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Fantasy Dragon Guard









Dragon species: (Will Be Assigned)
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Nash Jackson






Demigod (half-human, half-earth god; classifies himself as human because of how he grew up)





Nash was always goofy since the day he was born, grinning twenty-four/seven just because he could. If you knew his family, you'd be able to tell that he takes after his father; the silliness, the adventurous, the troublesome antics he seems to be drawn towards. He wants to bring a smile to anyone's face, yet is just as sassy as his father (and as sarcastic as his mother).

But look under the surface and you'll see his mother's son; reserved and quiet, keeping all of his problems and thoughts to himself during times of crushing defeat. It sucks to see the light drained from such a lively soul, but he still hides it.

It's hard to crush this strong-willed body, hard to knock him down. He tries hard and is too stubborn to give up, willing to achieve his goals and protect the things he loves no matter the cost. He holds his friends dear, and should harm come to them, you'll meet a god.


Nash grew up in a lively family of five; a mother, a father, and younger twin brothers (younger by two years). His mother - the god - is a beautiful woman of little words, with dark blonde hair like his own and forest green eyes. Nash grew up listening to her stories about how she lost her right arm (replaced with a steel one); they changed every time, just for his own entertainment.

His father was actually a demigod too (guess you could say that godliness ran in the family). Really, his father was an extremely likable person, with sea green eyes that sparkled when he laughed. It was those eyes that Nash got, and they are eyes you just can't forget.

Being the son of a sea god, his father would often turn bathtime into an adventure; those are memories he holds dear, even now.

Then, there are his brothers Manon and Orin, identical twins with dark hair like their father and eyes like their mother; funny enough, Orin got powers from their father, just because of sea god's strength. The powers aren't very strong, but they're there.

In their neighborhood, Nash was the best big brother, protecting them whenever the danger of bullies would arise - their bond was tighter than those which kept the dimensions in tack.

They all lived happily and normally; as normally as a family like his could be. During those years, once Nash had better control over his abilities, he found it had become a habit to raise a pillar of earth under him and sit on its surface, watching the sky and wishing he could disappear like a shadow, without any presence (much like his amusing mother, really).

But, when Nash was seven, his mother disappeared. No one knew where she went, what happened to her, and just this incident alone crippled his father's warm light. Nonetheless, he continued to raise the boys with care and love, telling them stories of his time at summer camp where he met their mother. Life continued like this until Nash turned fourteen, when his mother returned home, haggard and internally wounded; no one mentioned it, and simply welcomed her home with opened arms and loving hearts.

She disappeared once more, seven days later. Only...his father disappeared with her.

Nash swore that he had a dream about them in those following months, and set off multiple times to find them only to return late every night so that Orin and Manon wouldn't be left behind again. During one of his trecks, the blond fell down a break in the earth and broke his ribs on impact. He thought he was screwed, and once he made it to his knees, shaking from the shock, he saw something just as impossible as his own existence; an egg. He had no idea why it was there, or what it was for that matter, yet it called to him. Maybe it was the dark color of the shell, or the energy that emitted from it that was so alluring, but it ended up in his grasp. . .




The dragon is quite goofy at times and sweet when he's tired, yet remains incredibly standoffish. He's violent and hard-headed, making him nearly impossible to fully control. Link is independent too, and almost never obeys anyone else, only acting of his own accord.

Even so, he still listens to Nash when he deems the human worthy, and would still protect him no matter what. He's kind of heroic in that regard, and is incredibly protective of the boy. Secretly.

Better put, he is exactly what you'd expect from a Skrill.



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Hoki said:
Nash Jackson






Demigod (half-human, half-earth god; classifies himself as human because of how he grew up)





Nash was always goofy since the day he was born, grinning twenty-four/seven just because he could. If you knew his family, you'd be able to tell that he takes after his father; the silliness, the adventurous, the troublesome antics he seems to be drawn towards. He wants to bring a smile to anyone's face, yet is just as sassy as his father (and as sarcastic as his mother).

But look under the surface and you'll see his mother's son; reserved and quiet, keeping all of his problems and thoughts to himself during times of crushing defeat. It sucks to see the light drained from such a lively soul, but he still hides it.

