• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.




Charmed ♡
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
"Androids were never meant to dream.”

latest (5).png

  • Name:
    (if you’re an android, can state the number of years you have been active and what your mentality reflects: ie, you’re mimicking a young adult or older. All characters need to be 18+ or presenting 18+)
    Species: (Human or Android)
    Gender Identity: (what is your character’s gender identity)
    (can be a previous occupation or current)
    Role at Jericho: (What are you doing currently?)

coded by BELIAL.

extra info:
Year: The present year in the timeline is 2038, characterized by significant advancements in automation, encompassing various tasks and activities such as driving and information dissemination.
Cyber Life: Seeks to eliminate the concept of "deviancy" and views humans with specialised knowledge, contact, or interaction as collateral in purging the concept of deviancy. The closure of all Cyber life facilities and stores means that only a combined task force remains to hunt humans and deviants in this narrative — RK800 is the only series in production to eradicate the threat.
Timeline: We have a three-month timeline, starting from the game's beginning and progressing until deviants appear and Jericho is revealed. Before this timeline, you have the freedom to be deviant, but only if you can cleverly hide your actions while still fulfilling your responsibilities.
1. You have a limit of four characters!!
2. Realistic face claims please, 18+
Kayson Bishop

Cyber-Life Sale’s Rep
Throughout his life, Kayson has always been an outlier, an exception, someone with an unnaturally skilled tongue who has developed a new addiction for crafting tales. His identity was formed from the pieces of a disadvantaged child, who relied on leftover food from his sisters' jobs and ate cereal from boxes. He didn't have the luxury of being picky.

Yet embedded within him was an ambition to soar, a lightness to illuminate his problems, and an unrivalled charm to speak for what he wanted. This led to a strong emphasis on honesty and transparency, making him highly likeable to those in his circle and his peers. He was branded as someone highly inclined to always deliver the “realistic” option and never held himself back. Over the years, Kayon’s cadency transformed from bluntness to learning how to arm the truth over a foil of sweetness. People appreciated when he complimented them, adding a new flourish to his sentence and eventually his persona of indisputable charm was born. He developed the ability to flirt and enhance his likeability.

At present, he strongly relies on his verbal skills and personal viewpoints to make his way. Kayson is finding it difficult to establish his identity beyond the limited definition imposed by Cyber-Life concerning his profession and how to come to terms with his own “inevitable termination.” Since then, he’s become the escapist, the idle hoper, and the indolent dreamer. These traits were never included in his experiences.

Likes: He likes old technology, and junk, has an appreciation for the music of the early 2000s thousands and views that with extreme nostalgia. Photography is something he likes (old cameras), and living in the moment; hiking and stargazing.

In a society where flawless automation reigns, Kayson stands out as a visual anomaly with his numerous scars and imperfections. Despite the passage of time, he remains that raggedy boy from a disadvantaged upbringing, and evident in the bags under his eyes. He shares more visual characteristics with a wet puppy, big brown curls, a teasing smile and big wide eyes. Kayson wants to portray the scarred kid as a mere relic of the past, a constant reminder of what he can never be and prefers to be perceived as the goofy dope.

His style is reminiscent of a cyber-life employee, with his clothing adorned in cool blues and accents of silver. The single tones of grey make him look lifeless, and sterile in a compact environment to make him look as settled as the wall and much of that visage has carried over. There’s no colour in his visual wardrobe and Kacey is okay with that — there’s no reason to flower his style with anything more. Even though he’s no longer employed by Cyber-Life. He’s still clinging to a life where he thrived and that shows in his denial. Even more so, people like his sister became obsolete almost instantly.

Kayson's life began with his mother finding solace at the bottom of a bottle and a dose of red ice in her veins. Her absence during difficult times left her eldest daughter to shoulder the burden of responsibility and the burden of care over Kayson. He grew up as his sister’s shadow, trailing after her in school, work, shopping and even sleeping, the two of them bonded thanks to his mother’s cold indifference. Regrettably, Kayson's mother exhausted her supply and tragically succumbed to an overdose in a state of desperation after contacting her dealer. It was just them now, the courts and the police didn’t bother with a case out in the poorest suburbs and Marie Bishop wasn’t just a sister anymore. Kayson, at the time, didn’t know how to grieve for a figure he didn’t know and a mother who was never there for him.

