Experiences Do you have a "template" for your character sheets, or does it depend on the character?


New Member
While there are probably things almost every character sheet has, I'm curious, if you have a set "template" (or something similar) for all your characters? What are aspects you include in every character sheets, and what are things you only sometimes mention (if any at all)?

Rpers usually go by the template of the gm. But like Basics are always

- Face Claim
- Appearance - ht, wt, hair, eyes, gear etc
- Personality - includes likes, fears, goals etc
- Ablities/skills
- Bio
- Extra - trivia, relationship, quirks etc.

Some gms skip appearance descriptions and just go with fc. Personality sometimes don't include likes, fears, goals. Abilities usually has the magic/special powers if applicable. Bio doesn't always have to be novels. Sometimes extra not included

Like if you curious go on and like stalk some rps CS sections to see what they do in your particular genre. Some rpers pref smaller cs some others pref detail.

Whatever the case my suggestion is if rpers use Fancy-ass'd code that don't work on mobile, like get them to provide plain text hidden in spoiler.

Boom. Hope this helps!
Again an instance where things might differ between group RPs and 1x1s. As Bug mentioned, as a group RPer I simply follow the CS template given by the GM of any RP I join, though I might flesh it out with additional info (likes/dislikes, habits/quirks, etc.)- even if it isn't listed in the skeleton.

I do not really know how such things are done in 1x1, though depending on player preference I imagine they can range from simply describing the basics of a character to fully-articulated CS sheets.

I do not keep a repository of my own characters disconnected from the RPs they've appeared in, so I don't have a default sheet simply for them myself. When GMing, being the type of person that I am and coming from the background that I do, I tend to basically list everything I can think of. And while as a GM it's important to know what you'll be working with in terms of story and interaction potential, I am trying to work on progressively making my sheets more minimal, so as to leave more room for character creation and discovery through the process of the RP itself.

Anyway, apologies for the rambly response. To sum up: I don't have an exact, 'set' template I use, but do generally include all the usual categories Bug mentioned, so my CS skeletons are typically only slight, RP-specific variations on the same basic approach.
I do have a basic template of sorts, though that template is a starting point and I can add or remove things depending on the need of characters and roleplays. It also gets shuffled around a bit for thematic reasons, especially since I like to creatively match the code I use for sheets to the character, and sometimes the character sheet just fits better done slightly differently.

(Appearance) (usually it’s a picture rather than a specified category)
Likes: (min 3)
Dislikes: (min 3)
Fears: (min 2)
Relationships: (have admittedly used this one very little lately)
Other: (optional)
Back when I did character sheets frequently, I had two templates I used. One was basic, age, a bit of background, etc. then I had a longer one that dealt with more personal relationships and history-as much as I detest doing history. I don't bother with them anymore though.

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