in elevation. Itami replaces Ashlyn for Alice, whom looks down to Lucifer and grins. She releases a blast of liquid carnage magic from her mouth. It had enough force to be compared to an ocean being forced out into one harsh blast to smack him down into the ground. Ashlyn flies into it unharmed and plants her fist into Lucifer's chest, knocking him out of the carnage blast. Through replacement magic Christina appears behind Lucifer and ducks to the floor with a low sweep, tripping him so he'd fly over her. Alice replaces the rock underneath Lucifer and jumps upwards, slamming her head into his back and appears behind Christina as she uses the threads to pull Lucifer back up. Alice rushes forward and punches Lucifer in the chest with her left hand and in the jaw with her right, turning so she could deliver a kick with momentum only to disappear. Christina appears behind his head and delivers a similar kick, dropping to the ground only to be replaced with Ashlyn whom trips him once more and blasts him forward with a telekinetic blast. Christina appears halfway through his launch period and uses the threads to make him travel faster in the direction. Ashlyn appears before him with the addition of Christina behind him and they both backflip, kicking him into the air once their shoes hit his head. Christina lands the flip and jumps towards Ashlyn whom pushes her up into the air by lacing her fingers together underneath her shoe with extra force. Christina levels with Lucifer in the air and ends up being replaced by Alice whom finishes it off with and wide close fisted swing to his stomach, knocking him far back down to the ground away from them in the cotton candy booth.

It seemed like when Fola expressed himself through another outlet other than drinking the witch blood inside of him began to stir. As if activating deeply for this aspect of Fola. His room begins to quake and sparks of electricity were occurring, it seemed like Morgan's gift would arrive earlier than expected.

"I-I'm sorry. I remember everything about you but your name. Thank you for reminding me. I just lose my memories whenever I use that power to a certain extent permanently." Roman stopped talking for a moment as his facial expression changed from shocked, terrified, and lastly determined. "Do you believe in...revenge and destiny?" Roman turns to Jayn with a serious expression. His scythe erupts almost angrily in an excess of flame. They were harmless to Jayn but they could still cause alarm. The clock hands in Roman's eyes all stop at 12.

( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t @Daimao @Throne Trinity @metalcity.@Fluffykitty9000 @Nova King )

It was all over the news, every living organism within the borders of Germany had died except for one man and his companion. The country of Germany was soaked in so much blood it was almost visible from extreme elevation with enhanced sight as a bloody wasteland. It happened at a sudden moment and was almost to...strange to be accepted by even the most supernatural. Many were terrified, especially the neighboring countries. All those could think about we're their own lives and if they thought of a savior they turned to religion or Dragon's Roar. The guild symbol was going haywire and not only that, Dragon's Roar members could feel the world turning their eyes to them. There was only one clue left behind if you look at the country from space of from a higher elevation. You could almost see a halo shape made up of the blood soaking into the Earth. At that moment, the entire mortal realm itself shivered for one fraction of a second.
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Light said:
( @Lotusy @Embaga Elder )
Christina appears before Malren and watches him rampage. "You know it was all a lie right? I never really loved you....I simply manipulated myself so I would believe I did. It was a lie!" Christina yells at Malren, a triumphant smile develops upon her face. "So you made the right choice in shooting me down. Congratulations...you're not as hopeless as I thought." Christina didn't perfectly why she had to go through the trouble of doing this, but it made her feel good. Telling Malren that she didn't need him or his love....She seriously couldn't understand why though if she didn't love him. This shouldn't matter to her at all. "I'm leaving....we all are. This is goodbye. I hope we never...EVER! Meet again, it'll be good for the both of us." Christina had the teary eyed expression as if she were about to cry as she disappears. As she faded away she understood why she went through the trouble of visiting him. He may not have been her boyfriend and her feelings may have been fake but Malren was one of her two friends.