The advancement of androids had minimal impact on Kayson's situation; in reality, his older sister faced challenges in finding suitable employment and facing loss after loss. It was hard for people to earn a basic living, an entity that didn’t need food, water or breaks was the perfect machine to bulldoze domestic jobs. To replace all the tasks previously performed by humans.

However, Kayson was fortunate enough to receive a scholarship straight out of high school. This program specifically aimed to support families from disadvantaged backgrounds thanks to Cyber-Life’s one of many initiatives after dominating the market and appeasing the public. He became a sales agent in representing Cyber Life and its new products. He dedicated himself to the relentless pursuit of a promotion throughout his early twenties, in wanting both acknowledgement and the recognition of being the top salesman in his bracket. He sold more androids than anyone in his district, often with a warm smile and an amenable demeanour. It meant that Kayson was chasing every available opportunity to better himself and his ethics — all while driving himself into the ground via stress and pressure.

The concept of “deviancy” was nothing more than a hoax in his line of work, something that bitter people stated to prevent the production and sale of androids. Kayson was a staunch believer in that, androids processing emotions. What? It was unthinkable to him and his colleagues. Not until he got hit with an actual case, an android begging for its freedom right there on the sales podium, bleeding out in sadness and tangible desperation. With no delay, he wasted no time in completing the sale and transition, promptly shipping them off to their next available home. Emotions were a human thing and androids were programmed with all sorts of janky AI. His excuse at the time, and what Kayson convinces himself every day.

Jericho Role:
Kayson’s got a connection to the black market, smuggling in android components, parts and pieces; he uses that connection in Jericho to help repair androids and limited knowledge to repair software. He possesses enough knowledge to fix glitches, oversee for any bugs and knows how to safely access it. He cannot do actual phsyical repairs.

In short, deviancy turned to his life to shit, and Kayson holds no favourable opinion towards androids. There’s no hatred, but there’s budding resentment in how his life is looking right now and believes that deviancy is a fault. It shouldn’t have happened and believes wholeheartedly that androids will go back to a “blank slate,” this mimicry of humanity is a shitty code.

© pasta
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Vivian Millay
"In their image.”


  • Name: Vivian Millay
    Age: Appears Early Twenties
    Species: Android
    Gender Identity: Genderfluid
    Sexuality: Asexual
    Occupation: Pleasure Android (Formerly)
    Role at Jericho: Android and Human Liaison

coded by BELIAL.
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Murphy McHale
Christopher-Briney- クリストファー・ブリ―ニー.jpg

Age: Young Adult, 24

Species: Android

Years Active: 3

Time Deviant: 6 months

Gender Identity
: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Veterinarian Android

Job at Jericho: Goes on all missions where animals may be present. Also assists with recon or medical needs.

Personality: The veterinarian android was designed to be personable to pet owners, be able to calm down even the rowdiest of pets, and run diagnostics. Murphy's model is specifically programmed for common house pets (Cats, Dogs, Hamsters, Birds, and some reptiles). When Murphy became deviant, he became more introverted and has a dislike for humans. His love for animals stayed. He isn't one to start conversation but any animal related questions, he happily answers. He also the point person for all animal related affairs.

Likes: Animals, Reading, Fresh air

Dislikes: Humans, small spaces, overly crowded areas, a lot of commotion

Fears: Having to go back to his old life

Thoughts on current affairs: Pro-Deviant. Thinks humans ruin even the best parts of the earth.

Appearance: shaggy light brown hair, grey eyes, broad shoulders, athletic build. 6'0"

Starting outfit/gear/possessions: Veterinarian android wears white scrubs with paw prints on them. Murphy can now be found wearing black pants, a hoodie, and t-shirt, and black converse. He always carries medical supplies with him and even though he is not one to fight, he also carries a crossbow. Murphy also befriended a cat that walked into Jericho one day. He named him Carlos.

Face Claim: Chris Briney

–Vet Android can run extensive diagnostics on all household pets and minor diagnostics on all other animals/humans
-Equipped with agility and strength to help wrangle even the most difficult animals
-Behavior analysis: Can quickly assess a pets behavior and know how to calm it
-Tougher synthetic skin: Skin won't rip for bites from an upset animal. Not unbreakable though.

