Story DoaD Fan-Made Prequel

Aperire Animo


The Devolution Of A Demon: The Waking (Chapter 1)

A fan-made prequel of...

The Devolution Of A Demon

by a previous friend of mine

Mary's tears were still making their way down her cheek as she let out a faint scream. The sound was almost erotic.

She was such a pretty crier, even with all the deep red lines across her naked body, he couldn't help but admire her.

He pressed another clean shard of the window against her forearm, his eyes twinkled at the sight of her blood rising to the surface. Another scream.

He looked over to the clock behind him, half past 2 in the morning. He was spending too much time playing with my food lately.

He looked back down at the girl, she was in a type of crucifix position on the bed. Both arms spread to either side while her head lay limp between. Her legs tied together and then tied to the foot of the bed.

He wondered what more he could do with her before he finished up, and then it hit him.

He climbed over her body like a dog and put my cheek to hers, "Wanna learn to fly?" He whispered.

Now that she lost most of blood between her sheets, she was easy to move without the hassle of fighting around. He took her up to the top of the apartment building where she lived and stood her up at the edge of the roof. The sky was dark and the city was dimly lit by street lights and club signs, no-one could see them now. He clawed apart the rope and held her close to his body, one arm was tangled around her waist and the other raised as he lifted her chin to face him. She shook in his arms, either from fear or the cold, she was still naked after all. "It's okay," He began to comfort her, "Whores like you never live too long in the first place." he turned her around and used just a bit of his strength to throw her from the building.

The demon had to admit.

She fell quite graciously.

** **

Damon returned back downstairs to Mary's apartment. Looking around he seemed to admire the place, he thought for a moment and went searching for the landlord.

He shuffled around for a moment before spotting some fat shaved-headed fool moving from one room to another. "Excuse me!" Damon called, he returned back from the room and out into corridor before grunting back at Damon, "Are you the owner of this building?" he asked, "Obviously, why?" the fat slob shouted back before spitting out onto the wall beside him. "I want an apartment, 3E." Damon said referring to Mary's place, "It's being used!" The fat man dug his hands into his pockets in search for something, "Not anymore" Damon said under his breath, "Here!" The fat man shouted throwing a set of keys toward him, "Use the apartment above it!".

Before Damon could respond, the troll disappeared back into his lair, he sighed at the lack of decency and wonder up a flight of stairs. He brought the keys up to his face to admire them, still wondering the halls, "It's not the Dorchester, but I guess it will do." he mumbled. Damon found the apartment and made his way inside. The smell of dust and alcohol hit his nose accompanied by the sound of the city outside.

Luckily Damon didn't have any luggage or furniture to worry about so he made himself right at home. Looking around the room he found the perfect thing, a light green couch, darker shades of green striped across the length of cushions.

He sat himself down and felt the springs beneath attempting to reach through the fabric.

A large bed sat across the room from him, sheets tucked neatly beneath the pillows, "Maybe the next victim can go there." Damon thought joyfully.

He could only think of how many stories would echo from this very room. 
The Devolution Of A Demon: The Waking (Chapter 2)

Liam opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling, today was another good day, he could feel it.

He got up, washed, clothed, ate and locked the front door as he left.

He moved across the road and looked back at his house, a heavy standing bungalow, over-grown ferns and bushes either side of the porch. The garden in tatters, the grass reaching up to a fair knee height. Roots and weeds connecting each natural disaster together in one big mess, guarded by a dirty brown picket fence. Beautifully natural.

Minutes later the car was warmed and ready to drive off into the city.

Finding a spot from inside the parking lot was easy enough, now was the task of finding the right shops for his next day out. He came by a few small shops here and there, selling a large variety of small things you'd never find by searching. Little statues for the mantle piece, picture frames holding better stories than the paintings within them. People entered with money for gifts and left with little paper bags filled with ornaments only for themselves. Liam was careful not to enter as he would get distracted for hours.

After finding what he needed Liam wondered back the way he came, nipping into the little shops for only a minute each. Once back to his car Liam dove into a pharmacy bag to receive a small asthmatic inhaler, shaking it up and down he brought it closer to his lips and...

Liams head shot back.

The inhaler fell from his right hand, the plastic bags from the left.

Liam was dead before he hit the ground.

Across the road from the parking lot, high above the city, the barrel of a silenced mk 13 sniper rifle blew out it's last bit of smoke as the hooded man holding it stood up and calmly walked back inside from the appartment buildings rooftop.

A few moments later the assassin was gone and noone was any wiser than they were before. 

The Devolution Of A Demon: The Waking (Chapter 3)

Walking the streets was sometimes the most fun. The hunt for fresh prey.

It was getting later, the clubs and bars will open soon, Damon changed direction and moved down a different row of houses he'd never been down. As he looked left and right, peering through the open curtains of families finally returning to bed, he thought about the people he killed.