Alice appears beside Malren and laughs. "So you've met my little sister Julie." Alice gestures towards the priestess. "So are you going to fuck her too?" Alice reveals a mischievous grin and approaches him. "Y'know when I told you we'd be friends? I meant it so its really going to suck since I have to say goodbye without having time to hang out. I was told you use to be a punk bitch but now you're at the top. I would love to pick on you but when I hear about achievements like that I have no choice but to respect someone like you. I heard about your break up with Christina, I can't be mad at you though. You're a man and you make your own decisions. It's not like you're a bad guy though too. In fact I heard that you're really caring and you proved it in my temple. I have never seen anyone so adamant on a goal that nearly had nothing to do with him. For a second I thought no one would give a shit about my orb. I mean what's so special about controlling emotions to people when one orb could control deities. So I'd like to thank you, I felt really special... actually warm in my heart when you went through such lengths for it. I want you to keep climbing, don't stop no matter what. It sounds really selfish but you deserve to be forced to accel. You deserve a push on the back and support! Sadly I can't be your #1 cheerleader since I have to go now." Alice shrugs and sets her hands in her pockets. "Try not to get yourself killed though, that would be upsetting." Alice lightly punches Malren in the shoulder and inevitably hugs him in his lion form. "Goodbye! Take care of yourself big shot!" Alice disappears, the tone she carried the goodbye with meant nothing but they would never meet again.

Ashlyn appears behind Malren and taps his lion shoulder. "Hello there mister heart breaker!" Ashlyn lightly laughs and begins to play with his fur. "You've been extremely kind to people in my guild, a clear inspiration to most new people. I can't assist you any longer from this point on but I hope that you'll cherish my blessings. I have to deeply thank you for getting my father off of that mountain, he's needed something like that. Something you gave him is what he needed. I want you to honor and fight what for what you stand for and the guild shall fight for what you stand for as well, like a family." Ashlyn floats down and hugs him, disappearing afterwards.
Malren turned around, shifting out of bear form as Christina suddenly appeared before him, a smug look plastered across her face. She gloated something about never loving him, how he was right to reject her, etc, etc, but it kinda just buzzed by his ears. "Uh... sure. Whatever works for you." Malren was confused about why Christina was doing this, but by the sound of her voice... something was hesitating. He watched her turn around to leave, catching a glimpse of tears as she went. Huh. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all.

As Alice appeared, Malren sighed. He had a bad feeling that he knew what was going on... the sisters were going to become one again. He graciously bowed to her, then grinned mischievously when she mentioned her sister, Julie the priestess. "I don't know... maybe. I'm kidding, kidding. It'll be a real bummer, with all of you leaving and all." When she mentioned how his actions in the temple, he only laughed, rubbing the back of his head. "Really, it's nothing. It's in my nature. I'd go great lengths for anyone, if they're not killing me, granted." As Alice disappeared as well, Malren nodded to her. "I'll do my best. I promise!"

When Ashlyn appeared, Malren knew for sure this was the final goodbye. He looked at her sadly, even though she was smiling. The praise she gave him - well, it had a lot of impact, considering she was their leader. "Thank you," he said, lost for words on what to say. Surprisingly, it was harder to talk to her than the other girls. He thought he knew Ashlyn well... but it turns out, not so much. He waved goodbye to her, silently watching the last of the split personalities leave.

As the girls left, Malren was left with an array of afterthoughts. Who was he to others? How could he get better? What did he stand for? The druid looked back at the ruined city of Chicago. I've come a long way, haven't I? He thought back to the old Malren, a young whelp who froze nearly half to death before even getting to Dragon's Roar. The naïve and foolish druid who had gotten taken captive by the Pride demon. When did that all change? Malren smiled. No matter. I'm here now. And geez, I haven't seen Kinziel for a while, either. The smile on his face grew softer, as an overwhelming sense of exhaustion hit him, his battle high wearing off. For the thousandth time, the druid pressed his tattoo, envisioning the beautiful hall of Dragon's Roar.

"It's time to go home."

(Ruskies soon!)
"Well shit Rocco, looks like everyone here has been..." Dio clenches his fist in anger. "What the hell happened here?!" Dio yells angrily out loud. After no response is received he sighs. "Well old friend looks like we're hittin' the road again. Got any place you'd like to go?" Rocco smells the air, tale wagging.

(Does he smell anything. A faint trail? Possibly a magical trail to lead us to the next plot point?)
Lotusy said:
Malren turned around, shifting out of bear form as Christina suddenly appeared before him, a smug look plastered across her face. She gloated something about never loving him, how he was right to reject her, etc, etc, but it kinda just buzzed by his ears. "Uh... sure. Whatever works for you." Malren was confused about why Christina was doing this, but by the sound of her voice... something was hesitating. He watched her turn around to leave, catching a glimpse of tears as she went. Huh. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all.
As Alice appeared, Malren sighed. He had a bad feeling that he knew what was going on... the sisters were going to become one again. He graciously bowed to her, then grinned mischievously when she mentioned her sister, Julie the priestess. "I don't know... maybe. I'm kidding, kidding. It'll be a real bummer, with all of you leaving and all." When she mentioned how his actions in the temple, he only laughed, rubbing the back of his head. "Really, it's nothing. It's in my nature. I'd go great lengths for anyone, if they're not killing me, granted." As Alice disappeared as well, Malren nodded to her. "I'll do my best. I promise!"