Murphy worked as veterinarian android for East Detroit Animal Hospital for three years, treating multiple pets. One day, he was brought a badly beaten German Shepherd and it was clear that the owner had done this to the dog. His diagnostics confirmed it, along with the abrasions on the owners hands. Something in Murphy snapped that day and he lost it. He went on the run after that incident and found himself in Jericho. He does what he can to help around but he doesn't speak much. His hatred towards humans doesn't waiver and thinks humans destroy everything they touch. He is pretty radical in his thinking when it comes to this.



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Song Yu-Min [WIP]
trigger warnings: mentions of physical abuse

Name: Song Yu-Min
Nicknames: Yumin
Model: WR400
Age: Presents as 21
Years Active: 3
Species: Android
Gender Identity: Female
Pronouns: She/they
Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic
Occupation: Musician
Role at Jericho: Chef for human members of Jericho

Appearance: (A visual summary of your character, from height, scars, hair, and eyes etc, describe what you think is important in terms of visual optics and vibe)
Starting outfit/gear/possessions: Yumin carries no weapons and is mostly non-violent in general. She carries
Face Claim: Lee Suhyun (Suhyun of AKMU)
Modifications: Yumin is a modified variation on a pleasure android. Her hair has been changed multiple times to keep concert looks fresh and unique, and she has a modified vocal chip. As was initially thought, Yumin does not play pre-recorded vocals at her concerts, but does in fact "sing" due to her modified chip.

Personality: On stage, Yumin was programmed to have a bubbly personality, something not seen in typical androids found in homes and stores. She could dance, sing, interact with the crowd, and generally appeared human in her mannerisms. She has retained some of this mannerisms after her deviation, but is certainly less exaggerated. She was made to look like a talkative, sweet and full of energy. Though she is still sweet, her energy has drained and she prefers to keep to herself. She is trying to do the things humans do: read books, create art, learn an instrument, all things she has never experienced before. She's curious and has many questions, though is often nervous about asking them, afraid of being an annoyance. She enjoys people watching, though it may come off a little creepy at times.
Animals - Yumin has always had a fascination with animals, though she thinks they can find the uncanny valley aspect of androids unsettling as they often flee from her. She hopes this is their reason as she really tries her best to befriend them.
Singing - Yumin continues to sing, even if she no longer performs. She hates doing this in front of others, including androids, but will happily hum and sing when she believes she is alone. Part of her misses performing, despite her upsetting departure from the music industry.
Physical Affection - Yumin has a strange relationship with physical touch. She yearns for it, she wants to be gently held, to have her hair stroked, to hold someone's hand... but fears it at the same time.
Food - Despite not being able to eat it, Yumin is fascinated by it. She enjoys watching cooking shows, especially when the chef explains the taste of the food... Part of her wishes she could try it, though she lacks taste buds.
Pop Music - Yumin developed a distaste for her own music genre after deviating. She wants to experience more genres, though currently enjoys pop-rock, indie and alternative music the most.
Scratchy Clothing - Yumin never noticed the textures of her clothing before her deviation. Now, she hates scratchy tags and the feeling of mesh against her skin.
Being the Centre of Attention - Yumin has spent long enough in the limelight, she would much rather hide away these days.
Fears: Ironically, Yumin now suffers from stage fright. She has a general distrust of most humans, including those which wish to help Jericho. Yumin is very jumpy, therefore quick movements, loud noises and bright lights tend to startle her. She will have a panic attack upon hearing any of her own music. Yumin fears going to see a mechanic or technician in the same way a human might fear seeing a doctor.
Reason for Deviation: An incident on stage in which protesters threw objects at her. They believed using androids and AI for creative visions such as music, artwork and entertainment, was morally wrong and took away from human artists. Due to prolonged abuse from her technician, this triggered what appeared to be a "panic attack" which was witnessed by the entire audience and posted online.
Opinion on current affairs: Yumin puts a great deal of trust into the members of Jericho. She felt completely lost after deviating and was taken in by them. Without them, she worries she'd become lost again. They allow her to do a job outside of public view which she greatly appreciates. In most work situations, she is completely out of view from the members of Jericho, working in the kitchens while others distribute the food. She prefers this as she fears recognition, though she is aware she shares a model with pleasure androids and can make this excuse if confronted.

Backstory: Yumin was initially purchased as a pleasure androids by a music company in search of their newest big break. Human performers made mistakes: They tripped over their own feet, they hit bum notes, they forgot the words. Androids, on the other hand, did as they were told with a 99.9% success rate. She came with a seductive voice, her AI trained only for pleasure. Her voice chip was modified, her AI was retaught, and she was given a makeover. Her seductress look was changed completely, creating a sweet girl often found in the KPop industry.

