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Multiple Settings Down to earth or up in space? (Doubling friendly)


Sun. Kil-ler. Sing. Me. To. Sleep
Giving you something about me:
  • 30 y/o
  • Third person, past tense
  • Something between 200 -1500 words per character pov
  • I am very keen and happy with doubling
  • Between a few posts per week to 1+ a day. Depending on mood & working schedule
  • Let's talk, gush, whatever is on the plate!
What I'm looking for:
  • You should be at least 18 or above. The closer to my age the better
  • Please be detailed in your replies and put honest effort in them
  • Not necessary, but liked - you are chatty too!
  • You are also creative and can come up with ideas, plots, whatever
Searching for:
  • Modern Slice of Life plots with a focus on Mafia / Yakuza this time!
  • Sci-Fi / Space Opera
  • Romance, Drama, Epicness, Chaos, Darkness. So many lovely things
  • I'm looking for a MxF pairing, with my main as female.
  • Happy to double and write the character you like
General Wordbank / Ideas:
  • Sappy ass romance
  • Head over heels but still slow burn
  • Poor / Wealthy
  • Social class differences
  • Rough exterior, soft core
  • Dark themes / high tension / Stress
  • Exploration and Mystery
  • Political games and intrigues
  • Low-Tech humanity in space
  • Legends, prophecies
  • Red strings, destined lovers
  • Obviously, all characters should be also at least 18+
  • Fine and happy with writing your premade oc's in case of doubling
  • Only real faceclaims. Or realistically drawn ones! (Sorry, but everything else breaks the immersion for me)
  • Pretty chill. Wont nudge nor force replies. I will check after a month (or so), to see if you are still interested
  • Having said that: I would consider myself ghost-friendly
  • But I get very invested into our story. A head's up would be much appreciated
  • Also, don't be afraid to nudge me with a different idea, if the current gets boring.
Idea one - Slice of Life, Mafia-esque

Character A is a high-ranking member of the Yakuza or Mafia. He runs his business in a metropole as you'd imagine. Stakes are high - drug smuggling, hushing and bribing authorities, trading forbidden goods such as stolen pieces of art, keeping their area under control and rivals out. For a delicate job, he has to be at the spot of crime himself. Things go according to plan - until they notice a bypasser that must have seen everything. The person slips from their grip and is quick to vanish into the night, posing a mortal threat to their organization.
For days they are searching for the person with the vague description and memory of looks.

Having finally locked eyes on the target, he's dragged into a karaoke bar. It is here where the cliché begins to kick in - he sees her and suddenly strongly dislikes the idea of simply silencing her. Instead, he convinces them that she may be valuable to their organization and does everything to pull her in while masking up what he actually does.

I am searching for someone writing Character A (:
I would only like to suggest a few faceclaims, rest of the character is/can be 100% up to you

Idea two - Space-Opera
I've been a huge Dune fan for quite a while. I also enjoyed Stanislaw Lem's Solaris and am currently devouring Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space series, and Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Safe to say I'm very fond of Sci-Fi / Space Opera as a whole.
I am most intrigued by things left vague and unsaid. Something that involves exploration of things that have already been there and have already happened. Keeping something like a first or second contact "realistic" - such as shown in the movie The Arrival. Make some species absolutely indifferent to human meddling and maybe humanity has spread so far across another that there are vast differences between them if they were to re-meet.

Long gone civilizations, deep horrors, legends and prophecies, all accompanied by a sense of mystique and fascination for the unknown. How would it be to explore deep space? Keep the stakes high with political affairs, uncertainty about warfare, and fight-or-flight situations. Mix into it some star-crossed, destined to meet lovers and - for me - the entire thing is perfect.

Just to point it out - I'm more interested in some kind of... Low-tech humanity? As in, AI hasn't reached singularity, nothing close to Androids. No alien x human or beast x human pairings still.
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I'm down to craft some kind of slow-burn romance about musicians 👀

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