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Realistic or Modern Dōki no Sakura: A Tragic Yuri Roleplay Set in Wartime Japan [OPEN]

Aiko Nakamura
School Infirmary Teacher
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
CS link
Afternoon, Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Infirmary, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy

Aiko watched the scene unfold with a keen sense of empathy, but also regret as she felt useless in such situation. The drenched girl in the towel, struggling to walk upright despite her obvious discomfort, struck a chord deep within her. Aiko herself had faced similar challenges, her own limp a constant reminder of the physical and emotional scars she carried. As Akiyama-sensei tended to Kitazono-sensei, Aiko turned her attention to the girl. She walked over to her, her own gait uneven but steady. Placing a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder.

She noticed how the girl seemed to be shivering, probably the towel providing little warmth to her young body. Placing a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder, she offered a comforting smile and with a little of hesitation, Aiko removed her own jacket and gently draped it over the girl's shoulders, offering a comforting smile as she did so. Aiko said softly, but loud enough for Kazuyo to hear her. "It takes a lot of strength to keep going when things are tough, I’m sure your friend will be better soon. She's in good hands," Aiko reassured her. "Kazuyo-nee—Dr. Nakamura—is very skilled. She'll do everything possible to help your friend".

"You know," Aiko continued gently, "sometimes, just being there for someone, offering a kind word or a helping hand, can make a world of difference, even if you can’t offer much more than that". She said with sincere empathy, after all, those words might be true for that girl as much as for Aiko herself, but at the same time it made more evident she couldn't do anything except talking.

Jackson123 Jackson123 Amazake Amazake Nellancholy Nellancholy
72148254_p0_master1200-copy.jpgKazuyo Akiyama
School Infirmary Teacher
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
CS link
Afternoon, Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Public Bathroon, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy​

Now that Tsuki returned with a stack of towels, her hands trembling. Kazuyo took one and folded it, placing it gently under Akemi’s head to cushion it. She used another to apply more pressure to the wound.

“Haruomi-san, hold this in place,” Kazuyo instructed, guiding Tsuki’s hands to the makeshift bandage. “Keep the pressure steady.”

She saw Aiko moved to Tsuki’s side, trying to comfort the girl.

Kazuyo focused back on Akemi, checking her pulse and breathing again. They were still weak but stable. She glanced up at Aiko and Tsuki, seeing the fear and uncertainty in their faces.

“We need to keep her conscious,” Kazuyo said, trying to remain calm and authoritative. “Akemi-sensei, stay with us. Can you hear me?”

Kazuyo gently brushed a strand of hair away from Akemi’s face, maintaining a steady stream of reassuring words.

She did not notice Rena Shinohara before she announces herself. “I'll go call 119.” she said.

Kazuyo nodded, grateful for the help before Rena took off for the phone. She continued to monitor Akemi’s vital signs, keeping her stable.

Minutes felt like hours as they waited for the ambulance.

Participants: Amazake Amazake as Akemi Kitazono and Rena Shinohara, Nellancholy Nellancholy as Tsuki Haruomi, Blitzkrieg Bob Blitzkrieg Bob as Aiko Nakamura.
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Ui Tsubaru
First-year student
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
STR 2 DEX 4 MEN 3​
Sunday, 1944年04月02日Maebashi Station, Gunma

Ui looked on as the soldiers began loading the girls like small kittens onto the back of the truck, and her brow furrowed a bit as she pursed her lips. She could get onto that truck herself! All she had to do was jump, right? Though when it came time for her to be boarded, she noticed that it was just a tiny bit higher than anticipated...damn. But she did look to the soldier and raised her head up high as she looked to him with pride, "My father is a Kaigun Daisa in the Nippon Kaigun. Carry me carefully." She stated firmly, not really caring if the soldier looked a bit annoyed by that command or not. Still, she was carefully lifted onto the truck, and sat at the end across from another girl with a bag on her lap. She noted the bag, but said nothing about it for the time being. She perked up once the truck started to move - time to begin the adventure!

Despite the grim situation the war caused, Ui kept an optimistic outlook - she was proud of her country and knew it would achieve victory. There was just no way they could lose, not in her mind, at least. Especially with her father out there working hard in the Nippon Kaigun to help achieve said victory; her father was a hero in her eyes, and truly she wanted to be like him someday, perhaps not in the Imperial Japanese Navy but in some sort of leadership role where she could protect others she cared about.

The sight of a long line caught her eye, which seemed to stretch into eternity, all for a measly meal of rice gruel because the food situation was becoming more and more dire because of this war. Ui hated to admit it, but she did have a small fear of the aftermath of it all, and how long it would take for Japan to recover. Still, her pride covered that worry and she looked to the other girls and stated out loud, "Fear not! We're going to win, and then we'll go back home as usual. It may look bad now, but our country has suffered worse and conquered the odds against it. We will be just fine!"

