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Down the Rabbit Hole

Hello RPNation, I'm a male roleplayer who's interested in starting up an original roleplay after a long absence in these types of things. Please excuse me if I'm rusty but I bet I'll regain my touch after a while. Anyways I'm looking for a long term partner who's interested in a broad spectrum of genres since this roleplay won't be your average kind.

The overall idea behind this roleplay is to include several stories rather than a sole plot to play out. I came up with the idea after watching the film Cloud Atlas but for the most part there's no need to actually watch it. If you're interested in embracing possibly six to seven different unique characters (It's an overkill I know but... It's different) then I'm your guy. If not I'll understand since it might be a little intimidating.

Some information about me is that I run on CST and have a social life outside of my little internet family, so I may be absent from time to time. Forgive me and if you ever feel like I'm neglecting the roleplay please tell me. Also I enjoy a little ooc chat here and there so don't bother being shy. I won't bite. My style consists of roleplaying in third person and I can write a paragraph or two each reply depending on what's happening. I wouldn't call myself advanced so don't hold it against me. Besides that go ahead and PM me so we can discuss details and any other information you may want. I'm new to this site so not all features are open to me yet.

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