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Fandom List (Detailed)


To Small For Anything Really
< Requirements >

I would prefer it if my partner were to have rather detailed posts. If not I'm able to copy the writing length, but I would prefer it if it were multiple chapters. I'm a rather detailed Rp player who likes to write up to five paragraphs if I can, but I'm fine with anything
:) I like a lot of descriptions, so you can go crazy with them! Also, I'm not the best with commas and such, so I don't expect you to be perfect. I may have a type every now and then, so I don't care if you do just make sure it's legible.

Please help me create plots and don't leave me to work everything out by myself! I like to plot and talk to my partner about everything in the Roleplay and one of things I can't stand is when I'm left doing everything and having no one to talk too.

< Fandoms >

Percy Jackson

Steven Universe


My Little Pony


Avatar: The Last Airbender

Legend of Korra

Inheritance Cycle (I only like the idea of the book, not the book itself)

How to Train Your Draw

I will add more as time does on, but these are just the first ones that come to mind at the moment. Thank you for reading and considering! :) I also do romance of any kind. All genders and preferences are welcome :)
I have an idea, maybe we could do a mix up of my babysitter's a vampire and a attack on titan roleplay! or something like that, i love my babysitter's a vampire and really want to roleplay it but sadly nobody seems to know what that show even is...
Blarg222 said:
I'm for a Legend of Korra rp though is going to be OC or canon?
The LOK is meant to be a OC based roleplay. PM me?

Bunny said:
I'd be willing to RP with you on Percy Jackson or Avatar~
Great! Let's do Percy Jackson :) PM me?

Harmless1231 said:
I have an idea, maybe we could do a mix up of my babysitter's a vampire and a attack on titan roleplay! or something like that, i love my babysitter's a vampire and really want to roleplay it but sadly nobody seems to know what that show even is...
I would love to rp with you, but I'm sorry....I don't really know what My babysitter's a Vampire is. I mean I've seen it on Disney passing by, but I haven't watched it.
that's ok we could still rp something else

ursaeminorisxxx said:
The LOK is meant to be a OC based roleplay. PM me?
Great! Let's do Percy Jackson :) PM me?

I would love to rp with you, but I'm sorry....I don't really know what My babysitter's a Vampire is. I mean I've seen it on Disney passing by, but I haven't watched it.
Not sure what you mean by How to Train Your Draw. Though, if it's some abbreviation for How to Train Your Dragon, I'd be up for it.

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