Mentions: Amazake Amazake Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy viviionne viviionne withinasapphire withinasapphire
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Rena Shinohara
Literature teacher
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
STR 2 DEX 3 WIL 4​

Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Dormitory, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy

Departing from the bathing room, Rena quickly paced toward the dormitory commons, which were located on the same floor. Although she never once used it, she knew that there was a telephone on one of the tables there.

She looked around the room, and there she found it just as she remembered from when she first saw it during her occasional wandering. Fortunately, as part of the commemoration of the 2600th anniversary of Japan's founding in November 1940, all of the telephones in the academy were connected to an automatic exchange and replaced by newer models equipped with rotary dials, making connection faster by eliminating the need to speak with the exchange operator.

Rena lifted the handle and placed the receiver on her right ear, which prompted the exchange to generate a dial tone, indicating the phone was now ready to accept dialed digits. She had never actually called an ambulance before, so having the opportunity to call one was really exciting for her. She had seen a poster advertising the service at Maebashi station a few years ago.

With that recollection, she inputted '119' on the rotary dial with her left hand and waited for the other end to accept the call, which, thankfully, only took a few seconds. She explains the situation, and after being told that the ambulance is coming, she puts the handle back onto the cradle.

Rena then came out of the dormitory building and waited outside for around 10 minutes until finally a white boxy modified Cadillac with Red Cross markings on its sides came blazing through as if coming out of the woods as it drove through Academy Main Road. She waved at the ambulance and guided it to park near the dormitory building. She then led the medical personnel inside.

Remembering the undress state of her unconscious junior colleague, she told the medical personnel to wait a moment outside the bathing room as she went inside to check: "Doctor, the ambulance has arrived. Have you covered her up yet?"


Modified Cadillac Ambulance

Participants: Amazake Amazake as Akemi Kitazono and Rena Shinohara, Nellancholy Nellancholy as Tsuki Haruomi, Jackson123 Jackson123 as Kazuyo Akiyama, and Blitzkrieg Bob Blitzkrieg Bob as Aiko Nakamura.
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Kazuyo Akiyama
School Infirmary Teacher
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
CS link
Afternoon, Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Public Bathroom, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy​

Kazuyo felt a rush of relief as the paramedics arrived, and she carefully wraps a towel around Akemi's body.

“Over here,” Kazuyo called out, guiding the paramedics to where Akemi lay. She quickly but clearly began to brief them on the patient's situation. “Ms. Kitazono slipped and hit the back of her head on the tile floor. She’s been unconscious and not responsive to pain stimuli.”

One of the paramedics knelt beside Akemi, gently moving Kazuyo’s hands to take over applying pressure to the wound. Kazuyo shifted slightly to give them room, but stayed close, ready to assist.

“The injury is to the back of the head, here,” Kazuyo continued, pointing precisely to the wound. “There’s significant bleeding, but we’ve been maintaining pressure to control it. She has a weak but present pulse, and her breathing is stable.”

The paramedics nodded, one of them pulled out a small flashlight and gently opened Akemi’s eyelids, checking her pupillary response. “Pupils are reactive,” he noted to his partner, who was preparing a cervical collar.

“We’ve kept her head turned to the side to ensure her airway stays clear,” Kazuyo added. “There’s a risk of choking if she vomits, given her current state.”

As the paramedics worked, they continued to ask Kazuyo questions. “Any history of seizures or medical conditions we should know about?” one asked, looking up briefly from his task.

Kazuyo shook her head. “No known conditions or history of seizures. She was perfectly healthy before the fall.”

The paramedics moved with practiced ease, securing the cervical collar around Akemi’s neck to stabilize her spine. “We’re going to lift her onto the stretcher now. Can you help us keep her head steady?”

Kazuyo nodded, positioning herself to assist. It was a simple stretcher that is to be carried by hand with two person front and back. They carefully lifted Akemi onto the stretcher, ensuring her head and neck were properly supported. Once she was secure, the paramedics adjusted the straps and prepared to move her.

“One more thing,” Kazuyo said, her tone urgent but controlled. “We haven’t given her any medications, just applied pressure to the wound and tried to keep her stable.”

“Understood,” one of the paramedics replied. “We’ll monitor her vitals on the way to the hospital.”

Kazuyo stepped back, watching as they expertly maneuvered the stretcher out of the bathroom and towards the waiting ambulance. She felt a wave of exhaustion but also a sense of accomplishment knowing they had done everything they could to help Akemi.

Kazuyo took a moment to breathe deeply. She turned to Tsuki, Aiko, and Rena, who had been watching at the side. “Thank you for your help everyone. You all did incredibly well.”

She followed the paramedics outside and saw them loaded Akemi into the ambulance, it's doors closed, and the vehicle sped off, sirens blaring. Kazuyo stood there for a moment, the adrenaline slowly leaving her system. She think she should inform Akemi's family of this incident, but she doesn't know any family members of Kitazono, maybe the school would have the files.

