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Fandom Dragon Age: Inquisition Reformed (Open) - Character Sheet


Your Local Schmuck
Please use the template provided below!
!!!Character Creation Note!!!: Currently in need of Dwarves and Quinari! Please do not make any mage characters without putting in a request with me.

Open Representative Position Suggestions:
Free Marches
Templar Order

Circle of Magi

Merchants Guild

OR just play as someone who hunts dragons with us! No alliance needed! You may also play Skyhold staff members (tavern keeper, blacksmith, stablemaster, etc.) or any other positions you can think of.

NAME (FIRST AND LAST)[bg=#a1887f][/bg]

[bg=##A93226][/bG][bg=#145A32][bg=#C0C0C0][imageFloat=right][bg=D3D3D3] PUT IMAGE HERE [ATTACH=full][/ATTACH] [/bg][/imageFloat][bg=#DCDCDC]

[accordion=50%|bleft]{slide=[bg=#C0C0C0]B A S I C S ~[/bg]}

NAME •  Name

NICKNAME • Nickname(s)

AGE • numbers

GENDER • Male/female/whatever

SEXUALITY • gender yu are attracted to

RACE  •  You know what you are

HOME COUNTRY • where were you born and what country do you represent if you do not want your birth country as your home

Rank/Job  •  what do you do?

{/slide}[/accordion][accordion=50%|bleft]{slide=[bg=#C0C0C0]L O O K S ~[/bg]}

HEIGHT • #'#

WEIGHT • lbs

EYE COLOR • try to be spesific

HAIR • Color, style and length

CLASS • mage, rouge, warrior ect.

WEAPON & ARMOR  • (optional)


{/slide}[/accordion][accordion=50%|bleft]{slide=[bg=#C0C0C0]P E R S O N A ~[/bg]}


Trait • Trait • Trait • Trait • Trait


Trait • Trait • Trait • Trait • Trait



{/slide}[/accordion][accordion=50%|bleft]{slide=[bg=#C0C0C0]O T H E R ~[/bg]}

HISTORY • Briefly describe your characters past and how they became a representative.

OTHER • anything else you want us to know?


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Vunora Alhavelan

B A S I C S ~

NAME • Vunora of Clan Alhavelan
From the words: vun (sun, light, life) + or (of)


AGE • 23

GENDER • Female

SEXUALITY • Heterosexual

RACE • Dalish

HOME COUNTRY • Born in "Dirthavaren" or Exalted Plains

Rank/Job • Dalish Ambassador to Inquisition

L O O K S ~

HEIGHT • 5'4"

WEIGHT • 130

EYE COLOR • Honey Brown

HAIR • Long/Black/ Loose Curls

CLASS • Mage


FORMER OCCUPATION • Apprentice Keeper

P E R S O N A ~


Outgoing • Understanding • Adaptable • Passionate • Intelligent


Naive • Socially Tactless • Flirtatious without meaning to be • Easily Distracted • Emotional

Out of all the Ambassadors, Vunora faces a unique struggle. Not only is she a different race and a mage, she has spent her entire life deep within the forest raised by other Dalish. Their clan, the world around her, and her people's history are all she knows. She is child-like amongst the others, and thus- is prone to say improper things around mixed company without an inkling that it was wrong. She follows her passions and can be considered reckless and impulsive.


O T H E R ~

The Keeper hesitated to send her, but after discussing it with several other Keepers they all agreed that Vunora knew more of their people's languages and stories than even some of the Keepers. She had absorbed her culture to the core and could almost speak the old tongue that so many others had lost. It needed to be her who went to represent and spread their culture, while also learning from Morrigan what had been lost.

OTHER • And she sings too!


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NAME Numerious Agorix


B A S I C S ~

NAME • Numerious Agorix


AGE • 31


SEXUALITY • Heterosexual

RACE • Human

HOME COUNTRY • Marnus Pell, Tevinter Imperium

Rank/Job • Magister within the Magisterium & Ambassador to the Inquisition

L O O K S ~

HEIGHT • 6'1

WEIGHT • 217

EYE COLOR • Hazel (A mix of brown and green)

HAIR • Brown dark, smoothed back, neck length

CLASS • Mage

WEAPON & ARMOR • See image

FORMER OCCUPATION • Altus: A mage within the imperium but not part of the Magisterium

P E R S O N A ~


Open Minded: Forward Thinking: Knowledgeable : Tactical : Strong : Passionate


Hot Temper : Secretive : Self Critical : Critical : Biased : Strongly Opinionated

Numerious or Nix to some. Numerious is your typical Tevinter at first glance, putting up face in order to save it publicly while behind close doors he's quite full of scheming and plotting. But unlike his brothers and sisters in the magisterium, Numerious is looking to strengthen the resistance to the Tevinter ways, bring forth control and stability within the imperium while strengthening his lands relations with other nations. Though you'd hard to find him consorting with Qunari easily and willingly as some things just can't be changed for the better.

