Dragon Training School


New Member
So the idea here is that due to some new wizarding law or something, all the dragons under the age of 19 are required to go to a school to learn not only to use their skills, but also to control them. They are taught by a combination of wizards and old and wise dragons, and are kept in dorms with 4 other roommates. The dragons used to be a unified species, but in the past ten years have separated and are now in tribes of multiple elements (read below on character skeleton form to see the different elemental tribes to choose from (and yes, it is more than just water earth fire and air) ). Over those past years,, there's been several incidents of fighting between the tribes, mostly between fire and water, and lightning and plant, and earth and wind, and other occasions where elements clash. That's another reason the wizards had in mind when they made this school, to combine dragons from all of the tribes and try to draw them closer together, creating intertribal friends and hopefully a more harmonic future.

Rules: KEEP IT PG-13, I know the site already requires it, but i'm serious, if anything bad is posted on here, my parents check my computer on a weekly basis, and I would be so dead if they found anything suggestive or bad language, violence is okay, just not super gory please.

If you want to join, fill out the character skeleton below and there is a 99.99999999999 percent chance you'll get in! :big grin:

Character Skeleton



Tribe: (fire, water, wind, earth, plant, lightning, ice, sand, metal, nature)







Age: 17

Tribe: (fire, water, wind, earth, plant, lightning, ice, sand, metal, nature): Ice


Personality: Shinu is shy, hes rather distant and can be oblivious to certain feelings. Hes a touchy-feely kinda guy and often nuzzles people. He can be light hearted and happy, but he can also be cruel and deceiving.

Roommates: Dunno. :3

Background: Shinu was born in a small den out in the Northern Pole. He was raised by his mother mostly, his dad had abandoned him when he was 10. He didn't have many friends, so was considered a 'mommas boy.' he got teased and taunted, but he never let that dampen his attitude. He scrambled upon Dragon Training and signed up instantly.

Skills: He can control ice, breath ice and make things freeze.

Extra: Hes bisexual, but he prefers guys. x3

(Alright, this is cool. But swearing is PG 13. Lol...) 

Age: 17

Tribe: (fire, water, wind, earth, plant, lightning, ice, sand, metal, nature): Ice


Personality: Shinu is shy, hes rather distant and can be oblivious to certain feelings. Hes a touchy-feely kinda guy and often nuzzles people. He can be light hearted and happy, but he can also be cruel and deceiving.

Roommates: Dunno. :3

Background: Shinu was born in a small den out in the Northern Pole. He was raised by his mother mostly, his dad had abandoned him when he was 10. He didn't have many friends, so was considered a 'mommas boy.' he got teased and taunted, but he never let that dampen his attitude. He scrambled upon Dragon Training and signed up instantly.

Skills: He can control ice, breath ice and make things freeze.

Extra: Hes bisexual, but he prefers guys. x3

(Alright, this is cool. But swearing is PG 13. Lol...)
Character Skeleton

Name: Ignis

Age: 17 years

Tribe: Fire



Personality: Ignis is an outgoing and very hot-tempered dragon (pun not intended). He tends to say mean things when she doesn't really mean them, he's what the Japanese call a "tsundere". Like a fire, Ignis can be destructive and scary or warm and comforting. The dragon cares deeply for the few people that have wormed their ways into his (ironically) "ice cold heart". Ignis is very protective about the ones he loves and will protect them with his life. Secretly, Ignis is a hopeless romantic and dreams about his "Prince Charming".

Room mates: OPEN

Background: Ignis grew up in the heart of a volcano along with the rest of his fire dragon family. Ignis was the oldest hatchling and took the responsibility of watching over his siblings while his parents were away hunting. One day, Ignis' parents never came back. Telling his siblings to stay in the volcano, Ignis flew out in search of them. Passing by a human village, Ignis saw the corpses of his parents being ripped apart by the terrible creatures. Quickly heading back to the volcano, Ignis spread the word of their parents death and became the leader of the family. He set order around the family and taught them everything he knew before they were all taken away from their volcano and sent off to the Dragon Training School

Skills: Ignis controls fire and has the classic dragon fire breath

Extra: His body is very hot to touch and may burn/melt others (runs in the family). Ignis' body is pretty much made of molten lava, rock, and fire so when the fire dragon gets in water his body becomes cold and black, kind of like what happens when you put out a fire. He usually gains his fiery colour back in about a month (which is why he doesn't like to get wet). Ignis is NOT good at cooking and tends to burn the food.


Fixed it :)
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Accepted! But just so you know the image won't show up, so if you could by any chance just put a brief idea of what she looks like
This is my first time joining a roleplay on this site, so forgive me for any mistakes. Also, I took some creative liberties here, so let me know if anything needs to be changed. :)

Name: Alkali

Age: 17

Tribe: Metal

Appearance: Imagine this, except without the fur, and more silvery, metallic, and shiny instead of white.


Personality: Alkali is a ready learner, given how much she was deprived of for the majority of her life. Coming to realize how sheltered she was hasn't depressed or dejected her; to the contrary, it motivates her to become stronger and smarter. Eventually, she wants to have her own family, but this is a distant goal. Presently, she's still very socially awkward. She's at an uncomfortable impasse between wanting to socialize and not knowing or understanding how to proceed. She tends to be very responsive in conversation or very deflective and curt, both as a result from her upbringing and as characteristics of metals. Alkali's got a fierce and unflappable determination as well as an eager to please attitude. Unwillingly, Alkali tends to lean towards independence over being outgoing; not because that's how she prefers it (although Alkali does enjoy her solitude), but because she quickly realized that she's often a target of malicious mockery and bullying due to her ineptitude in communication.