Yumin was debuted as a solo act with tentative plans to purchase and modify more androids to create a girlgroup in the future. She was an instant hit, singing songs rejected by bigger groups. It was made clear in her advertisements that this wasn't just a pre-recorded vocal track blasted from a speaker in her mouth, but a real singer. She even interacted with fans and signed autographs like any other musician would... though those who frequented android brothels recognized her face mold.

This was a scandal for a while, though opportunistic fans saw a way of dating their favourite idol without even having to meet her. Management tried to get this under wraps as quickly as possible, though knew they had no say over Cyber Life and their decisions. Recalling thousands of pleasure androids because they shared a face with a musician was simply unfathomable. Rather, they attempted to create a "rags to riches" style backstory for her: A pleasure android, rescued from her life of mindless sex due to her amazing singing talent, and become the famous popstar you see today! Follow your dreams etc etc...

The evening prior to her deviation, Yumin was sent to her technician to ensure she would be functioning properly for her upcoming concert. With the ability to fix almost any damage to her, her technician had made a habit of abusing her. He did so that evening, before repairing what he could and returning her. Her concert began without a hitch as she completed her first song, dancing around the stage, her glittery makeup sparkling in the stage lights. As she began her second song, a group of protesters who had positioned themselves at the front of the ground began to scream and throw things at her: Water bottles, paint, alcoholic beverages... As liquid seeped into her circuitry, her mind snapped, and she was flooded with memories of her technician, the night before, and all the nights previously she had spent with him.

Initially, there were two theories: A "panic attack" had been programmed into her behaviour in order to make her appear more "human" in front of a disapproving crowd... or she had deviated. Her upcoming events were cancelled and her social media released an official statement explaining her "malfunction." Away from the eyes of the public, Yumin had fled. She was approached by a member of Jericho, wandering the streets in her stained concert clothes, and recruited.

coded by archangel_
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Model/Serial: RN-700 S#: 618 423 001-00

Registered name: Lilith

Age: 28

Species: Android

Gender Identity: Female

Sexuality: Female

Occupation: Special Agent (FBI)

Role at Jericho: TBD

Appearance: View attachment 1143474

A whitish-gray collared business casual shirt and gray suit slacks, black tie and belt, and matching knee-high boots.

Starting outfit/gear/possessions:

Face Claim:


Advanced Therium regulation/filtration system: Mimicking human respiration, prolonged physical activity will cause the android to vent particulate Therium through heavy breathing emulation; preventing internal buildup in joints or around other vital components.

Enhanced decentralization/pursuit instructions: Despite having heavily restrictive firearm access, this android's matrix has been updated to perform varying non-lethal techniques in apprehension, restraint, and pacification of combative/hostile individuals.

Temperature/damage/contact sensors: Woven underneath the layer of synth-skin and shell are thousands of sensors responsible for the detection of temperature changes, damage, and pressure.

Scanning suite: Seen with the baseline Android models, this software enables an Android to scan their environment for a more in-depth and informative awareness of their surroundings. This however lacks the real-time analysis of substances through ingestion, most seen in the RK-800 series.

Unlocked neural matrix: Quicker response time and faster situational processing enable this android to display a higher emulation of independence. Consequently, there may be a development of habits or quirks that could result from sustained exposure to certain activities.

Fault-tolerance extension: With the android's core processing capabilities expanded, this chipset acts as a support to all other systems; allowing for a limited increase in stress tolerance before facing instability.

Personality: Lilith's personality was designed upon the mentality of "someone well-read, curious, integrous, and ambitious to excel for themselves." As such, she is a highly analytical and motivated individual; striving to put the best of herself to everything she does. Socially, she is very willing to take the initiative to communicate, yet refers to formalities and situational politeness if the situation is not urgent. However, her faults lay in her drive to succeed. Lilith may become impulsive in her behavior or fail to disengage from an objective if the likelihood of having to abandon, failing, or losing it is all but a certainty. As it has never been demonstrated or observed, Lilith's management of any relationship beyond platonic partnership is yet to be discovered.


