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Fandom Dragon Age: Inquizition Dragon Wars


...the Story Teller

Character Sign Up Sheet


Nicknames / Aliases:

Home Country:


Gender and/or Sex:


Eye Color:

Hair Color:




Appearance Other:




Romantic and/or Sexual Orientation:

Current Occupation:

Current Goals:


Relationships / Family:


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Serenity Kuran

Name: Serenity Kuran

Nicknames / Aliases: Ice Queen, Snowflake

Home Country: Ferelden

Race: human

Gender and/or Sex: Female

Age: 20

Eye Color: Amethyst

Hair Color: Golden blonde

Height: 5"3

Weight: 110 lbs

Rank/Job: Princess, for now

Appearance Other:

Except her hair is SUPER long, touching the ground


Class: Mage-Arcane Warrior



















Romantic and/or Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Current Occupation: Bargaining chip, Princess, Ice Mage

Current Goals: Just to find a home of her own, no matter what they say about mages. She refuses to go to the tower or be made tranquil and refuses to accept that her family is the one she is stuck with.

Personality: She is a very kind person and likes to help others when she can but she will protect herself from those who are too ignorant of magic and wish to either lock her up or make her tranquil. She is generally very calm but you touch certain subjects and she becomes the ice queen and will drop everything and leave before she uses her magic out of anger. On the whole, she is kind, sweet, warm, and caring but she does posses a touchy side and will get angry and enraged if the situation calls for it.

Relationships / Family: She has none to speak of but she leaves an impression wherever she goes.

History: Serenity was born to a royal family that less than loved her and raised her to be who she was but when she was found to have magic and an affiliation especially with ice magic at a very young age she was called to the circle and she went after bidding her family farewell but the mages in the circle all seemed like they were prisoners and she didn't want to be like them. Her family didn't raise her to be like that and would not let them change her. So, while the Templars kept vigil and clearly watching her, after a year, she escaped by making a bridge/slide of ice and escaped. Even with her philactary they could not catch her. She was a child but she was clever. She knew they would come after her time and again and she would one day secure a way to break her philactary or get permission to leave wherever she wanted to be.

When she was a teenager, she met up with a Templar recruit but he seemed different than the rest. He wasn't cold to mages and he even seemed t be friendly with them. They quickly became friends even though they were supposed to be on opposite sides and knowing what each other was. He was kind enough to help her find her vile of blood and break it so she could not be tracked anymore. After that the boy abandoned his post to leave with her and they traveled to many places and watched each other's backs and even went so far as to help ailing villages from impending darkspawn. Their skills and talents didn't go unnoticed. While she became the Ice Queen, he became the Fire King as their reputations grew but unfortunately like all real stories, it came to an end one day when the knight got sick and perished in battle, leaving Serenity alone once more.

About a year later she tried to find her family and find them she did and they took her in but they were not the kindest of people to say the least. They were cruel to her and hid her magic from anyone who asked. Her father had two older daughters and three elder sons whom he loved to death but Serenity was left out of the circle of love because she was a mage and she resembled their departed mother so much and they blamed her for her death. It was not true but they needed some sort of scape goat and she was it. The brothers would treat her pretty badly and do almost anything they wanted with her to relief their stresses and the sisters picked on her mercilessly and made her their personal maid while the king, if she stepped even a small centimeter out of line, would beat her severely, even in front of guests. Now, in order to get in good with the inquisition in Skyhold, she was a bargaining chip to offer them something they didn't value personally but acted like she did, just to get in good with the Inquisitor.

Other: Her guilty pleasure is anything sweet, warm, fluffy or cuddly. She also loves music and singing. She can't pass up any opportunity to sing, even in front of people. She has a great voice but is kind of shy about it.
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  • tumblr_nxs0060hVv1r61mabo4_400.gif

    Name: Deva Nesiathari

    Nicknames / Aliases: "The Phantom of Val Royeaux", "Desolate Hand of Thedas", "Braris Thelmet".

    Home Country: Orlais.

    Race: Elf; Dalish.

    Gender and/or Sex: Cisgender Female.

    Age: Twenty-Six.

    Eye Color: Green.

