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Fantasy Divinity Unbound Characters Thread



That One Fear In My Enemy's Eyes
Here is where we will post our characters. Please use the Character Skeleton provided in the "RP Intro" page to build your own character.

Thank you!


Human Form


Dragon Form


Sil'Eph Niir's Roar

Description: Sil'eph Niir's human form is that of a beautiful ruby haired girl who appears to be in her early twenties. She has a tall, lean, athletic frame with curves in all the right places. She has a full chest, an hourglass figure, and shapely hips with a taught round bottom befitting her athleticism. Her skin is silky and smooth with not a scratch or scar to be seen anywhere. And despite her athleticism and strength her body appears soft at a glance. Her lips are bow shaped and with violet eyes offsetting her crimson hair, she is a true beauty in every sense of the word.

Her musculature is smooth as opposed to being tightly cut, giving her an almost frail appearance initially until one sees her move and fight. Her hair falls down to her knees in a thick ponytail with locks falling gently in front of her face with a part down the right side. Her clothing consists of a single black tunic and a pair of black pants that are loose to her frame with the single exception of a bit of elastic near her ankles. She keeps the pants folded gently inside a pair of dark brown boots that stop about one inch below her kneecap giving her total freedom of movement while protecting her shins and calves from the elements.

In Dragon form, she is a sight to behold on a scale even her beautiful human form cannot match. Her serpentine body is incredibly long and powerful like that of a constricting snake with two large wings capable of sustained flight, and four limbs for either walking on the ground or gripping surfaces like mountainsides when in combat or preparing to take to the air. Her body is covered in faded crimson scales with a black underbelly that has overlapping scales along her length for a bit of added protection against what is normally a Dragon's greatest weakness. She has a majestic crest on the back of her head with two glowing golden eyes that are capable of striking fear into the hearts of human and Dragon alike. (She only has one mouth as opposed to two in the picture)

True Age: Indeterminable

Apparent Age (Human Form): Early 20's

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: Time Immemorial

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 130 lb.

Hair Color: Crimson

Eye Color: Amethyst

Birthplace: Higher Realm

Current Location/Residence: Dragon's Cove

Body Type: Mesomorph

Voice Type:

Political Affiliation: None

Social Class: N/A

Occupation: N/A

Religious Beliefs: N/A


* Son - Maglissos (Deceased)

* Children - The Dragon Race (Facing Extinction from Dark and Forbidden Magics)

Dragon Form Details

* Height at the Shoulder: ~200' (~61 meters)

* Full Standing Height: ~340' (Neck and Head both included in quadrupedal stance, ~104 meters)

* Wingspan: ~1,400' (~426 meters)

* Body Length: ~3,600' (~1,100 meters)

* Overscale Color: Faded Crimson

* Underscale Color: Black

* Wing Membrane Color: Crimson

Primary Abilities

* Breath Attack: Lightning Force

- Lightning Force is the single most powerful form of lightning magic there is, and as such it is a level which is only attainable by the Gods. Mortals, understandably, have a far weaker version of magic to work with than the Gods do. The blast which comes from Sil'Eph Niir's mouth is packed with unfathomable power capable of annihilating the entire Mortal World if she were so inclined. In fact, if she were so inclined and if she released all of the power she had, she could wipe out nearly 1/10 of the Higher Realm in a single blast (though that blast would be the first and last attack she could use due to being depleted afterwards).

So great is the power of Sil'Eph Niir's mighty Dragon Form.

* Special Abilities: Telekinesis, Telepathy

Personality: Sil'eph Niir is a kind and gentle soul despite her fearsome athletic and combative prowess as a Goddess. She almost always has a smile on her face and seems to always be the one to see the silver lining in any dark situation, though she knows when to keep her optimism in check. She enjoys singing and dancing, usually privately, though she will do either one publicly if asked to by someone she trusts. Speaking of trust, she's not easy to win over. When it comes to trust, she is very methodical in how she tests another individual's worthiness to earn her trust and uses many tests, sometimes subtle and other times not so, before she will make a decision. The reason for this is due to the loss of her First Son, Maglissos. But once her heart is open to you, she can be almost flirtatious regardless of whether you're a male or female as she has developed bisexual tendencies after being forced to take human form in the Mortal Plane during her time creating the Dragon Race before her return to Dragon Form and subsequent hibernation. She is fascinated by both the male and female bodies, and will do whatever she can to at least glimpse everything there is to see and learn all there is to learn even if she doesn't take it to the sheets.

The Gods have needs too, after all.

Sil'eph Niir's personality as a Dragon changes, though not by much. She is still benevolent in nature and will only fight or kill when forced to do so. However, she is much harsher in how she deals punishment while in this form. When she knows that she must kill, she does so typically without much emotion as her logical mind takes over and rationalizes the need for her opponent's death. When it comes to those who commit such atrocities that she desires their death, she will use all of her power to bring them down. Sil'eph Niir's mercy extends only to those whose actions and words are not enough to, in her own mind, warrant death. When one has committed unspeakable acts of terror, murder, and hatred, Sil'eph Niir will not hesitate to bring judgement upon them.

Strengths: Telekinetic and Telepathic powers. Calm and rational mind keeps her cool under pressure. The most powerful of all of the Gods.

Weaknesses: Sil'eph Niir is somewhat naive and tends to under think things from time to time which can get her in trouble. It's not that she's reckless or childish, but rather that she has a tendency to think that the solution to her problems is much easier than it really is. She is also one who does not forgive and forget, even when it comes to those who are supposed to be her allies. This leads to complications in her relationships which can present true problems not only for her, but for those around her as well. Her lack of trust and resentment are not easily mended which makes her colder and less inclined to help whomever shattered her trust in the first place. This can be deadly in the field of combat should she choose not to accept help from them or choose not to help them when and if they need it.

Sil'eph Niir's final weakness is perhaps her greatest, and it's none other than her very own Dragon form. At approximately 3,600 feet from nose to tail, she makes for a very big target that's almost impossible to miss even if one fires blind. At that size, her movement is much slower than most other Dragons of comparable size due to how much space her body occupies and the relative time it takes for her body to move. It makes evasion nearly impossible unless it's a one on one fight with another Dragon of equal size who moves at the same pace, and there are none currently in the Mortal Realm. Catapults, bows and arrows, crossbows, magic, all of it is nearly guaranteed to hit her no matter where she is which makes it easy to overwhelm her and throw her focus making it almost impossible for her to pick and choose a target of her own to attack.

Biograhpy: Sil'Eph Niir's background are a mystery to all save Herself. She awoke in the Higher Realm eons ago during time immemorial and has not looked back since. At some point in Her life, She birthed a son named Maglissos. And until Maglissos' death, Sil'Eph Niir was very happy. After His death, She fell into depression as any mother would after the death of Her child.

