Divergence in Destiny (Star Wars RP)

Hoth Orbit (cloaked)
Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna

HK-50-01 was rather visibly relieved that the Gray Jedi didn't wish to tear his leg from him , his characteristic shaking decreasing by a great margin. When the hand was offered he took it with quite a measure of haste , enough so that he stumbled slightly as he tried to balance his weight on his damaged left leg. Such a hasteful manner may have seemed odd , but naturally there was a reason for it. 'Mistress Why'nn instructed me to be strong , I.. I disobeyed her order acting that weak! I'm her droid now , I absolutely must behave better than this , I can't get frightened like that anymore..'

The droid's thoughts continued in this manner for some time , until he registered the query Delrick put to him. As soon as he felt he was free to speak , he did so rather swiftly. "Reassurance/Praise/Explanation : N-no ,of course not sir. You never have behaved in manners completely mirroring the Sith , sir - it's almost certainly why Mistr-Miss Why'nn is so very kind and loving towards me. I-I merely thought your intentions were to torture me due to.." Here the skittish servant droid averted his gaze , though only slightly. It seemed as if , for a moment , he was pondering something , his still-yellow eyes showing the beginnings of the lilac that denoted sadness in the strange lexicon of expression he possessed. However mere moments later the lilac was entirely gone , Oh-One sharply returning eye-contact to the human. "Half-truthful statement : I'm merely a frightful old droid , sir. That's simply what the Glorious Lords of the Sith expect from their oh-so-eager servants." It wasn't entirely clear whether the final line was meant sarcastically or not - though more than likely it was merely something he was programmed or conditioned to say. Notably he didn't inquire as to whether the sparring was to continue or not (or even adress the matter at all) , this time submissively leaving it for the organic to decide whether or not they would continue in the wake of his near-breakdown.

Hyperspace - en route to hoth

folclor folclor shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25

HK-50-09's still blood-red photo-receptors flickered on after a longer than expected repair-cycle - though not by a large amount of time. In fact , the first thing he did was dispeasedly march his way to the pitifully small shipboard armory the thief curated. As ever there were none of his favored repeating rifles , but for once they weren't the object of his search. Instead , he was looking for an electrical inhibitor belt - quite obviously to use against the 'Gray' Jedi and his 'Sith' spawn. During his search he quickly transitioned from a simple visual scan to quite viscously ransacking the small room. Unfortunately , it seemed there simply wasn't one to be found. Not in that particular room , at least.

And so , after a string of all his favorite curses , the Assassination droid rather loudly stormed off for the bridge. His thunderous , clanking footsteps could be heard a considerable time before any visual of him could be gained. Upon arriving he quickly noticed the door to the food prepatory was open , and so continued his booming march towards it - though not without sparing a long , blazing crimson glare at Why'nn as he passed her. 'I'll kill her soon enough , just as I'll kill her blasted Jedi-in-denial father. Maybe I'll kill her before I kill him to show him just how poorly an idea it is to ever cross me , or maybe I'll kill him first so she can regret daring to harm somoeone so completely superior to her weak Fleshsack abilities!'

Of course , barely a moment after he stepped behind Zerek , the inevitable Enraged , Self-Superior diatribe began -and at enough volume that the entirety of the ship could hear it with ease , and perhaps even the surrounding space - it was likely the dull silver droid was shouting with the most decibels his vocabulator could possibly manage. During the speech he paced continually , spun one of his two heavier pistols around his left hand , and used his right to repeat early gesture and point towards himself. "Displeasure : You fripping idiotic Fleshsack! Your useless fripping armory didn't have a single blasted electric inhibitor belt , or a repeating rifle! Some blasted thief you are! You're the absolute worst thief in the entire blasted galaxy , easily , with your useless fripping shotguns , and your underpowered 'blaster pistols' - mining lasers would be more accurate! You couldn't even steal one blasted Holocron from that inferior little 'Sith' girl uslessly sitting in that bridge of this inferior Jedi Starship! And then , instead of at least trying to salvage some of your non-existent , long-lost superiority , you accept some.. fripping useless pay off from my Raxus-Forsaken wreck of a brother! Who also has some idiotic loyalty to that idiotic girl , just like you do to her equally inferior father! And just what is it that I even require you for? I could've killed Cui without you with ease , and I'll kill that Jedi-In-Denial just as easily , too! I've killed more Force-users than any other sentient being in this whole fripping Galaxy and the next! You're the one who needs me! I'm the superior one , not you , not that fleshsack girl and certainly not her Jedi Father!"
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Hoth Orbit (cloaked)
HK Fifty HK Fifty

Delrick watched with a curious smile and raised eyebrow as the minority damaged droid stood shakily. He was shaking his head as the class four droid spoke. But the smile dropped from his face, though it still appeared calm, when the sentence stopped abruptly. 'I know what you're thinking, and I do remember, but don't hold it against you.' The Grey Jedi smiled and nodded at the self depreciating comment, not bothering to dig into it. "Well I hope we can get rid of the frightful part soon." He gave him a hearty slap to the shoulder joint to show his friendly intentions.

