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Realistic or Modern don't d i e on me now




The S T O R Y • • • •

This goes far beyond sleepover rituals. This is not giggling girls and boys placing weary fingers on a cheap plastic dial, asking a game board stickered with gimmicky images mundane questions through peals of laughter. This is not asking to see the image of a bloodied woman in the reflection of a dark mirror. This is not hoping to lift your friend off of the ground because they are light as a feather and stiff as a board. No… this is real and to a select few living in Thames, Massachusetts it is no party trick.

Welcome to T H A M E S • • • •

Situated just an hour’s drive north of Salem, Massachusetts, Thames is a quaint town bursting with history, rich landscape, and pride. Residential streets are framed with goliath colonial homes usually touting gold and crimson flags to show support of their beloved Thames High School Tigers. Despite its blasé small town façade Thames has a dark history peppered with violence and horror. Even those without The Sense can feel it. They will catch a glimpse of a shadow darting across the hallway when they know no one is home. They will strain to hear the faint tapping outside of a second story window. But they will always blame it on the wind, a family pet, or the fervid imagination of a child.

In a town with just over eleven thousand residents, only a handful possesses The Sense. To those select few Thames, Massachusetts has become their personal hell. A town steeped in violence and death has created a cesspool of malevolent energy, grotesque memories, and wrathful entities. Some will try to avoid it, some will try to embrace it, but none of them can escape it.

The S E N S E• • • •

Those who affected by The Sense have been called a variety of different names through the years; mediums, psychics, witches… possessed. Most are born with The Sense, but some may gain it through a traumatic or near-death experience. Those with The Sense may have a selection of abilities that can either be seen as a blessing or a curse. To hear, see, feel, and even touch the unknown. This is The Sense, and there is no relief.


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