Other Do we still care?


I know that I have not been on here for a long while but...I seem to get the feeling that the site doesn't want me here, from being pushed aside in threads to having mine ignored, I just don't feel welcome here...frankly, I dunno what to do, I came here because of my friend Avaron but this site doesn't seem to like me, despite my attempts at being friendly.

So I figured I should ask if I should leave the site and see if I can delete my account? I don't think the site would even notice if I left but I think I should at least ask.
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I think you're being a bit too dramatic about it, not to downplay your feelings at all, just saying.

It's always hard transitioning into a new community. It will take time to develop a rapport with various members. A lot of people are frankly quiet busy. When they come online they usually have things to handle in a limited amount of time. RPs, interest checks, shops,discussion threads they created, etc. Some people don't even have a lot of time for their own RPs, lol. :D

This community is actually fairly small-well no, that's fair, mid-sized*- and these types of communities can be fairly set in their ways, they have close friends, tight circles, and it can be hard to squeeze into them. I haven't really found that to be the case here, but it exists on almost every RP site to some degree.

I would give it time. It's sometimes easier to take a run at a community by joining role plays first. This will get you out there, working with people, building working relationships, and get your talent noticed and exposed. So when you create threads or RPs, people will go out of their way to see what you're up to or have to say.

Give it time, this community is pretty good from what I've seen. I haven't even started to merge into it yet. I'm still snooping and reading. :D
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I suppose I can do that but frankly...I feel that it's because I am not as popular as you two that most don't even acknowledge that I am here for them after I comment. Not much point in being here for a week if I cannot even get a single rp in a day.
It takes a MONTH to get a single rp even planned here? Wow...that's erm...both bad and good honestly...
It takes a MONTH to get a single rp even planned here? Wow...that's erm...both bad and good honestly...

It doesn't necessarily take that long. It depends on the type of roleplay. Very detailed and complex roleplays take a lot of planning, but they're very rewarding to join because so much thought is put into them ^_^  You can get to know some passionate players very well if you stick with it.

Other types of roleplays function very much by a "seat of the pants" philosophy. They start with an idea and immediately bring people in explore and have a good time. It's a lot easier to start up, and if you're lucky it lasts a long time and you make friends with the players.

There's a super diverse number of players all over the place. I recommend looking into the interest checks and continuing to try a bit longer, just to see if you can find anyone you click with. After all, there's a wide variety of people to meet on here. You don't have to, and the decision is inevitably up to you, but I've met a boatload of wonderful players over the past few months I've been on here (I joined in April). And I meet more interesting people frequently ^_^

I completely understand that it can be hard, and intimidating to dive into situations where you might face rejection. But there's nothing else to do but stick your neck out there. There might be some bad experiences that come of it, but there's also many got ones to be had as well. Have more faith in yourself and look for roleplays that might not already be an established friend group (or might be a friendly group that wants to add more friends :D ). With a site as big as this, you're bound to find people if you give it a bit time :)
If you joined with a friend I'd ask them if they have any roleplays they are in or if they are starting any up. 

Also if your looking for roleplays I'd suggest starting with 1x1s or maybe casual groups in whatever genre you like. 1x1s will get you well one x one interation with other people and groups that are casual or simple usually move fast if you like that kind of thing.

But yeah it won't be an instant process to find a new roleplay.

Even the ones in the interest check are likely not gonna be ready to go in a day. 

So yeah I'd just talk to as many peope ad you can, if you see a roleplay you like then message the owner if you can join.

But don't be discouraged if they say no it'd likely not you at all - maybe they have all the roles filled or are simply bust at the moment.
I spent a week looking for roleplays and replying to interest checks. I've been in a few different roleplays for a few days waiting for character sheets to get set up. I've now been waiting since last night to start since my gm's said it's going to get going soon. So it does take time to get started if you want a detailed roleplay, but sometimes it can take long simply because people are busy. 

Also as for not feeling welcomed? Typically that's how forums are, there's so many faces that come and go, that you miss people sometimes. Other times you simply don't give people the time of day because would you do that if you were walking into a crowded room(like a school)? Same goes for the internet and sometimes it can suck to be ignored and I've been there. But rpnation is a great site if you give it a chance and don't give up. And like others said, look for casual roleplays in particular to get started if you want something to just jump into. Or established roleplays as they're already started and getting in largely depends on you making a character after being accepted.
I suppose so but most are have people at their feet, wanting an rp.

I think it's a matter of the people you to notice are the ones who are good at attracting attention from people (be it with titles or concepts). I've seen a couple instances of people putting out interest checks to get minimal responses, and usually as a result of some formatting elements that might throw people off, or because their idea isn't as straightforwardly expressed as it could be. There's also an element of people being more likely to make an interest check than respond to one (or sometimes the time of year is bad).
Maybe because you don't talk that much or approach that many people? Besides, you're still new. And finding an rp is easy, well at least for me (i don't do that detailed rp that much and would rather prefer the rp to go with the flow and make up along the way). I also felt the same way when I first joined here. I came here on and off in between months, and now im here again. Idk what will happen in the next few weeks but I'm pretty much fine in here and have adjusted. Though I sometimes get jealous of people having a lot of friends and all, It doesn't affect me that much that I would impulsively think to leave (and that's not saying much lol).
I know that I have not been on here for a long while but...I seem to get the feeling that the site doesn't want me here, from being pushed aside in threads to having mine ignored, I just don't feel welcome here...frankly, I dunno what to do, I came here because of my friend Avaron but this site doesn't seem to like me, despite my attempts at being friendly.

So I figured I should ask if I should leave the site and see if I can delete my account? I don't think the site would even notice if I left but I think I should at least ask.

Sometimes it can take a while to find the right group, or roleplay. As you've probably seen by now, every user has their own way of doing things in rpnation.

My advice is to stay friendly (I can't undermine the importance of that, it's a fantastic quality), be active in the community, and just keep trying to roleplay. One thing that can help is getting involved in our various discussion forums found on the main page.

If you need to find a good roleplay, you can always put interest into roleplays in our interest check section, found here

Though a lot of people won't admit it, but we were all new on this website at one time, including myself! Just put yourself out there by being active in the community, joining/making rps, and just being friendly and I can assure you'll have a great time.

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