Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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Ethan woke up out side the vault, he pouted "How rude. I dislike other reapers. What @!#?" Ethan stood up and started to walk around "If they want to have sexy time in the vault. Well, I hope they get herpes." Ethan continued to pout as he walked around.

GingerBread said:
Colin was sitting on his bed, contemplating life and how everything in his was going wrong. I signed up to be a medic, and I've only healed one person, and I've caused one person to die at least, maybe more.... Colin placed his head in his hands and sighed Well I'll be sure to never let anyone die again, if I can help it. Learn from my mistakes and all. I'll be less helpful and might cause worse things to happen if I don't help people in fear of making things worse Colin laid back on his bed and relaxed.
Colin sat up when he heard a sigh outside his room
Wonder if Someone needs help. Wouldn't hurt to check Colin stood up and walked to his door. He opened it and poked his head out to see who was around. Colin froze when he saw who was sitting outside his door

"A-Anna?" Colin asked, slightly worried that it was an illusion that was meant to get his hopes up so someone could crush him emotionally again.

Annalyse quickly looked up at him then back away looking straight. "Oh hey. Sorry I didn't mean to bother you. I just wanted to see if you went to bed. I guess so" She didn't actually remember the whole 'dying' situation. Death figured it would do her a kindness. She last remembered him 'going to the restroom.'

"Must have been a really bad bathroom break, yeah?" She said almost monotone
DizjayDeathPride said:
Annalyse quickly looked up at him then back away looking straight. "Oh hey. Sorry I didn't mean to bother you. I just wanted to see if you went to bed. I guess so" She didn't actually remember the whole 'dying' situation. Death figured it would do her a kindness. She last remembered him 'going to the restroom.'
"Must have been a really bad bathroom break, yeah?" She said almost monotone
Colin looked down at the ground ashamed "N-no. I-I lied to you. I-I'm sorry. I-I went to g-go get an orb and s-stop death. A-and I knew you were in a g-group with her. S-so I thought i-it was best I-if I didn't t-tell you. D-do y-you h-hate me n-now? P-please s-say y-you don't" Colin felt tears well up in his eyes, threatening to spill out "B-because th-that m-means t-that you hated m-me when y-you d-died"

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Juju said:
Arwyn's eye was suddenly drawn to a golden necklace hanging from one of the being's neck, not in a greed way, but she felt like she could feel its static presence. She found her hand reach up into the air and grasp onto invisible bonds connected with the substance and watched as the metallic links melding into a liquid state and float away from the gingerbread woman. Golden globs of gold levitated in the air between the tiny people and Arwyn's upturned palm "Interesting..." she said while looking at the globules curiously.
Syrax's energy pushed against her own and caused the metal to shift into the shape of a dragon, then to a sun and then back to its shapeless form. "This can be quite useful for the future." he said with a glitter in his eye.

The wyvern lifted his head and looked towards the north of the city. "I think I know where we can get out." he said while eyeing the gingerbread people. "If they let us that is..."

Without waiting for Arwyn's response he began to lumber off down the street towards where he thought the exit would be. While she walked Arwyn toyed with her new power and attempted shifting the gold into different shapes.

A gingerbread man was dancing in front of them trying to catch attention.

LokiofSP said:
Fola shook his head, "I could care less about what happens to me, my job is to get whatever you need to get done, done. I want you all to stay separate, but what I want doesn't really matter here...Just give me a job, okay? Whatever needs to be done next is what I'll do..."



Jayn looked at Roman, a sideways look on her face. She wasn't stupid, and this could very well be an excuse to get her to go on a date with her, and she wouldn't put it past him considering she didn't know him well...But yet, he did make it possible for her to hold something she'd only dreamed of holding until that day. "Aw, alright what the hell, why not? I guess this can't turn out THAT bad...Unless by date you mean something else, and you actual plan to make a more *ahem* 'adult' video. In which case I would have to decline, but I would still be faltered..."
Morgan stands up and for once, stretches as if she's ready to do something. "Fine, just follow me and take orders then." Morgan walks outside of her room, opening the door to take the long way out of the castle.

