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Realistic or Modern Dorm Diaries *°:⋆ₓₒ Main

Move in Day - September 2nd 2024
Welcome to University of Michigan (or welcome back) it’s that time of the year where you pack up your things at home and head over to the university dorms! Here all volunteers will be helping students move their things into the dorms and once you’re all set up be sure to check out the campus bowl for orientation! There’ll be some fun games, prizes, and all information desks you’ll need to get yourself up here!

Also - please ignore the super not cool Alpha Tau Omega party posters, that are for tonight, hanging up all around campus. Our cleaning crew are doing their best to take those all down…
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Primrose Wright
Prim was still debating if she was thrilled about being back or not. Her summer in Italy had been amazing if you took away that it had been a family vacation with her father and his new family; but at least she had done her own thing, so it hadn’t been that tragic and, well, the Italian men had some kind of charm that she wasn’t sure how the guys here could top.

But besides that, being back was almost as if the girl could breathe again. Prim was never the one who knew how to handle family situations, even less with her stepmother and step-siblings. She knew perfectly she was avoiding those connections; but when you grew up in a household where none of your parents asked about your day, it was difficult to reciprocate the warm greetings and amicable smiles that the new spouse of her father gave her. The same woman that was the reason her parents divorced.

Although one thing she didn’t miss was moving day, the excited families dropping off their children while the freshman looked like they were having the best day of their lives. A sentiment the young ballerina couldn’t agree with it.

The only thing Prim was looking for that day was the frat party, but that wasn’t happening later that night and until she had to unpack her belongings, the girl glanced at her suitcases; who was the idiot that assigned her to the third floor? Did they expect that she would be carrying everything as if she were some kind of wrestler? Well, the answer was definitely no. If there was one thing that the girl was an expert at next to ballet was convincing other people to do everything she didn’t want to do and this time it wasn’t the exception.

She took a glance around, deciding who would be her bellhop for the day. No one caught her interest until she spotted him walking casually in front of the building. A small smirk appeared on the girl’s face. He was the right person for it someone who was eye candy enough for Prim to enjoy their small interaction but still not a loser that would be head over heels after she spoke to him, the last thing she wanted was to have a guy drooling over her on the first day although if that wasn’t the case then there was something wrong with him.

Prim walked towards him, stopping him as she dabbed his shoulder.
“Hi, sorry to bother you, but I am struggling with my suitcases and I need to carry them to the third floor, and they are too heavy for me. I am sure you could help me carry them, don’t you?”
She said.
“I mean, look at you.”
She added in a flirty tone as her finger caressed his arm. If there was something that would make any man go weak was a girl acting like a damsel in distress and this guy was not the exception.
mood:hello there
outfit: here
location: university
interactions: Lizy Lizy
Madison Beer - Make You Mine

coded by Stardust Galaxy

  • filler

By the looks of it, Wash was excited to be moving back on campus. He was running around in circles, tail wagging and tongue hanging out from his mouth as he panted happily at any passerby. Normally, he was much better behaved than this, but occassionally his excitement got away from him. He was still a dog, after all. Salem thought it was incredibly cute, however, moving boxes into a building with a dog running rampant around your feet wasn't necessarily conucive to the whole movement thing.

"Washy-- quit dude. I know you're happy but this shit is irritating man." Salem sighed a heavy sort of sigh, trying to push their frustration out with their exhale. They stopped in their tracks and set the boxes down on the ground right outside of the building, thinking they ought to get their pup under control before they made their way up the stairs with a dog tangled between their legs. "Sit-- Wash sit!" Their loveable golden retreiver did just that, save for some thrilled little tippy-tappys of their paws. Salem ruffled the fur on his head and chuckled.

"Alright dude, stay calm now. We can be excited when I don't have boxes in my hands, okay?" Salem shook their head and rolled their eyes, but smiled lovingly right after. They adored Wash, he was an amazing dog. Couldn't have asked for a better emotial suppport animal. They pulled out their phone, curiously checking for any messages. Not that they were expecting any, but returning to achool could have inspired some messages from some friends of theirs. Or even their sister.