Participants: Amazake Amazake as Akemi Kitazono/Rena Shinohara and Rena Shinohara, Nellancholy Nellancholy as Tsuki Haruomi, Blitzkrieg Bob Blitzkrieg Bob as Aiko Nakamura.
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Tsuki Haruomi
First-year student
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
Afternoon, Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Dormitory bathroom, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy​

"Doctor, the ambulance has arrived. Have you covered her up yet?"

"Y-yes, we have..." Tsuki quietly muttered to Shinohara-sensei, her voice barely audible in the situation but the results quite clear. In such a tense situation, none of the women or girl present felt much compunction towards seeing Kitazono-sensei naked, but of course it wouldn't do to have her in that state while outsiders had arrived and time was of the essence. Her hands weren't terribly useful with Akiyama-sensei and Nakamura-sensei present, so she had taken the moment to retrieve Kitazono-sensei's clothing and allowed the other two teachers to help her into them as they did what they could to treat her and position her appropriately for the paramedics. Amazake Amazake

The rest happened effectively, promptly. Akiyama-sensei made the last necessary explanations to the paramedics, and Kitazono-sensei was bundled away, hopefully soon to recover and return well to Yurigaoka. But no sooner than they had left than it felt like...something else had, as well. Like the light in the hallways was a little dimmer, the air a little heavier.

Tsuki herself was already more or less clean, and the running water meant that no trace of blood remained. Kitazono-sensei's blood...

There was hence little for Tsuki left to do here.

"sometimes, just being there for someone, offering a kind word or a helping hand, can make a world of difference, even if you can’t offer much more than that".

"Thank you, sensei." Given the situation, Nakamura-sensei's reassurance seemed a little out of place, and Tsuki's gratitude a little delayed. But it was felt, nonetheless. Blitzkrieg Bob Blitzkrieg Bob

"Please, e-excuse me." Although she doubted that anyone would panic again, she chose not to stand upright, or as close to it as she could get unaided. To do...that was a bit embarrassing in front of anyone other than Kitazono-sensei, but biting her lip, she did it anyway, shuffling on her knees to the entrance of the bathroom.

Like that, she toweled herself off promptly, leaving a few wet patches on her skin and hair in her hurry. She retrieved her clothes from the basket, dressing in a seated position before retrieving her crutch from where it stood, hoisting herself to her feet.

Without a further word, she began heading back to Kitazono-sensei's room, her head heavy and her heart clouded.

Hanako Okita
First-year student
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Maebashi Station, Gunma

Finally, for what seemed a long time of idling, Hanako noticed that it was finally time to get moving. Hanako could only watch as the other Yurigaoka girls in front of her were lifted into the truck before it was soon her turn. Tilting her head, she was drawn by the large vehicle that was presented in front of her. Allowing the soldiers to lift her into the truck as well as her suitcase, Hanako did not struggle at all while she was being handled to the truck.

The soldiers put her down on the elevated floor of the truck as they also tossed her luggage to the side. Hanako’s eyes wandered around the truck. Hanako thought that it wasn’t anything worth noting of, shrugging it off and adjusting her top in case the soldiers wrinkled her shirt. Hanako finally sat on an empty area of a bench as the truck was nearly prepped with all students on. She held her own hands, placing them on her lap as she continued to wait for their departure away from the station.

Once everything was all prepared and settled, the truck started to move, making its way out of the station and to its destination. The scenery was still new to Hanako, she was still bored. Very bored. Her attention bounced between her own imagination, the other passengers and the scenery. A girl that sat close to where she was stated that the war would end soon. A win for this imperial country was hopefully imminent. War was always brutal, and it would hopefully land in favour for Japan. With no other noise that could interest her, Hanako closed her eyes.


Shiho Kimura
First-year student
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
STR 3 DEX 2 WIL 4​

Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Maebashi Station, Gunma

Shiho watched quietly as soldiers soon began placing the other girls into a truck. The sight made the girl worry a little bit. She would really rather not be picked up by strangers like that. But the truck didn’t seem easy to climb onto by herself, and the idea of somehow hurting herself because she tried seemed more worrying…and she wasn’t sure if saying “no” would be okay to do. So she figured she would just have to bear with it for a few seconds.

When it was her turn, Shiho closed her eyes as she was lifted up into the truck along with her suitcase. Once she felt her feet beneath the floor of the truck, her eyes opened and she quickly took in some of the faces present, before just as quickly looking away and finding an available seat. She didn’t exactly feel ready for yet another ride, one that was coming right after the carriage. But this seemed to be just another thing she’d have to bear with.

At least her eyes finally felt dry.

Shiho pressed her hands together nervously, eyes once again wandering, glancing around the inside of the truck. She wasn’t sure what to do with herself now. How long would the ride be? She didn’t know if there was anyone she could ask.

