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Fantasy Doki Doki Literature Club ~ Elenor Academy


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Hiya! I’m Monika, the club leader of the Literature Club! This school is amazing-but thats in my words. I have 3 other members- Sayori, Vice President. Natsuki, the baker. And Yuri, our great reader. They’re like my sisters!...I’m rambling again. I’m super sorry!!

~Monika (Me, Hailey)

Your walking to school. Normal day, right? You hope...But you feel a weird aura around one specific girl- Monika, the most popular girl in the school-walking with 3 other girls. The three are really innocent girl who love reading, and you like to think of them as sophisticated girls. They walk to school together (Except for Sayori, she’s a bit late), so they can’t hurt, right? WRONG. One day, in the middle of the school year, Sayori is sad...and talks about hanging...Natsuki is still perky-but she keeps saying snapping...and Yuri (Quiet girl) mumbles about stabbing. Turns out, Monika convinced them to try to commit suicide, and is practically controlling them.

Is Sayori going to hang herself, or not?
Is Natsuki going to snap her neck, or not?
Is Yuri going to stab herself, or not?
Is Monika going crazy, or not?

THE GROUP WILL DISBAND AFTER SOMEONE FINALLY CONVINCES ALL THREE OF THE GIRLS NOT TO COMMIT, AND MAKE MONIKA STAY AWAY FROM THEM. But, it isn’t easy...Monika is always with them. Literally. She’s a genius. She knows how to hack, so she’s always watching...


1) Please let the story fold out on itself. No immediately making Monika stay away from the 3 girls.
2) I’m going to RP in 1st person. You RP in third! That way, it makes it easier for all three girls. EXAMPLE:

”Mr Williams. I think the answer to #3 is 106, not 96.” I say. Not like he’ll care.

Oh my gosh! I can’t wait! I whisper quietly. “I’m going to be the Vice President of the Literature club!“ I say quietly, not wanting to disturb my new friend, Monika.

I look around. I see a jumpy girl, one girl just said the answer, and another is reading...a manga? Who even reads those these days?

I grumble. I notice of how Yuri is staring at me. I scowl at her.

3) You must have a character RELATED to either Monika, Sayori, Yuri, or Natsuki. Wether it is being only knowing each other, to being sisters/brothers.
4) Swearing is allowed.
5) LGBTQ+ is allowed.
6) Take sex, or drugs to PM.
7) Unlimited characters! Make sure you RP them, tho.
8) Please report any argument to me.
9) Your character must be approved to RP it! And I usually allow many characters.


~Hailey (Monika!)

Thank you so much for joining!


Name |
Age |
Gender |
Year (9-11) |
Club (Any!) |
Looks/Appearance |
Personality |
Likes |
Dislikes |
Relation to DDLC Club Member | (Any! Known Friend-Sister!)
Name | Yuri GreyThorn

Age | 17

Gender | Male

Year (9-11) | 11th

Club (Any!) |Wrestling, Boxing, and Fencing

Looks/Appearance |
This, without the wolf tail and ears, but yes, with the scar across his eye, he's 6'4" tall, and friggin Ripped
Screenshot_20200323-195529_Gacha Life.jpg
Personality |
A bit dense at times, mainly when talking about his past, but otherwise, is very arrogant, and fun-loving, he loves to mess around with people, and he's overly friendly
Likes |
Any physical sort of activity
Dislikes |
Sitting around, doing nothing

Relation to DDLC Club Member | Knows Monika, though barely, doesn't know any of the others
Name | Yuri GreyThorn

Age | 17

Gender | Male

Year (9-11) | 11th

Club (Any!) |Wrestling, Boxing, and Fencing

Looks/Appearance |
This, without the wolf tail and ears, but yes, with the scar across his eye, he's 6'4" tall, and friggin Ripped
View attachment 725099
Personality |
A bit dense at times, mainly when talking about his past, but otherwise, is very arrogant, and fun-loving, he loves to mess around with people, and he's overly friendly
Likes |
Any physical sort of activity
Dislikes |
Sitting around, doing nothing

Relation to DDLC Club Member | Knows Monika, though barely, doesn't know any of the others

Approved! I like the name.
Name | Kylie
Age | 9
Gender | Female
Year | 4 (Primary School)
Club | Drama

Personality |
Kylie is a fun, outgoing girl. She know’s all about Acting.

Likes |
Drama, Pizza, Being a kid, and basketball

Dislikes |
Rude people
Name | John
Age | 14
Gender | Male
Year | 7
Club | Sports
Looks | Brown hair, and the casual outfit. Lol!
Personality | Just that quiet kid in class, y’know with that sporty side
Likes | Basketball, Reading, and XBox.
Dislikes | Screams
Last edited:
Name | Ariana Cepori
Age | 16
Gender | Female
Year | 1
Club | Sports (Such as track, and basketball.) , and Sewing.
Looks | 0CA90AF4-0A2A-4DA1-B9C8-CE6054693E81.jpeg
Personality | Ariana is a mute girl, or so she can whisper. She’s very intelligent, and when she is sad it’s very visible.
Likes | Reading, Music, Gaming.
Dislikes | Scary things, sad situations.

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