When the Mortal Realm was being created, She played her part by creating the Dragon Race over a period of roughly 1,500 years. During that time She took to Her human form and traveled the world to see what kind of creatures and peoples Her fellow Gods were creating. During that time She developed something of an affinity for the humanoid races and even started learning what it meant for them to fall in love. Though She has never fallen in love, She one day hopes to do so if not just to see what it feels like.

For now, She slumbers in a deep hibernation at the Dragon's Cove where Her children keep a watchful and protective guard over Her.




Age: 24 and 268 respectively
Sex: Male, Female
Height: 6' 2" and 5' 8" respectively
Weight: 200 lbs (~91kg) and 125 lbs (~57kg) respectively
Body Type: Mesomorph (both)
Voice Type:

Kyo'da - Baritone (3:38 Voice sample begins)​

Elena - Soprano (0:05 Vocals begin for her Defensive Seid Magic singing voice, and at 0:56 for her Offensive Seid Magic singing voice)

Personalities: Kyo'da is a human being, and a stalwart and steadfast man with a righteous heart. An almost textbook personification of the word "warrior". Because of how he was raised, he treats everyone he meets as if they were a human being regardless of their race. Because of this, he can sometimes come off as rude or ill mannered even though he always speaks with the best intentions. He's bluntly honest to a fault and doesn't mince words. He speaks his mind and speaks for what he believes is right and never lets his confidence in his beliefs waver. No matter to whom he's speaking, he will not treat them as if they're "higher" or "better" than he is, nor will he treat them as if they're somehow "beneath" him. To Kyo'da, everyone is equal no matter what and deserves no special treatment or attention.

Elena is a High Elf, one of the few who remain. She is kind, empathetic, nurturing, maternal, and well mannered. She speaks politely, addressing everyone with the High Elven honorific of "Han", which means both "sir" and "ma'am" depending upon the sex of the recipient. She is a practitioner of Seid Magic, the High Elven version of "Lyric" Magic used by Faeries. The main difference being that Seid Magic is much more powerful and almost used exclusively for offensive purposes. Rarely is it used for defensive purposes, and never as a mere distraction. Her use of Seid Magic identifies her as a High Elf of the Noble Class, which explains many of her polite tendencies and behaviors. However, despite it being a result of her heritage, her politeness and kindness are who she is at every level.

Special Abilities: Kyo'da, as a human being, has no special abilities to speak of. Rather one could consider his unwavering bravery and dedication to his path as an honorable warrior as his greatest ability and strength.

Elena has two special abilities as a High Elf, the first being telepathy. High Elves of the Noble Class are among the few humanoids aside from Dragons and Nymphs which possess a form of telepathy, and Elena is no exception. Her second ability is that of preternatural perception, specifically the ability to see an event moments before it happens. This ability, however, is not one she can control. It is spontaneous and there has been little to no logical progression between these visions, as she calls them.

Biographies: Kyo'da was born to proud parents Ha'thumm and Caroline Dakros. His father, Ha'thumm, was a proud warrior who's family had, going back over fifteen generations, all been wandering warriors and enforcers of justice and good will. A rather presumptuous thing to do, but they did it and did it well. Caroline was an average woman whom Ha'thumm met and fell in love with during one of his stays at a local tavern one night after a successful escort mission. Caroline was one of the servers at the tavern, and the two recognized almost instant feelings going beyond mere curiosity and friendship. If ever there was such a thing as "love at first sight", these two experienced it in spades. By the time Ha'thumm was finished with his meal that Caroline had cooked herself and delivered to him, he had rented a room at the tavern and asked if she would drop by later to talk. She did so, but their "talk" moved very quickly beyond just casual chit chat. They spoke of dreams, aspirations and life goals, philosophy, and personal morality and perception of what was considered "just" and "righteous".

Come the next morning, Caroline immediately quit her job at the tavern to travel with Ha'thumm.

They traveled together for two years before agreeing that this relationship was sound and that marriage was the next logical step. They married a mere four months after their decision, and conceived their first child together on that very night. Kyo'da's elder sister, Josephine, was born nine months afterwards. Being the first born daughter to the household, Josephine learned from an early age what it meant to be a proper young woman. Ha'thumm and Caroline taught her the importance of respect, dignity, manners, and proper presentation. By the time she was only three, she was a model "young lady" given praise even by the Nobility for her politeness and respectful mannerisms. Ha'thumm and Caroline had originally not planned for a second child, but Kyo'da's conception was inevitable when Caroline fell victim to an attempted murder by one of Ha'thumm's old enemies. He managed to save his wife and daughter from the attack, but Caroline suffered two horrific wounds in the process whilst protecting Josephine from the culprit. A large scar across her back and another across her upper chest just below her collar bone which had been an attempted decapitation attack. Thanks to Ha'thumm's quick actions, she was spared the misery of a painful death and was taken to the healer as rapidly as Ha'thumm's legs could handle carrying her.

Upon her recovery, Ha'thumm and Caroline had been drawn closer than ever and Kyo'da was conceived upon her return in good health to their home. He was born approximately seven months later, a premature infant, and required extensive care and observation through his first several months of life. Many times his tiny heart gave out, and either his mother or the nurses under whom he was charged managed to save his life with CPR and or the use of a very, very cautious jolt of Lightning Magic. By five months of age, the doctors gave him a clean bill of health and said it was safe to take him home at last, much to his family's joy.

Kyo'da became Josephine's pride and joy from the moment he was placed in her arms. She was so happy to be an older sister, and holding and cuddling with her baby brother became her favorite past time. She took excellent care of him during his infancy, to some extent even better than Ha'thumm or Caroline did. She fed him, changed his diapers, clothed him, played with him, put him down for naps, read him stories, and even took care of him when he was sick. She was so proud of her baby brother and her duties as his sister. Ha'thumm and Caroline were proud as well of Josephine's wondrous performance and dedication to her brother, and inevitably when Ha'thumm once again had to leave for a mission, Josephine was placed in charge of Kyo'da while Caroline went to work during the day. And for a time she did just fine... Until one fateful day in which she nearly lost her precious baby brother.