Due to this Numerious doesn't appear Kind without reason while in public eye. Least not fully anyway. Nix believes his rough exterior and bastard aura can be useful in safeguarding his plans, survive his homelands politics and keep him strong moving forward. Of course, it's not to say he's always a bastard.... Just when he sees fit and many eyes are prying on the view. In a word.......



O T H E R ~

HISTORY • Son of Arcadus Agorix, Grandson of Quintus Agorix and Great Grandson of Sextus Agorix while Brother to Tiberius Agorix and Nephew of Alexandra Agorix. The line of his family runs deep in the blood of Tevinter, it's very heart centered around the many lines of magic gifted families and the Agorix are but just one such line. Numerious grew up made to understand the importance of magic, the importance of history and the importance of status and power. He didn't receive a easy path to becoming part of the magisterium and succeeding his father, No...... He was forced to rival his brother and prove he was he more powerful mage. Because power to the Agorix line was both in power itself and knowledge with both being necessary to survive and reign strong within the imperium of Tevinter.

Numerious did indeed come to prove himself in near deathly battle that pitted him against his own brother. But it wasn't a pretty sight.... Tiberius came to resent his younger brother for the feat and his own mother disowned him though such dissension is well hidden within the family vault of secrets. Numerious however learned to care little, he lost his baby sister when she was hardly a month old, losing two more members of his family through more, lesser reasons were gone unfazed by him. The older he got after all proved to have hardly little to surprise him.

Meanwhile his status grew from Altus to family successor in the magisterium. He went from newly crowned Magister to now Ambassador to the Inquisition. Numerious was rising as he planned, slowly but quickly rising to power and placing himself just where he would need. After all becoming the Archon wasn't necessarily required to pull off his safe gaurded plans for his countryman and the future of Tevinter.

Regardless of his relationship to his family, Numerious who is called Nix by some, remains the figure head of House Agorix. Pulling strings, casting ideals, cementing alliances, strengthening others if not building from scratch in certain cases. All the while fending off enemies to him and his house. He's Numerious Agorix and if your wondering what to expect........... You'll be hard won to discover the truths about him and harder still to know what to expect from this particular Tevinter Magister.

OTHER • Numerious has on Occasion been tempted by more then women. But he will not admit such times as that would prove foolish for a man in his status.

He's a unrecognized Scholar of history. Despite his vast resources and ability to delegate such tasks and readings through history and it's discoveries, Numerious often does such looking, reading and expeditions himself. His would be due to his thirst for knowledge and the truth behind every aspect in history, it's his own form of addiction and obsession.

A difficult person to read and harder to press for information. Numerious doesn't divulge Intel easily unless it benefits him in some way. Nor would his own true history be discovered without great measures taken and obstacles, illusions and many facades being over come and survived. Numerious takes his security and the security of his family quite seriously as well as Tevinters.


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B A S I C S:

NAME • Serenity Alabast

NICKNAME • Ice Queen, Snowflake, Ice Princess

AGE • 18





Rank/Job • Princess/noble, Ice Mage

Much of Serenity's past has to a great impact on her job and rank since that is the current case I can't go into too much depth here as that would be a very pig spoiler.

L O O K S:


WEIGHT110 lbs


HAIR • Her hair is 5 feet and 7 inches long, golden blonde and very soft. She keeps it well maintained and usually down or braided if it becomes necessary. With so much hair she is able to do just about any hair style except short, ha ha ha.

CLASSArcane warrior but classified as mage


Ice Staff: It's specialty is ice boosts and one that Serenity was able to make for the most part by infusing her own magic into it.

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Ice Blades:

Two swords that she had become quite attached to and became proficient with during her training and practices. During her travels she found them in a cave/ruin that had elven influence. When she picked them up, they were ice cold to the touch and found they both had icy "souls" to them and matched both her specialty and spirit.
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I found that images speak louder than words so here:


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CURRENT OCCUPATION • Ambassador for rogue Mages and the Circle Mages to the inquisition

P E R S O N A:


Calm • Persuasive • Compassionate • Humble • Quiet • Open Minded • Brave • Freethinking • Skilled-Ice Mage • Introverted


Quiet • Passionate • Opinionated • Frugal • Outspoken • Compulsive • Strong-willed • Informal • Self-Indulgent • Daring

She is a very kind person and likes to help others when she can but she will protect herself from those who are too ignorant of magic and wish to either lock her up or make her tranquil. She is generally very calm but you touch certain subjects and she becomes the ice queen and will drop everything and leave before she uses her magic out of anger. On the whole, she is kind, sweet, warm, and caring but she does posses a touchy side and will get angry and enraged if the situation calls for it.

