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Multiple Settings Don't Fear A Rose Just Because It Has Thorns.

Desert Rose

Adored Muse
I'm really bad at this and plots and things. So... here's some rules, pairings, and intros.

Yes you heard correctly, I said intros. Sometimes it's hard for me to get an rp across because my brain is stuck on just an intro or specific scene of the rp I want. So instead of putting down the basic plot and getting my hopes up I figured I'd put in an intro and that way you have something to go off of and you get to see my writing style.

  • I prefer detail so the more the better but always quality over quantity still if you're constantly dipping under 2 paragraphs and it hasn't been previously discussed that it would be a casual rp I'll get bored rather quickly.
  • Must write 3rd person past tense.
  • 18 + and able to handle mature content within the site's rules.
  • Must be able to write multiple characters (would prefer that you are able to write both male and female).
  • Be willing to develop the plot with me. It gets exhausting when everything is left up to one person.


Good girl x gang member - Basic plot is a gang is taking over the first district and mc is going to find out who and why and put an end to it.
The sun was beginning to set as green orbs watched the sky paint itself with hues of orange red and purples. Thick dark clouds were starting to roll in the setting sun making them look even more ominous than they should have been.

Paige Crawford rested her head on the window of the bus looking up at the sky in an unfamiliar world at least the sky was still the same. Her attention was torn from the changing hues to the front of the bus where the driver spoke into a microphone.

“Last stop, please exit the vehicle in an orderly fashion.” The driver spoke his voice obviously relieved by the end of his shift as they pulled up to the bus station in District 10.

The bus held a peculiar mix of people between rough looking and business. There was one district that no bus went to and that was District 11. The district was constructed to help get homeless back on their feet and into working society, instead it became the bed for drug lords and gang leaders. The districts were separated by walls and gates only ever closed in an emergency situation. Those who lived in District 11 did so at their own risk. You couldn’t live there and expect to call on law enforcement, they wouldn’t come to your aid. The district essentially was ignored and it was the place where chaos ensued. It was like the place the mayor wish didn’t exist but didn’t want to get rid of it and risk more lives of his service men. It was the district that Paige would have to go to.

The burnette certainly stood out from the others, as much as she tried to blend in. Her clothes too crisp and clean, her skin pale and spotless, even her smell was far too prestine to be apart of anyone living in District 10. She was only 17 and still had yet the entire world to explore.

The Crawford’s were pristine and well known family. In fact her father had just been elected mayor. She had a hard time making friends in the high society and longed for adventure and even perhaps a little danger. It should have been no surprise that the 17 year old and left home with nothing but some currency and a backpack only filled with the essentials. The rest she would simply improvise. She could do it couldn’t she? Although she always longed to explore and go on adventure essentially what pushed her to do so was the influence of a new political group that made their way to the first district. Her investigation and search of them led her to District 11. With no adults believing her accusations of their corrupted influences she took it upon herself to stop them herself.

The driver paused seeing her come down the steps with her backpack her clean clearly name brand shoes touching broken asphalt. “You all right?” he asked her with a bit of concern as his eyes looked around thinking she might have been kidnapped.

“Yes thank you.” she said with a nod and quickly walked away. She hoped to not be recognized so easily as she pulled the hood over her head from her hoodie. Everyone knew who her family was after all her father was just elected and the family photo was plastered on every newspaper. District 10 was far better than 11 even if crime was a little bit high, but then again didn’t everything seem high to the first district?

Paige walked with poise and purpose as she followed the sidewalk looking up at the building and around the closing shops. It was dark now and the only light were street lamps. She was surprised to see that the district still held so much life after dark. With currency in her shoe as suggested to do so by travel blogs she looked around for what should be the district directory. There she would just need to find a hotel and she would be set. This was easy, she was going to be fine.

pirate x stowaway
Krystal grew up in a port town and had a love for the sea. She could always be caught down at the docks or the beach, or was talking to fisherman and merchants that came in and out from the sea. The girl knew all of the fishermen tales and could retell it better than the fishermen themselves. However, growing up was proving difficult for she was the governor's daughter and her parents grew concerned for her well being.