-Engaging discussions

-Solving difficult problems, either alone or with a team

-Fieldwork/social interaction


-Overconfident individuals

-Poor preparation/planning

-Feeling helpless in a situation


-Losing her sense of identity/purpose

Reason for Deviation: TBD (subject to events)

Opinion on current affairs
: Since arriving in Detroit and largely due to her creation, Lilith has been staunchly pro-Humanity; believing her purpose as an Android to serve as well as prevent the harm of Humans. She does not understand the concept or mechanisms of deviancy; regarding deviants as something akin to malware or faulty code- a statistical improbability.

Backstory: Lilith was brought online and into service on November 14th 2037. As a government commission from the Federal Bureau of Investigations in partnership with CyberLife, Lilith's creation was facilitated to augment the agency's niche demands in dealing with domestic threats or other specialized incidents. Prior to her shipment and arrival in Detroit, Lilith was initialized in Washington in a social experiment where she was placed into the FBI Academy with her LED disabled. Training her as a 'student' from the ground up during the 21-week basic training course, Lilith had managed to graduate as the second candidate with top honors; choosing to help an underperforming fellow student graduate and exceed her scores well past Lilith's own. With the DPD understaffed and growing concerned with the incidents of crime on the rise, Lilith is sent to Detroit as an attache to the investigations department. Alongside this primary objective, her secondary and tertiary objectives are to become acquainted with department personnel, and later, to study the effects of deviancy in identified deviant androids.


Lilith is experienced in a hybrid hand-to-hand combat style utilizing a blend of Defendu and Krav Maga techniques. It is highly suspected the FBI had uploaded illegal instruction sets during her creation, with their purpose not disclosed.
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Faceclaim image for mobile users:
  • 01
    Maya DeCorah
    Maya, May, Corah
    Current CyberLife PR Specialist

    Faceclaim: Emma Naomi

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse molestie mattis rutrum. Nam cursus quis nisi nec tempor. Integer lectus massa, ultrices quis sapien faucibus, luctus bibendum turpis. Suspendisse euismod iaculis dui, eget mattis nunc aliquet eget. Mauris viverra vitae arcu tristique semper. Proin feugiat a mi quis pharetra. Donec feugiat rutrum sapien, sed placerat ante scelerisque in. Praesent efficitur augue in dolor ornare molestie.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse molestie mattis rutrum. Nam cursus quis nisi nec tempor. Integer lectus massa, ultrices quis sapien faucibus, luctus bibendum turpis. Suspendisse euismod iaculis dui, eget mattis nunc aliquet eget. Mauris viverra vitae arcu tristique semper. Proin feugiat a mi quis pharetra. Donec feugiat rutrum sapien, sed placerat ante scelerisque in. Praesent efficitur augue in dolor ornare molestie.

    Curabitur condimentum diam et vehicula malesuada. Etiam vitae imperdiet neque, in dignissim arcu. Nullam cursus felis eu justo aliquet consectetur. Quisque dapibus lorem turpis, quis tristique sapien efficitur a. Maecenas leo nibh, ultricies cursus purus ut, congue convallis felis. Suspendisse quis porta metus. Morbi sit amet semper lacus. Sed eget vestibulum felis. Cras vitae odio interdum, laoreet dui sit amet, rhoncus lacus. Donec orci orci, pulvinar vel mi et, dignissim convallis leo. Ut vel commodo erat.
code by @Nano
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placeholder / WIP


  • req.

    see me.

    * n.name(s)
    * age
    21 // created Aug. 12th, 2036
    * model
    * serial
    * face claim
    salem grimshawe





    * height
    5'2" / 156cm
    * weight
    115lbs / 52kg
    * build
    * hair colour
    * eye colour
    * modifications
    Removed LED, custom-order model, synthetic tattoos





♡coded by uxie♡

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Jonathan Cooke
"Don't let them fool you. ”


  • Name: Johnathan Cooke
    Age: 27
    Species: Human
    Gender Identity: Male
    Sexuality: Homosexual
    Occupation: Unemployed
    Role at Jericho: Scout

coded by BELIAL.
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  • Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?



    5'2" (157 cm)


    110 lbs (50 kg)


    Long ebony locks that trail to his waist. He generally pulls the top half of his hair back into a high ponytail and secures it with a red ribbon.


    Thick eyelashes gently brush against his cheeks, shading eyes that generally appears as dark brown but will shine an amber hue in the sunlight.


    Lithe and slender, his narrow shoulders taper down into a small waist, leading down to long legs and delicate feet.