It's hard to crush this strong-willed body, hard to knock him down. He tries hard and is too stubborn to give up, willing to achieve his goals and protect the things he loves no matter the cost. He holds his friends dear, and should harm come to them, you'll meet a god.


Nash grew up in a lively family of five; a mother, a father, and younger twin brothers (younger by two years). His mother - the god - is a beautiful woman of little words, with dark blonde hair like his own and forest green eyes. Nash grew up listening to her stories about how she lost her right arm (replaced with a steel one); they changed every time, just for his own entertainment.

His father was actually a demigod too (guess you could say that godliness ran in the family). Really, his father was an extremely likable person, with sea green eyes that sparkled when he laughed. It was those eyes that Nash got, and they are eyes you just can't forget.

Being the son of a sea god, his father would often turn bathtime into an adventure; those are memories he holds dear, even now.

Then, there are his brothers Manon and Orin, identical twins with dark hair like their father and eyes like their mother; funny enough, Orin got powers from their father, just because of sea god's strength. The powers aren't very strong, but they're there.

In their neighborhood, Nash was the best big brother, protecting them whenever the danger of bullies would arise - their bond was tighter than those which kept the dimensions in tack.

They all lived happily and normally; as normally as a family like his could be. During those years, once Nash had better control over his abilities, he found it had become a habit to raise a pillar of earth under him and sit on its surface, watching the sky and wishing he could disappear like a shadow, without any presence (much like his amusing mother, really).

But, when Nash was seven, his mother disappeared. No one knew where she went, what happened to her, and just this incident alone crippled his father's warm light. Nonetheless, he continued to raise the boys with care and love, telling them stories of his time at summer camp where he met their mother. Life continued like this until Nash turned fourteen, when his mother returned home, haggard and internally wounded; no one mentioned it, and simply welcomed her home with opened arms and loving hearts.

She disappeared once more, seven days later. Only...his father disappeared with her.

Nash swore that he had a dream about them in those following months, and set off multiple times to find them only to return late every night so that Orin and Manon wouldn't be left behind again. During one of his trecks, the blond fell down a break in the earth and broke his ribs on impact. He thought he was screwed, and once he made it to his knees, shaking from the shock, he saw something just as impossible as his own existence; an egg. He had no idea why it was there, or what it was for that matter, yet it called to him. Maybe it was the dark color of the shell, or the energy that emitted from it that was so alluring, but it ended up in his grasp. . .
This is the species of dragon you have found, you may name them and give them whatever personality you wish. Also, you can play your dragon, or I can do it.

Name:Christopher Mason





Personality:Christopher is , in one word, shy. he cant talk to people, particularly adults and women, without tripping over his own words. He isn't very tall, or athletic, or handsome. He is just about everything you wouldn't want to be. He is easily frightened, prime to pick on, and doesn't really have the guts to defend himself. He's a wimp, plain and simple. what he isn't, however is a coward. Yes, he is easy to scare, and yes, he doesn't like to fight, but he doesn't abandon people in need, or ask others for help. He doesn't like getting in others way, or having other people get involved in his problems. If he cant do it safely, he will risk his own health to get something done. in the end, while quiet, and shy, Christopher is a very loyal and kind person, and he will never leave someone he calls friend behind.

History: Christopher lived in a one parent household with his father. both shared a love for books, and Christopher especially loved problem solving. he always had some weird contraption to solve problems he just couldn't solve himself, from simple pulley's to intricate catapults. His father often helped, but mostly it was just getting supplies. intelligence wise, Christopher had a bright future

Dragon: Toren


Dragon species: RumbleHorn
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Name: Isabella "Bella" Hurtekant

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual but Hetero-Romantic


Personality: Isabella can often be rude. She doesn't sugar-coat what she says, and is very blatant. She doesn't have many friends because of this, but she doesn't much care. She just wants to get what needs to be done done. She gets annoyed very easily, and has a short temper.

History: Isabella grew up in a strict household. Even though her father was almost always drunk, her mother prevented him from hurting her. She left the moment she was able to, for she hated her life. Even though it could be a lot worse, Isabella always thought she had it bad. She hardly had any freedom.

