Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
LokiofSP said:
As Fola was plopped in Chicago, he fell to his behind for a moment and took in a few deep breaths, taking in the air around him as he attempted to regain his breath and process what he'd seen and done. The rush of adrenaline and accomplishment he felt was good, greater than it'd been in awhile...Yet he still felt an overwhelming sadness from the encounter he'd had. Maybe it had been the way that she actually WANTED to see him do well, maybe it had been the amazing smile she'd granted to him before he left, or maybe it had been just how final it all seemed, but he felt upset.

He wanted to get angry and upset, wanted to sit there and cry for a few moments as he slowly began to realize he was about to actively attempt to help in the destruction of the most positive and uplifting people he'd met in a long time. They hadn't even known him that long, and yet most every interaction he'd had with them had some happy memory of some sort linked to them, something that was getting harder and harder to come by...

He could sit there and complain, refuse to do his part. Who would blame him? Well...Allot of people, but he wouldn't care! He was upset goddammit, and sometimes he just needed to be a little emotional to get it all out. But then he recalled something he'd told Colin a while ago, something that he had to go by, the idea that, as long as he was on the clock he was a pawn, he didn't cry and he would keep going forward and do what he was told...As much as it sucked, Fola was a good pawn, and right now he was being told to move.

So he wiped the tears that had been at the edge of his eye and limped out to the street, as he began to open his mouth and melt every single parked car he came across, he would burn trees and even throw the occasional lightning at a building.

Because that's what he was told to do...


For a brief moment, Jayn was taken aback by the sudden fact that she was in a chair, then once more she was gone, teleported to a pocket dimension. She took a moment to collect her thoughts, "Wow...Hm...That was... AMAZING! SEE?! THAT'S AN INTERESTING DATE, I COULD HAVE DIED IF YOU HADN'T DONE THAT! AND IT WAS SO THRILLING THAT-" She cut herself off as she just let out an amazed sigh and smiled, "That was freaking awesome..."

Or at least it was...Until Roman began to grill her once more, "No, I feel fine! Better than fine, actually! Well I mean, TECHNICALLY speaking that would mean I'm feeling different but...Eh, whatever, I'm not going to get into all the details!"

Morpheus sighed to himself as his music was interrupted. His own irritation was replaced with this sense of... Sadness. Just sadness. At first he didn't care but then he realized the sadness was coming from a teammate. Their voice lost in the sea of all the other minds around. But the emotion came strong with the additional help of the symbol. He had a responsibility still so he looked up to the sky and stretched, going to the new female mind that had entered the city

A blue snake came up behind Fola silently until it coiled around him, dangling loosely on his neck.
"Hellooooooo. My name is Morpheus. I'm your friendly neighborhood go getting entrepreneur. I can't help but feel like you're upset. Why are you upset?" The snake spoke to him telepathically, every so often sticking its tongue out


Morpheus appeared around the corner and hurried over to the lady, huffing and hunching over to catch his breath. "Hi...

You must..... Be..... Who Ashlyn..... Said we're looking for." He got out between deep gasps of air to catch his breath. "Whew dear lord I'm never running again. Anyways! My name is Morpheus, a pleasure to meet you. What brings you to our little neck of the woods?"
LokiofSP said:
(That's the plan, this entire situation just blows for the guy ;p)
Jayn slowly puts a hand to the scythe, wide eyes and excitement were all that could be read on her facial expression. She gripped the weapon with both hands and gave it a twirl, she looked from the weapon, to Roman, then back to the weapon, then back to Roman where her eyes settled, "I take it back, this is the coolest and best date of all time. Of course I'm ready! This is my job, except I actually kill something this time!"

"Make sure you're quick, I can't freeze someone's sense of time forever." Roman pulls them out of his pocket dimension and has them appear in a warehouse. Roman freezes the warehouses sense of time and leaves Jayn alone. "Right there, there, there." Roman pointed countless reapers out for Jayn to kill with the scythe. "Killing the unkillable....that's What you find fun. I'll keep that in mind."


DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus sighed to himself as his music was interrupted. His own irritation was replaced with this sense of... Sadness. Just sadness. At first he didn't care but then he realized the sadness was coming from a teammate. Their voice lost in the sea of all the other minds around. But the emotion came strong with the additional help of the symbol. He had a responsibility still so he looked up to the sky and stretched, going to the new female mind that had entered the city
A blue snake came up behind Fola silently until it coiled around him, dangling loosely on his neck.
"Hellooooooo. My name is Morpheus. I'm your friendly neighborhood go getting entrepreneur. I can't help but feel like you're upset. Why are you upset?" The snake spoke to him telepathically, every so often sticking its tongue out


Morpheus appeared around the corner and hurried over to the lady, huffing and hunching over to catch his breath. "Hi...