It happened suddenly and without warning. Their home was caught in an explosion set off in the building next door to them. The ground quaked and the house immediately caught fire. Josephine had been downstairs playing with her toys while Kyo'da was down for a nap. Immediately she ran up to her brother's room and found his crib engulfed in flames. Kyo'da himself was screaming bloody murder as his body was also alight. Josephine had never in her life moved so fast or so desperately as she had climbing into the crib to pick him up and run from the burning building to the outside where it was safer as many adults arrived to fight the blaze. Josephine put out the fires on Kyo'da's clothing, but she was unable to do so in time to prevent him from getting a horrific burn across his upper back. She rushed him to the nearest clinic where a Healing Mage got to work trying to fix the damage. However the scars of that burn remained, despite the Healer's talents. They said that it had already set, and that he would live with the scars for the rest of his life no matter how powerful the magic used on him was.

Josephine, overcome with grief, cried by her baby brother's bedside as he slept in the clinic. Caroline rushed from her workplace as soon as she found out and found Josephine weeping bitterly by her sleeping brother on the bed. Caroline embraced Josephine and assured her that the scars were not her fault. But Josephine never forgave herself for not being in the room with Kyo'da to watch him as she usually did. And for the rest of her life she blamed herself, never letting go of the guilt which grew upon her shoulders as the years passed.

Despite his injuries as an infant, Kyo'da grew into a strong and well seasoned warrior of the sword much like his father. He trained diligently every day to hone his skills and sparred often with his father to test his progress. It wasn't long before his sixteenth birthday that Kyo'da was already approaching a level where he gave his father a hard fight. But it was also during this time that Kyo'da would learn grief on a level that most others never could...

His sister, Josephine, had grown into a beautiful woman of the highest level. She was so sweet. So kind. So fair, and so well mannered. She was beloved by her entire community. So much so that she had proposals from Nobility on a regular basis. She refused them all, preferring to remain single and at home with her family despite her parents urging her to find love and settle down. She was nineteen, after all. It was time to marry, but Josephine took after her father in that she was very stubborn and refused to bend on this matter.

But this stubbornness is exactly why her life came to a tragic end mere days before Kyo'da's seventeenth birthday...

Josephine had, her entire life, taken great care of her brother and loved him with all of her heart unconditionally. She had been preparing a gift for him. A new blade purchased from one of the finest Dwarven blacksmiths she had been able to contact. A massive two handed blade with a golden sheen and two emeralds, Kyo'da's birth stones, worked into the hilt. She had boxed and prepared it for him as a surprise, hiding it away in her room to give to him on the special day... But she never got the chance. She had refused the advances of a well-known Noble's son and, unbeknownst to her, earned the ire of their family. They hired a hit man to eliminate her and erase the stain on their reputation she had brought by refusing their eldest son and heir to their family name. A haughty commoner like her would not tarnish their family in such a way and get away with it. During the night, Josephine had stayed awake thinking about how best to give Kyo'da his new blade when her window shattered and her assailant flew through the window.

Screaming at the top of her lungs for help, Josephine desperately tried to fight her attacker off. However this was a true professional. An assassin-level killer who knew exactly how to handle a feisty target like her. And despite her struggling, she was unable to stop him from landing a fatal blow to her midsection. Thankfully, before he could finish her immediately, Kyo'da kicked her door down and rushed her assailant. After a brief skirmish, the assailant fled through the window with Kyo'da having taken a cut to his left arm. Nothing serious, but just enough to slow him down and let the bastard go. Kyo'da rushed to Josephine's side to stop the bleeding, but the damage was done. Josephine knew she was going to die before a Healer could make it to her, but Kyo'da picked her up and raced her out into the streets towards the clinic anyway.

It was raining that night, and along the way Kyo'da slipped and fell landing hard on his back to prevent Josephine from coming to further harm. When he righted himself, she placed a hand on his cheek, and the following conversation ensued:

"Kyo'da... Please, stop."

"I can't. I have to get you to the Healer!"

Her grip on his face tightened slightly.

"I'm not going to-... *gasp*... I'm not going to make it, Kyo'da."

"Yes you will! Just stop talking and save your strength!"

Kyo'da picked her up again and staggered on, hampered by the pain in his arm threatening to make him drop Josephine at any moment. And as he carried her, she continued to speak against his wishes.

"Kyo'da... My dear brother... G-... *gasp*... Grow up strong. Stronger than father..." She sobbed, her eyes welling with tears.

"Stop... Just stop talking, please!" He begged.

"I-... *sob*... I love you, Kyo'da. My dear brother..."

"Stop talking!"

Kyo'da slipped again on the cobblestone streets and held his sister close despite the pain in his arm, knowing begrudgingly that he couldn't carry her any farther.

"I... I bought you a present... It's in my room under-... *gasp*... Under my bed... Please, go home and take it."

"You can give it to me yourself... Just stay with me!" He begged, beginning to cry himself.

"Take the present... Kyo'da... *gasp*... It's my... My final... Gift... To you..."

Her voice trailed off and her hand fell from his cheek to the ground by his leg. Kyo'da felt her body go limp, and her head slowly leaned back as her final tears fell down her cheeks onto the rain-soaked cobblestone beneath him.

"... Josephine?..." Kyo'da gasped through his tears.


No reply.

Josephine, Kyo'da's loving sister and the one who had been closest to him since he was old enough to form memories, was gone.

That night Kyo'da hugged his sister's body and wailed in misery in the streets. Blood pooled around him as he mourned his beloved sister's death, and within minutes the entire community had been awakened and had gathered around him mourning alongside him. The rain had ceased, but the tears from all fell like raindrops around Kyo'da as he embraced the lifeless body of his sister and wept.

At Josephine's funeral, Kyo'da brought the box she had hidden under his bed and opened it before her casket. He drew the blade and instantly, upon holding it, had to force himself not to cry as he held it up to the sunlight and proudly declared that he would wield this blade in her name as he continued their father and ancestor's legacy of serving their world as a wandering warrior and bringer of justice. He placed the blade upon his back in a specially made clip just for the sword, which he named Ragnell, and proudly wore it everywhere he went. He trained with it. He cleaned and sharpened it. And he treated it as if the soul of his sister were infused within the blade.

Elena, contrary to Kyo'da, lived a life of privilege. Born into High Elven Nobility, she never wanted for anything. However, her parents were not spoiling her. She got what she wanted if and only if she worked hard to earn it first. She learned what it meant to have a goal in life and to work hard to achieve that goal.

From a young age Elena was curious about magic and, after having been found to have an affinity with Seid Magic, began practicing it almost immediately. By the time she was in her 20's, she was a very powerful Seid Magic user. By age 80, she had mastered the art completely and was even inventing her own spells, chants, songs, and incantations with a myriad of effects and possibilities. At age 100, she ignored the pleas of her clan to find a mate and began instead traveling the world. Elena's goal in life was to visit every continent and meet at least one individual from every known race whom she could call a "friend". She doesn't believe in racial boundaries, and believes strongly that all mortal humanoids, if they were to put their minds to it, could become allies and friends with one another. Some call it naivete. She prefers to see it simply as optimism.

