Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
( I'm just gonna let Malren go. Actually I'm going to speed this up. )

The guardian opens the gate for Malren and it reveals a white portal. "Answer these questions and you may pass. Are you worthy of the orb? Are you willing to die for the orb? Are you going to protect Alice and the orb? Will you seek out the priestess? Are you prepared to unleash the orbs fury amongst men? Will you charge against the orb and it's ravaging elegance?" Alice had disappeared and if Malren answered the questions he would be sucked into the portal. On the other side he would face a sea of magma with a rock bridge leading to a shrine. Alice was inside the shrine holding the white orb in her palms.

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"Yes, I believe myself to be worthy. I would willingly lay down my life for the orb." Malren cleared his throat, continuing. "I will and shall protect Alice, seek this priestess, and if it must be so, I am prepared to unleash whatever power this orb holds among mankind." He coughed again, calmly adjusting the collar on one of his sleeves. A cold glint passed over his eyes.

"And I'm ready to charge."
Lotusy said:
"Yes, I believe myself to be worthy. I would willingly lay down my life for the orb." Malren cleared his throat, continuing. "I will and shall protect Alice, seek this priestess, and if it must be so, I am prepared to unleash whatever power this orb holds among mankind." He coughed again, calmly adjusting the collar on one of his sleeves. A cold glint passed over his eyes.
"And I'm ready to charge."
The portal takes in Malren and presents the magma and rock bridge with the shrine on the other side. Alice was waiting patiently with the White Orb in her palms.

Jayn nods and puts the sword back in it's proper case and mouthed, 'I'll come back for you...' She then turned tail and ran through the portal, making sure to stay close to the reaper...



Fola nods, "Yeah, sure, why not? I would hate to be out of the loop or something..."
(Forgot about death. Lemme get rid of her caaaaause future problems)

The negativity had gotten to be too much for Death. Not only was she experience her own small slice of hell from everyone dying, it just magnified second by second as she continued to live with this orb. She thought sealing it in the vault would help and that changed absolutely nothing. Moment by moment her sanity chipped away until nothing remained. Nothing but pain and the longing to just pass on. She couldn't take it anymore.

She appeared in Morpheus room and slammed her scythe staff to his chest, pressing it to him until he took it. When he looked at her, obviously confused on who this creature was, she just pulled the scythe to her chest, letting it pierce through her

Her eyes shot wide and white light dxploded from her mouth and eyes as she barely croaked out "thank... You.." And fell to her knees, bursting to ash

Morpheus just stared wide eyed and the black orb floated over his head, her scythe in his hand. "Wh.. what the..." He looked up to the orb and back down to the pile of black ash. "Well then.... I guess that.. answers my..... Question?" He looked at the weapon and back up to the orb. Then the ash of Death. "I think... Death just... Huh. Well..... No need to put any thought into that one!" He tossed the scythe up and it and the orb disappeared
LokiofSP said:
Jayn nods and puts the sword back in it's proper case and mouthed, 'I'll come back for you...' She then turned tail and ran through the portal, making sure to stay close to the reaper...

DizjayDeathPride said:
Richard had already been sitting at the spot labeled Chess. He rapped his fingers on the table, looking at the now black and red bannister of connect four. Would he say he completely absorbed them? No. Would it come up in conversation? Perhaps
Richard sighed and leaned back, ready to go back to work on destroying the other leaders around him. He looked over to Uno and smiled, leaning back in his seat and sighing
Roman throws open the double doors to the meeting room and strides over to his chair as if he owns the place. He pulls out the seat and gestures for Jayn to sit down in his chair instead. Roman looks around at the seats and notices Connect Four was taken over. "Damn, they got fucked up." Roman looks at all the other reapers and makes eye contact with Richard eventually. "Ah....chess gang is back eh? With the addition of a new guy!" Roman casts a glare towards the other leaders. "Did any of you idiots introduce yourselves?" Roman chuckles and closes his eyes, shaking his head as he receives no response. "Rude mothafucka's....all of you." Roman opens his eyes and smiles, approaching Richard as his does. "The names Roman Ferick, leader of the Monopoly gang. Pleased to meet you, I've always liked chess gang. Nobody here liked Connect Four after they fucked Chess up. Do you see any of these people shedding tears for em? Me niether. Who are you and how are you?" Roman extends his hand for Richard to shake. "Also with me today is my...." Roman thinks back to one of the labels Jayn had given him while punching him in the shoulder. "Friend who's hanging out with me for the day. Her names Jayn, I don't think I should throw her last name out into the air like that though." Roman looks back at Richard.