The double bladed sword twirled up to rest in the crock of Delrick's left arm, as his fingers worked. "So, have I had enough? Or do you think you can keep showing how much more superior you are?" The comment had hints of joking and definite tones of sincerity; letting 01 decide rather then be told.
folclor folclor HK Fifty HK Fifty

To most, having an assassin droid suddenly show up behind you and start shouting about how inferior you were for not having everything they wanted would have been startling to say the least. Most beings are not Zerek, who simply rolled his eyes and watched his food as it finished cooking in silent contemplation, placed it on a plate with some silverware, then calmly waited for 09 to finish his rant before doing anything else. After waiting for a few seconds to confirm that the droid was indeed done screaming at the top of it's non-existent lungs, he spoke. "If that's how you feel, you can always leave. I won't stop you. After all, it was your decision to come with me." With that, he walked back onto the bridge and sat down on the couch so he could start eating.
Hoth Orbit (cloaked)
Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna

HK-50-01 enjoyed the amicable clap to his durasteel shoulder , nodding in a slow , confirming fashion to the statement. 'I'll become less fearful , sir. I absolutely must - Mistress Why'nn requires me to be , due to all she's been put through. And what sort of droid would I be if I couldn't operate as she needs me to?' Naturally he left such a statement unsaid , waiting for his proper turn to be allowed to speak. After all
, less fearful didn't translate to rude - that would make him more like his 'brother' , HK-50-09. And it would certainly go without saying that his behaivor and intentions were far removed from that of his mercenary-like kin , especially when concerned with the arrogant droid's treatment of those considered 'superior' to him.

It was an odd coincidence , then , that the Gray Jedi just happened to use one of the self-superior droid's favorite words in his next statement. Oh-One couldn't help but laugh softly , just before he registered the implications of the statement. It should've been no surprise to the organic that he was visibly taken aback with the prospect of being given such a choice , even kneeling (as difficult as it was in his current state) before the former Jedi - though out of true respect , instead of the submission it so often was , his gaze upon the one before him instead of the deck. Given his surprise , it was only natural that it took the normally subservient droid quite a long moment to reply. When he did , his voice had a very honored quality to it that , despite pauses , never gave way to his typical skittishness. "Gratitude/Jest : Thank you so , so very greatly for giving me such a choice , sir. That you trust me so greatly.. it's wonderful , sir. I.. I truly don't know how to reply.. Other than I do believe you have your HK-50 units confused , that is. I believe you're thinking of the dull silver one , Sir." Here he paused a moment to allow Delrick to laugh (and partially , himself to try to come up with an answer to the man's query). "Apology/Answer : I.. I do apologize for requiring such a long time giving you an answer , it's.. it's just so (pleasantly) surprising that you allowed me to decide. I.. I.. suppose we should continue?" The 'answer' was quite uncertain , as much a query as it was a true answer , the mechanical servant still leaving the decisison to his superior despite being asked to decide for himself.

Hyperspace - to Hoth

shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25 folclor folclor

HK-50-09 scoffed at the short and rather absurd reply from his Fleshsack 'brother' , inclining his upper torso backwards and tilting his head to the right , giving a short and derisive laugh as he did so. Following the thief into the bridge , he continued speaking , though this time somewhat quieter. "Displeased Disbelief/Informational/speculation : Raxus , Zerek , are you that fripping idiotic? Do you truly believe I'm so weak that I'd leave now? What purpose would that serve , other than to make myself into some weak , inferior Fleshsack like yourself? Though I suppose that is something you would suggest , isn't it.. Your sheer inferiority asides , I never would have come if I had known this blasted 'job' was helmed by some weak Jedi who can't bear to see killed one single being. The fripping pacifist didn't even want me killing that blasted Sith woman , and she tried to kill you and I both! Not to mention he's so focused on this pathetic excuse for a Sith , who somehow can't even avoid injuring herself with her own blasted Lightsaber. How is it anyone still cares for her , exactly? I would've thought even a wreck like Oh-One would've given up on her by now - and aren't Jedi supposed to keep from having children? It's a wonder he didn't kill her , honestly. I would have.. moving on from that particular Fleshsack waste-of-matter , it really is your fault I came at all. If it wasn't for this idioditc attempt to give your Fleshsack life meaning , I'd have already killed a dozen Jedi and Sith over! So don't tell me I came of my own accord when you made this pathetic excuse for a job sound like some grand adventure - and certainly don't fripping tell me to leave now. No no no , you're going to have to wait until after I eviscerate that pathetic Jedi before you ever can even try to get rid of me! I'll simply kill you along with your new Jedi Master , and get this crippled girl to fly me off planet - and then I'll kill her , too! No blasted Fleshsacks are superior to me! Especially not you!"
Proletariat Proletariat