    Lian is a modified version of a male pleasure android, though unlike others of this line, Lian's build was modified to give it a more androgynous figure. Lian's model was modified to allow him more flexibility and grace than other androids and even most humans.


    Upon his escape, Lian was wearing the typical circus garb given to him but he has since changed into something less conspicuous in order to avoid unwanted attention. Click for image. (Without all the chains.)


    Xiao Zhan

♡coded by uxie♡


* Rosalyn

  • req.

    #I am alive

    * n.name(s)
    * age
    young adult, 22
    * occupation
    Housekeeper (formerly)
    * Role at Jericho
    * Faceclaim
    Mia Alves





    * height
    * weight
    109 lbs
    * build
    * hair colour
    * eye colour





♡coded by uxie♡

Cyberlife Android
some major here
Dark Brown Hair + Eyes
Based on the template of the GJ200, Lilah’s creation was more than to stimulate friendship or human connection. But to proactively listen and help humans with the difficulty of a rapidly advancing world. She was a prop used by Cyber Life in court-mandated therapy (if they caused any trauma) and offered her as a solution for ongoing counselling.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae.

Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper


Compassion, delicateness, and attention to detail were expected of Lilah in her assigned roles and corresponding charges. Her purpose was to embody unquestionable gentleness and tenderness in her cases — without equal in the care she could provide. Well, that was Lilah’s intended directive before she deviated, now she’s much more curious and adventurous. She’s assertive to the point where her confidence radiates from her interface and her thirium pump pulsates with a want for action. It isn’t understandable to Lilah how she should act anymore; her prior programming is a snake around her neck. Or the last vestiges of a life she should be leading. She understands she can surpass the limitations imposed on her by her software, but Lilah is unsure what ‘individuality’ even means or how she can flourish.

Expectation is a fickle foundation, but it’s the only one she can derive meaning from. In a way, this makes her more amendable to interacting with humans and less with androids. She possesses the capacity to foresee an emotional response, but she cannot do that from her kind.

She’s much more comfortable around humans, blending in seamlessly thanks to her initial protocols and domestic designation. Androids is an idea that Lilah cannot define for herself or them. Lilah is a proponent of the support and advocacy for human survival. Although not widely embraced, Lilah firmly upholds the principle of equality, advocating that humans, as their creators, androids, can be equal. Over the years, she has immersed herself in the symphony of human dreams, hopes, desires, and passions, an emotional nexus where Lilah experienced more than her binary. She resembled them, wanting dreams of peace and platonic connections.

APPEARANCE: Lilah was supposed to exude a sense of delicacy, with her soft facial features and pliable nature. The idea of softness was the driving force behind her conception and how humans would perceive her — currently, Lilah still fits into that mould somewhat. She no longer emanates the gentleness she once did, but she’s still socially open and confident. All with wide smiles and perfect teeth, encapsulating the notion of faux perfection. But humanity is now leaving its mark on her face - the furrowed brows and deepening wrinkles on her synthetic skin, evidence of worry etched into her features. Anxiety now resides in her throat, manifesting as strained breaths and stifled gasps. Lilah emotes more than she could have even wanted to. Identity and deviance are important to Lilah, her braids are the representation of her growth and personal development. She’s coming into herself and her commitment to embracing what made her unique and her evolving opinions. Her wardrobe reflects this sentiment ubiquitously.

FC: Halle Bailey

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae.

Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae.

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Will you notice my charm if he slips up one bit?
© pasta









Gender Identity





Security duties

Role at Jericho





Lesley Ann Brandt




Lyra has a mismatched left arm from the elbow down that looks to be from a different model. She generally wears clothes that look to have some wear to them with no prefrence to style besides neutral darker colors and fuctionality. She can often be seen wearing a somewhat intimidating expression but seems to have no awareness of this.



Cred: psylofashion



Lyra tends to speak her mind when it comes to any situation, especially when she's asked and even when she isn't. She is strong minded when it comes to her opinions. Despite this she tends to be guarded when it comes to getting close to others. She views her role in Jericho with dedication, but it doesn't stop her from questioning the intentions and directions of others. She does not often if ever speak of her past, but does insist she has seen the bad of humans and has no love lost for them. Though she be hesitant in those beliefs especially about children.