They scrolled a little through their messages, then decided to message someone they'd warmed up to last year quite a bit. They pulled up their messages with the darling Olivia Perez and typed out a message.

how goes the move in, sweets? wash is tooooo excited. guessing he remembers you're here.

They sent the message, then quickly shut their phone screen off and tucked their phone back into their pocket. They were eager to hurry up and get these boxes upstairs. They adjusted their backpack on their shoulders, then hoisted up the stack of three boxes they'd been carrying before. It was time to brave the stairs-- at least Wash seemed better behaved now.

salem wysocki

mentions: olivia p & olivia d

♡coded by uxie♡

  • filler

Alois's sister had dropped him off. Thank goodness. He hadn't really wanted to deal with his father on a day like this. Luckily for him, his father was away on a business trip, unfortunately with his mother in tow. He loved his mother. His father-- he feared him. Just the mere thought of him sent a little quiver down his spine. Eugh. He shook the thoguht of his father out of his mind as he waved goodbye to his sister. Miriam blew him a kiss as their car pulled away.

He felt a little pretentious with his designer luggage and the expensive car with a hired driver pulling away from the curb. That seemed to be his life. the rich spoiled kid. The guy destined to be the next president or whatever it was that his father wanted for him. He wrinkled his nose at the thought of it. Politics. Quite possibly the worst career path he could think of for himself.

He propped himself up, sitting on the top of his larger luggage, his arm resting on the extended long handle. He held his phone in his hand, the newest iphone with an expensive case, equally as pretentious as the rest of his life. His messages were open, and he was staring at a text chain between himself and Lacey, the amazing girl he'd spent all summer talking to. Exchanging messages, late night phone calls here and there. She was such a charming person, a ray of sunshine in his life that he hadn't expected. Thinking of her made him feel warm and oh no nice.

He found himiself thinking of her often, talking to her almost as often as that, but now found himself at a loss for words. Conversations that had seemed to easy at the beginning of the summer now contained erased messages and regrettable overthinking. In fact, he'd erased about five different messages since he'd arrived, and all he meant to do was update her on his presence at the school. They'd agreed to help eachother move in, after all. He was merely doing his duty-- it totally wasn't just about wanting to spend some time with her after growing so fond of her over the break. Defintiely. Wasn't about that.

Lost in tought, Alois's finger absentmindedly touched his phone screen, and before he knew it he was calling Lacey. Caling her?! That was so much worse than texting her. But it was too late, he was committed to it now. He took a deep breath, waiting for her to answer-- almost hoping it would go to voicemail so he could hang up and send a text like he should have done in the first place. She answered.

He felt his heart rate speed up and his mouth dry out. Why did she make him so nervous now? He swallowed, took a breath, then spoke. "Oh! Heyyy Lacey. It's Alois!" Duh-- she knew that. "Oh uh, have you arrived yet? My sister just dropped me off."

alois novak

with: lacey (phone call)

♡coded by uxie♡
Olivia had been excited for move in day. She was bored of renting her one bedroom apartment for the summer, especially since the place had cockroaches and all her books had somehow gotten silverfish. But, she'd pushed herself through with the reminder it as only temporary, that she would be back on campus once fall time hit. And now here she was in the familiar hustle and bustle of her classmates and friends moving in. The smile on her face was genuine, excited as she pushed her cart toward B hall.

She'd gotten her roommate list a few days ago through her email, and despite one name that stood out, the other she didn't recognize and was excited to meet. In her first year she'd been nervous about the mixed gender sleeping situation, at that point in time she'd never really been around boys. But now it was second nature and she knew how to maneuver even the trickiest of roommates. Which was why she knew how she'd maneuver around Hayden.

She'd met him last year at a frat party and they seemed to have hit it off, but everything about him screamed player so apart from one night of flirting nothing had really happened between the two. He was attractive, yes... but she knew better than to let her heart be broken by a guy like him.

