Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]


Malevolent Entertainer
The whole hull shakes, waking you up suddenly and painfully.

Your wrists and ankles hurt, riven by heavy metal shakles.

You peer in the darkness of the lower deck of the Lintha ship.

Barely one meter from floor to ceiling and at least thirty meters long, the deck is entirely underwater, and you can feel the demon worms thumping on the hull outside.

A few mutilated bodies are scattered on the torn wooden planks of the irregular floor just above the bilge dump.

The whole place reeks putrefaction and disease.

On the other side of the hull, just opposite to you, you can see another prisoner, barely moving, chained just like you to the hull.

You can hear only a few voices from above, most of them must have left the ship.

Indeed, from here you can't recognize what they say, but they sounds excited.

They are attacking someone.


Enough waiting.

It's definitely time to teach these Lintha bastards not to mess with the Dragon Bloods!

Jolin, Danakir, post at your leisure.

You have never seen each other before.

Both of you are wounded, 1L and 2B damage due to the shackles, they won't start to heal until you break free.

You have no equipment, no Artefacts, no Heartstones; all your stuff is likely to be in the Captain's private room.
Despair could only fuel the soul of a true survivor and this setback was no different, her gaze burning with cold fire now she slid one hand along her own body, she knew they couldn't have found every one of them, they were just too well hidden. There was no way she would die here and with them fighting it out there, this was clearly her chance to escape. Aside from her there was only one other person in the hull, at least if we're talking of the living. She honestly couldn't care less, but they might prove useful as a distraction if nothing else.

Bingo! She found the needle she hid in her hair, they hadn't found that one. It would be enough for her to lockpick this piece of shit lock on her wrists and ankles, they hurt so damn much. Normal Dynasts would feel humiliated and furious at this captivity but she felt nothing deep down, only the overwhelming urge to escape and insure her survival from this ordeal. Nevertheless for now, she could have tried to use her anima banner to melt the shackles but the ship's floor under her feet would have given in at the same time if not sooner. She had to keep it smart, play it safe.

Subtlety was often more rewarding than brute force.

Pressing the tip of the needle inside the lock, she got to work. Freaking piece of shit better not give her any trouble as she hurried her work. She did NOT want to be stuck here still when the fighting died down and they came back to celebrate. Oh hell no. She'd heard the rumors like everyone else.

It gave her the shivers.


Opening the Lock

Dexterity 5 + Larceny 3 = 8 dice

8d10 → [4,9,10,1,2,10,9,8] = 7 successes
Yarodu looks around with bloodshot eyes. He might have noticed a substantial reek emanating from his unwashed body were he in any position to notice.

"Wha...What's going on? What's happening?", he exclaims.

He turns around as much as his shackles would allow and notices a woman. "Hey, you! You there. Get me out of here! You gotta help me, please!", he pleads.
stunt 1 for Danakir. You free one hand from the shackle. Getting free from the rest will take you no more than a minute, no roll required.

Remember that both of you have a -1 wound penalty.
As if all the pent up pressure from having to free herself in such conditions was just released, she allowed herself a thin smile. Her situation was still rather unpleasant but it was getting better by the minute. Taking care of the other locks took her only a few moments and when she was done she took that opportunity to stretch out a bit and rub her sore wrists and ankles. They really did hurt like a bitch.

Were she so inclined she would vow revenge on the Lintha for inflicting those wounds upon her, but her cowardice wouldn't allow her such pleasure.

Approaching toward the man who'd been calling out to her in the last few minutes, she brushed a hand through her hair as she looked him up and down. He didn't look half bad but he seriously reeked of sweat and... oh god she did hope that was NOT urine. Still, leaving him there wouldn't be wise or useful.

At worst, he could serve as a nice distraction, as such she flashed him a friendly smile and using that needle of hers, made some conversation even as she was freeing him from his bonds "This is a vessel of the infamous Lintha pirates. We are their prisoners." she stares up at him grimly "We have to escape as fast as possible. First, we'll have to get back our supplies however."