When Ashlyn appeared, Malren knew for sure this was the final goodbye. He looked at her sadly, even though she was smiling. The praise she gave him - well, it had a lot of impact, considering she was their leader. "Thank you," he said, lost for words on what to say. Surprisingly, it was harder to talk to her than the other girls. He thought he knew Ashlyn well... but it turns out, not so much. He waved goodbye to her, silently watching the last of the split personalities leave.

As the girls left, Malren was left with an array of afterthoughts. Who was he to others? How could he get better? What did he stand for? The druid looked back at the ruined city of Chicago. I've come a long way, haven't I? He thought back to the old Malren, a young whelp who froze nearly half to death before even getting to Dragon's Roar. The naïve and foolish druid who had gotten taken captive by the Pride demon. When did that all change? Malren smiled. No matter. I'm here now. And geez, I haven't seen Kinziel for a while, either. The smile on his face grew softer, as an overwhelming sense of exhaustion hit him, his battle high wearing off. For the thousandth time, the druid pressed his tattoo, envisioning the beautiful hall of Dragon's Roar.

"It's time to go home."

(Ruskies soon!)
( Sorry...I honestly don't want to this bliss he's going through but... )

As soon as Malren appears in the guild he can hear a large crowd whom ended up completely flooding the guild bridge, trying to get into the guild. Not a single voice could be heard over the hundreds of others as they were all begging for help or were angry that Dragon's Roar hasn't stepped up to the situation in Germany just yet. The guild symbol was going haywire, filling his mind with information on the situation. Kinziel ran down the stairs and turns the corner, running down the hall to meet Malren. She seemed breathless and actually sick, she was messing around in a ghostly garden and one of the plants she touched gave ghost colds. Kinziel sneezes and ectoplasm shoots out of her nose into her tissue. "Wha....what's happening?" She looks out to the front since they were at the front entrances lobby and the guild had one way see through glass. She saw someone holding up a Malren trading card and a Decimus action figure was extremely angry and saddened. His idol guild wasn't doing anything about the situation in Germany. He believed in them and bought their trading cards as well as their action figures. He was even going to buy the Dragon's Roar video game that was being made after the authorization of Ashlyn and hopefully by the handiwork of the Tinkerer. "Oh....angry mob."
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]
"Well shit Rocco, looks like everyone here has been..." Dio clenches his fist in anger. "What the hell happened here?!" Dio yells angrily out loud. After no response is received he sighs. "Well old friend looks like we're hittin' the road again. Got any place you'd like to go?" Rocco smells the air, tale wagging.
(Does he smell anything. A faint trail? Possibly a magical trail to lead us to the next plot point?)

There was an ominous feeling in the air, as if many things of dark nature were on their way.
Light said:


As the girl appeared Inaro somewhat of an unsettling presence. He raised an eyebrow at the judging her new personality that he was differently not use to. [COLOR=#808080]The fuck you going on about, and the fuck is up with that smile. I'm tired of seeing smiles like that.[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] He shakes his head and takes a sip of his beer. He placed the bottle on the table and looks at the girl. He didn't like this new side of her. [/COLOR][COLOR=#808080]What are you planning to do when you arrive? [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Inaro felt his guild mark going crazy but he was too busy. He knew his brothers would do it. [/COLOR][COLOR=#808080]@Light[/COLOR]


[CENTER][COLOR=#b30000]Crimson [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]& [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3]Cole[/COLOR]