    Hair Color: Silver.

    Height: 5'11".

    Weight: 152 Lbs.

    Rank/Job: Master Assassin in the Antivan Crows.

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Emile Durvhast

Nicknames / Aliases: The Fennec Mage (he hates being called that)

Home Country: Ferelden

Race: Half Elf, Half Human

Gender and/or Sex: Male

Age: 22

Eye Color: Seafoam Green

Hair Color: Grey

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 212 lbs

Rank/Job: Traveling Do-gooder, Elven Ruins expert

Appearance Other:


Class: Mage- Arcane Warrior

Weapon: Emile tends to give off the impression that he is not a mage and carries a bow he found in some ancient ruins to avoid suspicious eyes....no-one thinks twice about an elf with a bow.



It is safe to say that for someone who doesn't want to be caught by Templars, Emile has a flair for the dramatic.

Romantic and/or Sexual Orientation: Panromantic, Heterosexual

Current Occupation: Apostate Mage

Current Goals: To not die at the hands of Templars for starters. Emile feels that it is his duty to learn as much about every culture as he possibly can...who knows, maybe it'll help in the efforts to put things right for elves, humans and everyone else.

Use his understanding of the Fade to find a way to help spirits co-exist without confrontation, if not peacefully, with the rest of the world.

Personality: If ever someone deserved to be compared to a Fennec, it would be Emile. By his very nature he seeks knowledge of all kinds, always excited to share what he's learned and exchange information. Emile has developed a very warm, kind personality, making him easily trusted. But much like a Fennec, he's very aloof when the conversation becomes about him. He's enigmatic and unpredictable, slow to anger and calm under pressure. He generally has amazing plans that work out in the end but to many make absolutely no sense.

No matter how many people Emile helps or saves, he refuses to be acknowledged as a hero. He gets easily embarrassed when referred to as a hero and tends to walk away from the conversation.

Relationships / Family: There are no relatives known to a Emile and due to his enigmatic and nomadic tendencies doesn't tend to stick around long enough to call anyone a friend.

History: Most of what Emile remembers is being in a damn circle for the first fifteen years of his life, sure it wasn't the most pleasant experience but he couldn't complain. He had passed his Harrowing, and made good acquaintances among the Templars. However Emile couldn't help but feel that the magic he was allowed to learn was incomplete and immensely basic, he wanted something that he could call his own, something that could truly allow him to understand the world around him. Of course in a Circle that was seen as 'I want to use blood magic' and he was quickly starting to become a prime candidate for the Rite of Tranquility.

Unfortunately for the Templars, Emile wasn't the type of person to take that lying down. He used his knowledge to sneak himself down to his own phylactery, switching out his blood with that of a Fennec's. Emile then put an illusion spell around said Fennec and snuck it out of the Circle with him...He went one way, the Fennec in a completely opposite direction...Now he wisher he had used a snake or something.

Emile spent most of his time hiding in ancient elven ruins, one of which he gained the abilities of an Arcane Warrior. Emile came in contact with the spirits trapped in the ruins, leaning all he could from them. When he finally decided to stick his head out from the ruins, the world was falling apart after the events of the Conclave...Mages rebelling, Templars losing their minds and killing anyone they thought was a Mage. So Emile did what any sensible Apostate would, he helped where he could and avoided places that he couldn't, sometimes leading people away from the fighting, sometimes quietly leading Templars the most dangerous and unstable of mages. Now with the rise of the Inquisition, he merely wanders from place to place helping out where he can and disappearing before anyone can ask questions.

Other: Emile's guilty pleasure would have to be forging things, he likes to be seen as aloof and intelligent, but he finds something very calming in the rhythmic pounding of metal on metal. Even though he is an impressive smith, he has no confidence in his abilities and chooses not to show anyone his creations.



B A S I C S:

NAMEMyra Lavell

NICKNAMEUsually just Myra

AGETwenty Eight



RACE Human

HOME COUNTRY Kirkwall, in the Free Marshes

Rank/JobNovice Black-Smith / Gambler

Myra's main talent is in black-smithing, which means she's not too bad at smelting hot metals into pretty decent weapons or shields. She's also pretty handy at cleaning and the basic mechanics of most kinds of armor & weapons. If the right materials are available to her, she can maybe patch up your armor, sharpen up your blades, polish your shields, pound out a new dagger, and even fix the strings on your bow & arrows.