RELATIONSHIPS • She has none to speak of but she leaves an impression wherever she goes. She does not consider her father or mother or any siblings family as they gave her up because she was a mage. So she decided it would be better not to have any relationships, friends or otherwise. She leaves an impression and a reputation but other than that no one to call more than an acquaintance.

GOALS • Just to find a home of her own, no matter what they say about mages. She refuses to go to the tower or be made tranquil and refuses to accept that her family is the one she is stuck with.

O T H E R:

Serenity was born to a royal family that less than loved her and raised her to be who she was but when she was found to have magic and an affiliation especially with ice magic at a very young age she was called to the circle and she went after bidding her family farewell but the mages in the circle all seemed like they were prisoners and she didn't want to be like them. Her family didn't raise her to be like that and would not let them change her. So, while the Templars kept vigil and clearly watching her, after a year, she escaped by making a bridge/slide of ice and escaped. Even with her philactary they could not catch her. She was a child but she was clever. She knew they would come after her time and again and she would one day secure a way to break her philactary or get permission to leave wherever she wanted to be.

When she was a teenager, she met up with a Templar recruit but he seemed different than the rest. He wasn't cold to mages and he even seemed to be friendly with them. They quickly became friends even though they were supposed to be on opposite sides and knowing what each other was. He was kind enough to help her find her vile of blood and break it so she could not be tracked anymore. After that the boy abandoned his post to leave with her and they traveled to many places and watched each other's backs and even went so far as to help ailing villages from impending darkspawn. Their skills and talents didn't go unnoticed. While she became the Ice Queen, he became the Fire King as their reputations grew but unfortunately like all real stories, it came to an end one day when the knight got sick and perished in battle, leaving Serenity alone once more.

About a year later she tried to find her family and find them she did and they took her in but they were not the kindest of people to say the least. They were cruel to her and hid her magic from anyone who asked. Her father had two older daughters and three elder sons whom he loved to death but Serenity was left out of the circle of love because she was a mage and she resembled their departed mother so much and they blamed her for her death. It was not true but they needed some sort of scape goat and she was it. The brothers would treat her pretty badly and do almost anything they wanted with her to relief their stresses and the sisters picked on her mercilessly and made her their personal maid while the king, if she stepped even a small centimeter out of line, would beat her severely, even in front of guests. Now, in order to get in good with the inquisition in Skyhold, she was a bargaining chip to offer them something they didn't value personally but acted like she did, just to get in good with the Inquisitor.


OTHER • Her guilty pleasure is anything sweet, warm, fluffy or cuddly. She also loves music and singing. She can't pass up any opportunity to sing (and she's really good at it), even in front of people. She has a great voice but is kind of shy about it. Due to roaming around she learned to speak Elfish and even some songs that she loves to sing when she's alone.


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"Just Sandro, please."








Rank/Job •


"I hope the scar doesn't scare you... or give you any idea."

6 ft 2

WEIGHT • lbs
176 lbs

Dark brown



Though he can fight with many weapon such as sword, bow and axes, his weapon of choice would his personal blade, a one sided steel blade
His signature outfit includes a red jacket that covers the white shirt inside, with black gloves, black pants and boots. He also wears an utility belt on his chest to keep many of his tools, gadget and personal items.

"It's never hurt being extra careful."

Calm • Careful • Calculating • Disciplined • Decisive • Patient

Ruthless • Workaholic • Perfectionist • Intolerant • Secretive • Practical

Alessandro once were stated by the Queen of Antiva to be one of the most calculated man in all Antiva. He doesn't speak much and always keeps his card until the very end. Though he's seem to be always so slow and calm, he always ahead of his enemy.
In business, you will see he's the kind of man who thinks of probably everything that could possibly happen and have a way to deal with them. He's also a very disciplined man, always professional on his duty and feels bothered when someone isn't.
Toward his enemy, he tends to be patient and tactical instead of just rush in to finish them fast. He would never lower his defense and got caught unless he found himself a safety retreat. His favorite strategy is counter attacking.
Though he cant always show it, Sandro has great caring over his friends and loved one. It's come to a point where he become overprotective toward them and can be controlling.

Princesses Miranda of Antiva - Guardian.

"In Antiva, all we do is kill."