She met Kyo'da while she was on the road not far from his home town right before he took off on one of his first "wandering" tours. They met when she was attacked by a group of bandits, and Kyo'da arrived in time to fight them off before she had to get involved with her Seid Magic. She took to Kyo'da right away and befriended him almost immediately, and she persuaded him to allow her into his company after a brief demonstration that she was not some helpless damsel in distress. Now with a traveling companion, Elena began to see the world through different eyes as the loneliness and isolation she had felt in the last century of wandering began to whither away. When she revealed to Kyo'da that she was 268 years old, his mouth about hit the floor. Typical Kyo'da who doesn't mince words... "You look... Amazing, for someone so old."

Thanks Kyo'da.

However, this did nothing to anger or even remotely upset Elena. Rather, she thought it was endearing how honest he was and how he didn't mince words with her. Most of her life, in fact all of her life, people had withheld their true feelings and thoughts from her out of respect or cultural necessity. They held back. Kyo'da did not, and it was refreshing to be in the company of one so honest. On their first night together, Kyo'da noticed she had no tent or sleeping bag of her own to protect her from the elements. Despite her insistence on sleeping under the stars, Kyo'da handed over his tent and sleeping bag to her and slept by the campfire himself. It was a warm and kind gesture, but it was what happened before which had really effected Elena... Kyo'da had suggested that, even if they didn't share the sleeping bag, they could at least share the tent.

But what Kyo'da didn't know is that in High Elven culture the first time sharing a roof is the equivalent of a marriage proposal. To share the roof over one's head is to demonstrate one's willingness to share their lives and personal space, an intimate gesture of the highest order. Kyo'da obviously didn't realize this or even know of it, so Elena merely laughed it off at first. But it didn't take long for her to realize as she waited to fall asleep that perhaps Kyo'da's innocence and blunt honesty were having an effect on her. More so than she realized at first. The thought of sharing the tent with him didn't bother her, nor the idea of the cultural implications of the gesture. She had just met Kyo'da, but already she was entranced by his behavior, mannerisms, and honesty. Was it love? Perhaps. There was no certainty as she'd never fallen in love before. But perhaps, just maybe, this strange sense of comfort she took from his presence meant something along those lines.

Today, she waits patiently to find out what the cause of it all is.


(( WIP ))



Age: 4,800
Sex: Male
Height: 6' 4" (~2 meters)
Weight: 220 lbs (~100 kg)
Body Type: Mesomorph

Dragon Form Voice: Bass

Human Voice: Baritone

Personality: The Red-Eyed Demon, as he is so known, is typical of what one would expect from one acting as an assassin. He is cold, ruthless, not fond of conversation, and ultimately about as approachable and friendly as a case of the plague. He remains silent at all times unless he feels the need to respond, which doesn't happen often. He has little to say to humanoid mortals despite remaining in his own humanoid form at nearly all times. He does not trust them and finds his work as an assassin taking their lives most invigorating. And the best part of it is that he gets paid to do this by other humanoids. It's almost ironic that his hatred for and desire to kill humanoids is made possible in his own humanoid form by humanoids themselves. There is no sweeter revenge for the wrongs which were set upon him during his first journey to their world long ago.

* Height at Shoulder: ~52' (~16 meters)
* Full Standing Height: ~86' (~26 meters)

* Wingspan: ~200' (~61 meters)

* Overscale Color: Black
* Underscale Color: Black
* Scale Highlights: Crimson

Special Abilities:

* Metallic Body - The Red-Eyed Demon is able to flatten the already ultra-dense scales covering his body to essentially harden it as if transforming it into metal. No real transformation takes place, but the durability of his body increases exponentially and is capable of deflecting the claws of other large Dragons with ease. He cannot do this forever though, as it is similar to a human being flexing their muscles to temporarily strengthen their bodies for a physical task. He can only flex his scales for so long before he has to release it and the tension building up or risk a self-inflicted injury.

* Vocal Projection - The Red-Eyed Demon can project the voice of either his human or Dragon forms at will across great distances when and if needed. If he has the high ground, he can project his voice to just about anywhere he chooses. He often uses this method of projecting his Dragon form's voice to toy with his prey before killing them.

Bio: The Red-Eyed Demon was born long after Sil'Eph Niir's time of Creation of the Dragon Race, which happened eons ago. He was born as Naum'ak Thorou, and as a Ruby-Eyed Black Dragon, he is the last of his kind following the death of his parents to humanoid poachers of Dragon parts. Their deaths took place on the eve of the Blood Moon, a lunar event in which the Earth's atmosphere thickened with a dust-like material which caused the moon and stars nearest it to appear a deep crimson coloration. He was only a hatchling when it happened, and entirely helpless as his parents were brutally slaughtered just after taking to their Dragon Forms by a very well organized attack by multiple humanoid poachers including humans, elves, dwarves, and even orcs. He was able to survive by hiding away at his parent's insistence, but he never forgot the sight of their bodies falling to the Earth and being torn apart by the humanoids over the course of several hours. By the time they were done, there was very little of them truly left. Their eyes, tongues, teeth, many of the scales covering their bodies, their wings, claws, tails, and several of their larger bones were all pried and cut from their bodies leaving vague zombie-like skeletons left.

As a hatchling, he approached his now deceased parents and cried into the night for hours before being whisked away in the night by another onlooker. Luckily for him, this was a kinder soul to sought to give the child protection from the elements if even only for one night. Come the morning, the infant wandered away into the woods to die, refusing to live without his parents. But ultimately he did not die. Instead, he thrived for several years before growing into the equivalent of a human teenager. Of course, for him as a Dragon, it was several decades later. Now almost 100 years old, he looked like a fine physical specimen of a 16 or 17 year old human in prime physical condition. His muscles were in perfect proportion, the definition was extraordinary, and his piercing gaze and blood-red eye color made him look almost as frightening as he acted. Indeed he had become something of a savage during these many decades living in the wild lands and deep forests. But it didn't take him long to discover that his home was now slowly being taken over by humanoids in the name of "expansion", as if he didn't already have reason enough to hate them for taking his parents away.

Over the course of several more years he stalked and killed the humanoids who were trying to cut the forest down, hunt its animals, and in any way endanger his home. Rumors of a monster protecting the forest circulated quickly, but none had ever been able to find him or identify him as the culprit. He acted like a lost and frightened child whenever he let them find him, but once they dropped their guard he slaughtered them all mercilessly leaving nothing but mangled corpses behind. Eventually the humanoids, now known to him as Elves, stopped trying to expand their civilization into this part of the forest. However it presented him with a problem... How was he going to continue getting his revenge on the humanoids if they didn't seek to expand into the forest? He resolved to seek them out since he was now more than powerful enough, even in human form, to kill them at will. He was not a frightened hatchling anymore. Now, he was a growing and powerful killing machine who would only continue to become more and more lethal.