As she took in her surroundings, another girl began to speak. The sound of another voice was just a little surprising. Shiho had thought it would be completely silent amongst them the entire trip.

She listened to the girl’s words. Shiho bit her lip a little, uncertain if she could believe in them. She did want to go home, but…

“How…How do you know that?” Shiho asked in a small voice, still pressing her hands together. It was a genuine question. She was never that smart – her brother said so before – but maybe this girl was. Maybe she secretly knew something the rest of them didn’t.

Mentions: Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples



Fumiyo Takahane
First-year student
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
STR 3 DEX 2 WIL 4​

Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Maebashi City, Gunma

The girl with the bobbed hair turned her head as the girl in front of her began speaking loudly.
"Fear not! We're going to win, and then we'll go back home as usual. It may look bad now, but our country has suffered worse and conquered the odds against it. We will be just fine!"

It was the girl who had earlier claimed to be the daughter of a naval officer. Her exclamation caused most of the other students to turn towards her, some nodding in agreement, their faces set with determination.

The captain's daughter's words also filled the bob-haired girl with a sense of hope. However, something else caught her attention and evokes an old memory.

The captain's daughter, with her straightforward and confident manner of speaking, along with her tall, thin frame and long black hair, reminded the bob-haired girl of a certain someone.

That person was her second-cousin, childhood friend, and pen pal. Like the captain's daughter, her cousin was tall and thin, with long, illustrious black hair typical of the women in her large family. The bob-haired girl often thought she would look like her cousin if she let her hair grow long, but found it too troublesome to do so.

There was one notable difference between the captain's daughter and her cousin, though: her cousin wore glasses.

In a letter a some years ago, her cousin mentioned that her eyesight had started to worsen, making the need to use glasses. This wasn't surprising, as her cousin was an avid reader. Her hobby was likely a result of the strict upbringing she had since childhood. The hereditary disease in her family forbade them, especially the males, from getting even the slightest injury, as it could be fatal. Although the symptoms were severe only in the males, it didn't stop other family members and the family servants to make her to stay as still as possible, as even the slightest cuts and bruises would lead to further complications. Consequently, reading became one of her favorite risk-free activities.

Upon returning to her hometown, her cousin often requested her to procure and send books and magazines that were unavailable in the countryside. This led to frequent scoldings from her mother, as the magazines she bought often featured rather inappropriate photos and articles in them.

Recalling this embarrassing memory, she lowered her head to hide the small smiles she couldn't hold back.

It was exactly one year ago that her cousin wrote to say she had been accepted into a certain mission school for girls located at the foot of Mount Akagi, surrounded by dense forests and isolated from the outside world. The school in question was Yurigaoka. Hearing this news, the girl begged her mother to enroll her in the same school as her cousin. Her mother, perhaps understanding the war situation better and wanting her daughter's safety, granted her request.

Thanks to the captain's daughter's words, the girl remembered things that made her more optimistic. It wouldn't be long before she would reunite with her childhood friend. The girl clasped her hands in prayer, wishing for the safety of her parents and the speedy conclusion of the ongoing war.

However, it seemed not everyone responded well to the captain's daughter's outburst.

“How... How do you know that?”
Another girl asked in a small voice, perhaps skeptics about the statements. Before the captain's daughter could respond, a loud siren blared, and an ambulance swiftly sped past the convoy from the opposite direction.

Participants: Amazake Amazake as Fumiyo Takahane, Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy as Hanako Okita, Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples as Ui Tsubaru, and withinasapphire withinasapphire as Shiho Kimura.


Rena Shinohara
Literature teacher
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
STR 2 DEX 3 WIL 4​

Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Dormitory, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy

Rena took out a small notebook she always carried in her pocket. Without paying no heed to everyone around her, she observed, listened, and carefully noted the work and conversations between Dr. Akiyama and the paramedics.

When Dr. Akiyama explained that Kitazono-sensei's head had struck the tile floor, Rena tried to imagine how that could have happened.

Seeing the position where her junior now lay, she noticed a small amount of red liquid, like blood, right on the edge of the wooden floor, which was slightly higher than the tile floor of the bathing area.

From this observation, she inferred that Kitazono-sensei's head didn't directly hit the tile floor of the bathing area but rather the wooden floor of the changing area. Despite noticing this anomaly, she didn't interrupt and let Dr. Akiyama and the paramedics do their work.

It didn't take long for Kitazono-sensei to be carried out of the room on a stretcher. Rena put her notebook back in her pocket and nodded when Dr. Akiyama thanked her and the others.

Dr. Akiyama left the room to watch the ambulance depart, and Nakamura-sensei probably did the same. Then, Haruomi-san, the girl her junior had been looking after, also left with her head hung low.