You must..... Be..... Who Ashlyn..... Said we're looking for." He got out between deep gasps of air to catch his breath. "Whew dear lord I'm never running again. Anyways! My name is Morpheus, a pleasure to meet you. What brings you to our little neck of the woods?"
Julie looks up at the wolves and the trio, also looking at Morpheus when he arrives. Morpheus was no longer tired and the wolves were slowly calming down. She was....A formal person and refused to introduce or affiliate herself with someone whom merely said yo and couldn't keep their summons from being rude. They didn't even come off of them to speak with her at eye level, which is something she found even more aggravating since they expect her to help them. Though these feelings and thoughts were literally locked and hidden away internally. "I'm pleased to meet you, Morpheus. My name is Julie Van Fen'rir." She gives him a light bow and doesn't say a word afterwards. They did all these things to bring her here, why should she be the one to explain why she's here. She blankly stares at Morpheus which makes the aura of the area awkward and weird.
Light said:
"Make sure you're quick, I can't freeze someone's sense of time forever." Roman pulls them out of his pocket dimension and has them appear in a warehouse. Roman freezes the warehouses sense of time and leaves Jayn alone. "Right there, there, there." Roman pointed countless reapers out for Jayn to kill with the scythe. "Killing the unkillable....that's What you find fun. I'll keep that in mind."
Julie looks up at the wolves and the trio, also looking at Morpheus when he arrives. Morpheus was no longer tired and the wolves were slowly calming down. She was....A formal person and refused to introduce or affiliate herself with someone whom merely said yo and couldn't keep their summons from being rude. They didn't even come off of them to speak with her at eye level, which is something she found even more aggravating since they expect her to help them. Though these feelings and thoughts were literally locked and hidden away internally. "I'm pleased to meet you, Morpheus. My name is Julie Van Fen'rir." She gives him a light bow and doesn't say a word afterwards. They did all these things to bring her here, why should she be the one to explain why she's here. She blankly stares at Morpheus which makes the aura of the area awkward and weird.
Morpheus smiled, mainly to himself, and bowed as well. "So you're a respect and honor person. Please, allow me to oblige. From just your introduction and the last name, you are exactly who we're looking for. The priestess of the orbs, correct? Well I have the black one" He pointed up and it floated above his head. "The other three are being.... quarantined right now to avoid too much planetary destruction. Now as for who has the fifth? I would assume... That guy" He pointed in a random direction to where Malren was, but of course blocked off by buildings. "But more importantly, how can we help?" He tipped his hat and smiled again.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus smiled, mainly to himself, and bowed as well. "So you're a respect and honor person. Please, allow me to oblige. From just your introduction and the last name, you are exactly who we're looking for. The priestess of the orbs, correct? Well I have the black one" He pointed up and it floated above his head. "The other three are being.... quarantined right now to avoid too much planetary destruction. Now as for who has the fifth? I would assume... That guy" He pointed in a random direction to where Malren was, but of course blocked off by buildings. "But more importantly, how can we help?" He tipped his hat and smiled again.
( @Lotusy )

She was the one called here so she didn't understand why she would be the one requesting help. If this many weird situations keep occurring then she's obviously mistaken about something. She decides to stay quiet since she couldn't understand the situation and only decides on doing what she can. She just stares at Morpheus, the awkward and weird aura basically drowning them. The Black Orb floats towards her and revolves around her like a planet. Julie gazes into the direction of Malren and blinks several times, finally taking steps after 5 minutes of staring. She moves towards Malren as the Black Orb happily rotates and revolves around her.
The trio jumped off the wolves and landed as Julie walks away. They all remained silent except Cole. She seems nice. The summons disappear and the trio stood next Morpheus. Soooo what now? He asked his Allie Morpheus. @DizjayDeathPride @Light
Light said:
( @Lotusy )
She was the one called here so she didn't understand why she would be the one requesting help. If this many weird situations keep occurring then she's obviously mistaken about something. She decides to stay quiet since she couldn't understand the situation and only decides on doing what she can. She just stares at Morpheus, the awkward and weird aura basically drowning them. The Black Orb floats towards her and revolves around her like a planet. Julie gazes into the direction of Malren and blinks several times, finally taking steps after 5 minutes of staring. She moves towards Malren as the Black Orb happily rotates and revolves around her.
Embaga Elder]The trio jumped off the wolves and landed as Julie walks away. They all remained silent except Cole. [COLOR=#5900b3]She seems nice.[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] The summons disappear and the trio stood next Morpheus. [/COLOR][COLOR=#808080]Soooo what now? [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He asked his Allie Morpheus. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17217-dizjaydeathpride/ said:
@DizjayDeathPride[/URL] @Light
Morpheus sighed as the orb left him. "I'm gonna miss that little one. They grow up so fast! I loved you orby! Don't forget me when you glow up! Visit me!" He yelled after the girl and turned to Inaro