Royal Bodyguard/Leader of The Owls of Antiva.

Toward the situation when the most lethal assassin in all Thedas - The Crow - dominated and spread their shadow across Antiva, the Queen of Antiva had to come to a solution. She formed a secret organization to be personal bodyguard for her royal family of Antiva again the Crow, it was called The Owls of Antiva. Their job was to protect the royal family from assassination, but sometimes following orders they would hunt down the Crow's assassins. The Owls, like their rival, worked mostly in the dark, though they had a master, the Queen herself. Alessandro was the first leader of the Owl. As a calculated and ruthless man, he successfully protected the Queen and family through many assassination attempts from the Crow. During that time, the Owl led by Alessandro was one of the Crow's biggest difficulty to influence Antiva's politic, they became one of the first effective anti-assassination organization in Antiva.

The Queen of Antiva had two daughter, her first daughter Maria and her second daughter Miranda, just a little child. It was after the Owl had been active for 10 years that the Queen passed away due to old age. After she died, the tension started to rise as the throne was empty. The competitions were just not only from the children of the Queen but many powerful family in Antiva wanted the throne. To that situation, the first daughter, Maria, bold and ruthless, had made a deadly decision to make sure that she's going to be Queen. She connected with the Crow of Antiva and put contracts over the head of everyone who could be her potential competitor for the throne... That's included her only sister Miranda. Her plan was a success across Antiva as many of political and royal figures in Antiva met their maker.

Fortunately, Alessandro was there when assassins charged into Miranda's room, wanted to kill the young child. As his true duty was to protect the members of the Antiva royal family, he took little Miranda away, fought his way from number of assassins and escape. For the next few years, he and the girl ran away from cities to cities, escape many assassination attempts, ran away from the sister that wanted to hunt down her own little sibling. Alessandro eventually led her to Skyhold, where he believed that they would be safe and that the Inquisition would help the situation of the Antivan Civil War. The Inquisitor took them into Skyhold with the price that is Alessandro's service as their Spymaster.

- He plays his role as Spymaster for the Inquisition well with his agents from the Owls of Antivan.
- Princess Miranda is a 15 years old girl who's currently under Alessandro's protection. Normally she would be found either by his side or study in the library of Skyhold.


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Keenan Dunmar


B A S I C S ~

NAME • Keenan


AGE • 28



RACE • Human

HOME COUNTRY • Anderfels

Rank/Job • Grey Warden

L O O K S ~

HEIGHT • 6'5"

WEIGHT • 205lbs

EYE COLOR • Moss green ringed with a darker shade

HAIR • Light brown and shoulder-length. Often disheveled from being stuffed in a helmet.

CLASS • Warrior (duel swords)


FORMER OCCUPATION • Farmer/ artisan

P E R S O N A ~


Diligent • Loyal • Honorable • Kind • Courageous


Niave • Melancholic • Reserved • Prejudiced • Stubborn

Keenan was at Adamant, a loyal soldier doing what he was told. Everything within him screamed that it was wrong, so when the Inquisitor turned the tide he joined them gladly. Because of the happenings at Adamant Keenan is plagued by guilt, both for following such an inane plan and for turning against his brothers and sisters in the battle. This can make him a bit of a dreary person to engage with sometimes, though once he is convinced to let his guard down you will find the gentle, life-loving farm boy he once was. Keenan has no love for Tevinter or its mages. His village was once raided by the men of a nearby Vint lord looking for easy targets to include in his blood magic rituals. He holds Tevinter responsible for the happenings at Adamant and will generally make no effort to hide his animosity. Keenan is cautious around other mages, though tries very hard not to show prejudice. Adamant was scarring however and he can't help but flinch when spells are cast close to him.
Keenan has a sense of humour, buried by guilt as it is and if the mood is light he has been known to make jokes and laugh with others. He is generally composed, however his dog Bluebell is such a loving and excited soul she can often pull him into the silliest of dispositions, ones that involve baby-talking and giggles.