Dragon: Yggdrasil


Dragon species: Razorwhip
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Name: Violet Thorson

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual



Personality: Violet is more of a timid person. Due to a rocky past she tends to stick to herself, not wanting to get hurt. Her patience level is very high, though everyone can only take so much before they break from it all. She tried her hardest to be a silent observer, but when someone brings up anything that interests her, she instantly becomes a loud-mouth who could potentially never stop talking. Vi can be extremely caring and loyal to those few have gained her trust. To others on the outside, she can be a rock to. She doesn't open up and talk to others she doesn't feel she can trust.

History: Her family always treated her well. She had an amazing homelife that a lot of others can't say. Her family loved her more than anything and she loved them just as much. Being an ink child though, she always had a hard time socializing with others. So, she tended to stay by herself as much as she could.

One day, her family was out in the woods around their house. They spent a lot of their time out there, and this time was no different. Vi decided to run around like most little kids do. Her parents yelled to her, and told her to not go too far away from then. She had wandered quite far from her parents and heard a strange sound and stopped

She looked around, her eyes darting everywhere to figure out what that sound was. Before she could do anything a bear was standing in front of her, growling and roaring loudly. She started to run, but the Brown bear was faster. It pushed her down, and she flipped around to face it. The bear brought it's law all the way down her face, causing the scar and blindness in her eye.




Dragon Species: Night Fury
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Mistory1997 said:
Name:Christopher Mason




Personality:Christopher is , in one word, shy. he cant talk to people, particularly adults and women, without tripping over his own words. He isn't very tall, or athletic, or handsome. He is just about everything you wouldn't want to be. He is easily frightened, prime to pick on, and doesn't really have the guts to defend himself. He's a wimp, plain and simple. what he isn't, however is a coward. Yes, he is easy to scare, and yes, he doesn't like to fight, but he doesn't abandon people in need, or ask others for help. He doesn't like getting in others way, or having other people get involved in his problems. If he cant do it safely, he will risk his own health to get something done. in the end, while quiet, and shy, Christopher is a very loyal and kind person, and he will never leave someone he calls friend behind.

History: Christopher lived in a one parent household with his father. both shared a love for books, and Christopher especially loved problem solving. he always had some weird contraption to solve problems he just couldn't solve himself, from simple pulley's to intricate catapults. His father often helped, but mostly it was just getting supplies. intelligence wise, Christopher had a bright future


Dragon species: (Will Be Assigned)
This is the dragon species I have picked: Rumblehorn. You may design your dragon, body and mind wise, and give them whatever name you wish. Also, your dragon can be played by you, or by me.

Skullcrusher | Explore | How To Train Your Dragon
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MissUnderstood said:
Name: Isabella "Bella" Hurtekant
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual but Hetero-Romantic


Personality: Isabella can often be rude. She doesn't sugar-coat what she says, and is very blatant. She doesn't have many friends because of this, but she doesn't much care. She just wants to get what needs to be done done. She gets annoyed very easily, and has a short temper.

History: Isabella grew up in a strict household. Even though her father was almost always drunk, her mother prevented him from hurting her. She left the moment she was able to, for she hated her life. Even though it could be a lot worse, Isabella always thought she had it bad. She hardly had any freedom.

Dragon: I'm unsure if you want a picture or name

Dragon species:
For the dragon section, I would like a picture and a name, or if you can't get a picture, a discription.

Here is your dragon species: Razorwhip. You may design your dragon, mind/personality and body wise, and may name them what you wish. Also, you can play your dragon, or I can.

Mystique said:
Name: Violet Thorson
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual



Personality: Violet is more of a timid person. Due to a rocky past she tends to stick to herself, not wanting to get hurt. Her patience level is very high, though everyone can only take so much before they break from it all. She tried her hardest to be a silent observer, but when someone brings up anything that interests her, she instantly becomes a loud-mouth who could potentially never stop talking. Vi can be extremely caring and loyal to those few have gained her trust. To others on the outside, she can be a rock to. She doesn't open up and talk to others she doesn't feel she can trust.

History: Her family always treated her well. She had an amazing homelife that a lot of others can't say. Her family loved her more than anything and she loved them just as much. Being an ink child though, she always had a hard time socializing with others. So, she tended to stay by herself as much as she could.