Almost another full century passed with Naum'ak infiltrating various humanoid settlements, towns, villages, forts, and cities learning the ways of their kind including their languages, their cultures, and, most importantly, their fears.

It didn't take Naum'ak long to discover that almost all humanoid mortals feared the Demons of the Nether Realm. Given that they were Dark Gods, it came as no surprise. But Naum'ak, having never encountered a Demon before, didn't fear them. How bad could they be? In fact... if the humanoids all feared the Demons so, then why not take the name "Demon" for himself? It seemed only fitting to prey upon their fears and give him a psychological edge in his near constant quest for vengeance. As a hatchling he was too weak and afraid to do anything that could have saved his parents. But now, as a growing adolescent, he would take a name that would allow him to make the humanoids feel just as weak and helpless to save themselves from his wrath. And thus he adopted the moniker of the Red-Eyed Demon. By night he would stalk and kill his prey, and by day he would wander the streets in his humanoid form asking people if they'd heard the rumors of this "Red-Eyed Demon" who caused the massacre. The answer was almost always "no", but before long that had changed. A few years was all it took for word of the Red-Eyed Demon to circulate across the continent he was on, and soon enough the name "Red-Eyed Demon" had become infamous as that of a serial killer.

For almost thirty years there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to the Red-Eyed Demon's murders. They were unbiased and indiscriminate, killing men and women almost perfectly equally along with children and the elderly. In fact it almost seemed as if he was killing anyone in his way rather than picking a real target.

But eventually all nightmares have to end. The Red-Eyed Demon's murders came to a rather abrupt end some forty years after his initial appearance. The absence of killings brought many to think that the Red-Eyed Demon was in fact dead. That justice had found him and that at last the nightmare was over. But that's not quite what happened to the infamous serial killer.

Rather, he found the one thing that conquers even the strongest hate: love.

It happened without warning, and he had no defense against it. To this day he will not say what happened, with whom it happened, or why it changed him forever. But it did. Enough that he lived for the next 4,600 years trying to atone for the sins of his past. He still hates humanoids, but rather than killing them indiscriminately as he did before he now works as an assassin. And even in this capacity he works for himself picking his targets based on what he feels is a justified necessity. His targets are generally high profile political figures with criminal ties or dealings, and he picks his targets very carefully after sometimes years of research and patient analysis.

Because he has been around for almost 5,000 years, many humanoids who know the name "Red-Eyed Demon" believe it to be that of an assassin role passed down from generation to generation.

And so he finds himself today feeling his strength being slowly sapped from his body on day at a time, wondering what in the name of the Gods is happening.
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Name: Mwana. It means 'son' in the language he was brought up with. He named himself that so he every time someone called his name, he'd remember...well, he'd remember that he is a son. The son of a family who he was torn from at a young age, and the son who had sworn to forever remember them. He is the son who swore that he would, as long as he breathed, would never allow what happened to him happen to others. He was, however, also called 'Uchafu'. In the language of the cheetahmen, the language he was brought up with, it means 'dirt' or 'scum'. As you imagine, it was meant as an insult - and, as you can imagine, it angers him greatly if you were to ever mention it to him.
Description: Mwana is, of course, a Silthii. It wouldn't take long to work out that he is a hyena silthii, or hyenaman as they are more commonly known, as he has the ears, the face and the fur of a hyena. He also appears to have the feet of one, but his hands are fairly normal - except the claws, of course. He typically wears fairly simple clothing - usually clothes made out of cloth scraps stitched to rope. Mwana is pretty skilled with a needle, though, so it doesn't look too bad. However, the actual style of his clothing is very similar to that of hyenamen monks or spiritual fighters such as samurai. He also has several jade gemstones, shaped into spheres, that his people believed warded off evil and helped channel inner peace. While he doesn't believe in it, he learned that his father did and that is enough for him. Besides, the faint green tint works well against the solid red of the rope. He also has a samurai blade - unlike katanas made by humans, though, this one isn't brittle or weak - in fact, it is about as strong as a Dwarven blade. To be honest, Mwana thinks it isn't that his sword is better than a human's sword, it's that every all non-human swords are better than them.

Age: 23. Don't worry, most Silthii use the same time scale as a human does. A hyenaman year is the same is a human year.
Sex: Male.
Height: 186 centimetres. I'm an engineer, we use the SI units. Deal with it.
Weight: 87 kilograms. It's a far more logical system, after all. Much easier to work with.
Body Type: He is easily considered mesomorphic - as in, he is muscular and athletic.
Voice Type: Unlike most hyenamen, whose voices are fairly high pitched, Mwana's voice is dry and deep - though, not the driest or the deepest. His voice would be located somewhere between Baritone and Bass, as it were. The simple reason for this is simple - he hasn't had a good childhood, and the cheetahmen hate squeaky voices. So much so, in fact, that they poison captives so that they have deeper voices, as the poison ravages their vocal chords. Similar to how a human's voice becomes hoarse as they become ill, but more permanent. As a result, not only is Mwana's voice thick and deep, it is also quite scratchy and harsh.

Personality: Mwana has had a very rough life, and it clearly shows. While he certainly tries his best to hide it, he has suffered pain that most wouldn't even imagine. As a result, he is easily considered stoic and silent, perhaps brooding. This can often make him appear standoffish or uncaring, but that is simply not the case - he just wants to protect himself from more damage. He is usually incredibly honest - what he says will be true. Of course, if he doesn't want to say the truth, that is something different. People who know him have always said that if you strike a nerve in conversation, he will silence himself and most likely will leave the room. At best, he'll just say 'I don't want to talk anymore' before falling silent.

Despite what everyone says about him - unfeeling, rude, cold - he is just a regular man with a bruised heart. He has gone through so much torture, so much pain, that he just prefers to hide behind his aforementioned silent mask. He is still humanoid, and longs for friends, companionship and possibly more, and when his shell cracks he can be a very nice person indeed.