Now, Rena was alone in the bathing room. Still curious about what had happened to her junior, she felt like a private detective in a mystery story and began to observe her surroundings again. She imagined a scenario where Kitazono-sensei could have slipped. Both Kitazono-sensei and Haruomi-san had already removed their clothes. However, Haruomi-san's hair was wet while Kitazono-sensei's was not, meaning Haruomi-san had bathed first and was in the bathing area. Although they rarely conversed, Rena knew that Kitazono-sensei cared for Haruomi-san like her own child or sibling. Considering Haruomi-san's condition, Rena concluded that something had either happened or could've happened to her, causing Kitazono-sensei to panic and run toward her.

Rena crouched and examined the edge of the wooden floor she had seen earlier. She extended her hand and touched the red liquid there with her fingers, rubbing it between her thumb, index, and middle fingers. The texture felt like blood. Rena then brought her fingers close to her nose. The metallic aroma she had smelled earlier was very similar to the scent of the liquid.

She could have ended her observation there, but it wouldn't be Rena if she didn't do something strange. She brought her blood-stained index finger to her mouth. The taste was similar to when she accidentally injured her gums while brushing her teeth.

Satisfied with her curiosity, Rena spat out the blood and stood up. She intended to find Dr. Akiyama to discuss her findings. However, as she passed the wooden rack where the wicker baskets were stored, she noticed a white box placed on one of the shelves. Rena knew what was inside the box and immediately thought that Kitazono-sensei had probably brought it here for Haruomi-san. Haruomi-san might have forgotten to take the box with her because of the confusion.

Rena thought she could talk to Dr. Akiyama later. She took the box from the rack, not caring that she hadn't washed her blood-stained fingers.

Finally, she left the bathing room and headed straight to Kitazono-sensei's room. Upon reaching the door, she knocked three times; "Haruomi-san, are you inside?"

Participants: Amazake Amazake as Rena Shinohara and Nellancholy Nellancholy as Tsuki Haruomi


Kanan Amagami
Student Council President
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy


Yuuko Ishizuka
Student Council Vice-President
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
STR 5 DEX 4 WIL 3​

Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Courtyard, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy

At that moment, Kanan was leading a meeting to prepare for the arrival of new students in the student council room on the third floor of the main building. One of the student council members sitting near the window saw an ambulance enter the courtyard and stop in front of the dormitory building. She announced this to everyone in the room. Curious, everyone eventually peeked out the window. Kanan and the vice-president, Yuuko, also joined in looking.

From there, they saw paramedics lifting someone on a stretcher into the ambulance. The distance was quite far, so no one knew for sure who was on the stretcher. A few moments later, they saw Dr. Akiyama come out of the dormitory building, standing and watching the ambulance leave.

Kanan stepped away from the window. She glanced at the old wooden grandfather clock in the corner of the room. Thinking that all important matters had been addressed in the meeting and the estimated arrival time of the new students was approaching, she decided to conclude the meeting.

Almost telepathically, Kanan only needed to glance at Yuuko, and she immediately knew what Kanan wanted; she clapped her hands several times until all the student council members turned their attention back to Kanan.

Seeing all eyes on her, Kanan began to speak again; "Minna-sama, it seems that's all that needs to be discussed in this meeting. Please gather in the courtyard to await the arrival of our new underclassmen. Don't rush, and be careful when going down the stairs."

"Hai~!" The student council members responded in unison with a melodious tone. Their voices could be heard outside the building.

"Yuuko," Kanan glanced at the vice-president again, and without further instruction, Yuuko nodded with a smile and followed her.

Shortly thereafter, Kanan and Yuuko were seen leaving the main building, followed by the other student council members. Kanan saw Dr. Akiyama still standing in front of the dormitory building and decided to approach her to ask what had happened.

"Gokigenyou, Akiyama-sensei." Kanan greeted the doctor using the required greeting phrase for the students at Yurigaoka. "We noticed an ambulance arriving and leaving with someone on a stretcher. Can you tell us what happened?" She asked, her face showing concern.

Participants: Amazake Amazake as Kanan Amagami and Yuuko Ishizuka, and Jackson123 Jackson123 as Kazuyo Akiyama
72148254_p0_master1200-copy.jpgKazuyo Akiyama
School Infirmary Teacher
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
CS link
Afternoon, Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Courtyard, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy​

Kazuyo Akiyama turned as she heard the familiar greeting. Seeing Kanan Amagami, the Student Council President, approaching with the vice-president, Yuuko, and other student council members trailing behind, she managed a composed but weary smile.

“Gokigenyou, Kanan-san, Yuuko-san,” Kazuyo replied, using the same respectful form of greeting. “Kitazono-sensei had an accident. She slipped in the bathroom and suffered a severe head injury. We did everything we could to stabilize her, and she’s on her way to the hospital now. I’m hopeful she’ll receive the care she needs there.”