One day, her family was out in the woods around their house. They spent a lot of their time out there, and this time was no different. Vi decided to run around like most little kids do. Her parents yelled to her, and told her to not go too far away from then. She had wandered quite far from her parents and heard a strange sound and stopped

She looked around, her eyes darting everywhere to figure out what that sound was. Before she could do anything a bear was standing in front of her, growling and roaring loudly. She started to run, but the Brown bear was faster. It pushed her down, and she flipped around to face it. The bear brought it's law all the way down her face, causing the scar and blindness in her eye.


Dragon Species:
Here is your dragon species: Night fury. You may design your dragon, body and mind wise, and give them whatever name you wish. Also, your dragon can be played by you, or by me.

Name: Asny Haddsson

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demi romantic, asexual



Personality: Asny is a mother-figure to many of her students. She has a motherly nature, and that is to protect, and take care of those she teaches. She can, however, when certain there is no danger to be had, act much like an older sister. When like this, she would rather have fun with you, than watch you while you do so. Her dragon, Kalayo, is much like this, but to Ansy and the younger dragons who come through with their riders for training.

History: Ansy's mother and father were both in charge of the Dragon Guard for a long time, and are still techneclly in charge, although they say they have retired. Ansy grew up around dragons, and recived Kalayo's egg at age 5. She has trained her whole life, and began teaching at 20. She recived no formal education, learning math, science, reading and writing, and history from what her parents, their students, and her trainers knew. She was taught a mix of Scandinavian and American history, and can speak both Swedish and English fluently.

Dragon: Kalayo


Dragon species: Stormcutter
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Name: Anna Barlonas

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.aaa6761e51da84cce09eae5c5b81e6fe.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109610" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.aaa6761e51da84cce09eae5c5b81e6fe.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: TBR (I'm on my phone)

History: TBR

Dragon: Skylark

Dragon species: Monsterous Nightmare



  • image.jpeg
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.849ac9d1d39020d8982bd10b42d5e79a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.849ac9d1d39020d8982bd10b42d5e79a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Kate Guillroy

Age: 17, almost 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Strait

Personality: Stubborn but well knowledged, very used to coping by herself. While she may be hard headed Kate has an alluring presence and is remarkably sharp but quick and final in her judgements.

History: Her Mother died shortly after giving birth, something with her Uterus being infected or something along those lines, shed been told many times but everytime it was repeated she was numb to it, it would set in someday. Her father raised her, if that's what you want to call it, he was always harsh or drunk and rambling his hate speech in slurred anger. He forced Kate into work, however that lead to her moving to a ratty hole in the wall duplex that was nestled a good mile and a half from her minimum wage job.

It was a standard morning, rise, shower, scarf down what she could and head out the door with enough margin to catch a green digital clock display glaring the time at her. 4:16 A.M. She was later than normal, better to cut through an oversize back lot that had been neglected enough to turn into a private thicket with trees looming above, than to be late. Kate normally avoided the lot for several reasons; one, she was sure the land must belong to someone. Two, she didn't know that someone nor what he was doing with the land and frankly she didn't give a damn. Three, the noises she'd catch sometimes at night were enough to keep her out. But being late to work was unacceptable. She strapped her backpack on a little tighter and zipped her hoody on the small stoop of her apartment, she stared at the sky and the stars, still pitch black, 'awesome..' She thought to herself before heading off. Kate crossed the thin highway between the duplex and the lot and exhaled a final time before trudging into the brambles.

As her short cut progressed she grew to loath the way the trees stretched there arms back in a warning and the way bushes began to morph to creepy figures twisting around in the undergrowth. She stumbled over a tangle of dry branches and her shoes sank into soft, wet grass and the smell of dew filled the air. She crinkled her nose and turned her attention to a glint of light. To the far west of the clearing, tucked under thorny brambles and withering branches was one of the largest eggs Kate had ever seen in her life. She slowly approached and kneeled, glancing around skeptically a final time before dislodging the egg from the mess, it was too dark to get a good look at it but it radiate warmth. Somewhere a branch snapped and she jerked, quickly but carefully tucking the egg away in her back pack before taking off, quickly reaching the edge of the lot that bumped against the back lot of the shopping center where the grocery store she worked at stood. She scrambled over the wall and glance back one last time at the trees before taking off.[/indent]



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June Rina Cressia

Age: 18

Gender: Female





June could nod off to anything as her personality often leads her to come off bored. She's a very boring person, but can be a bit clumsy.