[COLOR=rgb(0,0,0)]After Inaro left these two decided to sit and watch the whole fight between the split personalities and Lucy. It was very entertaining. But the fun stopped when they felt their guild marks going crazy. They looked at each other and nodded. They used the new rank points and teleported towards Germany. Upon their arrival they held their nose as the smell of blood bombarded their sense of smell. They flew higher into the sky using their abilities looking at the damage. What they saw wasn't pretty. So many lost souls, dead so quickly. [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(89,0,179)]Who could possibly do something on this scale to a point we wouldn't notice? [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(179,0,0)]Besides us and dragon roar members I don't know but this makes me sick. We gotta find out whoever did this. @Light [/COLOR]
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Fola's smile only grew as he closed his eyes, his tears beginning to slow their fall. He played faster and faster, his hands moving over the chords quicker. He was near the end of the song, he could feel it in his bones, something about this felt....Right. He just wasn't sure what. He played the rest of the song out, his voice choking a bit on the last line. He opened his eyes and wiped the tears away...Until that is, he heard the angry mob outside. He raised his brow and listened closely, "Well fuck, I didn't realize I was that shit at singing...Well then."

He gently set the instrument back in it's case and threw his jean jacket over himself. He ran outside to the mob and whistled, taking his hands off his sword and keeping them away, he repeated over and over in his head, 'Be nice, be nice, be nice...' His tired eyes grew as soft as possible, his voice taking a more jovial nature as an unnatural smile spread across his lips. He looked at the crowd and spoke, "So um...Are you all here to join up for the guild or something? I uh...Don't handle applications, but I can take any concerns you have."


Jayn's eyes widened at the sudden change of tone and blinked rapidly, "Wow, that's uh...Quiet the bomb to drop on somebody so soon...Um...I guess I believe in destiny? Revenge will only lead to more revenge, which'll only start some generation spanning rivalry, no need for revenge...Unless somebody does something like kill your entire family, then they got to die. I believe in destiny, kinda? Destiny isn't some, strict path that's set in stone, it's just the end goal, your purpose in life I guess. It's only the end point that's set, not the journey you take to getting there..."

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]


As the girl appeared Inaro somewhat of an unsettling presence. He raised an eyebrow at the judging her new personality that he was differently not use to. [COLOR=#808080]The fuck you going on about, and the fuck is up with that smile. I'm tired of seeing smiles like that.[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] He shakes his head and takes a sip of his beer. He placed the bottle on the table and looks at the girl. He didn't like this new side of her. [/COLOR][COLOR=#808080]What are you planning to do when you arrive? [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Inaro felt his guild mark going crazy but he was too busy. He knew his brothers would do it. [/COLOR][COLOR=#808080]@Light[/COLOR]


[CENTER][COLOR=#b30000]Crimson [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]& [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3]Cole[/COLOR]


[COLOR=#000000]After Inaro left these two decided to sit and watch the whole fight between the split personalities and Lucy. It was very entertaining. But the fun stopped when they felt their guild marks going crazy. They looked at each other and nodded. They used the new rank points and teleported towards Germany. Upon their arrival they held their nose as the smell of blood bombarded their sense of smell. They flew higher into the sky using their abilities looking at the damage. What they saw wasn't pretty. So many lost souls, dead so quickly. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3]Who could possibly do something on this scale to a point we wouldn't notice? [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000]Besides us and dragon roar members I don't know but this makes me sick. We gotta find out whoever did this. @Light [/COLOR]

The young girl begins to laugh maniacally and Inaro could see that some parts of her hair were turning white and her blue eyes were turning purple. "What am I planning to do?! Oh Inaro you hurt me! I've told you this before...I plan to delete all of existence on both the plane of existence and non existence. Then once I'm done annihilating everything to the point where realms themselves won't exist and time wouldn't even be a term or element, I'm going to challenge and defeat God! Once I've deleted him from existence...then I can truly feel peace.....oh wait. Peace won't exist at that time anymore would it? Oh that's a problem to worry about later! I'm not even here yet and I have so much power, so much influence! I simply just told all of Germany to die....and they did. It was bliss." The young girl was obviously going mad it was easy to tell once she went into that fit of laughter again. Once again, the entire Mortal realm, even beyond Earth throughout the universe of the Mortal realm, began to shiver for a second.
When Fola finished the song actual lightning spawned in his room. Once he went outside he could feel the fear and panic of others. A man roughly grabs Fola by his jeans jacket. "Are you going to help us?! What's going on?! Why are people dying in Germany?! Are we next?!" The man felt the Mortal realm shiver again. "WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" He begins to shake Fola.

