Dragonblooded Aging?


New Member
I read somewhere(i think the DB handbook) that the maximum age of a Dragon Blooded Exalted was about 3 centuries, but I have seen several accounts of DBs much older than that. Would someone please clarify this for me.

No really - There are all sorts of magical effects that lengthen your lifespan. The only cannonical one that comes to mind are the Peaches of Immortality, from the 1st ed Sidereal book, but I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting.

Adding a century or two to your life is something that I would see as easy within the scope of the Emerald Circle of Sorcery, which even mortals can learn.
Things that will work to keep your Dragon-Blooded from dying of old age:

Hearthstones (one just makes you ageless, level 5 I think)

Potions, powders, etcetera.

The aforementioned peaches and, I believe, the wine made from said peaches works as well.

Hell, one of the Beasts of Resplendant Liquids literally pisses agelessness.

And there are a few Merits and Mutations that will work as well.

[EDIT] There is also a spell, I can't remember what level, that allows you to drain someone else's life away and gives a tenth of it to you.
3 centuries is the avarage age. you have to roll Sta+Res, i think, can't find it in the book atm, with the diff raising every 10 years or something. Which gives you a teoratically max lifespan on 500-600 years.

Sorry for the wague explanation, as i said, i can't find where in the core it's written
OKay... as the others have stated, there are things you can use to increase a DB's life-span.

However, there are a few things you need to take into consideration.

One of which is the fact that you roll die to resist dying after you hit 250 years, once a decade. Against standard difficulty +1 for each additional decade beyond the basic 250 years. This difficulty only goes up to 5 and stays there.

With excellencies, you CAN make that roll with no problem.

With the hearthstone of immortality (you don't AGE), you can ignore the roll.

With the Peaches of Immortality from Yu-shan, you actually regain your youth.

With various drugs, which may or may not be pissed out by giant lizards, your life span can actually increase by up to 25% if you keep taking the drugs.

There is also the fact that a high powered spirit can de-age you with a canonical charm in the GoD book.

The spell that steals people's age is solar circle, so I'm not sure if it's applicable. ^_^
Haku said:
One of which is the fact that you roll die to resist dying after you hit 250 years, once a decade. Against standard difficulty +1 for each additional decade beyond the basic 250 years. This difficulty only goes up to 5 and stays there.
This is obviously broken, and if it's been repeated in 2E, it must be because they haven't thought it out. Any DB with Resistance 5 and the Second Resistance Excellency could guarantee themselves eternal life with these rules. That's retarded.
Flagg said:
Haku said:
One of which is the fact that you roll die to resist dying after you hit 250 years, once a decade. Against standard difficulty +1 for each additional decade beyond the basic 250 years. This difficulty only goes up to 5 and stays there.
This is obviously broken, and if it's been repeated in 2E, it must be because they haven't thought it out. Any DB with Resistance 5 and the Second Resistance Excellency could guarantee themselves eternal life with these rules. That's retarded.
Well... most DBs don't THINK in metagame terms. Only PCs and very special NPCs like Her Redness and Mnemon.
If I were STing, I might say that the difficulty could be raised incrementally, say every 50 years or so, so that it would start to become a point of diminishing returns. And, the older you got, the less time between when the difficulty rose. Or some such. Because I do agree with Flagg, according to these rules, a high Resistance DB with the Second Excellency could, indeed, conceivably live forever.
Yes... they could live forever... in theory.

That's the aging part. Now take in the killing, the poison, the various stuff that you run into.

Like becoming the mentor to the protagonist. That's pretty much a death sentence, y'know.
Haku said:
Yes... they could live forever... in theory.
That's the aging part. Now take in the killing, the poison, the various stuff that you run into.

Like becoming the mentor to the protagonist. That's pretty much a death sentence, y'know.
And don't even think about becoming their sifu. That's even worse. Occasionally a teacher of another sort might survive...but sifu's die at the drop of a hat. How else will you have a reason to hate the rival school utterly? ;)
Haku said:
Yes... they could live forever... in theory.
That's the aging part. Now take in the killing, the poison, the various stuff that you run into.

Like becoming the mentor to the protagonist. That's pretty much a death sentence, y'know.
And don't even think about becoming their sifu. That's even worse. Occasionally a teacher of another sort might survive...but sifu's die at the drop of a hat. How else will you have a reason to hate the rival school utterly? ;)
Indeed. ^_^
Yeah. Even if you were an evil sifu, you'd still end up cacking it, when the goody two shoes comes to get revenge for killing his sifu. So you have an excellent point, LK. Don't become a sifu!
Vanman said:
Yeah. Even if you were an evil sifu, you'd still end up cacking it, when the goody two shoes comes to get revenge for killing his sifu. So you have an excellent point, LK. Don't become a sifu!
So of course, my Dawn Caste character is intending just that...once he's finally convinced his own Sifu to pass on the final lesson of their style. But no one said PCs were sane.
Vanman said:
So your Dawn Caste is going to become an evil sifu?
Well, that depends on who you talk to. I mean he is an evil Anathema after all. And has a bit of a history of killing people over relativelly minor disagreements...but he's been cured of the derangment that caused such. Still, there's likely more than a few after his head for killing brothers, uncles, fathers, sifus, etc. Perhaps formerly evil sifu, to some minds...and when the vengeful people created by his old crimes come back to haunt him, they'll surely see him as Mr. Evil Sifu.
the spell kerion mentions is solar circle...

I see absolutely NO situation where it will be that useful however.

Most solars who are 2- 3 millenia old, should be almost LONGING for death.
I'd imagine that, after putting up with the first millenium, you'd be ready to chuggin' on pretty much forever.
Most solars who are 2- 3 millenia old' date=' should be almost LONGING for death.[/quote']
That's a little lie us mortals tell ourselves to make us feel better.
I'm in the same camp as Flagg. I mean, if Lunars and Sidereals are still around from the First Age, and they aren't longing for death, why would Solars long for death? Were they to last that long? Doesn't make sense. They'd be just as capable.
You're probably right about most mortals.

But I don't think the solar spark exalts people who don't have some pretty epic plans for creation.  The kind of guy to get bored with a lifespan of several thousand years won't be the type to exalt.

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