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Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
Roleplay Type(s)


The Mess Hall, Mother Ship Kriito


"Dammit, Cheyanne!!" Echoed a roar through the massive Mess Hall.

"What'd I do this time, Kreme?"

The behemoth of a humanoid with red skin and devil-like horns on his head stomped over to Cheyanne's table, pounding his fist into the metallic surface and leaving a massive dent.

"You took the last glazed donut I wanted!"

With crumbs around her lips and the partial remains of said glazed donut in her hand, she glanced down and back up with calm innocence before continuing to chew her pastry.


His other fist slammed into and dented the table like before.

"You know those are mine!" He growled.

"According to who, exactly?"

"According to me! That's who!" He bellowed.

Cheyanne continued chewing as a smirk appeared at the corners of her lips.

"I see. What's your power level, again?"

Kreme was taken aback, and snarled viciously as he leaned in close putting the two almost nose to nose.

"Higher than yours, monkey girl."

Cheyanne's smirk widened.

"If you say so."

Again, he was taken aback and growled as he pushed his forehead against hers.

"Yours is only 2,000! Mine's 3,200! How's that "if I say so?"" He growled.

Cheyanne blinked innocently.

"I think you know why."

"Enlighten me!" He growled while pushing his head forward causing her to lean back in her chair.

Cheyanne tilted her head back and planted a playful kiss on his chin which made him leap backwards in confusion while everyone else gave a loud, prolonged "Ooooooooohhhhhh!"

"Wh-... What the HELL was that?!"

Cheyanne stood from her chair, flicking one of her bangs out from over her eye.

"It gave me some room to stand up."

Even with naturally red skin, Kreme had a clear dark flush in his face as he blinked in confusion.

"Wait. So... That wasn't..."

Cheyanne chuckled and put her hands on her hips.

"Of course not. I'm way out of your league big fella."

A massive and collective "OOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!" shook the entire Mess Hall as Kreme's lower lip trembled as his teeth pushed past his lips in a snarl. His body erupted in a white aura and the room filled with wind. Cheyanne's hair billowed out behind her like long grass on the open windy plains as she continued smiling.

"You little bitch!!" He cried, launching himself towards her.

Having long since anticipated this reaction, Cheyanne used a technique she called the "Guided Pike." Her left hand was hidden behind her left hip with Ki gathered in the center of her palm. That Ki snaked along her leg down to the ground, forward towards Kreme, and then rapidly rose up to meet his stomach launching him skyward into the ceiling. As he fell, Cheyanne walked forward and raised a fist which he promptly fell onto knocking the wind from him even more than the beam had done. Kreme gasped for breath as Cheyanne threw him off her fist to the ground and put both hands back on her hips.

"Haven't I done this to you before, Kreme? You should've learned from the last time."

Kreme could barely breathe and cursed himself for not using his full power. But since they were on the ship there wasn't a need for it. Still, he should've known better than to go at Cheyanne with anything less than power equal to or superior to hers since he knew he had the reserves.

"How about this? I'll get you two glazed donuts tomorrow since I took the last one today. Will that square us up?"

Kreme finally managed to get to his feet and spat towards her boots.

"Not a chance, monkey girl. The next time I see you, I'll be at full power and I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget." He said while turning around and talking over his shoulder.

"If you say so." She replied with a smile.

He paused momentarily to growl under his breath before stomping off. And as normalcy returned to the Mess Hall, Cheyanne spied a brown-haired individual who'd been watching the exchange out of the corner of his eye while munching on a slice of bread. Cheyanne smirked and skipped over to him, giving him a nice hard pat on the shoulder.

"So! Takashi! What'd you think? Any analytics for me?" She asked playfully while leaning down putting them almost cheek to cheek.

Swallowing his bite of bread, his response was a curt "No."

Cheyanne draped herself over his shoulders.

"Aww, c'mon. No probability for my success based on how we moved or anything?"


She begged.

He sighed.

"He had basically no chance since he wasn't paying attention to anything you were doing. Happy now?"

Cheyanne renewed her playful, toothy smile with a giggle. "Yay!" She cheered while wrapping her arms around his neck and squeezing tight, causing him to nearly choke on the next bite of bread he was trying to take. "I dunno why, but it's so much fun hearing you talk about your data stuff and the probabilities of success and failure! Thanks buddy!!"