The girl's mother pulled her from the docks and kept her at home more and pushed her into studies. She was constantly being scolded for spending too long at the beach and if she was caught listening to a tale she was given more reading assignments and essays to write. Her parents wanted her to focus on the more important things in life. After all she was the daughter of a governor and it was time she stopped acting like the daughter of a fisherman.

It was no surprise the arguing that constantly ensued in the governor's household. It was so bad that Krystal locked herself in her room all day. Her mother decided to give her some space and the next morning she went to check on her daughter. A few knocks on the door followed by an impatient sigh...

"Krystal... stop acting like your 5 and act like the young woman you are." Her mother scolded through the door.

There was nothing but silence. As the door was finally unlocked by a master key they found their daughter's room to be empty. A few missing clothes and other items and an open window clued them into the disappearance of their daughter. Appalled and frantic they alerted everyone in the port town and the search for their daughter began that morning.

Krystal had locked herself in her room and packed a small bag of little necessities and made her way out the window. She planned to sneak onto one of the ships that would be coming in later that night and so far her plan went smoothly. There was an odd looking ship, in that she never seen it before and she knew all the usual ships that frequented the town, so this one must have been new. She didn't care it was a ship that wasn't going to be staying long by the looks of it.

Carefully and quietly the girl made her way through the docks and close to the ship. She waited for an opening to cross the gangplank and onto the deck. Wasting no time she dropped below deck surprised there wasn't anyone below but thought nothing of it. She climbed into a barrel and waited to set out on a new adventure. She was going to stop living adventures by stories only. The very idea was almost too much for her as her heart raced with excitement.

The ship that had come in was not one that was suppose to dock. However the Captain was friends with one of the merchants that he had showed mercy upon if he could get him rare supplies. The ship was a pirate ship so the merchant followed through. With the watchmen paid off the supplies were given without incident and the ship sailed away from the town as if it had never been there, unknown of the stowaway they had now gained.

captain/prince x chief's daughter- village refuses to pledge allegiance as war breaks out. This particular village is in a strategic location. In order to take advantage in the war the king sends an army to take over the village by any means necessary until they swear alleigance. You would be starting out as said leader or prince or whatever gender you prefer in this scenario.
Kotsune was a quiet and small village in the lower mountains of Azeria, most didn't even know of their existence. The village was set in their ways and tried to be one with nature in all of their practices. Harvesting meat when necessary and being sure to use all parts of the animal and give back to nature. The chief was a spiritualist and practiced in the magic arts as well as his family.

The people were established in their ways and knew nothing of the ongoing war over the land. A war that was well fought and won by the Atsu Kingdom. The new kingdom established had sent adventurers out to explore the various land they had now come to own. Upon finding Kotsune village reports were made back to the king where the order was given to gain their loyalty.

The chief refused the messenger and stated he would make now allegiance to any king. All seemed well as the months went by and winter approached. The village elder began to see visions of fire and darkness that put the villagers on edge. While the chief remained in denial of such claims and tried to give a sense of safety to his people.

As the new winter approached and everyone went about their normal routine on gathering for winter making sure there would be enough food and supplies to last them the first snow began to fall. To be caught in the first snow of winter was said to bring you good luck as children raced outside to play. The day seemed a bit brighter and cheerier as the people seemed to forget about the visions the elder spoke up and the foreboding messages sent from the King of Atsu. However, that all changed in a blink of an eye hundreds of horses were seen coming over the hill towards the village. The king's army coming by force to punish the chief for not swearing allegiance. The army raced in burning the huts outside the main village as those who resisted and tried to fight back were slaughtered and the rest corralled to the center.

Once the people were gathered in village square and watched as the soldiers began to rough up their chief. Those who attempted to give aid were severely beaten if not killed, however one voice stood out as an 18 year old girl rushed forward kneeling between her father and the soldiers to try and protect him. "Stop, you'll kill him!" She yelled as it was all to evident by the resemblance that the girl protecting him was in fact his own daughter.

Wouldn't mind doing an apocalypse story either.

Honestly I'm up to doing pretty much anything.

ps: I only use the world for fandoms I do not play cannon characters.

Harry Potter
Doctor Who
Ouran Host club

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