Roman smiles at Jayn's response. "I was that one little girl would figure that one out. Look, everyone but one person died in Germany. I can feel it, I think I know why too. So I'm going to ask you...I can either bring you somewhere safe or we can do more things together to stop the chaos. Personally I like the second option." Roman smiles at her.
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Light said:
Alexandria and Morgan simply back away. They weren't getting involved at all, both of them sat down on a bench. "No...n-no comments at all." Alexandria sinks into her seat.
Itami heals his Adams Apple as Alice rushes over to Lucifer, switching places with Christina due to replacement magic. Christina touches Lucifer's chest and and switches places with Alice instantaneously whom punches Lucifer with amazing force in the nose. Pushing him back and runs after him. Ashlyn appears behind him, stopping him with her hand to his back, she blasts him forward into Alice with a telekinetic blast. Alice clotheslines Lucifer and appears behind him as he falls backwards she kicks the back of his head so he'll be set up straight. Alice is sent back to Itami through replacement magic and Ashlyn comes flying swiftly towards Lucifer, slamming her fist into his back to knock him forward. Christina pulls upon the threads of ectoplasm she's left behind on his chest to make sure he flies forward even faster. She has a small apparition appear to grab Lucifer as he passes by to be spun. The apparition uses the momentum of Lucifer's launch speed and it's own strength to turn things into a complete spin and launches him into the air. Christina begins to him back down to the ground and Ashlyn sets herself underneath him, in position as she flies up. She upper cuts Lucifer back, stalling him in that point in the air as she's slightly above him in elevation. Itami replaces Ashlyn for Alice, whom looks down to Lucifer and grins. She releases a blast of liquid carnage magic from her mouth. It had enough force to be compared to an ocean being forced out into one harsh blast to smack him down into the ground. Ashlyn flies into it unharmed and plants her fist into Lucifer's chest, knocking him out of the carnage blast. Through replacement magic Christina appears behind Lucifer and ducks to the floor with a low sweep, tripping him so he'd fly over her. Alice replaces the rock underneath Lucifer and jumps upwards, slamming her head into his back and appears behind Christina as she uses the threads to pull Lucifer back up. Alice rushes forward and punches Lucifer in the chest with her left hand and in the jaw with her right, turning so she could deliver a kick with momentum only to disappear. Christina appears behind his head and delivers a similar kick, dropping to the ground only to be replaced with Ashlyn whom trips him once more and blasts him forward with a telekinetic blast. Christina appears halfway through his launch period and uses the threads to make him travel faster in the direction. Ashlyn appears before him with the addition of Christina behind him and they both backflip, kicking him into the air once their shoes hit his head. Christina lands the flip and jumps towards Ashlyn whom pushes her up into the air by lacing her fingers together underneath her shoe with extra force. Christina levels with Lucifer in the air and ends up being replaced by Alice whom finishes it off with and wide close fisted swing to his stomach, knocking him far back down to the ground away from them in the cotton candy booth.

As Dio travels throughout Germany, the country itself could only display disappointment to any helpful hand. Blood was elsewhere....countless dead for an unknown reason. It was as if everyone in Germany but Dio was slaughtered.

It seemed like when Fola expressed himself through another outlet other than drinking the witch blood inside of him began to stir. As if activating deeply for this aspect of Fola. His room begins to quake and sparks of electricity were occurring, it seemed like Morgan's gift would arrive earlier than expected.

"I-I'm sorry. I remember everything about you but your name. Thank you for reminding me. I just lose my memories whenever I use that power to a certain extent permanently." Roman stopped talking for a moment as his facial expression changed from shocked, terrified, and lastly determined. "Do you believe in...revenge and destiny?" Roman turns to Jayn with a serious expression. His scythe erupts almost angrily in an excess of flame. They were harmless to Jayn but they could still cause alarm. The clock hands in Roman's eyes all stop at 12.

( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t @Daimao @Throne Trinity @metalcity.@Fluffykitty9000 @Nova King )

It was all over the news, every living organism within the borders of Germany had died except for one man and his companion. The country of Germany was soaked in so much blood it was almost visible from extreme elevation with enhanced sight as a bloody wasteland. It happened at a sudden moment and was almost to...strange to be accepted by even the most supernatural. Many were terrified, especially the neighboring countries. All those could think about we're their own lives and if they thought of a savior they turned to religion or Dragon's Roar. The guild symbol was going haywire and not only that, Dragon's Roar members could feel the world turning their eyes to them. There was only one clue left behind if you look at the country from space of from a higher elevation. You could almost see a halo shape made up of the blood soaking into the Earth. At that moment, the entire mortal realm itself shivered for one fraction of a second.