Special Abilities: Mwana has many combat and survival oriented skills, ranging from mundane to magical:-
- Master Swordsman - two decades of torture and pain has forced him to train hard with the sword he was given. Following the wisdom left behind by his father, he has quickly evolved into an amazing sword fighter with skills and techniques. After all, fear and hatred are both great motivators to learn quickly.
- Fireball - a fairly simple, yet very effective, fire spell that can be disastrous to those that take the brunt of it. All it consists of is a small ball of condensed fire, yet when it hits something the results can be...explosive.
- Burning Hands - again, another simple fire technique that involves the user creating fire from their hands, engulfing those in close proximity.
- Flame Aura - Mwana is passively immune to fire, lava and other heat sources, and can activate an aura that shrouds both him and his weapon in flame. Of course, touching either of these is bad. It also makes him resistant against cold.
- Survivalist - he also can make basic medicine, hunt, make campfires, and all the things you would need to know in order to survive both by yourself and in the Duma tribe.
- Agility - probably the only thing that living with the Duma has given him. His only Duma friend, Savannah, was kind enough to teach him how to be agile and stealthy like a Duma warrior. So, now, he has cat-like reflexes, the ability to do incredible tricks that would require superhuman agility, such as wall running, vertical running (for a bit) and he can even catch arrows out of the air. He can also become invisible if he likes - not from magic, but just from utilising the surrounding area to hide himself. This works much better in the jungles or forests of the world. Mwana can move silently, if he chooses, and leaves virtually no trace as he moves.

Bio: For countless generations two different Silthii tribes have been at war - a tribe of hyenamen, known as the Fisi and a tribe of cheetahmen, known as the Duma (despite them being two large tribes of their various species, they do not represent all of their kind - the Fisi aren't all the hyenamen in the world, similarly to the Duma. They may be considered most, though). Millennia ago the Duma and the Fisi were considered allies as they often helped each other - the Duma, with their natural speed and agility, often hunted or fished while the Fisi, with their strength (not supernatural, just more than the cheetahmen) and craftsmanship, built strong buildings and sharp weapons. The only point of contest between the two was the river that flowed through the lands between the two tribes. Both sides wanted more water than the other - they had their excuses, but it was mainly down to greed - and this eventually started fights between the two tribes. Brawls in the villages, harsher trade agreements and so on. However, a few hundred years later, when the river began to dry up...well, that's when it all began to turn to war. Both sides blamed each other - the Duma accused the Fisi of stealing it, while the Fisi thought the Duma were using too much, and this is where it all began.

Of course, that was all thousands of years ago, and nowadays the only thing the two tribes remember is that they hate each other.

However, both tribes have always had a condition - their differences will always be settled in a middle ground between soldiers, as their war was not for women and children. Until, that is, the chief of the Duma died from illness and his cruel, vindictive son took over. Eager to prove his worth, the cheetahman leader ordered his men to strike the Fisi village in the middle of the night - killing all but the children. The children were taken as captives, intended as slaves, sex slaves or worse - and not all could withstand the torture of the Duma. Many a night Fisi howls would pierce the air as a drunken cheetahman would get bored or particularly violent, and many a morning a shallow grave would be dug for the poor Fisi soul.

However, while Mwana was one of these captives, he was smarter than the rest. Every night, under the cover of darkness, he would flee the village so that he could sleep in safety. Since the killings usually happened at night, while the Fisi slept, Mwana worked out that if he simply wasn't there, he couldn't be killed. And, to his surprise, it worked quite well - as long as he slept in a different place each night. One night, he stumbled across an old ruin of a village - his village. Whilst he was only an infant when he was taken, he could still remember the house - now just a pile of dust and rubble - that he lived in. There, he found several thick tomes hidden under the floorboards as well as a shiny blade. As he read, he learned that the books were the diaries of his father, Moto, and within them detailed fighting techniques, meditation practices and even basic fire spells and how to master mana. Moto - who Mwana eventually learned was a Mage Master of sorts and helped to teach the up and coming mages of the village - explained that he knew of the illness that the previous Duma chief had suffered, and that he wanted to write these books in case his fears were realised. And so, Mwana knew that he must train and learn magic so that none may suffer the same fate as he.

First, he learned how to fight with both his hands and his blade. It was difficult, learning from a book, but eventually he learned all that he could. Then, as part of his training, Mwana learned how to allow mana to enter and flow through the body and soul. In a sense, that was the easiest part of his training - whether it was down to his heritage or perhaps his Silthii genetics that allowed him to manipulate magic like he can, or maybe it was his sheer will and determination that forced his body and mind to adapt. Then, his father taught him to use magic to make himself immune to fire and heat. That was the hardest new ability to hide - the cheetahmen were fond of using fire for their tortures - but with skill, and a little luck, he managed to hide it. After that came all of the basic fire spells he knows nowadays. There were greater fire spells detailed in the books, but Mwana knew that he din't have the time to learn them. It was easy enough to hide his newfound abilities - since he could pretend he didn't know them - and eventually he worked out a way to deal with his passive fire immunity without anyone getting suspicious. A few cheetahmen noticed that he was going missing at night, and punished him greatly for it when he returned, but he was able and willing to accept the pain as payment for his learning. Besides, the cheetahmen would've tortured him anyways.

As he grew older, and harder to kill, he had made friends with one of the Duma women. Savannah was her name, and she had always taken pity on Mwana - all of the Fisi - as she knew that their treatment was cruel and unfair. This, of course, had angered the cheetahmen who had fallen in love with Savannah. As far as Mwana knew, their relationship was purely platonic. Of course, Mwana never asked Savannah about her feelings, so it was entirely possible that there was something more than 'friends' forming. Either way, the pair knew that they would be killed should their friendship continued. As part of the endless torture, it was a crime punishable by death to be friends with the Fisi. Perhaps that was why the cheetahmen began to kill them.

To protect her, and in some respect himself, Mwana finally decided enough was enough. Taking his father's sword, and his tomes filled with knowledge, Mwana fled in the night. Except, this time, when the sun rose again he was never seen by the Duma again. Along the way, he found Mage Masters where he donated his father's books - they were amazing in teaching someone magic, but he had no need for them anymore. He could've learned more advanced spells from them, but he didn't want to carry the tomes anymore. They brought back far too many bad memories. Nowadays, he camps outside a small human settlement where he defends them against bandits and thieves, and occasionally helps in...other ways. Such as helping a dragon race, for example.
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Name: Viska

Age: 35

Sex: Female

Height: 3'9

Weight: 85 lb

Body Type: Ectomorph

Voice Type:

Viska is not your typical Kobold in the way of aggressiveness or even their more evil affinity. Viska is completely sweet and innocent to the world and its inhabitants, giving her this curious/inquisitive nature to her. She is also really nice, a very rare trait for a Kobold, to the point where it's almost scary and unsettling. Though this sweet innocence and cheerful personality is what prevents her from really killing people, and makes her extremely reluctant to hurt other people even if they're trying to kill her. She has never spent much time in the outside world, never knew it's struggles, it's hardships, and so she has no real understanding of civilization and it's social practices so she is clueless to the whole social gestures and mannerisms that accompany each race. She is also very trusting to others, oblivious to how others could abuse it, and will follow a person blindly if they were persuasive enough. Now in terms of romance, Viska has no experience in anything regarding the subject and at this point most Kobold females would have had a mate by now epsecially a Mage Kobold. Attempts at flirtation are most likely to go over her head and all the other gestures are foreign to her as well.