Once she was checked in and had her room key, Olivia made her way up to her apartment and was happy to see she was the first to arrive (like usual) so she'd have plenty of time to unpack and hopefully get settled before the chaos of the rest of the day started. Before beginning to start the decorating process, Olivia quickly sent out two texts;
One to her sibling Salem ( nova.the.alien nova.the.alien )- "Just got to my room, no one's here yet."
And the other two her best friend Corina ( valenfrills valenfrills )- "party tonight at Alpha Tau Omega, be there!"

It didn't take long for her room to feel like home, before she changed into something a little more dressed up than her sweatpants suit but also casual enough to take a stroll in the bowl before the party. Just as she finished touching up her makeup she heard the front door click open and plastered a smile on her face to go meet the new (hopefully not Hayden) person. But when his familiar face stepped into the apartment her smile fell, "oh you."

Mentions: Hayden - Lizy Lizy Salem, and Corina.
coded by kaninchen
Lily had been at the dorms and unpacking since the crack of dawn. Although this isn't her first year of university, the nerves and anxiety were something that would never change for her. While she loved school, move in day and meeting new people were never her strong suit, which is why she always did her best to just unpack her things as quickly as possible and leave before any of her roommates showed up. It wasn't hard to decorate as her room has looked the same since her first year (what, she's a fairly specific person!)

After slipping on her favorite hoodie, Lily dashed out of the dorms as fast as she possibly could without getting recognized. Her safe space was the library, so her first stop would be there to pick out any books she'd need for her classes before they were all swooped up, and then when the orientation events were starting, she made her way down to the bowl. Immediately she was drawn in to the extra curriculars; debate club, chess club, literature club, and the leadership group. When she had the time to do any of these? She had no clue but it would look sparkling on her resume for when she'd eventually graduate.

Eventually when she was tired of talking, she took a seat on a bench under a tree and started reading one of the brochure's she'd picked up. Nursing was her passion and what she wanted to do in life, but when it came to reading and other academic things, she was in her element. She was at peace. And the stressful summer she spent working her butt off at some dinky little ice cream shop was no longer on her mind.

Mentions: No one, free to interact!
coded by kaninchen
Lacey Navarro-Clairmont
aspiring musician
Something about moving day always made Lacey feel anxious? Thrilled? Tired? She wasn’t sure yet how to think about that day; it was a completely different sentiment from when she was a freshman despite that; it was enough to make her feel like she was in a rush, probably it was because now she had to make her schedule work with her working shifts while still maintaining a good grade, and the overall question of what she would do after she graduated, there was still some time left for that but the lingering question about what could she be able to achieve was always on the back of her mind.

She desired more than anything to be a singer, don’t get her wrong she loved her degree, but it was her Plan B if she was being honest, not a lot of people knew that because everyone was sure that the quiet and a bit introverted Lacey would never want to be on a stage in front of thousands of people singing her songs, but while it was her dream, you couldn’t pay rent based on them and being a singer was overall a gamble unless you had the connections which she wasn’t sure she would get singing on the weekends on a restaurant for a bit of extra money where she was either singing covers or the usual happy birthday with a splash of some of her original songs once in a while and the more she thought about it the more she was starting to believe was that her biggest stage would always be there.

Okay, maybe she was overthinking a bit too much. The year hadn’t already started and her mind was already sabotaging her. Thankfully, the ringtone of her phone was the one that helped her to distract. When she saw the name Alois on her screen, she couldn’t help but smile they had been talking all summer and well he eventually became someone special for Lacey more than a friend would be, although she wasn’t sure about how he felt about her, she knew for sure she liked the guy in a more romantic way than a platonic friendship, still she was sure she didn’t want to mess up what they had.