All for way too much coin, of course.

Sometimes she'll offer you help if she see's your weapon or armor is in need - she almost makes it seem like some type of free favor or something. ("That blade could use some grating; you couldn't even cut an apple with that. C'mon over here & I'll sharpen it up, as a personal favor.)

But then when she's finished tidying up your weapon, she'll demand her payment, as if she expected the other person to know all along that they would have to pay such a high price. ("Alright, there you go; sharp enough to cut stone; Now that'll be ten silver.") And she'll bump up prices that are seriously unreasonable at times; but if she fixes or makes you a weapon, she expects you to comply with her 'surprise' prices. (She's kinda a scam, I guess you could say)

She also doesn't have her own black-smithing tools or a permanent set up, so whenever you see her working it's likely at someone else's smith; so she sort of travels a lot, going from smith to smith whenever she feels like it.

Myra also gambles quite a bit on the side, traveling from tavern to tavern in search of a strike of luck & good coin. It's kind of a problem.

She's basically a wandering blacksmith who can swing a sword & shield, con you for more coin than necessary, and feed her gambling habit all at the same time.

L O O K S:

HEIGHTFive foot six

WEIGHTWell toned & sturdy build

EYE COLORA silvery grey

HAIRShe has dark curly hair, that falls just below

her shoulders; but she usually wears it up for practical

purposes, and ties it with any kind of ribbon she can find


WEAPONClick // A very traditional stainless steel blade with a sturdy grip and a cast metal outstretched pommel. She also carries around a circular wooden shield outlined with a steel binding. // Click for Shield

ARMORClick// Her armor would look like something similar to that of the picture; despite her being in the Warrior class, she wouldn't normally wear heavy duty metal armor, just because it's really unpractical for life-style most of the time. (Plus during the summer, she doesn't really like almost dying from heat stroke; the way that metal generates heats it almost disturbing) So something made of leather, with some steel guardings here and there would be more of what she'd wear for armor.

CURRENT OCCUPATIONUnderstudy Blacksmith / Weapon & Armor repair/Traveler

P E R S O N A L I T Y:


Charismatic • Persuasive • Companionly • Humble • Venturesome • Open Minded • Brave • Freethinking • Skilled-Handyman • Extroverted


Carefree • Competitive • Freewheeling • Flirtatious • Outspoken • Compulsive • Irrational • Informal • Self-Indulgent • Daring

Myra is pretty charming & entertaining to be around for certain extents of time, but she can very quickly edge to what some would consider 'obnoxious'. Her mouth isn't afraid to spew out what's on her mind, most of the time, and she treats everyone fairly equal. Whether they be a king or some peasant, she would likely greet them in a similar manner. She is an active thrill seeker, and isn't usually one to turn down some friendly competition or a drunken dare. Myra prides herself on her ability to befriend others, and usually enjoys pulling stiffs out of their shells, or pushing timid people into thrilling things. Being told that she 'has' to do anything or that her opinions are wrong, are both easy ways to make her pissed off. That, and undermining her skills. Also, if she is helping you out with something, you can bet your coin she isn't doing it without wanting anything in return; she doesn't do favors, only exchanges. Myra's also a sucker for traveling, action, and some coin, so if you have something like that going on she'll likely try to persuade you to let her tag along.

Some could compare her personality to that of a well-known story-teller or a talkative regular at a bar, who flirts & jokes around endlessly, and gambles rebelliously; others could consider her a scamming no-good free-loader who doesn't do anything unless it benefits her wants and needs in someway or another

RELATIONSHIPS • She still keeps in touch with her brother, and even occasionally travels with him whenever they plan on meeting up; she also sometimes visits her big-bellied father, known as Mallik; she'll pop her head into his shop, eat some soup, and stick around for a few days before making leave, as she always does eventually. The only family member Myra doesn't bother to try to contact or keep in touch with is her mother, Elanor, who she is still kind of holding a grudge against.