LokiofSP said:
Fola nods, "Yeah, sure, why not? I would hate to be out of the loop or something..."
Morgan reaches up and covers his eyes with her hand, taking it off after a few seconds. Fola could see a small hologram of the Earth slowly falling apart floating above them. "I'm just projecting dreams."
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Light said:
Roman throws open the double doors to the meeting room and strides over to his chair as if he owns the place. He pulls out the seat and gestures for Jayn to sit down in his chair instead. Roman looks around at the seats and notices Connect Four was taken over. "Damn, they got fucked up." Roman looks at all the other reapers and makes eye contact with Richard eventually. "Ah....chess gang is back eh? With the addition of a new guy!" Roman casts a glare towards the other leaders. "Did any of you idiots introduce yourselves?" Roman chuckles and closes his eyes, shaking his head as he receives no response. "Rude mothafucka's....all of you." Roman opens his eyes and smiles, approaching Richard as his does. "The names Roman Ferick, leader of the Monopoly gang. Pleased to meet you, I've always liked chess gang. Nobody here liked Connect Four after they fucked Chess up. Do you see any of these people shedding tears for em? Me niether. Who are you and how are you?" Roman extends his hand for Richard to shake. "Also with me today is my...." Roman thinks back to one of the labels Jayn had given him while punching him in the shoulder. "Friend who's hanging out with me for the day. Her names Jayn, I don't think I should throw her last name out into the air like that though." Roman looks back at Richard.
Morgan reaches up and covers his eyes with her hand, taking it off after a few seconds. Fola could see a small hologram of the Earth slowly falling apart floating above them. "I'm just projecting dreams."
Richard smiled back but thought this is legit a real thing.Oh my God "My name is Richard Wells. Im... New here. And I'm doing very well actually. Is the only reason we're here to mourn Connect Four? I'm sorry but I'm quite busy. If there's no other business I'd like to return to... My responsibilities" He stared Roman in the eye as he shook the man's hand. "As should we all, correct?"
Fola looked up, wide eyed in a mixture of feeling shocked, horrified and mesmerized by the sights beauty... It was a scary thought but it was also...Humbling in a strange and depressing sort of way. Everything ended, even Earth itself, and that thought comforted, and brought peace to the young witch boy, if not only for a second.

Then he remembered why he came there, and as much as he hated to do it, turned away from the sight. He looked at Morgana, staying silent for a few moments before finally speaking, "As nice as this is, you probably already know it's not why I'm here, so I might as well just get it out of the way...I'm sorry for those thoughts from before, I'm not even sure where they came from. They were ugly,and perverse, and scary...For me anyways. I didn't know I could actually sink that low...."

@Light (Ima wait for a Jayn post until the timing is right, go for a time when the post isn't just her silence)
DizjayDeathPride said:
Richard smiled back but thought this is legit a real thing.Oh my God "My name is Richard Wells. Im... New here. And I'm doing very well actually. Is the only reason we're here to mourn Connect Four? I'm sorry but I'm quite busy. If there's no other business I'd like to return to... My responsibilities" He stared Roman in the eye as he shook the man's hand. "As should we all, correct?"
"This is more than just a mourning. If it were just that do you think I'd give enough of a fuck to come?" Roman shakes his hand again and walks back to his seat, standing behind Jayne as he does so. "Now we need to discuss the balance of the world and how's it's been thrown upside down. Especially now that a seat of power has been taken down we have to find a way to compensate for them. Uno, you and your crew are major fuck ups so I'd recommend keeping a close guard on Lucifer. He's a Van Fen'rir and we have to defend him but at the same time we don't want him causing trouble. Just....'accidentally' mess his plans up a bit." Roman's eyes lock onto the Sorry gang leader. "I need you to keep certain realms on lock down but keep activity fluent at the same time. We need being a moving in and out of realms to even out the population in each realm. With the effects of the Black Orb having too many beings in one realm will set them all off and cause bloodshed. Make sure you get the right species in the according realms. Don't throw in two species that won't get along in a realm that doesn't suit their survival conditions." Roman glances at Jayn, hoping that this meeting wasn't boring her. After checking he looks back up to Jenga. "Make sure no big shots are fucking with the foundations of reality. If they do, show them several hours of keeping up with the kardashians. That'll show em what it feels like." Roman turns to Chess. "Hey, Richard. I need you to set up your crew for possible war. Your set up and leadership are important aspects right now. Contact me.once you're ready." The leader of monopoly turns to Jayne and extends his hand for her to take. "Cmon. Monopoly has to win over the allegiance of every being we can throughout as many possible realms." The moment Jayn takes Roman's hand he would have them appear in front of a random home. "Alright....this meeting is over. Disperse." The other leader disappear to get their job done. Knowing full well that there was a war with countless rogue reapers and clones of Grimm to handle, as well as the balance being thrown off and Lucifer.

