Dragon Lines


Junior Member
OK, there are more than a few references in the Core book to "Dragon Lines" and I get the sort of idea that these are lines of elementally-aspected essence flow.  Some (but not all) demesenes/manses are on intersections of Dragon Lines (except, of course, Celestial and Underworld manses), though not all intersections of Dragon Lines produces demesenes.

Geomancy has a slew of rituals to teach one to detect and follow Dragon Lines.

But WTF do they DO?  I mean, game-mechanic wise?  Is this one of those Good Ideas that never got developed?  Why would I WANT to detect or follow a Dragon Line?
AFAIK, beyond those handful of geomancy rituals you mention, they have no mechanical impact on the game.

In-game-wise, my recollection is that all demesnes in Creation form along dragon lines and at their intersections (whether that is mentioned in their description or not).  Those demesnes may be of any aspect dependent on the local geomancy.  The impression I had was that while most dragon lines eventually flow into others or otherwise form intersections some of them might not (like a river that flows into a lake with no outlet).

I think I have read of people adding things to their games that use them.  I seem to recall someone mentioning the idea that in in their game there was a  first age transportation network that used dragon lines as their power supply kind of like a cable car or electric train.  I'll bet there are other bits of fluff and good ideas out there as well.

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