Hearing the satisfying click of the lock cooperating with her, she flashes her new improvised partner a confident grin "Alright, so you owe me, I'm sure you know that." she ruffles his hair a bit, making sure he's all there "So be sure to protect me, 'kay? <3" she is making no effort to discourage any latent chivalrous urges.

Dexterity 5 + Larceny 3 - Wound Penalty 1 = 7 dice

7d10 → [8,8,10,6,3,10,1] = 6 successes

Sorry about that, really! I totally forgot about the wound penalty. x__x

Considering your policy on social combat between PCs, I'll figure it'd be pointless to roll (Charisma + Presence) to get him to protect her. ;3 So I won't.
He flinches a little when she ruffles his hair, but he was in no position to complain. Thanks, he says. He rubs his wrists and ankles to get some feeling back to them. Watch my back and I'll be sure to watch yours.

I'll have have more fun doing it, that's for sure, he thinks.

Looking around, he notices the bodies and frowns. That thumping is most unpleasant a sound. Perhaps it is time we made ourselves scarce. You wouldn't happen to know where our stuff got stowed, do you?
"That's kind of bold." she smiles indulgently at his rather selfish display, but didn't let it worry her overtly. After all, more pressing concerns were at hand.

"Aye, you've got the right of it." she signs him to follow her as she approaches the wooden stairs leading up to the deck "I've got no idea where they've stowed our stuff, I'm just as confused as you are mostly." she explains apologetically even as she adds quickly "They've likely put it with the rest of their loot, we'll just need to head to the usual suspects." she hoped he'd be wise enough to figure out what those would be.

"Can you sneak?" she asks of him seriously, looking up nervously, she still heard a lot of noise up there.

Her instincts were telling her that this wouldn't be a walk in the park.
Yarodu is shocked. He had no idea that his self-control had slipped enough that he had said aloud what he thought he had said in his mind.

I can be quite furtive when the need arises. Let me go ahead and see if I can spot anything. I will call for you if it is all-clear.

Should I be making some sneak check? Or investigate check?
She nods appreciatively "Alright, be careful." she agreed without any resistance, leaning against the hull of the ship as she waits for his return.


OOC: Sorry about that, was sure he said that outloud. >.>

I'm pretty sure you should make a Dexterity + Stealth roll. Perception + Awareness is probably unnecessary unless asked for. ^^
Further astern, there is a ceiling trapdoor, without stairs or steps, leading to the deck above.

The ship is strangely silent.

Yarodu peers up.

The air is fresher.

Just above him, a larger, double trapdoor, lets some midday light filter.

He looks around.

The half deck is empty, and high enough for a person to stand up.


Chains at the walls, dry bloodstains, old chipped blades...

Either another prisoners lock-up, either the kitchen.

You never know with the Lintha.

Jolin said:
Should I be making some sneak check? Or investigate check?
This largely depends on the action you declare.

If you look for more details, roll Per+Investigation/Awareness (the ability you will use will determine what kind of details you will find).

Since you move around, a Dex/Wits+Stealth roll may be prompted.
Yarodou tries to make as little noise as possible. The situation is delicate and this would not be an opportune time to be caught. He opens the larger, double trapdoor and peers out.

Stay here, he says. I am going to go up and look around. I can't see much from here. No sense in both of us getting caught again if this is some kind of trap.

Stealth Roll Dex+Stealth

Iselsi Yarodu rolled the following in his 9 dice:

3, 2, 6, 10, 8, 8, 7, 10, 1

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 7 successes.

Looking for stuff roll Per+Investigation

Iselsi Yarodu rolled the following in his 6 dice:

9, 10, 9, 2, 7, 5

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.
Instinctively, Yarodou freezes just before pulling himself beyond the trapdoor.

Steps on the planks, two voices.

A male voice and a female one, quarrelling angry.

They are speaking fast, and Yarodou can't understand their words outright.

There shouldn't be anyone else aboard.

From the small slit of the barely open trapdoor, he can however catch the glimpse of a harbour in what would seem a small island.