LokiofSP said:
Fola looked up, wide eyed in a mixture of feeling shocked, horrified and mesmerized by the sights beauty... It was a scary thought but it was also...Humbling in a strange and depressing sort of way. Everything ended, even Earth itself, and that thought comforted, and brought peace to the young witch boy, if not only for a second.
Then he remembered why he came there, and as much as he hated to do it, turned away from the sight. He looked at Morgana, staying silent for a few moments before finally speaking, "As nice as this is, you probably already know it's not why I'm here, so I might as well just get it out of the way...I'm sorry for those thoughts from before, I'm not even sure where they came from. They were ugly,and perverse, and scary...For me anyways. I didn't know I could actually sink that low...."

@Light (Ima wait for a Jayn post until the timing is right, go for a time when the post isn't just her silence)
Morgan looks at Fola with her piercing eyes, for a second they could have been suspected as snake pupils. "It's fine..n It's just the effect the Black Orb has. It's not like you're the only one." Morgan shrugs and looks back up at the ceiling. "It's how some people are...what some people are changed into. It almost makes you wish for it." Morgan looks up at the crumbling hologram of Earth. "It's almost...aggravating knowing that its so close yet so far from becoming a reality. It's destructive beauty....and Only those with a tainted heart could see it's bliss and hear it's reassuring silence."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Richard sighed and shook his head, chuckling and appearing back in his office. "Its been awhile since I've respected someone. Interesting..."
Richard pulled out some papers and began writing, leading his troops. 10 million to attack uno from the ground up. Careful not to go for any big shots too soon and keep the alert to a minimum as they pillaged. And careful to make them act lke rogues, leaving no trace of their affiliation as they destroyed the Uno gang.

As well, he sent hundreds of battle trained reapers around each of the gangs, including Uno to hide his assault on them, each gang leader getting a note saying "Sorry I know it's not much but we're still growing. -RW. CHESS"
( ...... )

Fola shook his head and looked back up, his chocolate colored eyes taking in every line and detail of the planet as it broke, he shook his head at Morgana's comment after a bit, "Well that's what's so beautiful about it right? The idea that even despite what some become, that they might still be salvageable...I guess those are the ones worth fighting for."

He gets up and leans on his palms, chuckling softly and shaking his head,
"Maybe it's best that some don't see it...If everybody saw it the way you or I do, they may not fight to stop it from happening. I don't know, I'm no philosopher, just the thoughts of a drunken idiot..." Even as he said that though, he didn't stop staring at it. He felt as if it mean something more to him, something he just couldn't put his finger on...

Whatever, it didn't matter. At least not now,
"So, quick question, what's the deal with your sisters? I mean, you're all just so casual about what could happen to you...By the end of today you all could lose everything that makes you special, and become just one person...Isn't that scary in any way? The thought of knowing you'll still be you, but still somebody else... I don't know how half the people in this guild deal with half the crap thrown at them..."



Jayn took Roman's hand and blinked, "Well that was a quick meeting... So what are we gonna do now? Beat up some traitors? Meet with some informants? I've never been in a magic gang war before, but if it's anything like a real gang war then this CAN'T not be cool..."
Standing there, not saying a word, Earl was feeling so useless.

"Don't hide it anymore, you are free now, you don't need to hide it anymore, say it. Set yourself free......"

A familiar voice was heard. Earl had a vision......

He was looking into a mirror, a very blurry mirror.