"Hmmm... I have absolutely no idea! Le-" He stopped and started coughing, blood in his hand. He looked at it and tilted his head.
Really now? Fuck. Me. He kept his hand closed and smiled to Inaro. "I'm going to leave you in the capable hands of Mister Ryan. I need to take care of someone" His eye twitched a bit and he coughed again, turning around and vanished

Ryan, following orders, appeared in a flash right as Morpheus left. "Hello. Again. So I'd have to say it would be a good idea to follow the priestess. Let's see what she's going to do." Ryan followed after her, beckoning the others to as well
Embaga Elder]The trio jumped off the wolves and landed as Julie walks away. They all remained silent except Cole. [COLOR=#5900b3]She seems nice.[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] The summons disappear and the trio stood next Morpheus. [/COLOR][COLOR=#808080]Soooo what now? [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He asked his Allie Morpheus. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17217-dizjaydeathpride/ said:
@DizjayDeathPride[/URL] @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus sighed as the orb left him. "I'm gonna miss that little one. They grow up so fast! I loved you orby! Don't forget me when you glow up! Visit me!" He yelled after the girl and turned to Inaro
"Hmmm... I have absolutely no idea! Le-" He stopped and started coughing, blood in his hand. He looked at it and tilted his head.
Really now? Fuck. Me. He kept his hand closed and smiled to Inaro. "I'm going to leave you in the capable hands of Mister Ryan. I need to take care of someone" His eye twitched a bit and he coughed again, turning around and vanished

Ryan, following orders, appeared in a flash right as Morpheus left. "Hello. Again. So I'd have to say it would be a good idea to follow the priestess. Let's see what she's going to do." Ryan followed after her, beckoning the others to as well
( @Lotusy )

The creepy thing about it is the fact that the Black Orb stopped for a moment and floated side to side when Morpheus said those things, as if waving goodbye. The priestess severs the bond between the previous owner of the Black Orb without having to kill him and opens her palms for the Black Orb to settle down in it. She uses her right hand to gently rub the Black Orb in her left hand as she walks to Malren. The Black Orb's curse begins to disappear throughout the realms.
The bullet head Cecilia in the head and she died. @Nova King

Jackson, Jasmine, Derek, Theodore and Julliette were no where to be found. Reed was watching the choas. He smiled watching everything. "It's all going according to plans."
The Pink lizard tilted its head and crawled away when the priestess came. It watched the orb go to her and smiled. Is that right? Fascinating... Then it's time.

It faded away and appeared in an empty field, looking up to the sky. "So Lucifer. Things have gotten bad. But I think I can offer you a service you can't refuse"

Lucifer crashed down to the planet, destroying the ground under him, his wings sucking back inside of him. "And what might that be?"

"The Priestess has returned. So far she has 1 of the Orbs. Soon two. But I can get you the last 3" the Pink Morpheus caught Lucifer up on the whole event revolving around the orbs and took them into the Morpheus Realm, Lucifer easily dealing with the guardian of the Green clone, squatting over the Green sloth laying on top of a berry bush.

Lucifer poked the sloth and shook his head. "So much power. Just WASTED." He stood up to the Pink and looked at him, smirking and walking to him, his palms extended. "You've done be a service and made my life much much easier Morpheus. There is only one form of payment I can extend to you." He held the man's face and closed his eyes. "Fall with me my son"

Lucifer's power seeped deeply into the man's core essence, burning into his holy angelic side. The pain he felt was like nothing he could have ever fathomed. All of his veins protruded through his skin, a thick dark black. All across the Realms, every Morpheus' veins got thick and black and they all fell, hunching over, coughing blood

The Pink Morpheus inhaled deeply, his veins going back inside of him, normally. Two sets of Angelic wings ripped from his back, all turning a rotten black, chipping and falling away to dust.