His face began turning red from a lack of oxygen before she finally let go which allowed him to catch his breath. Gasping through his still recovering airways, he turned part way with an unamused frown.

"The heck is wrong with you?"

Cheyanne's smile faded for a brief moment.

""Heck?" What's "heck" mean?"

Takashi shook his head and rolled his eyes with an exasperated sigh.

"A politer way to say "Hell."" He replied flatly.

Her smile returned.

"Ah! Gotcha!... Heck. I like that word! Heck! Anyway! Are you ever gonna accept my request to meet for a training session? I wanna see more of your analytics about my techniques and where you think they could best be put to use!"

"You'll need to come up with some examples of situations they're used in for me to do that. I'm not that imaginative so-"

"Oh I gotcha covered buddy! Just be ready tomorrow morning and meet me in my room! I sent you the room number in my message, I'm pretty sure! Right?"

"... No, you didn't."

"Oh. Really? I coulda sworn I did... Ah well. Room 32980! Don't be late!"

With that she sprinted off as he opened his mouth to ask one final question. But it was too late. She was gone.

"... What time tomorrow morning?" He asked the thin air she left behind, shaking his head while scowling at some of the others who chuckled at his expense for having to deal with her.

"Dear God, that girl's a handful. Are all Saiyans like that?" He asked nobody in particular.
"YOU'RE LATE!!!" Roared Cheyanne's voice over the Scouter.

Takashi held the Scouter at arm's length, rubbing his ear with his free hand as Cheyanne continued ranting at him for keeping her waiting after promising to show her how he calculated the chances of success or failure.



Takashi put his Scouter back on, and it suddenly roared to life again sending a shock wave through his ears.



Takashi held the Scouter once again at arm's length, this time putting it on much more slowly with a subtle gulp as it reached his head. Thankfully, nothing happened and he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Heaven help me." He mumbled.

He grabbed a beverage from the Mess Hall he was praying she'd like before making his way to her room. When he got there, the door flew open and she stood there with tightly clenched fists on her hips.

"So!... What's the excuse, old buddy?"

"You didn't say exactly when I was supposed to meet you."

"I said "tomorrow morning," didn't I?"
She growled.

"That's not specific enough. There's a lot of time in the "morning" to consider."

Cheyanne pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Ugh... Whatever. Do ya have my drink?"

Takashi held up the beverage for her. After taking it and giving it a sniff, she lifted one side of her nose in a half snarl.


Downing the drink and putting the cup aside, she wept her mouth with the side of her forearm before giving him a semi-disgusted look.

"Do you know what that was?"

"Not really."

"That was Dvelto Juice... And it's my least favorite drink because it's basically bug guts further beaten and battered like cake mix into a more watery form."

"... Oh."

Suddenly, Takashi's lapels were in Cheyanne's fist and he was pulled inside with the door slamming behind him and locking.

Inside, Takashi found himself being pushed against the wall by Cheyanne who had a murderous glare in her eye.


Her fist rose up a bit higher, and she bared her teeth in a snarl.

"You've got a lot of nerve feeding me bug guts, Takashi. You know how much I hate bugs, don't you?"

"Actually, no. I had no idea."

"Are you joking with me right now?!"
She demanded.

"Do you want to hear me talk about the analytics of your techniques, or not?"

Suddenly, her scowl vanished and a bright light replaced the darkness in her eyes as she let go of his lapel and clapped her hands.

"OH, YES PLEASE!!" She joyously cheered with little hops in place. "You gotta show me how you figure all that stuff out so quick!!" She said with a sparkle in her eyes and an eager smile plastered on her face.

Takashi sighed and brushed off his lapels.

"All right. All right. Just calm down for a moment, please."

"How can I calm down?! This is so exciting!!"
She said, continuing to hop up and down.

"It's just... Um... How do I put all this?"

Her sparkling and eager eyes remained locked on him as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I need to figure out how to word what goes on in my head. Gimme a sec."

"You got it!"

Leaping backwards and landing in a cross-legged seated position on her bed, Cheyanne sat quietly still with that eager smile on her face as Takashi tried to figure out how to word the way his mind worked when processing the flow of battle and the chances of success and failure regarding attacks and techniques given all the situations he could think of.
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"Did that not make sense?"

Cheyanne's innocent blinking in response told the story.

"Dangit. Okay, uh... Let me try rephrasing it."