"N-no! We basically have to seem happy and friendly to the public and world. Basically what we've been doing without the whole temper of mine and were labeling it as a date if people ask." Roman shrugs and begins to walk down the street. "So where do you want to go first? My treat." Roman smiles but to those like Jayn whom know his real smile, it was obviously fake. As if the camera was rolling but couldn't be seen.

"Hm....interesting. I can't wait to see your face as your entire existence is deleted. You won't have to worry about this realm, guild, or hell since none of it including non existence will be around. Your threats are irrelevant because the truth is, you don't have the power to stop me. Enjoy life..no...existing while you can." The 10 year old girl disappears.

Fluffykitty9000 said:
Darkness sways the mind,none shall escape it, it is like a disease flowing through the brain till one day that's all you are dark, corrupt, scared and evil.
your heart is strong with will but it follows your brains lead, once your head becomes corrupt so does your heart.

life.death.will.love.choice.They can all be tampered with, with corruption.

Silk blade sits ready to strike her prey, in the shadows hiding were none know,none see, and none hear.she sits in shadows ready for the perfect time to strike.even if you look at the spot that she stands in none would see her, she stands in the world a blanket of death the floats around peacefully till it sees a prey then....death.

Darkness is a friend,so is death, pain and suffering.

never be afraid of the dark, in less you feel like someone is watching you.

silence is a friend, in till it kills you.

(sorry about the creepiness....fyi i'm not emo ,just trying to make my person sound creepy.)
A reaper simply watches her, waiting for the right moment to reap the soul of the prey.

metalcity said:
Ethan woke up out side the vault, he pouted "How rude. I dislike other reapers. What @!#?" Ethan stood up and started to walk around "If they want to have sexy time in the vault. Well, I hope they get herpes." Ethan continued to pout as he walked around.
Grimmavus himself appears in front of Ethan. "What were you doing in my vault?" Grimm didn't seem angry.
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Fola shrugs and begins to follow after her, pulling his arms around his bare shoulders as they went outside, "Alright, that's something I can do no problem..."


Jayn internally sighed as she finally understood the ACTUAL way this 'date' would go. It would be boring and just completely terrible, but if this is what she needed to do she would do it, she was a woman of her word after all. She gave her best forced smile and began to pull on Roman's arm, "Come on, there's this REALLY fancy Italian place downtown that I've just been dying to try..."

"Why hello there. You see there where some trouble makers in there. So troublesome that one stole my soul for a little bit. Be careful if you choice to enter. I think there exchanging bodily fluids if you know what I mean." Ethan laughed out and tooted his nose.

Syrax stops in his tracks whenever a gingerbread man began to dance purposefully in front of the wyvern. "What on earth is it doing?" He grumbled.

Arwyn smiled and knelt down so that the little man wouldn't have to strain its little neck so much just to look at her. "Is something wrong?" She asked the cookie man patiently. "Don't mind the dragon over there." Behind her Syrax scoffed and pretended he didn't notice the little man.

LokiofSP said:
Fola shrugs and begins to follow after her, pulling his arms around his bare shoulders as they went outside, "Alright, that's something I can do no problem..."


Jayn internally sighed as she finally understood the ACTUAL way this 'date' would go. It would be boring and just completely terrible, but if this is what she needed to do she would do it, she was a woman of her word after all. She gave her best forced smile and began to pull on Roman's arm, "Come on, there's this REALLY fancy Italian place downtown that I've just been dying to try..."