"Listen to me, you are free now. Face yourself." the blurry figure in the mirror held Earl's both hand

"You are kind, you are loving, and......Don't you remeber?"

"So be honest and answer me......"

"I...I...want love, happiness and joy to exist forever, ever since I started to feel them in this human, I want every single soul in Mortal Realm to be able to feel that, I don't want to go back to how I was before, I want everyone to be able to feel this, I wanted to protect this feeling for everyone and myself...so that this feeling will never ever be gone......"

"I want to protect Mortal Realm and its peace."

Certain memory started to flash into his mind.

He opened his eyes and noticed that he had spoken out his thought.


(I ask for permission to skip to where Malren was after this. And sorry for the late response.)
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Inaro tilt his head in question. The fuck you mean you'll. Are you telling me the guild is the cause of this. I thought we were suppose to protect your counter parts or whatever you call them. When did shit started to hit the fan? Inaro sounded somewhat agitated mainly because he was no clue what's going on Android his brothers aren't nowhere to be found. @Light
LokiofSP said:
Fola shook his head and looked back up, his chocolate colored eyes taking in every line and detail of the planet as it broke, he shook his head at Morgana's comment after a bit, "Well that's what's so beautiful about it right? The idea that even despite what some become, that they might still be salvageable...I guess those are the ones worth fighting for."

He gets up and leans on his palms, chuckling softly and shaking his head,
"Maybe it's best that some don't see it...If everybody saw it the way you or I do, they may not fight to stop it from happening. I don't know, I'm no philosopher, just the thoughts of a drunken idiot..." Even as he said that though, he didn't stop staring at it. He felt as if it mean something more to him, something he just couldn't put his finger on...

Whatever, it didn't matter. At least not now,
"So, quick question, what's the deal with your sisters? I mean, you're all just so casual about what could happen to you...By the end of today you all could lose everything that makes you special, and become just one person...Isn't that scary in any way? The thought of knowing you'll still be you, but still somebody else... I don't know how half the people in this guild deal with half the crap thrown at them..."



Jayn took Roman's hand and blinked, "Well that was a quick meeting... So what are we gonna do now? Beat up some traitors? Meet with some informants? I've never been in a magic gang war before, but if it's anything like a real gang war then this CAN'T not be cool..."
Morgan simply looks over to Fola once again, no signs of movement other than that occurs. "The truth there is that we're not sisters, we're split personalities. Doesn't matter to us anyways, it doesn't make us any less special. We all have our roles in life that we must follow. Besides that last bit isn't exactly the case. I'm the mind of this girl you're speaking of. We're all the same girl just fragmented. A body that simply wants to piece itself back together. We're like a pizza. Various slices and even if you take a slice out it's still the same full pizza, just fragmented and taken apart. They'd be content with being turned back into a full pizza as well. We're all her... we've all always been her. It's just that we're all missing a piece of ourselves, we're missing each other. Though instead of worrying about me, you should worry about yourself when we do fuse."

Roman shakes his head as they appear in front of a random house. "No....that's not the case. My reapers are attending to as many beings as they can to show them how great we are, y'know building up a fan base and support. Now all I have to do is make a semi public appearance. I have two questions that'll help me out along with the Monopoly gang. Would you like to go on a date with me? Do you mind if this date is filmed?"

Dreamtique said:
Standing there, not saying a word, Earl was feeling so useless.
"Don't hide it anymore, you are free now, you don't need to hide it anymore, say it. Set yourself free......"

A familiar voice was heard. Earl had a vision......

He was looking into a mirror, a very blurry mirror.

"Listen to me, you are free now. Face yourself." the blurry figure in the mirror held Earl's both hand

"You are kind, you are loving, and......Don't you remeber?"

"So be honest and answer me......"

"I...I...want love, happiness and joy to exist forever, ever since I started to feel them in this human, I want every single soul in Mortal Realm to be able to feel that, I don't want to go back to how I was before, I want everyone to be able to feel this, I wanted to protect this feeling for everyone and myself...so that this feeling will never ever be gone......"

"I want to protect Mortal Realm and its peace."

Certain memory started to flash into his mind.

He opened his eyes and noticed that he had spoken out his thought.