Atali hopped down and faced the droid. "You know... I've never seen a person skewered with a femur. Anyway, we're getting off topic. You say you weren't here on orders. If that's the case, why would you be on Alderaan at all? Why try to blow up a ship? Kicks and giggles? You seem like a much more advanced machine. That's quite a silly reason to do any of it."

folclor folclor testing out new bbcode skills

"Exclamation: It is none of your blasted business what I was doing on Alderaan, a puny meatbag like you could not even begin to comprehend my cognition processes! Mockery: It would be like a protozoa asking a maintenance droid how to repair a hyper drive, how does one begin to explain something so complicated to one so un-evolved?"

HK-51's body went through significant systems checks in order to find something he could use to murder the meatling. It became somewhat obvious that something was amiss, due to the droid resetting its position to neutral and sort of locking itself into place even more than the restraints were doing. It stared directly ahead, over the girl's figure, right past Rin.

Diagnostic Systems check initiated...

/smokescreen_defense... disabled...
/wrist_rocket....cycling....wrist_rocket disabled...

Diagnostic Systems check <1% complete...scanning...

Having generally confirmed what he already knew, the assassin droid was truly irate that he was powerless to destroy the little whelp. He did his best to ignore her. His superior intellect obviously knew what was going on, the girl was trying to get him to implicate himself in the assault. Though why she was trying to do that was not obvious to him. He may have earlier shouted about how he was falsely imprisoned, but that was just out of spite. In reality the droid knew astonishingly little about meatbag laws; he spent most of his time breaking them and murdering anyone who tried to stop him, so it never occurred to him to actually read up on them.

The droid began to divert the majority of its functional power supply to cognition processing. If the girl was going to try to play him, then he would try to figure out her game. Externally no change could be noticed, other than the lights behind his optical receivers began to dull, until they flickered erratically.


The Peacekeeper stared from behind the kinetic shield,unsure as to what just happened. He glanced to the prison guard, who spoke into his earpiece to the droid control center. The guard nodded his head and forwarded the message to Rin.

"They're saying the HK unit is completely operational, but from what limited data our monitors can gather it is diverting power and focus to its cognitive processing."

Rin nodded, his face immediately became distant.

'What reason could there be for this? Surely there is nothing for the droid to work out, it would have run millions of escape scenarios by now.... including interrogation scenarios... what is there to process? Unless it doesn't know why we are here. That's it! The assassin doesn't understand what could be happening outside of this prison, it doesn't know about the legality of the circumstances of its arrest, there is a real chance here for us.'

Lawyer progress meter
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Hyperspace - En-Route to Hoth
shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25 HK Fifty HK Fifty

With Zerek Why'nn was calm. Her stomach rumbled at the smell of the food, but she wouldn't eat anything that might have been a person before. Still, it would be clear to Zerek that she was becoming quite comfortable with him. He wasn't someone she might usually trust, in fact she would likely hurt him as she had Connor, but this situation felt different.

And then HK-50-09 came in... The droid's presence didn't set her on edge until he began speaking. By the end of his tirade, anger doing to dangerous levels, she turned her chair to face him, her eyes red with the Dark Side. This time she didn't send lightning sparking across the bridge. No, she raised her hand, the droid with it, and slammed him down, repeatedly, against the floor.

Proletariat Proletariat

Atali watched him for a few minutes, deciding upon the next thing to say. It didn't matter if he implicated himself in the attack or admitted, again, to firing a rocket inside the spaceport. She just needed to know who ordered it. "So you don't take orders from people? Is every person inferior to you? Even the strongest Darth or Master?"
folclor folclor HK Fifty HK Fifty

As Zerek sat down to eat, he was ready to calm down. Things didn't look like they were getting any worse, nothing was exploding, and Why'nn was firmly in control. All in all, it seemed like they were going to make it to Hoth in one piece without some kind of divine intervention stopping someone from tearing the ship apart. And then 09 continued his rant after roughly five seconds of silence.