Special Abilities:
Magic: Light

Light Sciphon: Viska can take away the light of the surrounding area to where it reaches absolute Zero temperatures, or she can increase the light levels to the point where it burns everything to dust.

Light Beam: Viska can produce a beam of light that can damage opponents pretty heavily, with an added effect of possibly catching flame, it is more powerful with the sun in the sky.

Lumos: Viska can create a ball of light to light up the surrounding area, and it follows the Mage around.

Incinerus Lumos: A weaponized version of the Lumos ball that when flung at enemies it damages them with extreme heat with a chance to catch fire.

Blinding flash: Viska can make a blinding flash that will temporarily blind anybody who looks directly looking at her. Usually she will give away a warning likes "Eyes!" before committing to the move.

Night Vision: Due to living underground for many years, Viska can see quite well in the dark as well as day.

Small Agility: Being small and a Kobold, Viska is quite fast.

Powerful legs: Viska has some pretty powerful legs, making her kicks stronger. If taught a martial art style revolved around using her legs, she could do serious damage.

Deep in the caverns underneath Mt. Esfus came the birth of the most recent Mage the Kroctow Tribe has produced. Viska was the only egg in the special pool to survive the process of Flotation, basically the pool alters the egg to allow for the easier flow of mana into the infants body and is highly deadly to most eggs, the first in many generations of the Kobold tribe. She spent her few months of infancy being taken care of as a person of priority, afterwards she was made to dedicate 4 years to ease the flow of mana through her body. She spent many days in deep meditation, sometimes hardly eating a morsel until her body was on the breaking point. This grueling task was completed in the four years she meditated, but that was not the end of her troubles for she had to harness the power of mana first. This process took longer, for harnessing mana is much more difficult than just simply allowing it to flow through your body with ease. For 7 years she meditated, danced, done rituals, and even bathed in the birthing pools to allow her to harness the power of mana.

So far she has dedicated her life entirely on magical duties, far from the normal traditions of her tribe and the mating rituals, you could say she felt disconnected from them all to the point where the malice and the evil never really got into her veins. After her seven years, she was finally ready to see the Grand Elders, the oldest Kobolds and the most powerful Kobold mages who lived deep in the caverns below the earth. For 1 month she traveled to their underground monastery where they stood waiting for her, and there they passed judgement on her pure soul. The stood there for what seemed like hours before they deemed her worthy of being a Mage, and assigned a master to train and teach her the ways of Magic. What was interesting to them was the fact that she is one of the few light mages the Kobold have ever produced, so she was assigned a very old man of a Kobold, Yulix was his name. After returning back to her tribe she spent the next 20 years training with Yulix on how to use Light magic, being one of the rarest forms of magic a Kobold can have an affinity for there is not that much knowledge for Yulix to teach, instead they experimented different techniques and spells. He taught her how to summon forth the power and to wield it in her hands as the form of spells.

About 4 years ago, Viska did something to really upset her tribe in the form of an accident. Viska may have accidentally set most of her tribe's dwellings on fire with a very spell go wrong and they were quite angry with her as well. While the normal punishment would have been execution, being a Mage she was granted special rights so she was exiled from the tribe. You would expect Viska to be devastated but she didn't care too much, since she never was attached to the tribe in a more familial way, sadly she had to leave her master since as tradition follows no Master Kobold can go up to the surface since it risks the lose of knowledge. So she set out for the world above, and spent four years traveling, learning the weird cultures of the surface races, and their weird societies. During this time she began experimenting with light magic again, using the lessons she learned from Yulix to guide her. When she heard the plight of the Dragons, how could her sweet innocent soul just stand by while the dragons were dying? She would go off to join the quest to save the dragons.
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(Currently finishing off this illustration - I'll edit it when it's done. until then have pixel art to munch on. Nom.)


Age: 46
Height: Around Four meters (13 feet) at the head as she stands bipedal. Including her tail-quills she is eight meters long, six and a half if not counting her quills.
Weight: Surprisingly light
Body Type: Bird-like, with a stance similar to a swan or lyrebird.

Voice Type: Farenhel's voice is mentally projected, and if not projected (and even when projected - in the background) she emits variable birdsong.

Personality: Farenhel is curious and inquisitive, and despite her age is curious of most things in her life. Being rather young for her species she is still considerably inexperienced, but does have the understanding to comprehend complex topics and challenges. Farenhel can be mature if required, but mostly she'll be enjoying her life at a bubbly, fresh pace of her own. Her inability to shift properly is rather discomforting and something Farenhel is sensitive about - given how it's so commonly an easy task for dragons. She as such is rather distant from dragons and this hasn't been helped by self-imposed outasting. As she lives in the world of mortal and man, she has grown more used to a faster lifestyle and thus is quicker to adapt mentally then most dragons.

Special Abilities: Fire isn't exactly new in the dragon front. While Farenhel is still young, she has fire comparable of some of the oldest from her kin. Lacking control and finesse, Farenhel is able to expel gargantuan amounts of high intensity flame, literally engulfing herself and her surroundings within it. Because of her lack of control however, she may expel far too much and exhaust herself quickly should the time arise to use it. Due to her intense heat exposure from her own ability, Farenhel is at home at temperatures most dragons dislike or even find painful - While any dragon will happily sit and smother their own firebreath-scorched nest or ground, Farenhel happily nests in boiling lava and coals, her feathers being unburned from the slightest contact. Like most dragons, she has a large magic tolerance and semi-immunity.
Farenhel can also " sqwark ". Checkmate scaredy-scales.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, being unusually avian a dragon has drawbacks. While Farenhel may be lighter and faster in flight, her hollow bird-like bones are far less durable then her scaled relatives, and she has little to no protection from physical damage. While incredibly weak to crushing damage, she is vulnerable to hacking and piercing as well, her only protection really coming in the form of magic. Due to her lack of control Farnhel has next to no magical stamina despite having large reserves, as she will use her power far too quickly and intensively. Finally Farenhel is manipulable and not the largest of her kind, so in a mental or dragon-on-dragon fight she's more then likely to get the short stick. Perhaps however Farenhel's biggest weakness is her inability to shift properly, if at all. A dragon, even one as small as herself is nearly unheard of in the human realm, and with no way to hide her true form it's a matter of time before she is captured or killed by less then friendly identities.