O T H E R ~

Until he was 20 Keenan grew up in a little nowhere village on the border of Tevinter in the Anderfel mountains. His village was famous for a unique type of gold adornment that was crafted from the metals obtained from Dawrvish merchants that traveled through the area. Keenan was mastering the art of farming and making these unique pieces when darkspawn attacked his home. He killed three and together with the most able-bodied of the village he drove them off. The attack took it's toll however as Keenan soon after became infected with the blight. The wardens, having recieved word of the attack came to question the villagers and chase down the fleeing darkspawn. They found Keenan and, assessing his bravery in the attack offered him the only choice they could. Keenan became a Grey Warden and left his mother and younger brother for Weisshaupt. He trained for 8 years, hunting darkspawn and protecting people. The life suited him and most times he felt the early death waiting for him was not such a high price to pay. He became proud to be a warden and for a few short years, he felt his life held a truly great purpose. Then the call came. Like the rest of the wardens Keenan was terrified, but he was prepared to die, as the others were. Looking back he feels a burning shame every time he thinks how easily he was manipulated. After the inquisition's intervention Keenan pledged to spend the remainder of his years making amends. He can never again take pride in being what he is and has resigned himself to the looks of fear and disgust he now receives wearing the armour of a Grey Warden, still he is determined to regain some of the lost nobility in what he does. When the message came from the inquisition that they were looking for a representative from the wardens Keenan leapt at the chance, and, being one of the few remaining wardens more than 8 years joined he was picked to go.

OTHER • On one of his patrols in Ferelden he saved a village much like his own from being devastated by darkspawn. In thanks they gave him a mabari puppy which has grown into a fine two-year old dog. Bluebell is slate-grey with white striped markings painted on her back and face. She is friendly to nearly anyone, and must be ordered to attack unless the enemy is a darkspawn.


"in War, Victory, In Peace, Vigilance, in Death, Sacrifice."

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[Died during the battle of Redcliffe against the Ferelden Frostback]

B A S I C S ~

NAME • Rashaan
Formally Ashara Alhavelan


AGE • 36

GENDER • Female

SEXUALITY • Bisexual

RACE • Elf formaly Dalish

HOME COUNTRY • Exalted Plains

Rank/Job • Quinari "Ambassador" to Inquisition

L O O K S ~

HEIGHT • 5'9"

WEIGHT • 43kg

EYE COLOR • Dark Brown

HAIR • Shoulder length, straight

CLASS • Rogue


Dalish Hunter, Ben-Hassrath agent

P E R S O N A ~


Humorous • Observant • Loyal • Passionate • Intelligent • secretly caring


Secretive • Calculating • Ruthless • Deceiving • Manipulating

A hard one to place a particular personality to as she switches and adjust her personality constantly to match her situation and needs. Which make her difficult to read precisely, unsure if an act of kindness is genuine or just a mean to an end. Really she does show both great care and ruthlessness with a strong sense of end justified means and a seemingly unyielding belief in the Quin.

Vunora- Same clan Oenanthe Oenanthe

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Endymion Tasuki

templar logo.png
B A S I C S ~

NAME • Endymion Tasuki

NICKNAME • Tasuki or Fire King

AGE • 20



RACE • Human


Rank/Job • Ambassador for the Rebel Templars and Mages

L O O K S ~

HEIGHT • 6'7"

WEIGHT • 205lbs

EYE COLOR • Golden

HAIR • a burning and fiery red that is only a few inches long but long enough to get into his eyes once in a while and to run fingers threw and grip.

CLASS • Warrior (Sword and Shield)


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FORMER OCCUPATION • Templar, Rouge Templar

P E R S O N A ~


Diligent • Loyal • Honorable • Kind • Brave


Opinionate • Quick-tempered • Prideful • Socially Awkward • Stubborn


Tasuki is diligent and honorable to a fault. He is a farm-boy at heart but he has no idea where he was born as he was given to the chantry at birth and knew no other life. He exceled at his studies as well as the physical training. He was one of the very few Templars that refused to drink lyrium as he had seen what it could do to even the sharpest of minds so he remains as far from the stuff as possible. He is a gentile heart that longs to protect and serve. When he was given the task of watching mages, his eyes began to open and see things that normal people could never imagine. It filled him with wonder and understanding. Sympathy became comradery within the walls became his second nature and this never left his spirit.

RELATIONSHIPS • None. He knew Serenity but because of what happened all ties were cut.

O T H E R ~


Born to an unknown family, the chantry was all the young boy knew from the day he was born to the age of seven when he was to begin his training as a Templar. He showed great promise young and so they took him young and watched as he grew into a fine recruit. As the years passed he became stronger and smarter than his older comrades and was made into a knight at an early age and sent to a circle to watch over some mages.

Once there, though, his eyes were quickly opened to see that the mages were slightly oppressed and he didn't like how they were treated. He even met a girl a few years younger than himself and had a cold composition. She opposed his personality but they got along very well. She was cold and he was hot. Opposites attracted and he had one day wished he could be with her but it was forbidden and it was just something they couldn't do in the circle. The day eventually came when he saw how a fellow Templar was treating her he stood up for her and protected her. He then snuck her into the vault where her phylactery was being kept and gave it to her so they could not track her. He basically gave her freedom. She then took his hand and they escaped together. Never once looking back.

