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Fantasy Divided by 11


Six Thousand Club
In a world, full of creatures unimaginable, lived 11 kingdoms. They all are at wars. They will make allies, and foes, but in the end, you will go against your brothers. This war has spiraled out of control and is effecting even the most sacred of places. Who will fall? Who will rise?

(RP info and rules will be posted in overview. Also a heads up, this is based off the based of Rise of Mythos. It's alright if you haven't played, just stick to the rules.)
Rajani woke up to the sun shining through the trees, and to a smell of dirt and bark. She sat up, rubbing her head, and wiping drool off of her face. She dressed and walked out of her tented home. She took a step onto the dried leaves, creating a crunch sound. She woke up early, meaning to, so she could hunt. She jumped into the wild and ran, missing anything that would hurt her, or knock her down.
Within the Human Kingdom lies the human village of Elliwoods, things are rather peaceful. Out here in the boondocks of the kingdom, the wars rage quietly. Residents from all kingdoms come together and form pleasant ceasefires marred only by sporadic raiding and espionage. Still, the village of Elliwoods is often grateful for the additional attention and, most importantly, additional money.

Within the village of Elliwoods lies a particularly popular tavern, known as the Leaping Fox. Widely-known for its diverse clientelle and equally-robust menu, the Leaping Fox was the source of many a subtle trade agreement between warring kingdoms. Every week, the tavern owner hosts an event where he allows residents from other kingdoms to provide their own entertainment. It is here that the conflict between the kingdoms rages most fiercely, as musicians and orators from across the world compete bitterly for the cheers of the audience. It is here that Discordia has found her first chance to play her music.
Decillia walked up and out of her kingdom. She wore her black dress with her hood up. She kept walking until she reached the leaping fox. She walked in and sat down. She got a drink and started sipping it.
Grulgothron went to Elliwoods, he was looking for a soul to steal. His quota was way behind, he was in a bind, so he was willing to make a deal. Then he came across some young men in a bar, waiting to play their song. So the demon jumped up on the nearest stool and said:

"Boys, this won't take long! Now, I bet you didn't know this, but demons love our music yet. And if you care to take a dare, I'm taking all your bets. Now, you boys have a pretty good sound, but I'm a demon, don't forget- I'll bet a fiddle of gold, against your souls- that's as simple as it gets!"

Every week. EVERY WEEK the demon rocker pulled this routine. It was a good way to find the newest talent that thought they were hot stuff but had never heard criticism- they'd go nuts for the chance to get themselves a demon's golden fiddle.
(OMGSH!! xD I am now forever happy. I love that song soooooooooooooooo much! Thanks 4 making my day( :P ))
Rajani waltz into a tavern, where every kingdom was welcomed. She sat on a stool, and asked for a pint of ale. She heard thunder rumble outside, and rain pattering on the roof. It was a miracle that she got here in time.
The great and terrifying dragon, the multi-headed incarnation of dread basked in the terror from the terrified denizen dressed in fancy attire. However unlike its usual location when openingly holding important kidnapped people it was just idly laying in a field.

"Soon Sir Longspear shall arrive, and then the fields shall burn!" Aleksander cackled out in a very rehearsed manner, knowing the lines by heart. Stanimir moved his neck around as he stared at Aleksander. "He was supposed to be here hours ago. We sent the message informing the kidnapping of Lady Catherine. They should have gotten it and informed the Knight."

Olaf twirled his neck around as he stared at his fellow companions, "YAAAAAAAY! Olaf is a happeh, jus' bein' wit a frens!"

Aleksander twirled his neck to stare at Olaf, "VHAT IS VIT YOU OLAF!? RUINING DA MOOD!"

Olaf began tearing up as Manfred glanced at Aleksander, "Jus' chill."

Draga glanced at the hostage, "Longstaff?"

The hostage woman, Lady Catherine quickly nodded her head, "Oh! Sir Longstaff the Drunkard. H-he never shows to these types of engagements on time."

Aleksander growled out in frustration as he turned the hostage into a gold statue. Vesna woke up just to see it before returning back to the feigned slumber.

Stanimir glanced at Aleksander appalled, "D-DID YOU JUST!?"

Manfred shook his head, "Right, lets break 'fore going back to work." And so the terrifying dragon took to the sky, heading to some destination to have a quick break before going back to the usual routine.
The 3-dimensional physical/mental/spiritual form of dynamic entity that is/was/will be named Orgnash the Unsilenced was/is/will be sitting within crater giving off ionizing radiation known as/will be known as/that is known as the Kingdom of Others.