Bio: Born to Hel'ska the Scholar, Farenhel came into a respectable line of feathered drakes. While her kin were albeit atypical, with some with feathers and no scales, and lack of wings they were still respected as their mother was high held in high moral and social esteem, as keeper of the winds and weather around the archipelago. However there is none who can argue the respectability of Farenhel, a name that was once noble and is now looked upon in subtle contempt. Born from an egg as attractive as her brethren, Farenhel was ridiculed by even her birthing mother as "More bird then drake." With no long reptillian tail, A curved head and a deformed mouth, Farenhel became the 'runt' of her litter, ashamed to be seen by others and mocked by her siblings in quiet. Hel'ska was a kind mother however, and sheltered her little "bird-brain" as Faren became known as, giving her life and light among her scholarly duties. Thus their bond became true despite veiled words from others. Farenhel may have had a life of cruelty that would brood isolation and distrust, but thanks to her maternal kin - Farenhel learned. She became understanding of the world and despite their laughter, grew not to hate her relatives but rather avoid them. Being a child regardless though, her lack of interaction with her brothers and sisters did border distrust and loathe, as much as she tried to dampen it.

Years pass, and with isolation comes boredom. Farenhel, tired of her simply scholarly pursuits took to the skies she studied, her constant practice allowing her to become flight-ready long before her brothers and sisters (to their envy). Light and nimble, Farenhel became the pride of her mother when in the skies- her light bones and lack of heavy brilliantine features meant she grew to become the undeniable champion of the Archipelago winds, outpaced only just by the swiftest adults and elders. Using her speed and control in the air she was able to overcome her significant disadvantage in size and strength in aerial combat, finding herself doing exceptionally in drills. And yet - when the drill was over, her praise received and she landed once-more - her triumphs did not measure up. Farenhel was still the whispered 'bird brain', and still not a dragon in the eyes of many. And thus she grew with only the love of her mother, and while loved and happy with her - Farenhel was lonely, and felt as though she did not belong.

As the months grew on and Farenhel's brothers and sisters, As feathery as they were became warriors, scholars and brooders, Farenhel was given no role in the dragon's archipelago. For all her flying skill she was given menial messaging, occasional odd jobs and the chores of others. This treatment fed her growing disdain for her home, and her mother grew ever worried for her. Finally, she began to ask her mother of the other lands, Hel'ska fearful for her sheltered child. Forbidding her from flying as far, and eventually altogether, Hel'ska became brooding and afraid, seeing her child's loathe for her home only fester as time dragged itself ever on. All of her emotions swelling, Farenhel flew from her home in the dark night, flying on the thermals to lands unknown.

Days past, Land was finally sighted for the exhausted dragonell, whom collapsed on the cliffpeaks of the human realm. Recovering slowly, she became acquainted with the great forests the human realm kept, green stretching endlessly, rather then islands surrounded by deep blue sea. An apex of the forest, Farenhel wished to see this land as home, and shaped the trees around her as her new abode.

Now Farenhel has begun to learn to live among the trees, foraging and hunting as she sees fit. Her new presence has not gone unnoticed, as bright feathers 'Hotter then coals" are beginning to attract both hunter and merchant alike, and new rumors of a great fire Phoenix have begun to spread among inns. Farenhel is in danger, and her journey to discover her personal ability and the world around her has only just begun.
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Name: Jee Rawat
Age: 25
Sex: female
Race: Uranus
Height: 5'7
Weight: 48kg
Body Type: Mesomorph
Voice Type: wip

Jee is a perfectionist when it comes to dealing with others, often knowing what to do during stressful times She tends to be uptight and "bossy" in getting things done. She is known to have an excellent hearing because she could hear anything from a while away. She has a habit of being controlling, arrogant, abrasive and hostile, which others attribute to the fact that she couldn't control the chaos in her own home. She seems to possess certain traits of a bully (self-righteousness, vicious moments of cynicism and physical aggression). She makes precious little effort to conceal her opinion of others and the fact that she can't stand a few of peoples eccentricities. However, she is capable of compassion that is often misinterpreted. Jee has been shown to be extremely competitive, a trait she got from her father who encouraged her into the competition and winning. She is also shown to be blatantly honest and almost enjoy delivering bad news to people. Jee will do anything to win, including dishonest or underhanded tactics, just to have one of many moments in the spotlight. Jee is also competitive to such a ludicrous degree. Jee has a mysterious penchant for death and the macabre.

Special Abilities: Jee has the ability to speak or in other words, has a connection with nature as if she's talking to a human she can easily talk to the earth.

Jee was born at some point during the rough times to Yura and Rogo Rawat. She has a younger brother Rud who is approximately 2 years younger. Growing up, Jee got along with her brother by doing activities that most girls wouldn't be interested in doing. Thus she had a troubled relationship with her mother who frequently criticizes her and making her feel she's not good enough. This added more cause to her being a daddy's girl, as opposed to her brother who she claims is a momma's boy. When she was younger, Jee was a wild girl, usually getting into trouble. When she was 17, she ran away with a rogue. Once, to annoy her father, Jee went out with a homeless named gof who is twice her age.

Having lived in a poor and crime-filled area, she is evidently used to doing manual labor and frequently implies violence as a solution to problems. She states that she had her own weapons when she was young. And has considerable comfort in killing animals due to relatives who are butchers. Crazy traditional, Jee firmly believes in superstitions and that her family is cursed because her great-great-grandfather made a deal with the devil, causing many of her relatives to end up in jail. As she grew Jee would notice that her parent's financial life wasn't stable. This caused to become very emotional hurt watching them suffer. That's why she became taking countless jobs at the age of 10, her parents didn't find out until she was 13.

By the age of 16, Jee gave up working and instead she began dabbling in the art of magic but gave up shortly. People began calling a witch mostly because of her new line of work. She would read others future and other things. There was a mix of people who thought she knew what she was doing and others who thought she was fake. Going into her 20s Jee had made sure that her parents lived in an area where she wouldn't have to worry finding her father a job she could easily leave for the quest. Jee had heard of the dragons and just couldn't turn a blind eye to what was happening. Although at first, she was hesitant to leave her family yet they all seemed to encourage her journey and besides they would have relatives living near so it wouldn't matter.
1519323003203.png "Name's Rii Has. My name has two syllables, and those who fight me usually only get one out." ((Warning, this is a lot of tabs))

  • Name: Rii Has (Ree - Haws)
    Aliases/Titles: Wings of Gloom, Umbrasyl (Likes to use this one in public), The Dark Span, Magus Draconis
    Sex: Male
    Race: Dragon
    Body type: Mesomorph
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