"Speaking of which, Kanan-san......" she continued "I need to contact her family to inform them of the incident, but I don’t have any of her contact details. Do you know if she ever mentioned about her family while she's here at the school?” Kazuyo asked, hoping that Kanan might have heard something through her interactions with the faculty.

Participants: Amazake Amazake as Kanan Amagami and Yuuko Ishizuka


Ui Tsubaru
First-year student
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
STR 2 DEX 4 MEN 3​
Sunday, 1944年04月02日Maebashi Station, Gunma

Ui looked to the girl who had questioned her, but before she could reply she was silenced by the sound of sirens blaring past the truck she and her fellow classmates were riding in. She turned her head in the direction of the ambulance, her long hair whipping around a bit from the breeze the speedy vehicle created. For a moment, her heart sank in her chest and a bubbling of fear and doubt started to creep up into her throat just waiting to be released in the worst possible way. But Ui, stubborn as ever, kept it all down in favor of showing the other girls some courage, which was what was sorely needed in such a time as this. She looked to the girl who questioned her and kept her chin up with a determined smile on her lips.

"Our History shows our resilience, turn to that and you'll see why I'm so sure." She addressed Shiho with firm conviction. "The enemy will try to bend us, it's true, but we will not break. It is within our very spirit that we do not give in to despair, but hope! We're going to do our best, everyone, that's what we need to focus on right now. Let us not be defeated by fear and doubt, for it will only make things worse for us. My father is doing his best to fight for our country, all of our families are doing just that. So, let's show them support by believing in them with all of our hearts, alright?"

Mentions: Amazake Amazake Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy withinasapphire withinasapphire
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Kanan Amagami
Student Council President
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
STR 3 DEX 4 WIL 5​

Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Courtyard, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy

Kanan's eyes were dilated, and she covered her mouth as she let out a gasp. "My, that's horrible!" She exclaimed. Yuuko and the rest of the student council members also had the same reaction upon hearing about the accident. Many of the student council members began murmuring speculations behind Kanan and Yuuko. However, the President and the Vice President didn't do anything to stop them but kept listening to what Akiyama-sensei had to say next. "I'm afraid I don't know anything about that, but I could always ask around to see if anyone knows something." Kanan said to the doctor; in her mind, she had already conjured up a list of people she could ask about the matter.

Participants: Amazake Amazake as Kanan Amagami and Yuuko Ishizuka, and Jackson123 Jackson123 as Kazuyo Akiyama


Yuuko Ishizuka
Student Council Vice-President
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy


Fumiyo Takahane
First-year student
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
STR 3 DEX 2 WIL 4​

Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Courtyard, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy

If she were her cousin, she might have joined the conversation. But she wasn’t. She wasn’t as erudite as her. So she kept quiet.

Still, the navy captain's daughter's words have returned optimism to her heart, and that is all that matters, so she didn’t feel the need to linger on what the other girls were saying. The girl with the bobbed hair looked outside again. The convoy had been going uphill for a while, twisting and turning since they passed the ambulance a minute ago or so ago. The road narrowed and wound through thick conifers. On one side, the ridges rose; on the other, the valley dropped away. Now and then, she caught glimpses of Maebashi city between the trees.

The convoy slowed. They passed under a grand metal gate. A white concrete wall, two meters high, ran alongside it, disappearing into the woods. Something was written on the arch in Latin alphabets, but from her angle, the letters were reversed, making them even harder for her to read.


Kanan Amagami
Student Council President
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
STR 3 DEX 4 WIL 5​

Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Courtyard, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy

The rumble of the convoy drew the eyes of everyone in the courtyard. As the first truck broke through the treeline, Vice President Yuuko signaled the council members to their tasks. Some guided the trucks to their spots; others carried stools to help the underclassmen off the vehicles. The student council girls moved swiftly and surely, like actors in a well-rehearsed play.

A cabriolet slipped between the trucks and stopped near Kanan and Akiyama-sensei. An officer jumped out, opened the door, and a bespectacled middle-aged man in a white lab coat stepped out. He walked briskly to Akiyama-sensei and offered a salute, though he didn’t wait for her to return it.

“Here’s the list of this month’s supplies,” the army doctor said, handing her a brown envelope.

He glanced at Kanan. “And the usual package for the lady here.”

Kanan bowed silently. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw soldiers unloading several wooden crates marked with the Amagami Pharmaceuticals label. Among those crates were things set aside for her alone—gauze for her heavy periods, packs of type B blood, and several other medications.


Yuuko Ishizuka
Student Council Vice-President
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy


Kanan Amagami
Student Council President
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy


Yuuko Ishizuka
Student Council Vice-President
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
STR 5 DEX 4 WIL 3​

Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Courtyard, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy

With the soldier's firm grip steadying her, the girl carefully stepped down onto the stool placed by the student council members. She was grateful not to be carried around again like some cat.

