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Suggestion Downloading Threads


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I like to archive my writing, but copy/pasting my threads into docs is a  nightmare because none of the formatting is saved, so I have to go back and manually edit all of it in, plus correcting the spacing.

I'd propose a way for us to download our threads. I usually roleplay 1x1s in PMs, so my request is mostly for PMs, but I'm sure others have the same sentiment for other thread formats on this site.

Perhaps making it so only the owners/invited members of the thread can download them as a safety precaution? Not quite sure how public threads work, as they can be viewed by all, but I know that some protection has to be implemented.

Regardless, it would be an immense help if implemented!
Hi! This is a highly requested feature, but unfortunately we can not implement it with our current software.

It may be possible when we do software upgrades in the future, but no ETA as of now.
If this ever happens let me know. I’d absolutely love a feature like this. (:

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