Lucifer stepped back and looked at his product. "By my blood, you are now Fallen, my son. Make me proud" He went over to the Green sloth and slammed his hand through its heart, power exploding out and blowing the sloth to mere atoms. The three Orbs circled around him overhead just as the Blue Morpheus appeared in the Realm, blood on his lip. "Ahhhh so we finally meet. It's good to meet you this time, Morpheus. I'm slowly collecting your whole group one by one. You all just willing throw yourselves to me and my power. It's flattering. And manipulative. I don't like it" Alexandria's orb glowed brightly and he flicked his wrist, sending the man flying back, and disappeared, going to Chicago


Lucifer floated high in the city, the three orbs, purple gold and red, above his head. "OH JUUUULIE SWEETHEART! GRANDDAD WANTS TO SAY HIIIIII!!" Using the power of the orbs, mass hysteria, chaos, and organ failure happened. "Please Oh please. Don't keep me waiting"
The trio all raised an eyebrow towards Morpheus as he started to cough up blood. They looked towards each other and thought the samething. Is he okay? That was the question. When Ryan appeared and suggested to follow, they did each feeding their habit. Inaro started to drink beer, Crimson drunk whiskey, and Cole smoked. They walked as the corruption faded away from them. As they walked they discussed some stuff. So when is this damn rank up gone happen? It's not a good feeling being an Alpha and a low rank at the sametime. How the hell you think I felt when I first joined? The shits unpleasant. We gotta be more active, so we can move up the ranks Crim. The chat continued until they sensed a disturbance. The trio stopped and looked up into the sky seeing Lucifer. Great it's fucking Lucifer. They said simultaneously.

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
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Vance was sitting in Chicago, hiding in the shadows watching the chaos unfold. Vance saw a figure in the sky and didn't really bother trying to work out who it was. When Vance heard the figures voice, his facial features started contorting into a scowl "No. Lucy, you're going down this time. Or I'll die trying" Vance smirked as he teleported away.

Vance appeared outside of a cathedral in Italy. Walking inside Vance walked up to a priest, a malicious smile present on his face
"I'm going to need some things. I do hope you can provide me with them" Vance slung a arm around the priest and lead him towards the back of the church

(I'll follow this up later. this is just a quick post to situate Vance and get him involved
:D )

Fola didn't even bother to look at the snake, instead focusing on his job. At the very least he took satisfaction in the fact that he could break something, helped filter out some of the rage. He threw down a trash can and began to stomp all over it, not stopping until it was squished sufficiently. He didn't speak until after this was done, "...We're going to ill them ya know. By doing everything we're doing, all of them are going to be lost to some 'complete' version of themselves! And it's not fair, because that person hasn't existed for years! That person hasn't had the chance to make bonds! I don't give a DAMN about that person, yet I'm being tolld to assist in the destruction of the people I DO care about! It's not fair..."

He exhaled and looked down, "...Where are the others? Maybe limiting the destruction to one specific are will draw this person out faster..."

@DizjayDeathPride (Yeah, I know Julia is already there, but Fola doesn't know in character. Sorry this took so long, can't sneak a post in during math class)


(!)Jayn smiled at Roman, "You're close! It's not the killing part I like, it's the challenge that's fun!" She stood up and prepped herself to jump. As her feet left the ground she yelled, "Tally ho!" And jumped down to attempt to cut one reaper in half...

Light said:
( @Lotusy )
The creepy thing about it is the fact that the Black Orb stopped for a moment and floated side to side when Morpheus said those things, as if waving goodbye. The priestess severs the bond between the previous owner of the Black Orb without having to kill him and opens her palms for the Black Orb to settle down in it. She uses her right hand to gently rub the Black Orb in her left hand as she walks to Malren. The Black Orb's curse begins to disappear throughout the realms.
"Good. She's here." Malren morphed out of bear form, unlimbering the orb and handing it over to her. "I hope we can trust you," he said. "Alice's life is now in your hands." He was about to leave, when suddenly, Lucifer appeared. The other members seemed to be handling it, but just in case, Malren bared his teeth, turning into a lion and guarding Julie.
(Here's my follow up post :D )

Vance walked out of the church after a couple of minutes. He had Crosses wrapped around his wrists and hands; He had a Cross hanging from his neck, while his clothes were doused in holy water. He also had a couple of spare bottles of it just in case. All of Vance's crosses were blessed by three separate priests.
You know that could've gone quicker, they didn't have to 'bless' my soul just because I came in direct contact with Lucy. But I've got what I wanted, more of it than I was expecting. I guess telling people you're going to take down Lucifer 'The lord of hell' Makes them more inclined to help Vance shrugged, he had never been one for religion, but if Lucy was who he said he was then this was his best way to take him down.

