Story Drabble from a Shadow and Bone RP


32 • NB • EST time zone
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Just a little drabble from a magnificent Shadow and Bone RP I'm lucky enough to be in!

The ship ride to Ketterdam had been rough - the weather had been difficult, storms had plagued their journey and Ruza had spent much of her time in the hold being sick. Her illness was only partially due to the tossing of the ship, as she had reached into herself and ruined a part of her. It had been bloody, it had been painful - but it was better than the alternative.

Far better.

When they finally docked in Kerch, Ruza had slipped away into the depths of the city, her head down, her body aching. Blood still trickled from between her legs on occasion, but no one paid her any mind. She'd covered her Kefta in a "borrowed" cloak, the hood pulled low to hide her unusual eyes.

She wasn't afraid.

But there was much to fear here.

She slipped down an alley way and leaned against the wall, pausing to take a shaking breath and wipe some blood from her ankle. She needed to see a Healer, but she had no idea where to find one, here in the bottom of the Barrel. Her own skills were simply not up to par to deal with the damage she had done to herself, and she could feel weakness settling into her bones.

If she didn't find someone to help her soon, she would bleed to death in the streets. An ignominious death, and one she would not allow to befall her. Ruza took a moment and focused, trying to stem the flow of blood and heal the mangled bits of flesh inside her. She could feel something knitting back together, but it wasn't enough. Her face was pale and a sheen of sweat mixed with the misting of rain on her cheeks. She pushed herself off the wall of the alley and staggered slightly, but pulled herself together and moved down the brick paved narrow walkway, one hand against the wall, a thin trail of blood left in her wake.

Ruza had no idea where she was going.

She followed the alleyway for a while, the path twisting and turning until it opened up into a sort of circle, surrounded on all sides by tall buildings.

A dead end. Ruza exhaled sharply and looked around, trying to figure out where she could go from here.

Suddenly, a shout stopped her short and she slipped back into the alley where she had come from, pulling her hood down to hide her face.

A huge man, dressed in furs and carrying what appeared to be a great axe, rushed down another alley into the circular space Ruza had just left. His hair and beard were brilliant red, his eyes wild and aggressive. He whirled on the spot, hefting his axe in both hands and let out a shout in Fjërdan.

"*Come get me yae bastards!"*

Ten men seemed to manifest out of the rainy gloom, slowly approaching the giant as he looked between them all with a nearly rabid expression. It was only then that Ruza noticed he was bleeding; a bullet wound in his shoulder, and another in his thigh. His massive chest was heaving, and his hands gripped the axe like it was a life line.

"Come on now, big fella," one of the other men called, raising his pistol and aiming at the giant, "We're just looking out for ya!" There was a *crack* as the pistol went off, and the giant staggered, his left shoulder lurching backwards as another bullet pierced the furs there. A spurt of brilliant blood splattered against the brick, already washing away due to the rain.

Ruza looked between the men, her sharp gaze assessing; calculating.

The Fjërdan raised his axe and roared, near manic rage in his pale eyes.
The other men laughed, the sound cruel and sharp, and raised their pistols in turn.

Ruza flicked her fingers.

As one, the pistols were lowered. As one, the men at the end of the alleyway staggered, dropped to their knees, fell to the ground. Hats fell off, faces crunched against the brick, and everything went still.

The giant Fjërdan blinked and looked at his assailants, his axe still raised, waiting for them to get back to their feet.

Nothing happened.

He lowered his weapon, cocking his head in confusion. Ruza, her fingers still crooked, stepped out of the alleyway. The giant turned on a dime towards her, his axe flashing out but stopping just short of her chest.

His eyes, as wild and intelligent as that of a wolf, narrowed.

"*Drüske...*" He said slowly, eyeing her as if she would bite him. Ruza slowly raised her hands and removed her hood, looking into the man's eyes with calm assurance.

"*Call me what you will, but I just saved your life.*" She said in perfect Fjërdan, and the giant scowled. He did not immediately attack, instead, he examined her closely, his sharp eyes flicking across her face and then down her body before coming back up.

He dropped his axe to his side and straightened up.

"*That you did.*" He said, and then nodded towards her leg, where more blood had soaked into her sock. "*You need a healer."*

Ruza's lips thinned and she gave a nod.

"*Do you know where to find one?*"

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