Suddenly Fola and Morgan were standing in the realm of witches. "Alright....so you wish to help. Go to that statue and look at yourself in the reflection of the purple screens.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/deep_in_the_other_side_by_arthurblue.jpg.a92aeaddbd07acba31ebfed61968b6ee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104898" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/deep_in_the_other_side_by_arthurblue.jpg.a92aeaddbd07acba31ebfed61968b6ee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Roman laughs and gazes into her eyes as he stops, facing her. "I don't know where that is so you'll have to guide me. Don't lead me astray." Roman leans down into her ear that's opposite to the camera. He made it seem like he was kissing her cheek as he sped up their sense of time. "Sorry just deal with it, this is all happening in just a second. It sounds super corny but for some reason they love it. I'm not like this on dates and I'll try to make it as fun as possible. This ends now." Roman sets their sense of time back to normal and pulls away. To the camera it looked like the normal time span of a kiss on the cheek. Roman looks down at Jayn's hand and attempts to hold it.

metalcity said:
"Why hello there. You see there where some trouble makers in there. So troublesome that one stole my soul for a little bit. Be careful if you choice to enter. I think there exchanging bodily fluids if you know what I mean." Ethan laughed out and tooted his nose.
Grimmavus groans and runs the bridge of his nose. "This is terrible....The things I have to deal with. Are you sure they're still in there?"

Juju said:
Syrax stops in his tracks whenever a gingerbread man began to dance purposefully in front of the wyvern. "What on earth is it doing?" He grumbled.
Arwyn smiled and knelt down so that the little man wouldn't have to strain its little neck so much just to look at her. "Is something wrong?" She asked the cookie man patiently. "Don't mind the dragon over there." Behind her Syrax scoffed and pretended he didn't notice the little man.

"You control the realm of the golden city now! You can leave and appear back here again whenever you want! You can do anything here! You're in control! It's like you're own pocket dimension, the Gold Realm!"



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Dio leaned back in his chair, the wood creaked under him as he displaced his weight. He kicked up his feet onto the table and let out a long sigh. He could feel the piercing glare of everyone around him but he didn't care. He grabbed the glass of cranberry juice in front of him and took a quick sip, testing it. "Fuck that's fresh." He mumbled to himself. He had just arrived in Germany but he could smell the streets were crawling with scum. Waiting to be liberated. Dio's hand traveled down to his hip almost instinctively, griping his Pythons resting in their holsters. He could feel something was coming.
GingerBread said:
Colin looked down at the ground ashamed "N-no. I-I lied to you. I-I'm sorry. I-I went to g-go get an orb and s-stop death. A-and I knew you were in a g-group with her. S-so I thought i-it was best I-if I didn't t-tell you. D-do y-you h-hate me n-now? P-please s-say y-you don't" Colin felt tears well up in his eyes, threatening to spill out "B-because th-that m-means t-that you hated m-me when y-you d-died"

Anna shrugged and drooped her shoulders. "I guess not. You didn't have to lie to me, you know? If you wanted to get away from me you could have just said"
"Last time I was in there, which was like a 30 seconds ago. I also had my soul stolen, there mean. But that is the type of stuff that happens when you intrude on lovers." Ethan shrugged.


Fola stopped when he saw where they had reached. He opened his mouth, he wanted to say that he thought this was stupid, that him looking at his reflection wouldn't help. But he bit his tounge, he was told to follow after all. So walking up to a screen, he looked back at himself, realizing just how crappy he looked, "If this is your way of saying I need a haircut, then job well done..."


Jayn frowned at Roman's words, this was going to suck so bad... They were flipping beings of myth and legend! They had powers they could use to do cooler things, yet here they were, going on a basic 'date'! She didn't even mean for this to happen, she had thought following him would be cool, but she found herself missing her couch at home more and more...Still though, he was a cool guy, and he'd already done so much for her, so she decided to instead just be silent and endure...

After picking out some random Italian place she'd seen a few blocks away, she smiled best she could,
"Here~ we are! I heard the food here is amazing!"