“I am literally behind you,”
she said with a small chuckle before she hung up on the call.
“I just arrived, so I didn’t wait that much in case you would start to worry, but in other news, I hope you are ready to carry my stuff until the fourth floor.”

outfit: here
location: college
interactions: nova.the.alien nova.the.alien
Taylor Swift – mirrorball

coded by Stardust Galaxy

  • filler

Clodagh was more than aware of the colorful posters advertising the ATO party later that night. She really didn't care about them.

Sure, she'd be there. It wasn't like her to remain in the shadows when a party was in the air. And frat boys were easy hookups and always fell under her spell so quickly. She'd be an idiot not to slip in for some quick drunken fun. Still, the desire to attend was not strong enough to sway her mood one way or another. It wasn't enough to quell the bristling apprehension that seemed to rip and tug at her thoughts, threatening a sick sort of spiraling that she'd unfortunately grown accustomed to.

Going back home for the summer had wrecked her psyche. Living in a stuffy household full of expectations and criticism had left nothing but a shell of herself. Not that she'd ever really been able to be more than that.

So, she was day drinking. Publicly. Well-- okay so she was in public on the lawn, sitting on a picnic blanket in her pretty little sundress, flame colored locks whisping around her bare back and shoulders. She drinking part was less obvious, and she made sure to tuck it away if any snitches or campus higher-ups were in her vicinity.

She tossed flirty comments at cute passers-by, finding that their lingering gazes sent enough of a thrill through her to make her feel somewhat alive. Only somewhat. She would sneak a hefty gulp from her flask at opportune moments, the whiskey within warming her up while the chill autmun breeze raked over her freckled skin.

Part of her, a very small part, was hopeful that someone would aapproach and break her out of her thought prison.

clodagh o'sullivan

with: open for interactions!


♡coded by uxie♡

  • filler

Rogan propped one finger on the arm of his sunglasses, black ray bans to watch the color of his nails that he had happily painted himself. He pulled his glasses slightly down, shining orbs peering over the top of them. He was in his dorm room already, bags and boxes left unpacked and scattered around the room. Instead of settling in -- a boring task that could be done later -- he was taking a moment to enjoy the view from his window. He had the window open, his elbows braced on the windowsill as he peeked over his glasses and grazed his gaze over the campus.

It was good to be back.

He blew a bubble with his gum and popped it, breaking the silence in his too-empty dorm room. The almost-echo broke his attention away from the window, and he ran his eyes over the room instead. He sighed heavily. He could almost hear his mother nagging him to unpack early or else he would never find the time to get to it. She was right, the damned genius of a woman. Yet somehow, that convinced him to wait even longer.

He would compromise-- and unpack one box. He mused over the boxes, then grinned a sly sort of grin, and popped open one of the boxes. He pulled out sheets, a comofrter, and a pillow and plopped them down on the bed. "Perfect. Done and done." He hadn't made the bed at all, but it still counted as unpacked. Now-- it was time to go and mingle.

He wasn't quite looking for anyone in particular to interact with. Not really. Just some sort of interaction was all.

As he turned out of his room he came across what could only be his new roommates. He was tempted to say hi, but it took him all of two seconds to recognize that the vibe was a little off, and instead found solace in pretending he was in the middle of a phone call. "Er-- yeah yeah, I'm on my way down. Just got settled in-- need any help?" Facade on point, he escaped the dorms without any interaction. He would interact with his roommates later. Now it was time to find a friend. Or a new person to talk to.

rogan desoto

mentions: hayden, olivia | with: open

♡coded by uxie♡
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :
octavia nova.the.alien nova.the.alien

interactions :
primrose Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy
;; Lance
Lance made his way to the dorms to move in as soon as he possibly could. It was like he'd been counting down the days until move in. His possessions had been packed for a while, just sitting in boxes in the cheap apartment he rented a room in over the summer until school was back in session. It was safe to say he was extremely eager to get back into the swing of things.