Now on solid ground, she looked around the academy courtyard. At its center, a fountain stood silent, no water flowing from its sculpted spout, surrounded by a carefully tended flower bed. The courtyard was flanked by two imposing western-style buildings facing each other. Dense woods surrounded both the buildings and the courtyard.

As she scanned her surroundings, her gaze finally landed on a familiar figure. Though years had passed since their last meeting, there was no mistaking that long, lustrous black hair.

Her wooden geta clacked rhythmically against the cobblestones as she broke into a run. “Anan! Anan!” she called out, her voice filled with joy.

Hearing the old childhood nickname, Amagami Kanan turned toward the sound, her face breaking into a smile as she saw a shorter girl racing toward her, shouting her name.

“Fumi!” Kanan called back, her heart leaping as she too began to run.

They collided in a tight embrace, fingers intertwining as they hopped around in a giddy dance, their voices overlapping as they joyfully took turns calling each other's nicknames like small children.

At a distance, Vice President Yuuko, who had been overseeing the other council members, glanced over and winced. For her 'mistress' had completely abandoned any semblance of restraint, forgetting the fragility of her own physique in her excitement.


Fumiyo Takahane
First-year student
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy

Participants: Amazake Amazake as Fumiyo Takahane, Kanan Amagami and Yuuko Ishizuka, Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples as Ui Tsubaru, and withinasapphire withinasapphire as Shiho Kimura. and Jackson123 Jackson123 as Kazuyo Akiyama
Tsuki Haruomi
First-year student
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Dormitory -> Courtyard, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy​

Time passed, the minutes ticking by as Tsuki sat around, doing her best to put Kitazono-sensei out of her mind for now. Ultimately, she was still one of the more familiar "students" in the school, even if she hadn't actually been attending classes till now. That gave her a certain sense of...seniority, she liked to think. And with Kitazono-sensei indisposed, it was more important than ever to shoulder her responsibility over the dorms and the new arrivals. As the planned time of arrival approached, Tsuki lost no time getting dressed and setting out early to reach the courtyard in a punctual manner.

Even so, the student council president and her assistant had beaten her there, and was in fact locked in an embrace with someone who was presumably quite close to her. That didn't specifically bother Tsuki for any reason, though she supposed that some of their teachers might call it unseemly for a young lady to act in that way. Frankly, she was more surprised that Amagami-san had enough energy to run and hop like that. Just needed the right motivation, it seemed.

With that, she approached the vice-president from her other side, the distinct noise of her crutch tapping on the ground quietly announcing her arrival. "Ishizuka-san." She nodded, just making sure Ishizuka wouldn't be surprised.

She then turned to regard the arrivals, giving as deep a bow as she could from her current posture. She hoped none of them were the type to stare at her. After all, she'd prepared her brief greeting and gone over it several times in her head, and she about to do her best to deliver it. "G-greetings and salutations. Welcome to Yurigaoka. I am Haruomi Tsuki. This is Ishizuka Yuuko, the vice-president of the student council." She figured that the president could introduce herself once she was done with her friend there. "I think there must be a lot on your minds now, and it can be hard to settle in to a new place, so if there's anything you need answered or any assistance I can offer over the coming days, please do not hesitate to ask." Yes, that was pretty good. With a first impression like that, surely they would feel welcome. "Now, right this way. Let's get your things unpacked." She gestured widely with her free arm towards the dorms, ready to move when the arrivals did.

Amazake Amazake Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples withinasapphire withinasapphire
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Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Courtyard, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy -> Dormitory, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy

Yuuko's ears perked up at the sound of her name being called. She turned toward the voice and recognized the face. "Ah... Haruomi-san, right?"

She wasn't sure if they'd ever exchanged words before, but Yuuko knew enough—there was a girl her age living with Kitazono-sensei. This year, that girl would be her junior.

Yuuko watched as Haruomi-san approached the freshmen, confidently introducing herself. What caught Yuuko off guard was when Haruomi-san introduced her as well, without hesitation. Yuuko didn't interrupt, though; she simply smiled and nodded in acknowledgment, playing along with the moment.

As she shifted her focus back to the other student council members, Yuuko noticed the way they eyed Haruomi-san with a mix of suspicion and gossip-fueled cynicism.

"Isn't she the one living with Kitazono-sensei?" one of them whispered.

"Look at her," another murmured. "Even though Kitazono-sensei was just rushed away in an ambulance, she’s smiling like nothing happened."

Yuuko’s gaze flicked back to Haruomi-san, curious if she was aware of the scrutiny. But instead, Haruomi-san seemed oblivious, casually leading the freshmen toward the dormitory. Acting quickly, Yuuko placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, stopping her in her tracks.

"Haruomi-san, wait. They still don't know where their rooms are."

Yuuko then turned to the group of freshmen, clapping her hands to gather their attention. "Alright, everyone, please line up. Student council members, help our new juniors form an orderly line."