GOALS • Myra might not have the most heroic or ambitious goals, but the only thing she's sort of aiming for is to acquire enough coin so that way some time in the far future, she can maybe open up her own weapons and armor repair shop, similar to her fathers old friend. But that's a long-term goal; as of right now, he only goal is probably just adventure, seek out the thrills of travel, and pick up some coin on the side whenever and wherever she can.

O T H E R:

HISTORY Myra, unlike many others, had a not so horrible up-bringing. Sure, her family was rather poor, but they were still more financially stable than some of their neighbors. Her father owned a very small & not very popular key shop, where he smelted and made copies of keys for customers. Myra learned the basis of what she knows about black-smithing and smelting from her father, but she learned more about weapons and armor from one of her fathers friends, who ran a rather popular weapons shop a few paths down.

While her father tended to the usually empty key shop, her mother claimed to be helping out at one of her friend's fruit stands; most nights when she came home, she would be rather drunk, but she would always have some coin to pitch in. Some nights she had way more than what would be logical from working at a fruit stand, while other nights she had barely any at all.

So the claims of her 'working' at a fruit stand all day everyday, was most likely false, and as time went on both Myra, her brother, and father began to catch on as to what her real occupation was. Myra even more than a few times went to the very fruit stand Elanor had claimed to work at, but she never once saw her mother there. So once Myra reached her teenage years, she confronted her mother about the lie, and a rather large argument erupted; Elanor never admitted to anything, but she did say that she 'was the reason this family wasn't living on the streets, and for that Myra and her brother should just be grateful.' What Elanor had said was partially true, since if they had been living solely off the key-shop sales they would've been wearing much more raggity clothing & probably not have the two bedroom shack that they did; but being the hormonal teenager that Myra was, her curiosity and suspicion got the better of her. She had followed her mother to her apparent 'secret' place of work, and sure enough it was a brothel. Of course she ran home, spouted it all to her father, thinking she had uncovered some atrocious secret, but apparently he had known for a while.

A few year later, Myra had been on the verge of adult-hood, learning how to gamble with some street-friends, working part-time at her fathers friends weapons shop, and getting sword swinging lessons from her brother. But one day, her mother hadn't come home from work. It wasn't that nerve-wracking at first, because there had been a few times where she hadn't come home from the brothel till the next morning; but once three or four days had passed, Myra and the others began to worry that something bad had happened when she still hadn't returned home. Both she and her brother eventually visited the brothel, demanding to know where and what happened to their mother; but the head boss there said that the information that they wanted was asked to be kept private, from a request by their mother. The only thing the head of the brothel did tell them was that Elanor was no longer an employee of the brothel, and had asked them to keep her new whereabouts a secret.

So for the remainder of their teenage years, their mother was no where to be found; Myra had eventually left home, along with her brother, and decided to try her skills as a traveling black smith, which didn't exactly work out in the beginning, considering she hadn't known many other black-smiths or weapon/armor repair shop owners yet. But as the years went on she became familiar with more and more of them, and was able to swindle her way into short time jobs at a few of them. There was a time where she was training to be a mercenary with some shady crew, but after one of her jobs was completed, the owner of the group said he refused to pay her for whatever reason. Myra had left that group in a swarm of fury quicker than a caravan on the run. She also tried her luck as a bartender one time, but she was quickly fired for demanding outrageous pay from customers.

A few years ago, she did end up discovering where her mother had run off to those many years ago, when she was visiting her father. Mallik had said that he saw her waddling around in the Chantry uniform, with a few others. Which basically meant Elanor had left the brothel and her family behind to go join the Chantry... The woman had left her family behind, with no words of here whereabouts, to fear for the worst. Of course, Myra had to go see for herself, so when she visited the Chantry, sure enough she had spotted her mother, in that god-awful uniform. Myra had decided to not even bother to say hello or question her on why she had left the all behind; it really wasn't worth her effort anymore. If she had been a teenager, she surely would have went straight up to Elanor and shouted a stream of not-so-friendly words, but she was now an adult. Wasting her breath on a lost person who didn't want to be found was not something she was interested in.