For some students, summer was an opportunity to relax, spend time with friends, go on fun vacations, but for Lance it was just a few months of him working as hard as he possibly could. Reducing his hours at the restaurant during the school year meant less money, so he made the most of his time during the summer. He truly disliked the work he had to do as a waiter, he found it uninteresting. Sure, shifts with Octavia automatically became entertaining. But most days just felt like he was checked out, waiting for the end of the day to arrive.

The school year starting meant no more shitty apartment, getting to participate in classes that interested him, and most importantly- more parties and fucking around. Lance loved the social scene at the school, it gave him plenty of entertainment to get through the year. Just the thought of going to the ATO party tonight helped him power through the move in, getting all his stuff unpacked and in order quite quickly. Once he was finished, he stopped for a moment to rest.

Once he got bored of scrolling through instagram, he decided to go out and grab coffee or something, maybe run into someone he knew or make a new friend. He exited the building and strolled casually along the walkway, not in any hurry. He didn't get far before he felt someone tap his shoulder, quickly turning around to lock eyes with a pretty girl.

Lance smiled at her request. Taking a glance at her luggage, he saw nothing he couldn't handle. And her flattery certainly helped persuade him. "Of course I can. Third floor huh? Shame they have you all the way up there, so far away from me," he teased lightly as he went to pick up a few of her bags. "Oh, I'm Lance, by the way."
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
outfit :
rogan nova.the.alien nova.the.alien

olivia travelbypages travelbypages
;; Hayden
There was only one word needed to describe Hayden's packing style. Messy. Bags filled with his belongings, thrown in with no real rhyme or reason. Unpacking would be chaos, and he knew the only point he'd ever see his room truly clean and organized was the moment he set foot in it, before he started unpacking. He didn't really care though. Hayden was never one for an organized, put together approach to anything in life.

The thing he was most looking forward to was his roommate situation. His roommates names were sent to him a few days ago and he'd been excited ever since. One of them was some random guy he'd never met before, Rogan or something like that, but one of them he was familiar with. Olivia Dawson. He'd met her at a frat party the year prior. She was hot, so of course he went to chat her up. Nothing ever happened between the two, but Hayden remembered her fondly. It was strange because he'd usually forget about or have unpleasant memories of interactions like that that didn't end in him getting lucky. But, something was different about this girl, she was exciting.

Hayden managed to get his stuff up to his dorm room and opened the door. He took a step inside and shut the door behind him, turning back around to come face to face with Olivia. She was just as hot as he'd remembered, but did not look too pleased to see his face. "Oh me?" Hayden questioned, his face falling into an exaggerated pout. "Come on roomie, I expected a little more excitement."

His gaze shifted as he heard another voice, his other roomie passing through while on the phone, barely even giving the two a glance before heading out the door. Hayden quickly turned his focus back to Olivia. "Ok wow. I guess you were giving me a warm reception, my bad."
coded by reveriee.

  • filler

Vince had moved everything in already. Well. Not him-- the hired movers that his parents insisted on did. Why they insisted on it for what would have taken Vince about three trips himself was beyond him, but he couldn't complain because it meant he didn't have to spend the time on it. He'd made his bed first, knowing that he would likely get caught up in the events of move-in day and would want to climb into bed wihtout any added effort at the end of the day.

Foresight was everything to him. He always wanted to be prepared. Various trauma would do that to someone.

Once he'd fluffed his pillows, he had unpacked his art supplies next, organizing his desk with a level of affection he saved only for his craft. He tucked sketchbooks into drawers, organized his tools, then packed up his little travel set and made his way out of the dorms.

Vince liked sketching people-- finding inspiration in their spirits and their actions. He often found himself tucked away in a corner in a public place, eyes peeled for anything fascinating, anything that could be twisted into the raw humanity her loved to incorporate into his art.

He'd found a tree to lean against, in this particular instance. He was sitting in the soft grass, knee up to prop his sketchbook against as his pencil scratched the smooth paper in vivid lines and soft shadows. His eyes would cling here and there-- a girl picking up a dropped book, a dog wagging it's tail as it followed its master, a professor on the green handing out what seemed to be waterbottles as students moved their items to and fro and mingled with eachother.