Vance teleported to Chicago, the blessings he had received helped to slow down the effects of the orbs on him, but not by much.
"OI! LUCY LOO! I'VE GOT A SURPRISE FOR YOU!. WHY DON'T YOU COME ON DOWN AND GET IT!" Vance was staring up at Lucifer, his hands lowered down to his sides and his cross tucked into his robes and cloak, making the crosses unable to be seen.

@DizjayDeathPride (I get the feeling all this prep has been for nothing D: )

DizjayDeathPride said:
She held the the man to her chest and sighed happily. "Of course.... How could I ever expect any differently?"
Colin smiled happily at Anna "N-nothing in the world is w-worth as much as you are t-to me. Y-you're my only f-friend after all..." Colin relaxed in Anna's arms, feeling happy and content.

@DizjayDeathPride (Felt like I should make a post with Colin. If Anna left or something ignore this :) )
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LokiofSP said:
Fola didn't even bother to look at the snake, instead focusing on his job. At the very least he took satisfaction in the fact that he could break something, helped filter out some of the rage. He threw down a trash can and began to stomp all over it, not stopping until it was squished sufficiently. He didn't speak until after this was done, "...We're going to ill them ya know. By doing everything we're doing, all of them are going to be lost to some 'complete' version of themselves! And it's not fair, because that person hasn't existed for years! That person hasn't had the chance to make bonds! I don't give a DAMN about that person, yet I'm being tolld to assist in the destruction of the people I DO care about! It's not fair..."

He exhaled and looked down, "...Where are the others? Maybe limiting the destruction to one specific are will draw this person out faster..."

@DizjayDeathPride (Yeah, I know Julia is already there, but Fola doesn't know in character. Sorry this took so long, can't sneak a post in during math class)


(!)Jayn smiled at Roman, "Ysou're close! It's not the killing part I like, it's the challenge that's fun!" She stood up and prepped herself to jump. As her feet left the ground she yelled, "Tally ho!" And jumped down to attempt to cut one reaper in half...

The blue snake hissed, listening to Fola's rant. "You know... You can just not. You can leave. I won't blame you. Escape. Don't throw your morals away for leaders who treat their members like foot soldiers. I am sorry for my lack of.... Communication, Fola. So please. If you don't care to destroy mindlessly for a cause that you will never support. I won't blame you" The snake hissed,speaking in his mind. "But if you do help us I will personally reward you greatly"
GingerBread said:
(Here's my follow up post :D )
Vance walked out of the church after a couple of minutes. He had Crosses wrapped around his wrists and hands; He had a Cross hanging from his neck, while his clothes were doused in holy water. He also had a couple of spare bottles of it just in case. All of Vance's crosses were blessed by three separate priests.
You know that could've gone quicker, they didn't have to 'bless' my soul just because I came in direct contact with Lucy. But I've got what I wanted, more of it than I was expecting. I guess telling people you're going to take down Lucifer 'The lord of hell' Makes them more inclined to help Vance shrugged, he had never been one for religion, but if Lucy was who he said he was then this was his best way to take him down.

Vance teleported to Chicago, the blessings he had received helped to slow down the effects of the orbs on him, but not by much.
"OI! LUCY LOO! I'VE GOT A SURPRISE FOR YOU!. WHY DON'T YOU COME ON DOWN AND GET IT!" Vance was staring up at Lucifer, his hands lowered down to his sides and his cross tucked into his robes and cloak, making the crosses unable to be seen.

@DizjayDeathPride (I get the feeling all this prep has been for nothing D: )

Colin smiled happily at Anna "N-nothing in the world is w-worth as much as you are t-to me. Y-you're my only f-friend after all..." Colin relaxed in Anna's arms, feeling happy and content.

@DizjayDeathPride (Felt like I should make a post with Colin. If Anna left or something ignore this :) )
(You're right xD he's still an angel, you know?)

Luci looked down to Vance and sighed. "Riiiight. How could I forget? If it isn't my old friend Vance. I have a gift for you!"

( ! ) A ring of Eternal Flames grew a pillar surrounding him. Not spreading but so often an ember broke off in hopes of catching him

"It's caaaaalled, 'Shut the hell up I wasn't talking to you'. Hope you like it"

Annalyse sighed happily, ignoring the request of Ashlyn. Screw the world. Screw the priestess. Screw the survival of the guild. All that mattered, was Colin.

"Am I really your only friend?"
Light said:
( 6. 3 feet away. )
The demons surround Dio and charge at the same time.