Once the freshmen were organized, Yuuko turned back to Haruomi-san. "Please line up with the others too."

With that, she excused herself and walked over to the student council president, Amagami Kanan, who was still embracing the bob-haired girl—Fumi—closely. They stood far enough from the others that their conversation wouldn’t be overheard. Yuuko placed a comforting hand on Fumi's shoulder and said something in a low voice, gesturing toward the other students. Fumi responded by bowing repeatedly in apology before hurrying to join the line.

When the freshmen were finally in place, Kanan addressed them, her voice carrying a calm authority. "Welcome to Yurigaoka Girls' Academy. My name is Amagami Kanan, and I’m the student council president. Standing beside me is the vice president, Ishizuka Yuuko."

A murmur rippled through the freshmen at the mention of Kanan's surname. Some were already speculating if she had anything to do with the crates being unloaded from one of the trucks nearby.

After Kanan’s brief introduction, Yuuko stepped forward to address the group. "Starting today, you’ll begin your dormitory life. At Yurigaoka, each student shares a room with three others. This group is called a 'Shimai,' in other words, your roommates are your sisters here. The Shimai system is designed to foster a sense of community and help you quickly adapt to life here."

Yuuko then explained how the groupings had been carefully decided, and they began announcing the pairs. As names were called, the freshmen stepped forward, and then they went group by group, following one of the student council members into the dormitory building.

Finally, Yuuko called out the last group, "Haruomi Tsuki-san, Kimura Shiho-san, Takahane Fumiyo-san, and Tsubaru Ui-san, please follow me and Amagami-sama."

With that, Yuuko led the way to the dormitory entrance while Kanan waited for Fumi to join her before following.

As they walked down the hallway, the golden rays of the setting sun streamed through the dormitory windows, casting a warm, calming glow over the cool white wall and the wooden flooring.


Kanan Amagami
Student Council President
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy


Yuuko Ishizuka
Student Council Vice-President
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
STR 5 DEX 4 WIL 3​


Participants: Amazake Amazake as Fumiyo Takahane, Kanan Amagami and Yuuko Ishizuka, Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples as Ui Tsubaru, Nellancholy Nellancholy as Tsuki Haruomi, and withinasapphire withinasapphire as Shiho Kimura.
72148254_p0_master1200-copy.jpgKazuyo Akiyama
School Infirmary Teacher
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
CS link
Afternoon, Sunday, 1944年04月02日
Courtyard, Yurigaoka Girls' Academy​

Kazuyo accepted the envelope with a slight bow, her eyes quickly scanned the contents. It was a detailed list of the medical supplies the academy was to receive this month—mostly basic items like bandages, blood packs, antiseptics, and some pain relief medications, all of which were precious given the current shortages. As her eyes continued to scanned the document, her expression shifted subtly.

"Thank you," she said to the army doctor, her tone professional.

Her attention briefly shifted to the several wooden crates that contains the medicines from Amagami Pharmaceuticals being unloaded by the soldiers, before turning to Kanan who was at the scene waiting for Fumi.

"Thanks for you help too, Kanan-san. If you need anything, I'll be at the infirmary."

Participants: Amazake Amazake as Kanan Amagami
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Ui Tsubaru
First-year student
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy
STR 2 DEX 4 MEN 3​
Sunday, 1944年04月02日 Yurigoaka Girls' Academy

Oh, it seems they finally made it to the academy! Ui was very excited to see just what this place was all about, to make new friends for life, creating fun memories along the way. Taking the hand of a soldier, she stepped down off of the truck, onto the step-stool and to the ground proper before heading over to stand with the other new girls. Her eyes gazed up at the lovely school building, taking it all in...this all felt like another world, tucked far away from the stress of war and strife. Ui was going to love it here, she had a very good feeling about this. Her optimism was strong, it kept her going even when things seemed grim; she truly inherited her father's bravery and determination.

She blinked in surprise when one of the new girls ran towards a student to embrace her, perhaps a family member? Had to be, if that girl was bold enough to just run and hug the other out of nowhere, forgetting herself. Ui couldn't help but smile at the tender scene, until it was time to get down to business. It seemed the new student was hugging the student council president, who introduced herself and the council's vice-president. Ui let out a soft "Oooo!" sound under her breath, impressed and in awe for a moment. As names were called for dorm assignments, Ui found herself zoning out a bit until she heard her name specifically being called, bringing her back to reality. She nodded and joined the small group of new girls she would be rooming with this year.

Following the president and vice-president into the dormitory, Ui couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of such a place. It reminded her of a castle in a fairy tale, especially with such large pretty windows. "Ah, I feel like a princess walking through these halls!" She said in a soft voice, beaming with a big smile on her lips. "It's almost as if we've traveled to another realm, huh?" She asked the other new girls.

Mentions: Amazake Amazake Nellancholy Nellancholy withinasapphire withinasapphire

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