A couple of years passed and they came into their own together. They became known as the polar rulers. He the Fire King and she the Ice Queen. They became very close though one day he got very sick and he did not want to drag her down so, in order to free her from the bond of friendship, he faked his death on the battlefield and separated from her.

Unable to be alone for very long he returned to the chantry and the Templar order. He was welcomed back as he was the most talented in many lands and his reputation only helped him engraceiate himself into their debts He was taken back without a word of protest. He never forgot his friend though, and because he could not stand the way the mages are still being treated he took a few of the mages from the circle that were treated worst and escaped with them. Because of his status, strength, knowledge and natural leader personality he became the leader for the rebel group of mages and defective Templars. Now he is going to represent them at Skyhold for the Inquisitor.

OTHER • He has a sever allergy to strawberries but an addiction to blueberries.
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Inquisitor Maximilian Trevelyan



B A S I C S ~

NAME • Maximilian Trevelyan


AGE • 34


SEXUALITY • Demi-Pansexual

RACE • Human


Rank/Job • Inquisitor

L O O K S ~

HEIGHT • 6'2"

WEIGHT • 240


HAIR • Black, Shaved Close

CLASS • Warrior


FORMER OCCUPATION • Nobleman- Almost Templar

P E R S O N A ~


Kind • Brave • Well Spoken • Calm • Honorable


Total Dork • Easily Thrown Off • Passive • Shy • Idealistic


Max to many is a symbol of hope and power. He inspires the common person and prompts action from the rich. But deep underneath his superhero exterior, is a big, nerdy, EGG. The kind of person who gets overly excited about a new book and shamefully conceals his childhood stuffed animal. He is a gentle soul who just wants what is best for the world.

Juliana "June-Bug" Trevelyan - Daughter - Age 7

O T H E R ~




"Whatever we were before, We are now the Inquisition."

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Evelyn 'Evie' Faux



"Every face wears a mask."
✸B A S I C S✸

NAME • Evelyn Faux

NICKNAME • Evie, Daffodil

AGE • 30

GENDER • Female

SEXUALITY • Bisexual

RACE • Human

HOME COUNTRY • Val Royeaux, Orlais

Rank/Job • Assassin/Spymaster

Class • Rogue

✸L O O K S✸

HEIGHT • 5'8"

WEIGHT • 130-140lbs


HAIR • Light ash blonde, roughly falling mid back. Usually clipped up with two braided strands wrapped overhead. Her bangs are free and brush to the right side of her part.


FORMER OCCUPATION • Handmaiden/Servant

✸P E R S O N A✸



Adaptable • Honorable • Logical • Tactful • Clever


Vindictive • Cynical • Unpredictable • Stubborn

Evelyn is a complex young lady. She's very devoted to her duties and takes her line work very seriously. She's not a woman easy to read, as she uses to her advantage. With such, it's almost as if she can be two completely different people. On one side, she is very approachable and warm-hearted; charming as a means to get whatever it is her little heart desires. On the other, she can be harsh and aloof; detached. However, all is dependent on her position and where she stands. Which either makes her a dangerous enemy or helpful ally. Among those who have heard of her, have heard her compared to that of an angel and another's who's pride wounded, a snake. Evelyn looks out for herself and what is beneficial for her. There is an elegance to her and she proves to be rather passionate about certain topics (ie: politics, religion, race). She seems to live in a very black and white world - having grown up in and has made her who she is. There is a soft spot in her heart for children and animals.


✸O T H E R✸


HISTORY • Much of Evelyn's past is unknown to most, even her. She has gathered was she was born to a noble woman who had an affair with a servant. Unable to bear such an atrocity, Evelyn was abandoned in Val Royeaux's Alienage where an Elven couple brought her to a knight on patrol. For a majority of her childhood, all up until she was around eleven, she was raised by the Chantry. She was then ushered to work for the Imperial Palace as a servant.

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B A S I C S ~

NAME • Valerie

NICKNAME • Val, Valley

AGE • 21

GENDER • Female

SEXUALITY •Heterosexual

RACE • Human


Rank/Job • Ash Warrior

L O O K S ~

HEIGHT • 5''6

WEIGHT • 127lbs


HAIR • Black

CLASS • Warrior

Main Image ->


P E R S O N A ~


Devoted • Honest • Focus • Courteous •


• Hardened • Contemptuous • Aggression • Doubtful.

Valerie can be savage but she will always have a pretty face. She will seem mysterious at first but she not too hard to read once spending a good amount of time with her. Valerie is strong-willed who always has a polite feminine tone, not always easy to persuade as she normally gets her own ideas but if you earn her trust she can be extremely loyal and an amazing companion to have at your side.