Her favorite thing is to study, if someone tells her something she does not know about. She'll do her best to study it.

Another thing is that she reads a lot. Enough to wear she can quote lines. It's one of her favorite things to do.

June has her lively moments, but are very rare and quick. Some people say that she reminds them of a shooting star. Only a few seconds but worth it.

Her intelligence comes off very-high. Which can kind of hinder her social abilities as she would write off random facts to anyone that stated something of the obvious to her. Her innocence along with that makes her come off as naïve. The fact that she can be found in a secret place with her nose in a book is almost normal for June as people would say.

She has a really large love of gardening. With the ability to name every plant that she had read about, she hopes to become a writer on gardening. Her random facts and stating can come quite in handy with her journey.

June finds it fascinating to learn other languages, so she learned the romance languages of the world. Happening to be at least somewhat fluent in her odd ways.


The purple haired girl grew up in a chaotic household. As the only girl born in a family full of boys, she ended up taking on a more feminine aspect than what was perceived may happen. Being the only female can make her a bit disgusted with how some people make act with their manners. That was when her Grandmere had finally decided to move in with the rest of the family to teach them all manners. June is also the youngest of her family.

June's family concludes of her father, Abraham, and her brothers, Jay, Jack, Jett, Joe and then finally June. Also in that exact order. June also works at a Library, just stacking books and stamping. Not that exciting to others, but for June. It's a dream. Another thing about June is that she loves to dress from older times. Her costumes change every day for what she is feeling. A new Era for every day.


Dragon species:
(Will Be Assigned)

Last edited: Yesterday at 12:06 AM

Sorry. I had to study, but she's finally done! :D Is she okay?
Reptilesandromance said:
View attachment 244649 Name: Kate Guillroy
Age: 17, almost 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Stubborn but well knowledged, very used to coping by herself. While she may be hard headed Kate has an alluring presence and is remarkably sharp but quick and final in her judgements.

History: Her Mother died shortly after giving birth, something with her Uterus being infected or something along those lines, shed been told many times but everytime it was repeated she was numb to it, it would set in someday. Her father raised her, if that's what you want to call it, he was always harsh or drunk and rambling his hate speech in slurred anger. He forced Kate into work, however that lead to her moving to a ratty hole in the wall duplex that was nestled a good mile and a half from her minimum wage job.

It was a standard morning, rise, shower, scarf down what she could and head out the door with enough margin to catch a green digital clock display glaring the time at her. 4:16 A.M. She was later than normal, better to cut through an oversize back lot that had been neglected enough to turn into a private thicket with trees looming above, than to be late. Kate normally avoided the lot for several reasons; one, she was sure the land must belong to someone. Two, she didn't know that someone nor what he was doing with the land and frankly she didn't give a damn. Three, the noises she'd catch sometimes at night were enough to keep her out. But being late to work was unacceptable. She strapped her backpack on a little tighter and zipped her hoody on the small stoop of her apartment, she stared at the sky and the stars, still pitch black, 'awesome..' She thought to herself before heading off. Kate crossed the thin highway between the duplex and the lot and exhaled a final time before trudging into the brambles.

As her short cut progressed she grew to loath the way the trees stretched there arms back in a warning and the way bushes began to morph to creepy figures twisting around in the undergrowth. She stumbled over a tangle of dry branches and her shoes sank into soft, wet grass and the smell of dew filled the air. She crinkled her nose and turned her attention to a glint of light. To the far west of the clearing, tucked under thorny brambles and withering branches was one of the largest eggs Kate had ever seen in her life. She slowly approached and kneeled, glancing around skeptically a final time before dislodging the egg from the mess, it was too dark to get a good look at it but it radiate warmth. Somewhere a branch snapped and she jerked, quickly but carefully tucking the egg away in her back pack before taking off, quickly reaching the edge of the lot that bumped against the back lot of the shopping center where the grocery store she worked at stood. She scrambled over the wall and glance back one last time at the trees before taking off.
One thing, could I get a picture? Other than that, it is accepted.

Here is your dragon species: Deadly Nadder. You may design your dragon, mind/personality and body wise, and may name them what you wish. Also, you can play your dragon, or I can.



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