(I ask for permission to skip to where Malren was after this. And sorry for the late response.)
The guardian nods his head at his response. "Answer these questions and you may pass through the portal. Are you worthy of the orb? Are you willing to die for the orb? Are you going to protect Alice and the orb? Will you seek out the priestess? Are you prepared to unleash the orbs fury amongst men? Will you charge against the orb and it's ravaging elegance?"

Embaga Elder] [SIZE=24px][COLOR=#808080]-Inaro[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=#808080][SIZE=14px]Inaro tilt his head in question. [/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=14px][B]The fuck you mean you'll. Are you telling me the guild is the cause of this. I thought we were suppose to protect your counter parts or whatever you call them. When did shit started to hit the fan? [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=14px]Inaro sounded somewhat agitated mainly because he was no clue what's going on Android his brothers aren't nowhere to be found. [/COLOR][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"Humanity was doomed from the start. No matter how easy it is to say, it's hard to forgive. Not everyone is Jesus...I'm definitely not. Things hit the fan 15 years ago my friend, the world has been set for destruction long before you took up the ball. It only got worse when Death decided to tamper with something even she couldn't understand thinking she could tame it. Which forced you all to remove all the other orbs from their temples and release my power upon the realms. Now you'll all face the consequences." The young girl smiles as she stares at Inaro's agitated form. "How does it feel to know that you're going to die, Inaro?"
Light said:
"Answer these questions and you may pass through the portal. Are you worthy of the orb? Are you willing to die for the orb? Are you going to protect Alice and the orb? Will you seek out the priestess? Are you prepared to unleash the orbs fury amongst men? Will you charge against the orb and it's ravaging elegance?"
"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, and...Yes...I had never been more ready......"Earl insisted on every single "yes". He replied with a slightly trembly voice, waiting for something to happen.
Dreamtique said:
"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, and...Yes...I had never been more ready......"Earl insisted on every single "yes". He replied with a slightly trembly voice, waiting for something to happen.
( @Lotusy )

"You and your friend must battle for the orb. There can only be one user." Earl was sucked into the white portal. On the other side he would face a sea of magma with a rock bridge leading to a shrine. Alice was inside the shrine holding the white orb in her palms. The bridge collapsed since neither could pass until there was a winner.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7b573eb0_download(1).jpg.787d88a820259466fd42023c8f93023b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104862" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7b573eb0_download(1).jpg.787d88a820259466fd42023c8f93023b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Light said:
"You and your friend must battle for the orb. There can only be one user." Earl was sucked into the white portal. On the other side he would face a sea of magma with a rock bridge leading to a shrine. Alice was inside the shrine holding the white orb in her palms. The bridge collapsed since neither could pass until there was a winner.
"Hm...I never help, doesn't I? If only I haven't entered, we wouldn't have to fight...I thought I can at least help...but......"

"Turns out I am just a pain in the ass......" He looked into Malren's eyes, his eyes looked a bit watery.

"Our fight will be meaningless...so...you, go ahead. Take the orb and get the job done." Earl gave Malren a reassuring look.

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Arwyn's eye was suddenly drawn to a golden necklace hanging from one of the being's neck, not in a greed way, but she felt like she could feel its static presence. She found her hand reach up into the air and grasp onto invisible bonds connected with the substance and watched as the metallic links melding into a liquid state and float away from the gingerbread woman. Golden globs of gold levitated in the air between the tiny people and Arwyn's upturned palm "Interesting..." she said while looking at the globules curiously.

Syrax's energy pushed against her own and caused the metal to shift into the shape of a dragon, then to a sun and then back to its shapeless form. "This can be quite useful for the future." he said with a glitter in his eye.

The wyvern lifted his head and looked towards the north of the city. "I think I know where we can get out." he said while eyeing the gingerbread people. "If they let us that is..."

Without waiting for Arwyn's response he began to lumber off down the street towards where he thought the exit would be. While she walked Arwyn toyed with her new power and attempted shifting the gold into different shapes.

Light said:
( @Lotusy )
"You and your friend must battle for the orb. There can only be one user." Earl was sucked into the white portal. On the other side he would face a sea of magma with a rock bridge leading to a shrine. Alice was inside the shrine holding the white orb in her palms. The bridge collapsed since neither could pass until there was a winner.