In linear terms, though, Orgnash was gently melting and singing to itself, strange little creatures that looked like great, fatty, discolored tumors with arms and legs cantering and capering about as Orgnash sang the song that would one day end life as the world knew it.

"Da ba ba ba da da ba~"

"Da ba da ba da ba da da ba doo bee ah~"
Rajani finished her drink, and went outside to the rain pouring. She quickly grabbed the hood of her cloak, pulling it over her head, to shield the rain. She started for her way home. It was a long trip if you were walking, and in this weather, that was the safest choice.
Discordia patiently set her instruments up. Placing a large lens-shaped object on the floor, Discordia flipped a switch on its starboard portion. With a mechanical whirr, a single pillar of brass, no thicker than a man's forearm, erected itself. With the press of a button, one brass pillar became two as thick as half a man's arm, then four as thick as a man's hand, then eight as thick as a man's finger, then sixteen as thick as a man's tooth. Hissing quietly, the pillars raised themselves until they each stood a head taller than Discordia herself.

She drew her index finger along the southwestern pillar, making it crackle with electricity. A wave of volts and joules shimmied up the pillar before leaping off to the pillar furthest from it. As the jolt struck the other pillar, it made a pleasant hollow sound. Discordia tested each of the pillars this way, each pillar making a different noise and each pillar lighting up with a different shade of color. Finally satisfied, Discordia quietly asked one of the stagehands present to snuff all the lights in the bar. As the employees did so, Discordia began speaking to the audience.

"Hello, my name is Discordia, and I'm going to play you a little story from when I was a child. It's... not really one I expect mortals to understand, but I'm sure some of our long-lived guests will like it." And so, she

A cavalcade of inhuman sounds and terrifying lights filled the room. Many of the patrons, who had never seen an angelic performance before, shifted uneasily in their seats as the song went on. Multicolored lightning sprang around the stage, frolicking joyously among the moist wooden floor before fizzling out. Discordia utilized her water-vapor powers to coat the room in a light mist, making the atmosphere seem even more imposing than it already was.

At last, the performance finished. Those who weren't stunned into inaction gave her a standing ovation as she quietly reset her Towers. Smiling pleasantly, Discordia hopped down from the stage and headed to the bar. When the bar's lights were all re-lit, the bar's owner hopped up on stage and called forth the next band. Apparently, it was some group of humans who named their band "D The Tenacious" after their leader, who simply went by the name of D. There were only two of them, and it appeared they have just made a literal deal with the devil. With a demon at their heels, who knows how well this band would play!
Rajani continued to walk through the fields, with the hard rain, still pattering a top her hood. She could hear people following behind her. The splash of their feet on the wet ground. She stopped dead in her tracks waiting for them to catch up. She pulled out a dagger just in case they tried to attack her... And they did. All of the men yelled charging at her with swords, spears, and shields. She ducked as one tried to tackle her, instead letting them fall onto the wet grass and dirt. She turned again, charging at one of the other men. She jumped, over them and landed behind them. Before he could react, she tried stabbing him, only to find his armor to bend the sharp part of it. He turned smacking his shield into her, making her fall onto the ground. She dodged his sword, only cutting her cloak off. She bared her teeth, still in human form and growled at them.
The other two men, one covered in wet sticky mud, and other clean, yet wet, charged at Rajani, yelling with sword high, and shields ready. She dodged one man, but the other one managed to cut her cheek, blood drizzling down mixing in with the rain that was falling. her left hand touched it having some of it, stick to her fingers. She clenched her fists and threw a punch at them, since she had no weapon, only managing to hurt herself, on the hard armor they wore.
Duke Halit Osmolskae strolled into the Leaping Fox, wearing a rose on his chest. As he opened the doors, a wall of sound hit him in the face, a deafening standing ovation to an angel who had probably had carried out some sort of performance, judging by the sign outside which said 'Entertainment Night! Express yourself!' Halit didn't play an instrument, he was just here to drink.

He went up to the bar, hoisting himself up on a stool. "Bartender!" He shouted, "bartender! Over here!" Halit nodded to the angel sitting across the bar, the one who was just on stage. As the bartender shambled over, Halit said to him, "I'll have wine. Medium dry white. Red gives me... Urges."

The bartender looked sideways at Halit, and said, "Uh, no. You look about twelve. Orange juice for you, kiddo."