O T H E R ~


Her father was the leader of the Ash Warriors who join the battle in Ostagar, she remained with her mother until the Darkspawn shows up. Valarie's mother began getting extremely ill and she soon couldn’t leave her bed. They live in Haven and when it was engulfed by dark spawn like Lothering she had to leave. Grabbing the puppy they were raising and she ran for her life, leaving her mother behind as she asked.

After this it not really know what happened to her, she grew up, found a horse and her Mabari known as Ottis now always followed her. She picked up some fighting tips on the way and learned in horrifying experience but not by herself, it why she was alive today.

Once the horde of Dark Spawn calm down and a new threat appears, which was near her old home Haven and that was the rift in the sky she ushered home.

To begin her next chapter in life!

OTHER • Because of she an Ash Warrior she comes along with a Mabari who she names Ottis.


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NAME Ayen Levallen


B A S I C S ~

NAME • Ayen Levallen

NICKNAME • Teacher

AGE • 30


SEXUALITY • Heterosexual

RACE • Dalish


Rank/Job • Ambassador for the Circle of Magi

L O O K S ~

HEIGHT • 5'6

WEIGHT • 160

EYE COLOR • Deep ocean blue eyes

HAIR • Long silver hair, usually in a ponytail.

CLASS • Mage

WEAPON & ARMOR • Staff of Firedrake and Reinforced Battle Armor


P E R S O N A ~


Listener • Focused • Calm • Observer • Kind


Has trouble expressing his emotions. • Workaholic • Passive • Doesn't take risks •


Ayen tends to keep to himself. However his students and First Enchanter Irving would say that Ayen is kind and very patient. Good qualities for a teacher to have, especially teaching young children with magical abilities. He genuinely wants to see his students thrive in their magic and lessons and is always willing to give extra lessons if necessary. However he is also so in control over his emotions that he hardly expresses himself ever.

RELATIONSHIPS • First Enchanter Irving was probably his closest friend however he would be forever grateful for Duncan for recruiting him to become a Grey Warden.

O T H E R ~

HISTORY • Ayen was originally the Keeper for Clan Levallen when he was twenty. Then some local villagers stumbled upon their camp. Instead of killing them, they let them return to their village. Only to be thanked by the villagers coming to attack them. In order to give his clan more time to escape Ayen made the decision to stay behind and fight them with his magic. Eventually over powered the villagers he was given to the Templars and dragged into the Circle of Magi.

After accepting his fate and learning the ways of the Circle he quickly excelled in his lessons, passed his Harrowing, and steadily grew his way up in the ranks as Senior Enchanter. Then Duncan came and offered him to become a Grey Warden, an offer that Ayen couldn't refuse. Ayen became a Grey Warden and helped defeat the Fifth Blight. After that he went back to the Circle wanting to reform how the Circle operated.

He strongly believed that young children needed proper teaching of how to use their magic. He did not agree with keeping them in the tower for the rest of their lives. If the students could pass their Harrowing and pass their lessons they should be free to return to their homes. A radical thought according to the Chantry but Ayen stuck with the Circle until they asked him to be the Ambassador for the Circle of Magi. Ayen accepted and headed off to the next chapter of his life.



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"You are your father's daughter."
✸B A S I C S✸

NAME • Kyra Jerriken

NICKNAME • Moonchild

AGE • 21

GENDER • Female

SEXUALITY • Heterosexual

RACE • Avvarian

HOME COUNTRY • Ferelden, Frostback Basin

Rank/Job • Hunter/Ambassador of the Avvar

Class • Rogue - Ranger

✸L O O K S✸

HEIGHT • 5'6"

WEIGHT • 130 - 140 lbs

EYE COLOR • Deep Blue

HAIR • Kyra's hair falls roughly mid-back.She has dark brown, almost black, hair. It's thick and heavily matted, twisted into dreads. In some cases, she has various paint colored in; most times being white. She also has an assortment of feathers and beads spread throughout her hair.

WEAPON & ARMOR • Tribal || Combat || Casual || Weapon 1 || Weapon 2

FORMER OCCUPATION • Huscarl{Thane's personal guard}

✸P E R S O N A✸



Assertive • Versatile • Expressive • Adventerous • Cooperative


Impulsive • Sarcastic • Stubborn • Resentful • Distant

Kyra is a little rough around the edges; as described by her tribes Thane. However, she is spoken very highly of despite her shortcomings. Most people, even within her own tribe, don't give Kyra a second glance as her intimidating stare seems to deter those who wish to interact with her. She's a serious individual, not to say she doesn't have a sense of humor - though be it rare to see. Only those who are close to her, have seen such expressions. She's rather nonchalant in her mannerisms and tends to not think too much of what others think of her, given the Avvarian history. That's not to say that she brushes off everything so casually. She's been known to bust a few noses and not batt an eye. She's been known to be a little rebel among her tribe and often seen causing trouble with her curious antics. Often sneaking out at night to hunt and gaze at the moon - hence her title among her brethren.