"Wait! Before you try that! I got an idea!"

Cheyanne floated up, still cross-legged, and turned around to a white board on the wall next to her bed. Taking out a green marker, she began drawing incredibly crude stick figures in what looked like combat positions all over the place without any seeming rhyme or reason. And finally, she capped the marker.

"Okay! So how about this situation here?" She asked, pointing to one stick figure looking like it was lying dead on its side and another looking like it was standing like a cactus with downward pointing 'arms.'

"Um... What is it?"

"You can't tell?!"
She asked incredulously. "This one's flying into that one and about to punch! Obviously!"

"Ooooookay. Yeah, I guess I can see that."
He lied. "What are their power levels?"

"Oh, yeah!"

She uncapped the marker and drew a power level of 2,000 for the one going for the flying punch and 4,000 for the one standing still.

"There!" She said, capping the marker.

"Are they in the air or is that one actually standing on the ground?"

She uncapped the pen again and drew some lines under the standing one. "There!" Again, she capped the marker.

"And what's the atmosphere like? What color is the sky?"

"Oh come on!! I don't have that many colors buddy!! Just... Just pretend it's a blue atmosphere!!"
She yelled.

The marker suddenly hit him in the face causing him to recoil back a few steps.

"Jeez! What's your problem?!"

"What's YOUR problem?!"
She asked, floating over him and glaring him down.

"You asked me to explain my thought process. And all of these things have a hand in how I analyze things!"

"How do things like colors have hands to get in your thought process?!"

Takashi blinked and face palmed with an exasperated sigh.

"Look. I think about a lot of different things. That's why it's called analysis. Things like the color of the sky can play a role in how effective a Ki attack is depending on whether it's a color that matches the sky or one that doesn't."

Cheyanne crossed her arms in a huff and floated back, still cross-legged while hovering in front of him.

"Let's say he's coming in to punch with blue Ki around his fist."

"It's me you dumbass!!"
She growled, slamming her hand on the board next to the drawing.

"... Let's say you're going in to punch and your fist has blue Ki around it."

"I don't punch with Ki around my fists. It's just a punch, punch."

Takashi growled under his breath.

"Fine. You're going in to punch someone twice as strong as you..."

"Yes. Thank you."

"If you're just flying at this enemy straight on then you have next to no chance of landing the punch."

"What?! But I'm a great fighter! I know how to get by someone trying to block my punches!"

"While I don't doubt that, you need to recognize when power level differences become great enough it doesn't matter how well you can control your Ki. If your power is half that of your enemy, you have almost no chance to land a hit when they're fully aware of you coming at them like this. Unless, of course, you plan to begin a punch and change it at the last second to a different attack. Then you have a better chance to land it."

"Huh... I never thought to change an attack last second. That could be a useful tip."

"Let's pretend for a moment that instead of a punch you're trying to launch your Guided Pike and it's using red Ki. If the sky is red, then your Ki moving along the ground will be harder for your enemy to see and it will be more likely to land. But if the sky was blue or some other lighter color, it would be easy for them to see the Ki moving along the ground and they'd either dodge it or blast it out of existence. So pay attention to the colors of the atmosphere and sky around you when you use Ki attacks like that one."

Cheyanne blinked several times.

"... I'll write it down for you."

Cheyanne gave Takashi the thumbs up.

"Sounds good!"

"You're not going to read it are you?"

"Not a word of it!"

"Why not?"

"Cause I can't read!"

"You... Can't read?"

"Never learned how! I know how to talk and I know all the terms for stuff I use like the Scouter! But yeah! Never learned to read!"
She said with a cheerful smile.

". . . We're going to have to change that."

"Ah! Reading's overrated! I know my numbers, so I can read the Scouter readings just fine! Anyway! Let's just keep going with the lessons like this!"

"Fine. For now, at least."

Another thumbs up from Cheyanne, followed by another exasperated sigh from Takashi, and the lesson continued.
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Cheyanne's eyes were spinning and her brain was about to burst as she slurred her words while practically billowing steam out her ears.

"If duh shky ish brue, ushe brue Ki attacksh... If duh emeny ish taller den you, aim fer duh joints an'... soft shpots..."

Takashi scratched his nose and heaved a sigh.

"Maybe we should call it a day."

"A dishk ish bettuh fer slicim big bawls..."