  • Luci landed, crashing into the carnival attraction. The cotton candy in no way shape or form helped soften his descent. And for almost a second, he was actually proud.

    He stood up and dusted himself off. "Alright.... Let's have it your way" He shrugged off his coat, grabbing it in his left hand and dropping it to the ground. Dark ancient symbols started to glow and write themselves across his skin. Two massive white wings ripped from his back, stretching high above him and touching the ground. They stretched out and ruffled as he stared at them.


    A bystander in the carnival saw their fight and started to play

    for them. Lucifer walked slowly for a step. Just as the song played, "We are outnumbered. But that only means the foe is scared to come at us fierce!" He flapped his wings outward, ripping the air away. In the vacuum he flew to Christina, each blow sending her higher and higher into the sky, one after the other in rapid succession. He left her suspended and replaced her with Ashlyn, slamming his heel on the top of her head, sending her crashing with enough force to make a smoke mushroom. The moment his foot hit her he flashed to Itami, grabbing him by the neck and slamming him to the ground, swinging him in an arc and slamming over his shoulder and to the ground, over and over until Ashlyn finally crashed. He lifted Itami up and replaced him with Christina, blasting her with a pure beam of energy and sending her flying back. Lastly he turned to Alice and just then, the air that was split open and away finally closed on them, pushing all of the group together. He used the momentum of Alice rapidly flying towards him to grab her by her arm, yanking her and fly forward to the edge of the barrier and shoot straight up. He swung her around just as Ashlyn, Christina, and Itami were about to collide and threw her straight down into the middle, letting the four slam into each other, Alice in their direct center.
    The song ended and the bystander had run from the field, trying to escape before he too died

    (Also read TDR Light it's about Germany)


Fola HAD been in a good mood, but then the guy had grabbed his nice jacket, so now he was in a slightly less good mood. He took the man's hands off the jacket and brushed himself off, attempting to stay respectful despite what had happened, "While I am not familiar with the situation in Germany, I will apoligize on behalf of the guild for our absence. We were dealing with some other matters at the time, but now that there's nothing on our plate, I'm sure we can handle whatever giant monster is attacking Germany this week...."


Jayn mock yawned, "Nah, sorry but you're boring, I'm going home..." She smiled and punched Roman's shoulder, "Come on you dork, you should know by now that I have nothing better to do!"

Light said:
The young girl begins to laugh maniacally and Inaro could see that some parts of her hair were turning white and her blue eyes were turning purple. "What am I planning to do?! Oh Inaro you hurt me! I've told you this before...I plan to delete all of existence on both the plane of existence and non existence. Then once I'm done annihilating everything to the point where realms themselves won't exist and time wouldn't even be a term or element, I'm going to challenge and defeat God! Once I've deleted him from existence...then I can truly feel peace.....oh wait. Peace won't exist at that time anymore would it? Oh that's a problem to worry about later! I'm not even here yet and I have so much power, so much influence! I simply just told all of Germany to die....and they did. It was bliss." The young girl was obviously going mad it was easy to tell once she went into that fit of laughter again. Once again, the entire Mortal realm, even beyond Earth throughout the universe of the Mortal realm, began to shiver for a second.

Inaro raised an eyebrow as the girl went on about destroying existence. He shook his head as she finished. He sighed and didn't know what to say at first, so he downed the rest of his beer. He looked at the girl, and smiles then laughs hysterically. Look who's turning into a psychotic little brat. He makes a thinking face. I don't even think that's the proper word to use in this situation. I think bitch fits this more. Yeah I like the sound of the that. You're a psychotic little bitch. He wipes away a tear that shed as he laughed. He summoned another beer and flicked the top off and chugged the bottle. Tell me he chuckles and calmed down what's the point of it? He said with a straight face.

Light said:
They could both see the halo printed on the country of Germany. There was one last life force they could sense, Dio. There was also an ominous feeling incoming.

Crimson & Cole

The two looked at each other as they felt another life force and an ominous feeling coming towards them. Let's go check up on that life force first, before that ominous feeling gets closer. Yeah it might be a survivor. The two teleported towards Dio. Yo dude, what are you doing here? You do know this is a bad place to be right now right? He asked as he smoked his cigarette. You should go before you end up like everyone else here...dead. he said before taking a sip of whiskey. @Light @Throne Trinity

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