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Doodle Dump (Open)


In Denial That I Have an Internet Addiction
Roleplay Availability
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Doodle Dump!

I figured I might as well show show off my art on some place other than my private computer, so I've created this little thread to post my what-nots and do-dads.

If you have any requests, I'm always looking for suggestions and inspiration, so you can drop those here too.

I have huge commitment issues though, so when I say "doodle" and "dump", I mean it. I'll half-ass something, cry "Good enough!" then dump it here. Sound good enough to you guys? Cool. I'll also date everything and supply a little {x} link to the deviantArt or tumblr page that hosts the picture. Most of my stuff's digital, though I dabble in the traditional art too. I might upload some older stuff, partially to keep a record of it, a little bit make myself feel better by seeing my progress, but mostly just to laugh my ass off and maybe cry a bit.

If you see and spelling mistakes, broken links, etc., just tell me, preferably in a PM, and I'll hopefully be feeling not too lazy and fix it.

I'll indicate whether I'm open to suggestions or not in the title, so keep your eyes peeled. :P

That's it I suppose, enjoy? ConCrit always welcome?

All art posted here by me (including these quaint animations) are and always will be by me, and not available for redistribution, reposting, etc, etc.

If you would like a commission, or to reuse my art anywhere, PM me, and we can talk details! :3c

Last edited by a moderator:
26.01.15 {x}

A Real Girl

no slide no slide


27.01.15 {x} {x}

AN: Noticing a real sci-fi trend here, I was obviously into this stuff earlier this year. Still hoping for some suggestions, though I should really be prepping for PreLims at the end of the term. Oh well, time to put off doing my graded paintings for just any-old random art on my shitty tablet in my dark, kinda dank, bedroom.

Line Art




Oh wow! Your doodles are nice! It's intresting how your colours are on the cool side, just judging from the few right now. I often see others colour on the warmer side, so your style is refreshing ;D
TripTripleTimes said:
Oh wow! Your doodles are nice! It's intresting how your colours are on the cool side, just judging from the few right now. I often see others colour on the warmer side, so your style is refreshing ;D
Oh wow, thank you! Being called refreshing is, for lack of a better word, refreshing! Sometimes I worry my style is too similar to, well, everyone, so thank you so much for that x3c
@Infactuated Oh yeah, I understand that feeling, but in my opinion, as you keep drawing and be exposed to art style you enjoy from others, your style will feel like you in time. Of course change doesnt happen right away, so just enjoy drawing. I think you have something good going right now!
Thank you, and I'm planning on drawing for a long time to come!


15.07.15 {x}


no slide no slide


05.08.15 {x}


AN: Why so many androids? I don't know! But they're cool, right?




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