The reflection was crushed by the hammer due to witch mana deficiency. Morgan slowly claps her hands at this. "Congratulations. You've overcome yourself in terms of strength... but next time you'll have to focus on reaching out emotionally to yourself. You have to face your demons... I do. Your guild needs you...cya next time...." Morgan says Fola's name in witch language which came out as silence to him. She smiles and her usually bored expression illuminates, her eyes seem to show off their own luster as well. It was as if she were giving him a beautiful smile as their final goodbye to make up for her ugly attitude she's been displaying towards him. Fola was gently transported out of the realm of witches to Chicago. A smile like that could only betray her words since such an expression could only mean this is the last time they'd meet.

"Aw crap! I ju-." Roman's face suddenly shifts to the serious expression that he usually presents. He extends his hand and a force pushes Jayn's seat back enough to dodge a flying knife. It seemed like the corruption was hitting this room. Roman runs over to Jayn and takes her to his personal pocket realm. "Are you alright?" His scythe was blazing in his hands, he seemed to have pulled it out on the way. "Looks like the corruption is getting bad. Speaking of which. Do you feel any different?"

( @Lotusy )

"....." A woman around the age of 21 appears in a random street of Chicago. "...." They had gone out of their way to get her here so she expected them to greet her and explain why.
Dio places his prosthetic had on the ground and closes his eyes. He concentrates as hard as possible and forces magic to flow into the palm of his hand. Then, with a blast of hot energy is thrown into the air. As Dio is flown upwards he tries to twist his body to flip over the Demons that have surrounded him. Sadly, Dio is not the most acrobatic of people and ends up falling on his back upon landing. "Shit!" He winces.Trying his best to ignore the fresh pain in his back, Dio pulls out a handkerchief and dabs it in the holy water. He then loads his Rifle Blade with blinding practiced speed but not before rubbing each bullet in the newly soaked handkerchief.

(!) He snaps the Rifle Blade into firing position and unloads a round into the nearest advancing demon's chest.

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DizjayDeathPride said:
(You're right xD he's still an angel, you know?)
Luci looked down to Vance and sighed. "Riiiight. How could I forget? If it isn't my old friend Vance. I have a gift for you!"

( ! ) A ring of Eternal Flames grew a pillar surrounding him. Not spreading but so often an ember broke off in hopes of catching him

"It's caaaaalled, 'Shut the hell up I wasn't talking to you'. Hope you like it"
Vance moved out of the way of the embers that were trying to catch him teleported outside of the ring of fire by using darkness that he was casting, weakening him slightly "Don't tell my old Lucy Loo is afraid of a mere human. Now I'm sure you know what I want. I want revenge, I want a rematch. Unless you're scared of me. Wouldn't that be humiliating? Lucy, the lord of hell. Scared by a mere human, and not even a Saint. Someone who has killed many people and not felt a thing." Vance looked up at Lucifer and smirked "So come on Lucy, face me yourself. If you're as powerful as you say you are. Then this should be over quickly, shouldn't it? Unless you're admitting you're weaker than a human"

(I did some googling though. And according to various pages. he is affected by Holy water and blessed things as well as the Saint Michael prayer. Yes I am that sad that I googled this stuff :P But in short. Since lucifer was cast out of heaven by god himself and became Satan. He is weak to god's things. :D )

DizjayDeathPride said:
Annalyse sighed happily, ignoring the request of Ashlyn. Screw the world. Screw the priestess. Screw the survival of the guild. All that mattered, was Colin.
"Am I really your only friend?"
Colin ignored the request as well, not wanting to get involved causing chaos,"Y-yes. I-I used to be kinda p-popular in school. B-but that was only when someone broke their leg or something. A-after I healed them, th-they would ignore me. E-everyone e-either hated me, o-or used me. Y-you're the first person to actually become friends with me because you wanted to, N-not because you had something to gain from it" Colin looked up at Anna and smiled
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GingerBread said:
Vance moved out of the way of the embers that were trying to catch him teleported outside of the ring of fire by using darkness that he was casting, weakening him slightly "Don't tell my old Lucy Loo is afraid of a mere human. Now I'm sure you know what I want. I want revenge, I want a rematch. Unless you're scared of me. Wouldn't that be humiliating? Lucy, the lord of hell. Scared by a mere human, and not even a Saint. Someone who has killed many people and not felt a thing." Vance looked up at Lucifer and smirked "So come on Lucy, face me yourself. If you're as powerful as you say you are. Then this should be over quickly, shouldn't it? Unless you're admitting you're weaker than a human"
(I did some googling though. And according to various pages. he is affected by Holy water and blessed things as well as the Saint Michael prayer. Yes I am that sad that I googled this stuff :P But in short. Since lucifer was cast out of heaven by god himself and became Satan. He is weak to god's things. :D )