Throne Trinity] [B]Dio leaned back in his chair said:


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Light said:
Beasts begin to rise from the ground around him. It seems like creatures were rising up all around Europe, slaughtering people as they rampage.
View attachment 234042
Dio looks around the room shocked for a second then grins openly. He stands up from out of his chair, downs his drink and clears his throat to gain the attention of all the demons in the small bar "EhhHemm!"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna shrugged and drooped her shoulders. "I guess not. You didn't have to lie to me, you know? If you wanted to get away from me you could have just said"
"N-no I didn't want to get a-away from you. I-I just d-didn't want to d-drag you a-along w-where you c-could've been hurt. B-but you ended u-up D-dying a-anyway, b-because of me. I-I promised t-to be there t-to heal you n-no matter wh-what... But I-I wasn't...." Colin screwed his eyes shut, not wanting to cry yet again today.

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"My own realm?" Arwyn said in disbelief. "no... but i'm not a god or anything." she turned and looked at Syrax for help but it turned out that he had as little of an explanation as she had. She looked back to the gingerbread man helplessly and considered what it had said. "Okay, I guess there is only one way to test this out." she said. Turning towards an empty space on the street, she focused on trying to reach out to this new power. It evaded her grasp at first, granting her only feathery wisps of the power, but after several attempts she soon gained a familiarity with it and was able to coax it with her will. Once she had deemed herself ready she clenched her hand into a fist and motioned over to the vacant spot on the ground.

At first nothing happened and a rush of disappointment and embarrassment flooded into her mind, filling it with assumptions of trickery. That was until the faintest crack in the ground suddenly appeared on the hardened earth. Taking a deep breath she tried again. This time a jagged shard of gold pierced up through the surface of the ground and stood before her glimmering like a giant golden tooth. "Ha, look at that!" she exclaimed to Syrax. Eager to see more of what she could do with this power she reached out again to the chunk of metal and this time tried to form it in a more elaborate way.

Golden roots and branches soon began to sprout out of the once crude pillar and raised their twisted fingers up towards the sky in delicate twists and turns. The intricate pattern even extended into the 'bark' itself, sinking into the smooth surface to give it an appearance that would befit a an artisan's masterwork. When she had finished there hung small globes of soft golden light from every branch like some peculiar fruit.

The dragon knight fell silent after she had completed the tree and stood looking up at it. Syrax lumbered forward to stand beside her and leaned his head down to her level. "I suppose that is enough prof, hmm?" he said.

"So I can control everything in this realm... and I can go and come back as much as I like if I please?" She said to the gingerbread man that had told her about the power in the first place.

(is everything gold in the realm or can I control anything in it regardless of what it is made of?)

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GingerBread said:
"N-no I didn't want to get a-away from you. I-I just d-didn't want to d-drag you a-along w-where you c-could've been hurt. B-but you ended u-up D-dying a-anyway, b-because of me. I-I promised t-to be there t-to heal you n-no matter wh-what... But I-I wasn't...." Colin screwed his eyes shut, not wanting to cry yet again today.

Anna flinched back and looked at him quickly. "Died..? Wh.. what do you mean? Im not dead" She hopped up and pinched herself. "See?"
metalcity said:
"Last time I was in there, which was like a 30 seconds ago. I also had my soul stolen, there mean. But that is the type of stuff that happens when you intrude on lovers." Ethan shrugged.
"I remember when I was reckless with my wife but not even I.....nevermind yes I did." Grimmavus looks around at the area. "Do you at least know the reapers....gang and name?"

LokiofSP said:
Fola stopped when he saw where they had reached. He opened his mouth, he wanted to say that he thought this was stupid, that him looking at his reflection wouldn't help. But he bit his tounge, he was told to follow after all. So walking up to a screen, he looked back at himself, realizing just how crappy he looked, "If this is your way of saying I need a haircut, then job well done..."


Jayn frowned at Roman's words, this was going to suck so bad... They were flipping beings of myth and legend! They had powers they could use to do cooler things, yet here they were, going on a basic 'date'! She didn't even mean for this to happen, she had thought following him would be cool, but she found herself missing her couch at home more and more...Still though, he was a cool guy, and he'd already done so much for her, so she decided to instead just be silent and endure...

After picking out some random Italian place she'd seen a few blocks away, she smiled best she could,
"Here~ we are! I heard the food here is amazing!"