That was his favorite thing about this place, how much life there was. How much creativity managed to spark within him from each casual moment. It was beautiful, really, if a little chaotic.

He gnawed at the end of his pencil, a terrible habit he'd been unable to break as long as he'd been self aware. He'd just sort of accepted it at this point.

Then he saw her-- a girl that seemed to radiate a warmth from within. A glow surrounded her, and the sun shone in her eyes as she smiled and greeted someone walking past her. She was adorable, and the perfect object of his newest ever-changing muse.

He settled into sketching her, capturing the movement of her hair, the brightness of her eyes, the kindness of her smile. A modern mona lisa.

vincenzo giuliani

mentions: elora

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:
Primrose Wright
He was cute, now that they were face to face it was more evident that this guy was attractive more than Prim would care to admit, and that it would never actually happened because she would never boost a man’s ego not even if her life depended on it.

But she couldn’t ignore the chiseled features of his face or how he was taller than her, which was already a bonus, or the cocky grin that he was giving her.

It was obvious that this guy was going to flirt with her. She would have judged him if he didn’t, but wasn’t expecting it would be so soon, but still she felt flattered by the attention. She loved it more than anything and this guy was just another one on her list of people that have flirted with her.

“Care to enlighten me why it’s a shame that I am so far away from you.”
She said playfully.

“Maybe it’s more of a challenge for you. Aren’t you supposed to work hard for the great stuff in life? And I can reassure you that I am definitely in that category. But I am not sure if you strike me as the person who would be up for that challenge. Perhaps you just need to prove me wrong.”

Prim was enjoying their small interaction, probably a bit too much for her liking, but how could she not enjoy flirting with someone like Lance just after her arrival?
“I’m Primrose, but most people just call me Prim. So tell me, Lance, are you new here? It seems I haven’t seen you before.”

Maybe moving day wouldn't be as bad as she thought it would, because until now it was looking promising.
mood:hello there
outfit: here
location: university
interactions: Lizy Lizy
Madison Beer - Make You Mine

coded by Stardust Galaxy
adrian carter brown
hockey player
Adrian was excited for the new year to start. He couldn’t wait until the summer break was over and it wasn’t like he disliked working with his father in his mechanic shop. The guy loved fixing things and more if it was related to cars, one of his passions. But just because he was studying a degree related to them for his father was almost like a sign that he would eventually take over the family business, which he wouldn’t have minded it, if hockey wasn’t part of his life too.

There was still an uncertainty if he would even make it to become a professional player. The hockey team managed to win a couple of frozen four titles during his time and, well, he considered himself a pretty good right wing; but was he good enough to become a pro? Well, only time would tell, but it seemed that time was running out for him as graduation became closer and closer. He knew the chances were small; but would still work to make it through. Even if it meant getting drafted on a farm team; he would accept it as if he had won the Stanley Cup. But until that happened, he was still in limbo between achieving his dreams or taking over the family business.

Adrian knew that all that overthinking wouldn’t lead him anywhere. Maybe a bit of fresh air would help him to calm the turmoil that was going inside his head, because wasn’t he supposed to be the confident guy who wasn’t afraid of anything? But his attention suddenly drifted when he noticed a girl carrying more pamphlets than he had seen all his life. Was she a freshman or something? Those were the most eager to join all the clubs, thinking they could handle a packed schedule.

One of them fell to the floor without her even noticing that she had dropped it as she sat down on a bench. Adrian picked it up and walked towards her and took a seat next to her.
“Sorry to interrupt, but you dropped this. Listen, I am not part of the environmental club, but I doubt they would appreciate someone who got their brochure to be littering.”
He said with a small smirk.
“But it seems you already have your hands full.”

outfit: here
location: university
interactions: travelbypages travelbypages
Noah Kahan - False Confidence

coded by Stardust Galaxy

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