Halit grunted and replied, "I'll have you know, I am Duke Halit Osmolskae of the Undead Kingdom. I am the third most powerful duke in the region and am a two-hundred-and-fifteen-year-old purebred vampire. I am not one of the average mudbloods that usually buy your beer and vodka, and I could pay extreme amounts of money and deprive said mudbloods of said beer and vodka. Now, if I could repeat: Medium. Dry. White."

"Never heard of you, Tiny Tim," the bartender drawled as he poured a pure orange juice.

"Hey," Halit whispered, "Hey, bartender, hey, hey, hey. Look over here. Come on, look, look. Look at my mouth. Look." He opened his mouth and bared his teeth, his rows of needle-like teeth. The bartender's eyes widened, and he hastily poured the wine.

Taking the glass, Halit shifted a few seats over to the angel he saw earlier. "You did wonderful out there," he whispered, "I assume."
Rajani saw someone either coming to help her, or the knights. She didn't take any chances. She was done having fun. She bit into one of the knights arms, and they screamed falling down on the ground. She turned towards the last knight, but he only ran. She then turned towards the girl with the crossbow. "Well? Did you come to help me, or those humans?"

(Also, I was close to the leaping fox. Just in the fields where it was held.)
Discordia looked incredulously at Halit, before turning up her brows and curling her lips into a slight frown. With a concerned tone in her voice, she gently rested her hand on Halit's shoulders. Discordia stared into Halit's eyes as she took the glass of cheap wine away from him.

"Young one, you should have taken the orange juice. The vices of alcohol are not for one who is still growing, such as yourself. What would your parents think of you stunting your own growth like this? I would not be one to punish them for their negligence, but you do not seem to understand the dangers of drinking too much alcohol as a child. Please accept a gift of a more suitable libation, it will be my treat."

At that, she gently took a pair of coins out of the coinpurse beneath the folds of her cloak, and handed them to the barman. Not one to refuse a drink order, he dutifully procured a tumbler of grapefruit juice. Discordia obligingly pushed the drink towards Halit, in a gesture of good will.
Rajani chuckled picking up the cloak that was torn from her. "As you can see, I didn't need any." She said wrapping the cloak around her, keeping the rain away from her. "The name's Rajani."
"It is nice to meet you Mia. Now excuse me. I must find my was back home." She says turning and continuing to walk through the wet fields.
Halit stared. "I'm not sure if you know too much about vampire biology, but one vampire year equates to eighteen human years. I am by no means a child, so if you would mind ever so much not calling me 'young one', that would be delightful. And if it soothes you any, my mother died bearing me, and my father died defending our kingdom. They have much too much on their plate now to worry about their 216-year-old son having a glass of wine or five. Trust me, I can handle my drink." Taking back the wine, he took a sip and sighed. "This D fellow's been on stage a while. It's like he doesn't want to leave. No wonder they call him tenacious. Please," he said to the angel, Discordia, "take the juice away from me. I only ingest rufescent liquids when I'm in certain moods. Otherwise, I just... Get tempted, let's say."
Discordia kept a motherly tone to go along with her gentle grip and depressed face. Still retaining a hidden air of concern, she went on.

"Young one, if your kind ages slower than others, a product that stunts your growth would be catastrophic. For your own sake, parents or no, I must forbid you from partaking of alcohol. You wouldn't want your peers of equal power to consider you lesser for your stunted growth, would you? A few decades of temperance for a life of respect and adoration is a fair trade, I think. Besides that, forcing yourself to go without the fluids of others is an excellent test of resolve and power. You would be weak for worrying and succumbing to your urges, young one. I do not think your parents would approve of you."
Halit downed the rest of his wine and looked at Discordia with a stone glare. "I can handle," he pressed, "my drink."

He checked the time. 5:59. "However," he smiled, "I don't need either now." Halit silently drew a knife from his pocket and slipped it into the back of the man behind him. The man gasped, and fell face-first into his meal. Halit pocketed the knife and curled his hand. A stream of blood winded its way out of the man's wound, coiling and sloshing itself into the shape of a nondescript, humanoid figure, which held out its hand towards Discordia.

"Do you think the audience might want an encore? I do. And besides, my sanguine friend here is itching for a dance partner? Can you dance, angel? Or will you be publicly humiliated by a liquid with one left foot less than you? You have three and a half minutes. Show us what you're made of."

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