Did they have families? Would they be going to sleep around this time?

Then he laughed it off and journeyed on down the road.

As Damon reached the corner of the road he began to hear the laughter of girls. He took a glance around the corner and saw them all, a group of 4, all around the same age in similar youthful clothing. He never did attempt a group, it was always too complicated. "Maybe today." He thought to himself, he began hatching a plan as he followed them from a distance. When Damon found the right moment he moved in.

Running at a frightened pace he caught up to them, just before they turned to look Damon swung his right arm around through the air. His nails grew to an inch in length and tore through the air as it moved.

Contact. His 4 nails pierced the thick skin and sank deeper for a moment before he pulled to the side and pulled the skin apart. He pulled his hand away and hid the bloody hand from sight, his other hand now covering the open wound in his stomach.

"Help! Please one of you help!" Damon cried out to the girls, one of them turned around and gasped, the rest followed as sheep. "Oh my god," shrieked the tallest, "Erm, okay, just lean against this wall, one of you call an ambulance!" she ordered, clearly taking charge, he'll finish her last.

Three of them stood around Damon trying to help him keep composure whilst the one with blonde hair dug her hands into her bag for a phone. "I have their full attention," He thought, "Now's the time!"

** **

As soon the girl to his left looked over her should to see if anyone was around, Damon grabbed the girl furthest right by the throat and kick the middle one forward. Whilst stangling the girl he was holding, he took the left girl by the hair and threw her to the ground.

With a scream the girl with her phone started to run, Damon sprinted forward taking the back of her head and pushing it into the ground. He took hold of her ankle and dragged her back to her friends, her mouth now pouring with blood. The girl Damon kicked crawled barely a meter before he stompt on her back, another one immobilized.

The first girl was now unconscious, the second now with a possible broken back, the third with a broken jaw and concussion. The forth...

This was why he never chose groups.

Damon knelt down on the floor between the three girls that were now left behind. Lifting one hand higher he let a single nail grow as they all did minutes ago. One by one, he lifted up their heads, dug his nails deep into the skin and simply pulled his hand back across, slicing their necks open. Damon sat back on the curb and watched peacefully as the large puddle of blood trickled down the drain.

Damon snapped out of his euphoric state and rose to his feet. Looking down he noticed his own shoes were now soaked with blood. He looked left and right, made sure noone had turned the corner and he retreated into the alley behind him.

A young girl, roughly the age of those on the floor, stepped of the alley. She brushed her smooth hazel hair back around her right ear, bent down and picked up small flip-up phone from within the blood.

"Chloe" The name came quietly, under her breath with a little stutter toward the start.

"M..My name is Chloe." She confirmed. She took a look around the street ignoring the bodies lying in front of her and walked away into the night. 

The Devolution Of A Demon: The Waking (Chapter 4)

James Green, a well dressed man in his mid sixties, took slower and slower breaths as he relaxed in the driver seat of a dark blue 1985 cutlass supreme.

He slowly put the car into reverse and backed out off the curb, it took him a few more minutes but eventually the old man heaved the car into traffic. He went around the block once or twice before finding the perfect person. The car pulled up to the left as the window was rolled down inch by inch.

"Excuse me!" James called out to a young man at the side of the road, "Excuse me!" The young man on the pavement turned his head, pulling an earphone out he turned his body and walked toward the car.

"Me?" He ask for confirmation, James simply nodded with inviting smile, "Are you okay?" the young man asked.

"Oh heavens yes," James replied laughing, "I just need a little help with directions, you couldn't help me out could you?" he pulled up a fold out AA map from the compartment in his door. "Oh, yeah I can do that." The young man said moving closer to the car.

James opened up the map in front of the steering wheel and leaned over to open the car door, "Well you see here about this round-about, I need to know..." While James went on talking the young man moved in to seat in the passenger seat and looked over to the map. "...and for that it said I was on that road there but I came out over on this one." James went on to say while turning his head and pointing. "Now what street is this?" He asked taking another long look around the road.

The young man leaned in a pointed on the map, "We're right here on-.." Before the young man could finish James had pulled a old rag from behind the AA map and shoved it onto the mans face. James was too strong for the man too fight off and before long the chloroform had went to work.

Quickly James stepped out and folded the map away, he moved over to the passenger side of the car and leaned in to position the young man more efficiently. He closed the door, got back inside and drove off.

In an alleyway nearby, James went around to the passenger side and opened the door again. James took the rag and placed it over the young mans neck with one hand and slid a small knife beneath it. With a deep tear, the rag was soaked with the infamous shade of red and the rest of the blood was now quickly seeping down under the young mans clothes.

He dragged the man out and flung him against the wall and left him to fall and bleed out all over the floor.

The car reversed out of the alleyway and drove off.

Once again the assassin was gone and no trace was left behind.
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