She had figured out what had happened to her mother, deciding to let the now old woman, live her life how she chose, just as Myra would live her life as she chose.

OTHERMyra has more than a few guilty pleasures, one of the main ones being large amounts of coin, a common guilty pleasure among most people. She also guiltily enjoys smoking from time to time, watching fights, and of course, gambling.



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B A S I C S ~


NICKNAMENone, just Arvan

AGETwenty one, although he looks older than he actually is.


SEXUALITYHe doesn't care enough to label himself

RACE Qunari / Tal-Vashoth

HOME COUNTRY Kont-aar, a Qunari settlement found on the northern coast of Rivain

Rank/JobMercenary / Trader

Arvan is basically a Mage for hire, who usually runs with a Mercenary group known as the 'Stonepikes'. (Yes, mages are typically uncommon in mercenary groups, but they for whatever reason, accepted Arvan.) He is also a trader, who sells small things like jewelry or potion ingredients. Arvan usually keeps his items that he's selling in a large pouch around his waist, so that way he can always buy and sell no matter where he ends up.

L O O K S ~

HEIGHTSix foot Ten


EYE COLORA goldish Grey

HAIRSnow white hair that falls down that base of his neck, sometimes he has small braids in place of his sideburns. Arvan always has it clipped back to ensure it doesn't fly in his face during times where it's important to see.

CLASSA mage, who focuses on Healing & Elemental, but is side-studying shape-shifting as a third specialty

WEAPONClick // He uses an oak carved staff, compressed with a few gems and silver bindings. Click for Dagger // Arvan also carries a very small dagger under his belt, but he isn't very experienced in using it; he has it just in case he should ever need it.

ARMORClick// Arvan would wear a robe like the one in the picture, except it would be much larger in size, considering he is a Qunari and they are all practically giants. His boots would be made out of thick leather, and he would probably wear dark leather palm gloves, that allow his fingers to be free but his palms to be protected from the ware and tare that sometimes come with gripping a staff.

CURRENT OCCUPATIONMage Mercenary // Trader // Self-Studying mage

P E R S O N A L I T Y ~


Focused • Contemplative • Dedicated • Discreet • Hardworking • Mature • Meticulous • Scholarly • Systematic • Business-Like


Judgemental • Stern • Assertive • Charmless • Cold • Mechanical • Serious • Critical • Suspicious • Strict • Puritanical • Apathetic

Arvan is always focused on what needs to be done, and never lets his personal emotions or wants get in the way of that. Even if he's tired, on the verge of passing out into a sleep coma, he will complete the needed task til it's finished. He's in no way, shape, or form a slacker; and even when he does have free-time to do whatever he wants, he still chooses to do something productive, like study magic, or re-organize his sale-sack items, or gather some potion ingredients. If his fellow mercenaries are sitting around a fire telling stories and drinking, he would be the one walking around the outskirts of the camp keeping watch or gathering fire-wood. He takes care and keeps careful watch of those in his company, but he wouldn't hesitate a second if he knew he needed to disassociate from them. His actions and thoughts are all mostly logic-orientated, so the odds of him befriending someone or sticking around with them just because he enjoys their company, is highly unlikely. He accompanies those he sees useful and skilled in some way; or at least that's what he claims most of the time.

He also comes of a bit intimidating, since he isn't afraid to scold you or remind you of the task that needs to be done; almost as if he's your mother. (But not the sweet sort of mother -
"You should clean off that filthy blade before you place it along with the others. It makes you appear seem extremely undisciplined when you forget." sort of mother.) Arvan holds others actions and intentions to his own personal level of very high standards. If he's willing to work hard and not be distracted and go out of his way to be productive, then he expects others to as well for the majority of time. He's a great alley to have, when he isn't being all harsh and judgey; he respects those who deserve it and lectures those who need it.

RELATIONSHIPS • Being the rather closed-off guy he is, he doesn't have many personal relationships. Personal relationships to him are irrational and a classic waste of time. The people he usually prefers to surround himself with are those with practical skills and those who are willing to do what needs to be done... But of course, it's very rare for him to find someone who lives up to his standards, so most of the time he just works on bettering the people who choose to flock around him during jobs and travels.

