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"Smells like transdimensional entrophy"


K̙͇̯̥̼̲̼̇̏̍̉ͨͯ̋ͫE̬̦̒͊̍̉͜͠T̼͉̞̣̣̮͔͈͇ͮḘ̘̖̯̉̌͆͒̊ͭ̑́Ȑ̿̌ͦ̒ͨ͗̚҉̬̤̠ ̸̨̳̘̯̯̞̂̎ͫͬ͊͜C̵̬͓̤ͪ͟Ĺ̺̙̣͈̜̹̪̃́͘͟A̞̮͈̗̻͊͆̌̓͊ͬ̚͜͠ͅS͔̦̹̜͕̠͇͋̽̿́̂͗̚̚ͅS͕̰̬̺̊͘ ̣͙̯̖͋̂̈ͩ͂̔̿͑́̚A̧̹͉̬ͫ͛ͩͨ̿ͥ́N̡̔͐̋ͥ̚͏̜̖̞̝̲͕̪ͅO̺̘̞̞͍̰̤̥ͪ̋̔̎̅̇͌͘͜Mͦ̐͏͖͈͈̙A̴̛͍̫̱̠͙̙͆͂͜ͅL͉̠̣̔ͦͭ̆͋͆̇͊̀́Y̵ͪͣͥ̄͐͛͏̹̲̥̘̟ ̴̫̠ͤͬͨͩͭ̽̌͠D͎̻̰ͪͤE̷̛̻͓̲̭̜̐T̷̘̥̭͚͋͆͋̄͐ͦ̂̓ͅE̵̶̖̲̟ͪͩ͊͐̉͋̌̎́C̴̡̢̫̬͉͊ͥ̇͂̊͌̅͋T̴̟̩̭̲̣̙͇̾̂̌͛̌͠Ė̗̣̳̖̤͔̌ͯ̓ͬ͞͝D̴̮͐ͧ̓̏ͫ̽́



Description: It goes by many names. It refers to itselfe as "DocDandy" and those whom know it in whatever face it is currently useing refer to it as "Doc" "Pal" and any other indescript nickname you would give someone who prefers taking on a supporting role. The entity will generally take on a shape that is designed to cause those in the world it inhabits to feel comfort, often choosing to enter a world as a figure meant to provide support and safe interaction with others in the dimensional plain of it's choosing. However this is a faux, and not the entities true form.

The entities true form is a dark or blank shapeless blob, that will often choose a bipedal form that walks on two legs. Most witnesses that have been able to identify and/or witness the entities true form have compared it's structure to a viscus ink. Although it is technically transparent, it is only barely so, and many who would see it in its true form may mistake the gelationous substance as a viscus ink. Within the entitiy a small, baseball sized sphere floats. The sphere glows with a dark red color and is theorized to be the entities nucleos, where all of its critical organs are located. The sphere floats freely within the body of the entity.

Abilities: The entity has three major abilities that make it extreamly dangerous to any sentient life:

1. The entity can shapeshift its structure on a mollecular level. It generally uses this ability to shape itselfe into a structure that will be more easily recognized by dwellers of whatever plain it chooses to inhabit, however those whom have engaged in combat with the creature have reported limbs turning into solid steel, or complex machines that may launch projectiles, manipulate outside elements, or if the current world contains magic properties or other paranormal phenomina, the creature has been known to use it's own body to manipulate the phenomina in strange and often lethal ways.

2. The entity is aware of the true nature of the reality it lurks in, and will often taunt its enemies with this knowledge. It has been known to first cripple its enemies or pray with the knowlege of what and where they are, before then devouring them. This ability has also been known to cause great discomfort to Metagamers, also known as the current controllers of its dimensional plain, causing shifts in its current reality, or even apoctalyptic scenerios.

3. The entity is able to understand the entities that control the current dimensional plain it inhabits, which witnesses report, the creature often compares to reading text in a book or a screen. Although the entity cannot directly communicate with any of the 'writers' it can use the knowlege it reads from them in order to gain an advantage over its targer or any enemies/threats.


  1. Weaknesses: The entity is extreamly dangerous to sentient life, however if you know what to look for it is easily identifiable, and has several major vunerabilities, should you find yourselfe in combat with it...

    1: The entity seems to follow a certain set of rules, regardless of whether or not it has been discovered. Not all of "The Rules" have been identified, but the ones that I was able to verify from witness reports are as followed

The entity will not engage or pick a fight with anyone, regardless of their personality or other traits


The entity will never attempt to contact anyone outside of its dimensional plain


The entity cannot lie. It however can omit facts from the user in certain scenerios


If any rule of the entity is guessed, or if the entity is porposfully questioned about it's true nature it must reveal itselfe


The entity can not do anything that would endanger the lives of more than 30% of the dimensions population


2: Although the entity cannot truly be killed, it can be forced from its current dimension permenatly, by destroying its nucleaous, which is easily identifiable. If it's nucleaous is destroyed it will be forced to leave the current dimension, and will be unable to return


3: The entity can only inhabit one dimension at a time. If it attempts to inhabit more than one dimension it will begin to show errors. The more dimensions it is in at one time, the more errors it will show. Although it can technically inhabit more than one dimension, reports suggest that it rarely if ever does this...

Nature: The exact reasons behind why the entity travels to different dimensions is unknown however there are speculations from my peers as to why it does what it does. Before I can reveal these speculations to you it is imperative that you read about the entities exact nature.

When the entity enters a new dimension it will assume the role of a supporting charecter. The entity will never choose to be a main charecter or anyone of great importance.

The entity will first make contact with anyone whom is alone or vunerable to being befriended. The entity will usually choose to be a person that can provide essential services (Such as repairs to items, medical attention, or even emotional support)


Regardless of whomever accepts the entity into their life (or as some call it their "Party") the entity will display fierc loyalty to their current leader (or the host) and is known to use psycological manipulation techniques to attempty to change the mind of whatever combantant is facit its host


The entity will attempt to gain as many people onto the side of the original contactor as possible, and will only engage in combat if the persom who as recruited the entity is in serious mortal danger


Speculations: Many people have made widely supported opinions of what the entity is and what it wants, and for posterity I will list the top 3 here:

Many people believe that the creature is a memetic parasite that feeds on strong emotions from others. By choosing someones cause and then manipulating others into it the creature gains a very large meal. The stronger the emotions and desires of the party members, the more well fed the entity is... Once the entity has assured its choson host has reached its goal, the entity will then move on to another easy meal

Many other people belive that the entity is an agent of an unknown controller whom wishes to bring about the best ending of a dimensional conflict to the controllers liking. The entity intenionally selects a supporting role in order to lure its target into a false sence of security, and then manipulate him/her from the shadows to ensure that the proper outcome of the story comes to fruition, pleasing its master


Others believe that the entity is simply predatory. If follows the main protagonist, searching for unwitting people whom will serve no purpose before devouring them for nutrution



It should be noted that the people whom made these speculations are almost perfectly devided...

My personal speculations:


Personally, I think this entity is simply someone whom has saw the abyss and avoided it... Someone whom has seen everything there is to see in a world, and was bored. Someone whom simply goes world to world for their own asmusment.

Based on the fact that the entity will not attack unless provoked, and the entity usually tries to follow the main cast, I personally think this entity is just a watcher that wants to have its own fun. But I could be very wrong.

The answer could lie somewhere in the middle of all of this...
that was... something? i'm not sure exactly what it was, but it was definitely something... i think? 

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