The smoke comes from the buildings... Screams.

The Lintha must be raiding the town.

I edited out your last line.

Roll Int/Per+Linguistics if you want to get more info about what they say.
Yarodou stops just before pulling himself out the trapdoor. What is this? Do I hear someone speaking?

It seems.....like two voices. A male and a female perhaps. It almost....no....it can't be. Are they quarreling? The situation makes no more sense now than it did earlier, but he stays in place, sensing it is wise not to let his presence be known. The screams coming from the island are unnerving. What to do? What to do?

Yarodou rolled the following in his 3 dice:

8, 6, 7

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes.
While both continue to repeat a couple of words (sounds?) quite often, no meaning is intelligible to Yarodou.
Yarodou closes the trap door softly and makes his way back to the woman.

I tried to make my way above, but I heard voices. I could not tell what they were talking about. What do you think we should do? You seem the knowledgeable type. Perhaps you could tell if they are friend or foe?, he says to her.

He starts pacing, so agitated is he. So close to freedom, so close, he murmurs.
"Let me give it a listen." she requests with a degree of certainty, going up to trap door and pressing her ear to it, paying close attention to what was being said. She didn't really expect much in the way of 'friendly' people, but perhaps she could learn something helpful doing it this way.

Regardless, it was worth wasting a few moments just to make sure not to walk right into a trap of some flavor.


Perception 3 + Linguistics 1 = 4 dice

4d10 → [5,9,7,5]

For the record, should that help, she DOES speak Seatongue. ;3
The voices are now silent.

Steps towards starboard.

Then the female voices shuts something Hildegarde can't understand, followed by a "F£$%&/&$ look there!"
As an accomplished survivalist, she could tell opportunity when it was knocking at her door like this. Signing her new companion for him to get closer, she explained to him what she could hurriedly "They've walked away and apparently something's got their attention. It's our chance, we need to make our way to the cabins of the officers, that's probably where they keep the loot." she hoped that her guess would be right, otherwise she just might have to actually run away without her supplies.

Anything to keep her life.

"Here's what we can do, we'll try to head to the cabins without getting their attention. If that fails well..." as she press her hand against the trap door, she smiles worriedly "... I hope you're a better martial artist than I am." with that said, after she has his agreement, she opens the trap door as quietly as she can and sneak a peek out to make sure the coast is clear.
Peering to the port side, the ship seems to be about 100m from the port.

Towards starboard Hildegarde can see the feet of two people, dressed in rags.

They seem intent in looking South.

Both of you, roll Wits/Stealth.
The officer cabins! Yes, of course! he exclaims. It makes sense that they would divvy up our possessions.

He tiptoes behind her and almost bumps into her when she stops suddenly. What is it? he hisses.

Iselsi Yarodu rolled the following in his 7 dice:

1, 9, 5, 2, 2, 4, 5

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 1 successes.
"Nothing. Let's go." she whispers to him as she sneaks out of her cover, quickly ascertaining the probable location of the officer's cabins and discreetly making her way toward it. If she somehow got caught, she'd dash toward her target avoiding any confrontation. Their top priority was to locate their supplies, without them their chances of escape and survival were far too low to her taste.
As soon as the two Dynasts leave the larger trapdoor, they meet the eyes of two Lintha.

Muscular, covered in tightly-strapped rags, pierced everywhere.

The man is large and grins towards the two Dynasts with an array of pointed teeth.

The woman is more slender, and has eyes tattooed from the left hand all along the arm, up to the neck and the left side of the face.

Our heroes can't help but have their attention brought to the large, filthy sabres they are wielding.

Cursing and screaming loud, they attack the fugitives.

They both rolled well in their Per+Awareness.

Join Battle. The Lintha rolled 3 and 4 suxx.

You all notice that there's action on the ship.

But something else's happening. Everyone roll Per+Awareness/Investigation.
Mnemon Eris rolled the following in her 5 dice:

5, 8, 2, 7, 9

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 3 successes.

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