Takashi walked forward and snapped his fingers loudly in front of her face, snapping her out of her stupor. However, she still leaned back on her hands and practically laid down on her bed.

"How does yer brain not esplode?" She asked, still slightly slurring her speech.

"It's just how my brain works."

"You have a weird brain."

"Maybe. Anyway, maybe it's best to just let you fight your own way rather than trying to figure out my methods?"

"Yeah... Maybe you're right. All that analysis stuff is hurting my head."

"All of this stuff is basically instinct for me. So I think the best thing for you is to trust your instinct when you fight."

"Yeah! I'll do that! Thanks buddy!" She said, floating up into her cross-legged position from earlier.


"Hey. Do you wanna grab breakfast together?"

"No, thanks. I'm not really hungry, and I have some personal matters to attend to today."

"Ah. Damn. Maybe next time then?"

"We'll see. Later."

Takashi left the room, leaving Cheyanne in an uncomfortably quiet quarters as she floated down onto her bed, tucked her knees in, and pulled the blanket over herself while falling onto her side. Her eyes had gone dark, and her body had gone rigid in her now fetal position.

Even her thoughts had become empty and lifeless.


Time ticked by like a slug trying to ascend a vertical surface. Meanwhile, Takashi had gone to visit the few surviving humans who'd been on his craft. Many of them had been demoted to janitorial services due to a lack of motivation to take part in combat situations or apply themselves to any other areas. Mostly this was due to their lack of understanding of space travel and all the technology aboard the vessel and in use by all the personnel. But they were just everyday people. Not scientists or engineers.

Still, talking with Takashi who'd become quite comfortable and more powerful than they ever would dream a human being could become had given them some hope and a sense of camaraderie in these dark times.
Hey, Cheyanne. You there? Buzzed a voice through her Scouter.

Cheyanne instantly sat upright.

"Wait! Where did I put that thing?!" She gasped.

Fumbling through her numerous drawers, checking under her bed, and freaking out over a second attempt to contact her, she finally realized after looking in the mirror that the Scouter was halfway around her head. Chuckling to herself a bit, she adjusted it and tapped the comms button on the side.

"Yo! Takasi! What's up?!"

I wanted to know if you had time to join a new mission I was just assigned? We need an extra hand and-

"I'm in!!"

Cheyanne cut the call and dashed out the door. She made it roughly halfway down the hall before realizing that she was getting a rather funny look from some of those watching her. When she skidded to a halt, she looked down to find she had forgotten to put her armor on again, and was wearing only the skin-tight under suit which she always felt was a bit too snug around the bum than she would have liked. And so upon returning to her room, now thoroughly red in the face, she quickly slipped into her armor, double checking the rear flap while she was at it, she once again dashed away to the departure dock where Takashi and his team were waiting.

"Sorry I'm late!!" She shouted, skidding to a halt and in salute position.

"Oh, hey. You didn't let me finish on the Scouter. We won't be leaving for another three or four hours."

Cheyanne blinked, a light pink flushing into her cheeks.

"Oh! Uh... Yeah. No problem! We can shoot he breeze or check gear before we go, yeah?"

"Well, I guess that's true.

"Hey, Takashi. You've already checked and double checked your gear haven't ya?" Asked a purple humanoid with a flattened bald head?

"I have. But having a comrade check it could be beneficial just in case I've missed something."

"Hehe. Whatever ya say bro man. Just don't check her gear too closely. Ya might lose a lil' blood from da nose if ya know what I mean."

Cheyanne turned her head away, thoroughly red in the face as she cleared her throat.

"I don't get it."

She sighed in relief as the others laughed.

"All right. So where's your gear, Takashi?"

"Over here."

Cheyanne inspected his gear quickly.

"Looks good to me!"

"How about your gear?"

"Hmm? Oh it's just me, my Scouter, and my armor! So I'm good!"

"Ah. Fair enough. Well then I guess we can just chat with the others until the Captain arrives."

"Sounds good!"
Cheyanne cheered, giving the thumbs up.

With that they team enjoyed a casual, albeit comedic conversation at Takashi and Cheyanne's expense. Both were made to blush and clear their throats for different reasons. But none so powerful as a tease about Cheyanne taking a fancy to Takashi. She nearly jumped on the one who said it and intimidated them into retracting the statement before the conversation would continue shortly after.

All in all, a fairly typical conversation to be had when the two of them were both in the group.

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