GOALS • Arvan's main goal is to personally redeem himself for his cowardly action of abandoning the Qunari; and he hopes to do this by expanding his knowledge of the arcane arts, specifically in Healing, Elemental, &Shape-shifting magic. So anywhere he can gain experience and receive good study-materials is a place he is interested in heading. Another goal is also completing whatever job he and the mercenary group, the 'Stonepikes' are assigned; he just wants to redeem himself for running away from the Qunari society, and he hopes hard-work, improving something for the better, and hours of study will do that some day.

O T H E R ~

HISTORY His history isn't a particularly proud one, mostly due to fact that he was born a mage under the Qunari. The Qunari who are born mages are practically treated no better than attack dogs in that society, since they view magic as something similar to an extremely dangerous birth-defect. When he was a kid, before others took notice that he was a mage, one of his peers from his age-group had come-forth that he was a mage, and after that he never saw that child again. His friends claimed that he was 'defected' and because of that, he had to be chained and collared, and was to even have his mouth sewn shut. Of course, Arvan was just a lil tiny Qunari child, so the thought of something like that happening to him scared him quite a lot, as it would any kid. He believed in the ways of the Qunari, and respected their ways of society, even to this day he does; but to them, he would always be seen as an abomination. Even if he wanted to, he would never be seen as an equal in that society, and even as a child he knew that.

So once Arvan got around to the age of twelve, he started planning how he would escape; and once he hit the age of fourteen, he put his plan in motion and somehow, (and I have no idea how he did without being caught or dying) he had successfully escaped. He won't speak about what he had to do to leave, because to this day he is still highly ashamed of being such a coward and denying the fate that the Qunari had placed for someone like him. Arvan is also quite positive they noticed his absence, as the society is very methodical and organized, and during his first few years away, he was constantly on edge that they would send troops to take him back or even dispose of him. He wasn't exactly sure what they would do if they found him, but obviously it wouldn't be good.

He eventually survived out in a forest, in an abandoned shack he had come across; or at least, he had thought it was abandoned. It turns out that it wasn't, and instead it belonged to a old traveling mage, known as Relin. Seeing a young Qunari, or rather a 'Tal Vashoth', she was of course disturbed and skeptical at first; but after discovering that he was a mage, she must have pieced two and two together, and decided to let him stay there for however long he needed. While he lived there, she taught him some basic magic controlling skills, and was the first person to show him how to take control of his abilities instead of fear them; she was his sole provider during that time. But as time went on, he began to realize that the woman was developing some sort of mental disorder, sometimes even having full on conversations with herself. So once he was mature enough and learned that basis of what he could from her, he decided to part ways; before leaving though, the old woman had given him her own staff, claiming that he would make much more use of it than she could. Arvan accepted it, gave his thanks, and left deciding that he could acquire more knowledge and make use of himself elsewhere.

Arvan began picking herbs and ingredients for potions and sold them to a travelers as a way to get by; but one day he sold some herbs to a well-armed group of very different races and appearances, who apparently belonged to a group of mercenaries. One human seemed particularly interested in immediately recruiting Arvan, most likely due to his large and well-built frame, but once Arvan told him that he was a mage, the human seemed to lose all interest. This of course, offended Arvan because he knew that he would be a very useful alley to them, so as the human mercenary began to walk away, Arvan struck down his new staff, and froze the mans feet to the ground, attempting to give an example of what he could do.

After that, the human decided to accept Arvan as an 'apprentice mercenary' if he could start to grow his skills in healing magic. So ever since then, Arvan's been pretty much traveling and working along the Stonepikes; in his mind, he needs to learn the as much as he can about magic, so that maybe one day he can return to the Qunari and redeem himself as useful to show that magic isn't always the abomination that they believe it to be. If it wasn't for him being a mage, he would have happily continued to reside along with the Qunari, but sadly things didn't work out that way, thus leading him to where he is now, a studying mage for hire working with a mercenary group.

OTHERArvan's guilty pleasure if most definitely cleaning; he has a problem with tidying up and organizing things. He also really appreciates jewelry, despite how un-useful and expensive it usually is.



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