
You're awake.

You open your eyes to find yourself in a room. Cold, murky, you look to the side to see you are with many others. No way of contact, only a window. Taking a few steps, you step on a puddle to see who you are. Looking at yourself, millions of questions pop into your head.

What is this? Who am I? How can I get out?

The only label of you is the number on your neck. You're a victim, a hostage. You panic like the others, walking around the room, pacing back and forth. Trying to find a way out, you freak out, possibly scream. Until you hear a voice.

Welcome. To The Maze. You may not know who you are.. yet. But, let's just say you're here for a reason. Like the others here, you must survive and see if your mind can find a way out. Haha, but it won't be easy. We have magic roaming these halls, that can either give your mind pleasure, or pain. The more you pass, the harder it gets. If you fail, your soul must be swallowed. Work with others, be independent. No matter how you do it, just remember.

Don't Get Lost..


1. No God Modding

2. No Mary/Gary Sues

3. No One Liners! Keep at least 3 sentences!

4. Only up to ONE character!


6. Have Fun



Name: (Don't remember it though until the end)

Age: (Basically guess who you are in the beginning)

Number Label:(Self-Explanatory)


Appearance:(Prefer picture)

Name: Genesis (The Game-Maker)

Age: ##

Number Label: Don't have one. I'm the Game-Maker.

Personality: Genesis is mysterious, she a slick and fickle. Always full of surprises and likes to give and take challenges. She is very clever and majestic as she uses magic in the walls of the maze. Though she is blind, she is always watching.

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Name: Caricon

Age: 14

Number Label: 511

Personality: Smart, Charming, and doesn't care who he steps on to get to the top.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375160727.361829.jpg.ba10df592b5b4fb91865730da68439b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4036" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375160727.361829.jpg.ba10df592b5b4fb91865730da68439b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375160727.361829.jpg
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Name:Lei Opero (Do opero in a bit of a Italian type pronounciation, it just sounds weird any other way)

Age: 17

Number Label: 007 (jk) 000 (Hell Yeah, Divided 0)

Personality: Lixus is a bit shy and self conscious at times but he is simply, BRILLIANT, he can deduct complex equations and problems in seconds, he tends to keep a notebook around him so he always feels like he's missing something while he is in the Maze, he tends to stay with a group of people, not liking to be alone, his blonde hair, and somewhat good looks, make people underestimate his intelligence at times. Do to his parents strict and at times abusive nature, he's learned to defend himself pretty well, but as he says

"I'm a Lover not a Fighter" His favorite color is this Blue


Dif Pic*


Note: Strict/Abusive parents not meaning they were like drunk and beat him everyday they were kind they were just ex military so they were naturally strict and stuff

Shy: Shy not as in *blushies* that type of thing he's just quiet around some people he's never met, and very polite
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Name: Merliah St.Claire

Age: 16

Number Label: 626

Personality: A very quiet girl. She can be skittish at times and her eyes never seem to settle on one thing for too long. Extremely acrobatic and has high endurance and stamina. Merliah finds it extremely hard to trust anyone, especially in this circumstance.

Appearance: Merliah stands about five feet and four inches tall weighing in at one hundred and ten pounds of muscle. She is just under the average height of a human being. She has long red hair that reaches down to her lower back and falls in loose curls. Her eyes are a reddish brown that seem to hold their very own glow.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/merliah.jpg.3a6030e6a58d73d24c6c8b3ee67413ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4153" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/merliah.jpg.3a6030e6a58d73d24c6c8b3ee67413ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Sedrian

Age: 17

Number label: 666

Personality: Sedrian is a very disturbed individual, he revels in the misery and suffering of others. He longs to kill those who interfere with his daily life, and in this case, is the one who trapped him here.

Name: Zarathos

Age: 17

Number Label: 207

Personality: He has a tendency to have dark humor, and it seems like he doesn't care for others feelings, but in reality he does. He injoyes being around others and gets kinda crazy when he is alone, or when he is in a fight. When he is fighting he gets a lil bit crazy and it's really hard for him to stop. He loves his sword so much because it was the last thing remaining of his father before he was murdered when Zarathos was 8 years old. The sword was a weapon passed down threw his family for over 2,000 years. The blade was named Ky?ketsuki Bur?do (Vampire Blade). His favorite color is black so he wears all black clothing. He also is more protective over girls and hates when they are in pain or being bullied/abused and he will step in to help

Appearance: The blade is 4 feet long with a foot long handle. He has it strapped to his back. He also is 6'3 tall

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Zabuza said:
Name: Zarathos
Age: 17

Number Label: 21

Personality: He has a tendency to have dark humor, and it seems like he doesn't care for others feelings, but in reality he does. He injoyes being around others and gets kinda crazy when he is alone, or when he is in a fight. When he is fighting he gets a lil bit crazy and it's really hard for him to stop. He loves his sword so much because it was the last thing remaining of his father before he was murdered when Zarathos was 8 years old. The sword was a weapon passed down threw his family for over 2,000 years. The blade was named Ky?ketsuki Bur?do (Vampire Blade). His favorite color is black so he wears all black clothing. He also is more protective over girls and hates when they are in pain or being bullied/abused and he will step in to help

Appearance: The blade is 4 feet long with a foot long handle. He has it strapped to his back. He also is 6'3 tall

Hey just a heads up its a 3 number label you have 2 numbers

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