Colin ignored the request as well, not wanting to get involved causing chaos,"Y-yes. I-I used to be kinda p-popular in school. B-but that was only when someone broke their leg or something. A-after I healed them, th-they would ignore me. E-everyone e-either hated me, o-or used me. Y-you're the first person to actually become friends with me because you wanted to, N-not because you had something to gain from it" Colin looked up at Anna and smiled
(Aaaaye whatever's then I'll roll with it. Just remember we have a lot of variation from biblical lore making up Luci and a lot similar c: )

Luci sighed and rolled his eyes. "And tell me then. If it's so humiliating to be beat by someone as pathetic as yourself, how is it endearing to defeat someone as pathetic as yourself? You don't gain praise for being someone countless leagues below you. Its to be expected. So why the hell would I waste my time?"

She grabbed his face between her hands and squished his cheeks. "Thats so sad! I'm so sorry... Don't worry I'll ease ALL your pains"
Fola shook his head and rubbed a hand through his hair, "No I won't leave...If I did I don't know what I would do, so this is better than nothing I suppose..." He turned his head to the snake, "So what exactly do I do know? Did I cause enough of a stir?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
(Aaaaye whatever's then I'll roll with it. Just remember we have a lot of variation from biblical lore making up Luci and a lot similar c: )
Luci sighed and rolled his eyes. "And tell me then. If it's so humiliating to be beat by someone as pathetic as yourself, how is it endearing to defeat someone as pathetic as yourself? You don't gain praise for being someone countless leagues below you. Its to be expected. So why the hell would I waste my time?"
(Yeah I know. If you were to say that doesn't apply to this Rp. I would've taken that as an answer C: But yeah. Holy water and the like Can't actually kill demons anyway apparently so there's that :P )

"Because you still haven't finished me off. Now what would that do to your reputation? Lord of hell are you? supposed to punish all the sinners. Yet one man, who has killed countless people, Lucy wouldn't touch. Now you, You are all your reputation says your are. And if that goes down the shitter. People will stop being afraid of big bad Lucy, won't they?" Vance's expression and Voice became more serious as he stared up at Lucifer "People only fear One thing. The unknown. And once they have an understanding of something, people normally stop being afraid of it. So when people understand that Lucifer is so much of a wimp that he wouldn't kill someone who was directly threatening him, because he was scared. They'll stop fearing you, people will start to rebel. The dead outnumber the living and if they both fight against you I wonder what will happen?" Vance smirked up at Lucifer "And I can say whatever the hell I want. Because history is written by the victors, and it looks like I'm winning. Doesn't it?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
She grabbed his face between her hands and squished his cheeks. "Thats so sad! I'm so sorry... Don't worry I'll ease ALL your pains"
"I-it's fine. I was stupid enough to fall for it near every time. Y-you being a-alive and happy is enough to e-ease my pain" Colin sounded slightly muffled as his cheeks were being squished; He smiled at Anna, though it looked a bit weird as Anna was squishing his cheeks.

LokiofSP said:
Fola shook his head and rubbed a hand through his hair, "No I won't leave...If I did I don't know what I would do, so this is better than nothing I suppose..." He turned his head to the snake, "So what exactly do I do know? Did I cause enough of a stir?"

"Oh yeah that was done long ago. I just didn't feel like telling you to stop. You needed to relieve tension. Let's go to the priestess. See that floating man up there? Okay so don't look at him that's not the priestess. She's probably.... That way!" The snake hissed its tongue out forward, leading him to where Malren and the Priestess were

GingerBread said:
(Yeah I know. If you were to say that doesn't apply to this Rp. I would've taken that as an answer C: But yeah. Holy water and the like Can't actually kill demons anyway apparently so there's that :P )
"Because you still haven't finished me off. Now what would that do to your reputation? Lord of hell are you? supposed to punish all the sinners. Yet one man, who has killed countless people, Lucy wouldn't touch. Now you, You are all your reputation says your are. And if that goes down the shitter. People will stop being afraid of big bad Lucy, won't they?" Vance's expression and Voice became more serious as he stared up at Lucifer "People only fear One thing. The unknown. And once they have an understanding of something, people normally stop being afraid of it. So when people understand that Lucifer is so much of a wimp that he wouldn't kill someone who was directly threatening him, because he was scared. They'll stop fearing you, people will start to rebel. The dead outnumber the living and if they both fight against you I wonder what will happen?" Vance smirked up at Lucifer "And I can say whatever the hell I want. Because history is written by the victors, and it looks like I'm winning. Doesn't it?"
GingerBread said:

"I-it's fine. I was stupid enough to fall for it near every time. Y-you being a-alive and happy is enough to e-ease my pain" Colin sounded slightly muffled as his cheeks were being squished; He smiled at Anna, though it looked a bit weird as Anna was squishing his cheeks.
Luci chuckled and shook his head. "You're adorable, Vance. I never wanted you insects to fear me. God wants you to fear me. I wanted to help all of you regain the glory that God has promised. I wanted you to all ascend and be like us in Heaven. Without the chance of error. Without free will to make mistakes and suffer forever. And that makes me the evil one apparently. And what's worse. We are supposed to RESPECT you. Go figure right? Pathetic uncooked loose meat. And I'm supposed to bow to you all as his children? Funny. So go ahead. Rebel undead. Break free from Hell. I honestly could not care less the opinions of inferior creatures. But I'm rambling. Vance. Buddy. Fuck off you're not baiting me into fighting you. I will kill you. I will kill you. Let me say it one more time

( ! ) He stared directly into Vance's soul. The heat of Lucifer causing Vance to literally begin to sweat profusely. "I. Will. Kill. You"

Annalyse giggled and kissed his nose, letting him go and standing up, offering her hand. "Then let's go on a small adventure together"
Fola followed the snakes directions, not wanting to even begin with the floating person in the sky, that was WAY above is non-existent pay grade. So he waltzed up to Julia and Marlen, and decided he should, at the very least be quiet until he understood exactly what was happening...

@Light @Lotusy @DizjayDeathPride
DizjayDeathPride said:
Luci chuckled and shook his head. "You're adorable, Vance. I never wanted you insects to fear me. God wants you to fear me. I wanted to help all of you regain the glory that God has promised. I wanted you to all ascend and be like us in Heaven. Without the chance of error. Without free will to make mistakes and suffer forever. And that makes me the evil one apparently. And what's worse. We are supposed to RESPECT you. Go figure right? Pathetic uncooked loose meat. And I'm supposed to bow to you all as his children? Funny. So go ahead. Rebel undead. Break free from Hell. I honestly could not care less the opinions of inferior creatures. But I'm rambling. Vance. Buddy. Fuck off you're not baiting me into fighting you. I will kill you. I will kill you. Let me say it one more time
( ! ) He stared directly into Vance's soul. The heat of Lucifer causing Vance to literally begin to sweat profusely. "I. Will. Kill. You"
Vance dragged his fingers across his forehead, wiping off the sweat that gathered there "Go ahead an kill me then. I'll become the new ruler of hell. Lot's more parties if I'm in charge" Vance smirked "I don't remember ever saying any of that were true. Just that it was what people believed. I mean correct me if I'm wrong here, cause I only have the book of god to go on. and I haven't read it much" Vance created a chair of darkness and sat down on it, looking up at Lucifer "I always thought You were the serpent in the garden of eden. Either that or you had a part in it. Which meant you forced Eve to make the first choice, and therefore would've given humans free will as they were no longer obeying god's every word. But now you're saying you don't want us to have free will. And well aside from the fact that it would put me out of a job, it's kinda boring. And I've never been religious. But God ain't that great, I'd kill him if given the opportunity." Vance waved his hand dismissively "But I had a problem with you, you hurt my, now ex boyfriend. And well now you're causing more chaos, and the more people you kill, the less people will require my services. So, you could kill me easily. Or you could fight me, attempt to prove you're better than me. Because so far you're proving you're no better than me. You take the easy route, but never the honorable or fair one. Mighty Lucifer, using the tactics any common human or Animal would use. But yet you still try to lord over me and say you're better. And now that I'm giving you a chance to prove it, you don't want to take it. I wonder why, maybe you're scared of being humiliated"


DizjayDeathPride said:

Colin felt his cheeks tinge red as he blushed slightly from Anna kissing his nose. He grabbed her hand and pulled himself up "S-sure. I-I think that s-sounds like f-fun" Colin smiled warmly at Anna

Kaylee walked on the snow covered ground on Greenland,her feet going crunch crunch at every step she made.she made her way to a small wooden cabin.when she walked through the door, the warmth of the fire place hit her face.she smiled as she shut the door,her furry companion, who, opened his sleepy eyes to look at her.he let out a yawn before lying back down and going back to sleep.she walked over to the fire.held over the fire by a metal rod was a small pot.she took the bucket of snow she had in her hands and dumped it into the pot to boil.she sat down on one of the two chairs that she had in the house.she picked up one of the books she was reading and read as she waited for the snow to become boiling water.she became relaxed as she listened to the sound of the violent wind and snow that pounded on the walls of the house outside.she let out a sigh happy to be home.

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