View attachment 233926
Dreamtique said:
"Hm...I never help, doesn't I? If only I haven't entered, we wouldn't have to fight...I thought I can at least help...but......"
"Turns out I am just a pain in the ass......" He looked into Lotusy's eyes, his eyes looked a bit watery.

"Our fight will be meaningless...so...you, go ahead. Take the orb and get the job done." Earl gave Malren a reassuring look.

(My character's name is Malren. I'm not my character :P )

Malren on watched silently as Earl berated himself, knowing they'd have to fight to claim the orb. He saw the rock bridge collapse, and turned back to Earl. "Come on, now." His arm turned to the furred and lean arm of the lion. "That's not going to help now. On your guard."

Fola shook his head, "I could care less about what happens to me, my job is to get whatever you need to get done, done. I want you all to stay separate, but what I want doesn't really matter here...Just give me a job, okay? Whatever needs to be done next is what I'll do..."



Jayn looked at Roman, a sideways look on her face. She wasn't stupid, and this could very well be an excuse to get her to go on a date with her, and she wouldn't put it past him considering she didn't know him well...But yet, he did make it possible for her to hold something she'd only dreamed of holding until that day. "Aw, alright what the hell, why not? I guess this can't turn out THAT bad...Unless by date you mean something else, and you actual plan to make a more *ahem* 'adult' video. In which case I would have to decline, but I would still be faltered..."
Lotusy said:
Malren on watched silently as Earl berated himself, knowing they'd have to fight to claim the orb. He saw the rock bridge collapse, and turned back to Earl. "Come on, now." His arm turned to the furred and lean arm of the lion. "That's not going to help now. On your guard."
"I am not going to fight you. It is pointless, I meant to help you, not the opposite. I am letting you to get the orb. But if you have to...come...knock me down."

Earl opened his arms.


(I wonder if Earl can exit the arena instead getting punch in the face @Light ...but he kinda deserve it for walking in without knowing what will happen, he said six "yes"es without any doubt...let's just say...he is determined......)
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Inaro crosses his legs as he started to float. He exhaled And began to calm down he. The main reason he was agitated about was his brothers absence. He morality shifted completely to evil, And Inaro began to speak the truth. A bottle of beer appeared And he flicked the top off and took a sip. Honestly, I've died before it wouldn't feel any different than it felt the first time. I'll just do the same thing I did before until I'm revived. And trust me I know I'll be revived. Oh And bout this world. It can burn in hell for all I care. None of my friends And family are here beside Crimson And Cole. Once I find them two we'll be long gone. And this guild.... He chuckles It's better that I don't even say. Inaro downs the rest of his beer. @Light
Darkness sways the mind,none shall escape it, it is like a disease flowing through the brain till one day that's all you are dark, corrupt, scared and evil.

your heart is strong with will but it follows your brains lead, once your head becomes corrupt so does your heart.

life.death.will.love.choice.They can all be tampered with, with corruption.

Silk blade sits ready to strike her prey, in the shadows hiding were none know,none see, and none hear.she sits in shadows ready for the perfect time to strike.even if you look at the spot that she stands in none would see her, she stands in the world a blanket of death the floats around peacefully till it sees a prey then....death.

Darkness is a friend,so is death, pain and suffering.

never be afraid of the dark, in less you feel like someone is watching you.

silence is a friend, in till it kills you.

(sorry about the creepiness....fyi i'm not emo ,just trying to make my person sound creepy.)
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DizjayDeathPride said:
(@GingerBread )
Anna mustered up the courage to go to Colin's room. She stood in front of the door for a long moment then sighed and looked down, sliding down the wall next to the door
Colin was sitting on his bed, contemplating life and how everything in his was going wrong. I signed up to be a medic, and I've only healed one person, and I've caused one person to die at least, maybe more.... Colin placed his head in his hands and sighed Well I'll be sure to never let anyone die again, if I can help it. Learn from my mistakes and all. I'll be less helpful and might cause worse things to happen if I don't help people in fear of making things worse Colin laid back on his bed and relaxed.

Colin sat up when he heard a sigh outside his room
Wonder if Someone needs help. Wouldn't hurt to check Colin stood up and walked to his door. He opened it and poked his head out to see who was around. Colin froze when he saw who was sitting outside his door

"A-Anna?" Colin asked, slightly worried that it was an illusion that was meant to get his hopes up so someone could crush him emotionally again.

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