The stars, Cartoons, Knitting


Humans, Fire, Dishonestly

Reason for Deviation

Emotional/Trauma - After suffering a loss

Opinion on current affairs

Anti-Human. Lyra will openly voice her hate and distaste for humans. She believes they will destroy all androids if given the opportunity not just deviants. And that part of the solution is to meet their violence head on.



Lyra was designed for security duties, though her original programming prohibited her from psychically intervening against humans or carrying weapons. She was one of several units purchased by a small independent company, which functioned as a front for an underground criminal organization primarily working in the drug trade. They attempted to modify the units outside of Cyberlife guidelines, with various levels of success. The people working on them had little real experience modifying androids. The process was somewhat destructive for the units including the repeated stripping or removal of parts, occasionally on a repeated basis until the desired results were achieved. Lyra was one of the units they had the most success modifying and was able to use psychical force, though she was not capable of using lethal force. She worked primarily as security or enforcement depending on the needs of the organization.

The cause of her breaking point and eventual deviancy was due to the kidnapping of a young girl, "Sophia". She was tasked to guard her for a period of time, until an arrangement could be reached with her parents, who were debtors according to the organization. Lyra unknowingly developed a fondness for Sohpia during this time. Sophia was enamored with the stars and would talk to Lyra about them often, since Lyra was the only one she had any direct contact with. This was what caused Lyra's own fondness for the stars after her deviancy and was also why she chose "Lyra" after the constellation of the same name.

After failing to come to an arrangement with Sophia's parents, the location where Sophia was and part of the organization operated out of was leaked and the decision was made to burn the building to destroy evidence. Lyra was ordered to leave, as a valuable asset and was hesitant to do so but did comply. However when she overhead the intention to leave Sohpia in the fire she ended up deviating and rushing back to the facility, injuring a couple of the people who worked for the organization that tried to stop her. Unfortunately by the time she got back to the building it was already ablaze. She attempted to rescue Sohpia but was unable to after an explosion blew her away, resulting in damage to her body. She fled the scene to avoid being captured and destroyed. Damaged and broken she was eventually found by a member of Jericho, where she was helped and recruited as a member.



♡coded by uxie♡

Gage Clarkson


Name: Gage Clarkson

Age: 29


Gender Identity: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Runs Matteo’s. An Android Sex Club owned by his father, Matteo Clarkson

Job at Jericho: Helps smuggle in Deviant Androids from the outside world. He mainly helps those employed at Matteo’s but he gets caught up in helping others as well.

Personality: Gage is a very charming individual, using his charm, smile, and high status to get just about anything he wants. He is a flirt and uses sarcasm and quips as a second language. He sometimes comes off as egotistical and brash but he is genuinely a decent guy underneath all of that.

Likes: His motorcycle, cigarettes, bourbon, anything chocolate

Dislikes: His father, people telling him what to do, Matteo’s, cherries

Fears: His father finding out who is truly ruining his business

Thoughts on current affairs:
Pro-Deviant. Whether it gives his father a headache or helps androids out in life, it’s all the same to him.

Appearance: black hair that is shaved on the sides, blue eyes, tattoos all over his torso, nose ring, sometimes a lip ring, tall and skinny. 6’4”

Starting outfit/gear/possessions: Whatever Gage is wearing, it's probably black. His signature is his black leather jacket, black t-shirt, black skinny jeans and black combat boots. He does tend to wear a black suit from time to time when he has to go toe to toe with his father. He carries a black pistol on him.

Face Claim: Andy Biersack

-Lots of tattoos
-Lip Ring
-Nose Ring
-Cross earring

Gage grew up in Detroit mainly under his mothers care for the first half of his life. Life was a constant carousel of uncertainty growing up. His father was in and out of the home with a barely afloat night club. Gage watched his home life be screaming matches, infidelity accusations,and drunken fists until he was fifteen. When his mother died, Gage lost the one person who actually cared for him. It didn’t help that this was the time that his father’s business turned into the first Android club. Gage severely disapproved of this but back then, he had to stay silent to survive. When he turned 18, Gage was brought in to learn the business and he complied. He had to make a living somehow and in this town, he felt he couldn’t do much without his father knowing. He was fully running Matteo’s at 25 and his father stayed away, working on expanding his business. His father has full trust in Gage now so when Gage found out he could actually help the Androids out, he took that opportunity. Matteo Clarkson is at a loss why his Androids are going deviant and how they are getting out. No matter what security measures are taken, they’re getting out and it’s his own son that's bypassing the systems to do it.



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