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Dragon Riders of Pern Fandom Roleplay


We can write whatever we want here right? How long


BENDEN Weyr is arguably the most famous hold,-- with honest leaders, and a strong supply of riders and queens alike-- but with fame comes rivals and although Ruatha Hold is small, it's problems are inversely as large.

Fort Weyr, to the East, carries enormous responsibility with three holds to defend from the onslaught of the Red Star. Its weyrs are damp and its riders constantly strained by the pressures of the holders' demands for protection and need for mediation.

To the North, High Reaches Weyr has weather comparable to the cold of the between, and although it has less holders to protect, it also has less holders to supply itself-- sleeping on an empty stomach is not uncommon for even the Weyrwoman.

Ista Weyr, known for its seafaring people is busy and central. The location sees thread, but has little to worry about when it does fall-- the thread can not burrow into the stone cliffs and coasts of Ista. Well supported by its wealthy hold, the weyrfolk of Ista suffer hunger problems opposite to those of High Reaches. Unfortunately, the island state is subjective to dreadful hurricanes and colossal, destructive waves.

The Southern Weyr has much to be desired, with thread falling as often as someone declaring that they don't have the best fruit on the entire known planet. (The deadly thread typically falls into the ocean harmlessly anyway.) Also to be sought after is the Weyr's lack of commitment to the Lords of Pern. With one hold to manage-- a small one at that-- and infrequent threat from the Red Star, the Weyr can sit around and soak up tithes and juicy produce while sunning on the warm beaches. The paradise (like all paradises) comes with issues. Hot weather and disastrous diseases, paired with a general lack of riders, means that the caves are more of an outpost than a proper Weyr of Pern.

There is no paradise, but the Southern Weyr of Pern holds hope to be just that for a few young candidates drafted from the remote hold under the care of the Weyr. The Weyr's queen has laid a healthy clutch and the Southern Weyr is in desperate need of new riders with the next pass of the Red Star imminent in the coming months. Furthermore, the Weyr is in a state of hysteria with threats made on the lives of its leaders. The fragile boundary between the life and death of the Southern people is being pressed upon by an unknown assailant who has a personal vendetta against the Weyrwoman and her husband. Perhaps the children being escorted to the Weyr for the first major impression in ages can shed some light on the tense situation.

The Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffery is, without a doubt, the best work of art I've ever read. The plot, the characters, the language-- it was all stellar. Such a book that creates a complete world with three books to vividly define a culture and a lifestyle can not be ignored as a brilliant opportunity for rp.

I'm looking for a partner to help me create a new story in this world. In order to join me on this journey, I ask you please try your best to meet my requests detailed below.


●Read The Dragonriders of Pern Trilogy and can recall the plot comprehensively.

●Able to roleplay at an advanced level, making meaningful and complex characters and contributions to the story at a strong level of depth.

●Able to respond frequently (at least once a day) unless otherwise noted.

●If you could please submit a paragraph or two demonstrating your roleplay skills and that you know the material well enough to do a roleplay on it.

I have not met the post quota to send private messages so far, so please post here to indicate interest, to suggest plot additions, to submit a paragraph proving your capabilities, or to communicate with me.

Thanks for reading!
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Apparently there isn't really a ton of interest for this idea, but even if you aren't interested in my actual roleplay idea, consider reading the books-- they're phenomenal. And hey, if it turns out to be your cup of tea, you can always hit me up later.

This doesn't mean I'm not still looking.... just putting that out there <.<;

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