Delan is a Dwarf from Orzammar - a casteless. He doesn't speak much or at all. Usually mumbling or using head motions to get his points or moods across. He's very expressive. Kyra had found him among her travels, being attacked by drakes, she took it upon herself to help him. Finding it curious that he didn't speak. To this day, she doesn't question it and seems to be the only one who truly understands him. He's also one of the only people who can genuinely amuse Kyra. She's found he is a gifted Smither and can make incredible heavy armor and shields.

Nibblet is the group pet. His name coming from Kyra - the main being because he has a nasty habit of eating through people's knickers. Delan brought him up from Orzammar when he rushed to the surface. Nibblet was the real reason why Delan was being tracked by the Drakes. Kyra has taken that Nibblet is extremely important to Delan - maybe even assuming as far as that he was to be a gift for a child that is no longer with him.

Kyra's grandmother. She's currently the eldest member of the tribe and considered to be everyone's grandmother. She dotes on the children and likes to take long strolls. There is a mystery around her - something Kyra has picked up over the years. Kyra believed she was magical when she was a small girl - and there are hints that she maybe a Hedge Mage.

✸O T H E R✸


Kyra grew up in Stone-Bear Hold and has ever since been with her tribe. She's ventured far though she always comes back home. To her, home had always been with her tribe. Her views on the world were skewed at a young age when she saw her father killed before her eyes. Killed by a group of rogue Hakkonites. Her mother had passed away during childbirth, leaving her to her grandmother on her father's side. It's believed that she hails from their tribe's founder Ivar Jerriken. Something the tribe had always held over her head when she was a small child. The name carried weight, and it was the hope that her father would take the title of Thane before his untimely death. Svarah had come to be her mentor of sorts, taken up after her where her grandmother couldn't. In her teens, she took to being Svarah's second. Becoming a personal guard and one of the head hunters of the tribe to help fend for her brethren.

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~Under construction and editing refinement~


B A S I C S ~

NAME • Sul Ornay

NICKNAME • Little Sun

AGE • 25

GENDER • Biological Female. Genderfluid. Male pronouns.

SEXUALITY • Bisexual ( Leans towards male companion )

RACE • Qunari


Rank/Job • Archer > Arishok > Quinari-Quin

L O O K S ~


WEIGHT • 120lbs

EYE COLOR • Teal ringed by a darker hue of blue

HAIR • Cocoa brown hair with lighter parts sprinkled across his braided dreads. Has two big braids that lay on either side of his neck. Rest is dreaded and goes to about the small of his back. Other small braids are amoung the dreads. Normally adorned with golden jewelry or feathers

CLASS • Archer - Spear for close combat

WEAPON & ARMOR • Long white and gold spear. White and gold longbow


FORMER OCCUPATION • Former Ariqun in his homeland
P E R S O N A ~


Loyal • Determined • A good ally • Holds tradition • Clever with words


• Doesn't like to get dirty• Bit spoiled • Not too keen on killing dragons • Small frame, not very strong


Sul is kind of a prissy man that worries alot about how he holds himself. Being in politics, he likes the fancier things in life and holds them to a high standard. Can get very sassy and passionate on what he loves and believes in. Holds relationships and allies very highly and is willing to fight for good friends.

Max - Inquisitor - Respects him as an ally and admires him of what he has seen.

O T H E R ~

HISTORY • Sul was one of the head Arishok back home, specializing in strategic approaches and organizing attacks. He himself wasnt much of a fighter but donned a bow and spear when needed. He liked to stay in the backlines, leaving the blood for the rest of his fellow Qunari.
Moving to Orlais with a small band of Qunari to Thedas, he provided a link to local government and made alliances with villages and such to help them get on their feet.

Hearing that people were starting to gather back up in Skyhold, he took a small band of willing Quanari and set his ways there in hopes to getting a foothold in the political standings.


•Doesn't like to wear shoes for some reason. The only reason you would see him in shoes is when he absolutely needs them. ( Ex: Attending a ball on political terms )

•Uses crumbled up mineral to give himself a glow on his skin, making him look more bronze and clean

•Seen as feminine in his ways and how he walks and dresses


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