Poetry Do You Feel and Other Misc. Poetry


You're literally looking at a $2,000 meme machine
Do You Feel

Do you feel the bile rising from your heart?
Do you feel the metal of your M16?
Do you feel your skull shatter and lack of kin matter?
Do you feel your mind simply drift away?

Yes, I've felt the bile depart from my heart
Yes, I've felt the metal burn into my skin
Yes, My skull shattered and lack of kin doesn't matter
Yes, my mind drifted away and never returned

Do you feel the bombs rain from the sky?
Do you steal to stay alive?
Do you kill to please your demagogue?
Do you have the will to survive?

Yes, my bombs have jettisoned long ago
Yes, even my life has been stolen from me
Yes, I killed to please Uncle Sam
How can I survive at 18?

I Can Say

I can say,

With an enlightened mind,
All the education books (and more) provide,
With a frail body,
(I passed PE broadly)
That I surpass my countrymen
In compromise and understanding
For far too many
Have fallen victim to the political party

I dump poetry here, feel free to yell at me

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