Fola's reflection was moving in unison with him. In fact his reflection sprung out of the screen. "The only way to grow stronger is to defeat your own limits. I need you to grow stronger."

Roman inspects the restaurant as they approach it. Once they arrive he opens the door for Jayn and reserves a table.


Once Roman hears that word he sighs. "Hey...I promise I'll make this up to you. We're on a little break for commercials. Is it terrible for you?" Roman walks over to the table as the waiter guides them to it.

( Yes you have Absolute Control in your realm. You could make gravity pull up instead of down if you wanted to there. Syrax has the Gold Manipulation Power and the Absolute Control there too. Don't want to leave him out D: )

The gingerbread man nods his head and smiles. Hugging Arywn's ankle since he was extremely tiny. "Yes! You're our savior! You're our queen!" The gingerbread people start to flood Syrax and hug his legs. "You're our king!"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna flinched back and looked at him quickly. "Died..? Wh.. what do you mean? Im not dead" She hopped up and pinched herself. "See?"
"Y-you did d-die. I-I don't know wh-what happened. B-but death said S-she'd g-give me one thing. A-and I-I asked for y-you to be brought b-back" Colin realized that Anna might've been trying to forget about it and felt guilty for bringing it up in the first place.

@DizjayDeathPride (I keep getting the Colour for Colin wrong :/ )
Dreamtique said:
"I am not going to fight you. It is pointless, I meant to help you, not the opposite. I am letting you to get the orb. But if you have to...come...knock me down."
Earl opened his arms.


(I wonder if Earl can exit the arena instead getting punch in the face @Light ...but he kinda deserve it for walking in without knowing what will happen, he said six "yes"es without any doubt...let's just say...he is determined......)
"Only if you insist," Malren growled, swinging a paw and clocking Earl out. "Well, not my finest handiwork, but beggars can't be choosers." Hopefully, the man would stay down until they retrieved the orb. With a grunt, Malren slung Earl onto his shoulder, waiting for the bridge to re-form.
GingerBread said:
"Y-you did d-die. I-I don't know wh-what happened. B-but death said S-she'd g-give me one thing. A-and I-I asked for y-you to be brought b-back" Colin realized that Anna might've been trying to forget about it and felt guilty for bringing it up in the first place.

@DizjayDeathPride (I keep getting the Colour for Colin wrong :/ )
(I noticed but I was like 'maybe he's switching it up.' Like I've been reading it in Vance's voice this entire time. It's weird)

Anna's eyes got wide and she smiled widely. "You could have had ANYTHING and you picked.. me?" She charged at him, tackling him through the doorway and onto the ground "THANK YOU!"
Lotusy said:
"Only if you insist," Malren growled, swinging a paw and clocking Earl out. "Well, not my finest handiwork, but beggars can't be choosers." Hopefully, the man would stay down until they retrieved the orb. With a grunt, Malren slung Earl onto his shoulder, waiting for the bridge to re-form.
The bridge reforms itself once more and the White Orb's power curse begins to wash over them both.
Light said:
The bridge reforms itself once more and the White Orb's power curse begins to wash over them both.
Malren walked across the bridge slowly - due to carrying Earl, stopping in front of Alice. "So, uh, is this where I bow like a knight or something? Or do I just take the orb?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
(I noticed but I was like 'maybe he's switching it up.' Like I've been reading it in Vance's voice this entire time. It's weird)
Anna's eyes got wide and she smiled widely. "You could have had ANYTHING and you picked.. me?" She charged at him, tackling him through the doorway and onto the ground "THANK YOU!"
(Vance has a voice? I've no Idea what any of my characters sound like xP)

"W-what else would I-" Colin was cut short as he was tackled to the ground. Colin's shock quickly turned to happiness as he Smiled at Anna "I-I did p-promise i-if I could heal you I-I would, d-didn't I? B-besides it was the only choice I-I would've made a-anyway"

@DizjayDeathPride (But feel free to call me out on it, If I do randomly change the colour )
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