Roommates: TBD

Background: Alkali had a sheltered, limited childhood without much exposure to other dragons. She grew up in a lab, where she was subjected to various tests to gauge how she would react to other elements. Generally, she didn't mind these, as terrible as it sounds. Considering she wasn't tried against the other elements in a combative manner, they weren't painful or uncomfortable. That is, until extreme heat was introduced, at which point Alkali would become unpleasantly weak, slow, and lethargic. Growing up, Alkali often wondered what lay beyond the impersonal confines of her home, but having never been exposed to anything, she didn't dwell on it too much. All in all, Alkali lead a peaceful, if boring lifestyle, up until the age of 16, at which point she was given some information on her existence, beyond her name and metallic biological makeup. She'd been one of three hatchlings to metal parents. Her egg, having been the smallest of the bunch, was carefully extracted and raised in an incubator. For the first time, she was let outside, in a field where she felt clumsy and awkward. She'd flown before, of course, but in a controlled gym. The experience of stretching out to her full wingspan without brushing walls was exciting, but actually taking flight without a ceiling or walls was the most exhilarating experience of Alkali's life thus far. After that point, she was regularly allowed to go on outings, where she had minimal and typically unsuccessful interactions with other dragons. She enjoyed flying and finding her footing on a natural terrain, but discovered that she didn't do well with others and often found herself sporting a new wound or injury when she returned to the lab. During this time, however, she also learned the basics, such as how to speak and fight. After she turned 17, the decision was made to send her off to school, not only in accordance with the new law, but so that she'd hopefully become more proficient in interaction and, eventually, would be able to lead her own life.

Skills: Thermal & electrical conduction (in other words, the ability to transfer electricity or heat/coolness), and extreme flexibility.

Extra: Alkali is a versatile opponent and ally due to her natural reactions to other elements. Electricity, heat, and coolness, when present in large amounts, can manifest as external offensive or defensive attacks. This makes Alkali a good companion for any fire, ice, or electric type dragons; as an opponent, weaker ranged attacks of these natures are generally ineffective. Stronger attacks of these natures may be harmful, but they might also have lasting side effects (for example, being shocked with a bolt of lightning may cause sparking, the duration of which would depend on the potency of the attack). Wind attacks will have the side effect of darkening her silvery skin to black. For Alkali, extreme heat, as in of unnatural proportions, would become a sort of krypton (see biography).
Vatican Camoes

Just so you guys know, all your characters are super awesome!! :3 
Omigosh, i just realized I still havent filled out my character skelly yet!! xD

Name: Incidio

Age: 16

Tribe: Sand

Appearance: (yes, i've been here for nearly two weeks now and still can't figure out how to post a pic on here... embarassing...) tall, thin, incurably dusty light brown colored scales, 'mesmirizing' golden eyes.

Personality: Incidio is a little bit of a brat and is impossibly hard to please, she will make friends, and might have a mutual respect or two with a few people, but the odds of her being impressed by anything anyone does ever are between slim and none. She is a huge fan of sarcasm, and will be immediately drawn to anyone else who uses it (or who she can use it against.) Incidio has an uncontrollable desire to be in control at all times and others typically consider her to be rather bossy at times. She is, however, great with ideas, action, and quick thinking.

Roommates: Alkali, Ava, ?, ?

Background: Incidio grew up almost completely isolated the Sahara with only her dad who completely spoiled her rotten. Incidio had everything she wanted, but always had this annoying feeling in her stomach that she was lacking something she needed. When she was younger, She spent alot of time flying around, looking for some oasis or something with other living things, by the age of 13 though, Incidio gave up, and completely dedicated almost all her time to practicing the skills she's now mastered. When Incidio was 15, her Father died, and, quite to her surprise, she barely shed a tear. On her 16th birthday, the new law about the school passed, and Incidio, although being in the desert where noone knew she existed and she actually probably could've gotten away without going, decided to go and try to find that unknown thing she was searching for before.

Skills: Incidio has ability to move sand without touching it and using it like a whip as a weapon, breathing a less hot version of fire, she also learned most forms of dragon type up close body fighting with tail, legs, claws, and head. Incidio is also a great liar and able to fool anyone into believing anything.

Extra: There are about two times during the dry season when Incidio sheds a layer of sand on her scales, during that time, she becomes very easily angered.
Character Skeleton

Name: Lohikäärme

Age: (How long do dragons live for?) 20

Tribe: (fire, water, wind, earth, plant, lightning, ice, sand, metal, nature): Earth

Appearance: Like this, but much smaller.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Rock_Dragon_by_VegasMike.jpg.03bee467569c979cb752d144ee31c791.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4838" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Rock_Dragon_by_VegasMike.jpg.03bee467569c979cb752d144ee31c791.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He doesn't have much contact with any other dragons because he lives in a massive forest. Because of this, he's very shy and has a social anxiety disorder. He's doesn't even talk much to his family, when they used to live with him. He avoids contact, having no wishes to improve his social capabilities. Since he has no social skills, he's bad at lying and finding empathy for others.

Roommates: Open to anyone

Background: His parents nursed him until he was strong enough to dig his own burrow. He went to his own part of the forest and made a small hole in the ground which he calls home. He eats by sitting in a river, and pretending to be a mound of dirt that recently was placed there. Then, when a fish (Usually Asian Carps) jumps out of the water, he snaps forward, catching one in his beak. These fish can weigh up to 100 Ibs, so a few can feed him for a day.

Skills: He doesn't have wings because he's an Earth dragon, but instead is quick and agile. He has honed his reflexes for years, catching meals. He can run very quickly, over a variety of terrains, due to his large, flat feet. He can also burrow down and then up to the surface to catch dragons by surprise. Earth dragons are also very tough, due to river currents sometimes being very powerful.




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