Other than the rant infuriating him further, something that was a given at this point, it also got Why'nn to start smashing 09 against his ship. Repeatedly. Zerek, with a strip of bacon in his mouth, groaned in rage and swallowed. "Goddamnit. Why'nn, stop!" At the least he could try to get her to stop smashing the droid on the floor, that would likely leave a dent. Even if she didn't stop, he placed himself squarely between her and 09, aiming to stop the robot from going homicidal and then proceeded to pick apart 09's rant.

"You fucking IDIOT! Did it ever cross your pathetic excuse of a central processor that there was a REASON I didn't want you to come with me?! This was something that required subtlety and tact, things you lack in spades. And how exactly did I make it sound like some grand adventure? As I recall, I just told you where we were going and not much else. You just assumed that I was going on a grand adventure instead of trying to unwind a little. Oh yeah, it was totally her own fault instead of mine. I SHOT HER IN THE FACE! REPEATEDLY! And then she fell on the lightsaber. Looks like that's my fault, chief. Now I don't care what you think. He's not my 'master', he's my boss. I'm being paid to escort his daughter safely, and the payment is training instead of cash. But maybe you just get off on making everything worse for everyone around you!" During Zerek's tirade, his voice went from simply angry, to shocked and enraged.

Then, he got calm, took a breath, and straightened his posture out. "And if you really think that you're able to take my ship from me, I'll blow us all to hell. So how about you keep yourself in line, and we all stay in one piece." His voice carried a deadly venom to it, letting 09 know he wasn't kidding. Why'nn would be able to sense that behind the confident facade, he was both terrified and hoping he didn't actually need to follow though.
Hyperspace - to Hoth
shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25 folclor folclor

HK-50-09 , once again , was caught my surprise by the 'pretend' Sith's actions. Luckily for him , this time he managed to counteract a significant portion of the damage simply by magnetizing his feet to the deck. Unfortunately this didn't prevent his upper torso from moving , making it very difficult to properly aim his forearm-mounted blaster. Of course , in a scant few moments the small girl released her grip on him regardless , following the request by his compatriot. 'I suppose he's useful for something , after all. Perhaps I won't terminate him like his precious Master and this blasted girl.. Perhaps.'

And that was when the already enraged Assassination Droid heard the thief's counter-rant. For the first several moments he seemed quite stunned - the mere idea of a 'fleshsack' finding any way to critique him was perhaps too unexpected for him to fully comprehend immediately. But nearly the second after Zerek was finished speaking , the Droid boomingly and ragefully gave his own response.

"Displeasure/threat : You truly believe you could ever possibly destroy me? ME! No Fleshsack in this entire fripping galaxy could manage to scarcely harm me , much less you , with your fripping 'tact' and 'subtlety' - only Fleshsacks so completely inferior as yourself cherish such weak values! And you had the chance to terminate this fripping girl , and you chose to heal her? You should've finished the fripping job! The only thing you achieved by healing her was demonstrating how utterly inferior you are - I could've killed her blasted Jedi Father , if that's what idiotic idea you were so foolishly concerned about! And you have the audacity to call my superior processing unit pathetic - your Fleshsack brain and that crippled girl are the two most pathetic things on this fripping Jedi ship! I'll make you regret ever daring to suggest that I'm Inferior! And there's not one blasted thing you could possibly do to keep me from it!"

With that , the dull silver droid sharply moved to strike Zerek's jaw with his right forearm - a blow would likely knock the human harshly to the right , shattering a portion of his jawbone along with sending him to his knees. Should that succeed , the self-styled Lord of All Droids intended to deliver a string of heavy kicks to the ex-Jedi's ribs and chest , breaking quite a few ribs - and should he try to shield himself with his arms , it'd break those bones as well. At the same time the murderous would fire a handful of blaster bolts into his victim's legs , crippling him just as the girl was. Of course he didn't intend to kill the Fleshsack yet - in fact , he didn't intend to kill either of the two until he reached Hoth. Though he wasn't exactly careful with his intended assault , either.
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Hyperspace En-Route to Hoth
shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25 HK Fifty HK Fifty

Seeing the droid's intent, Why'nn the Zerek out of the way with a well-timed Force push and sent lightning shooting through HK-50-09. "How dare you even think of calling yourself HK-50-01's brother! How dare you strike him! You aren't a droid, you're nothing! You're a pathetic pile of bolts That never should've left the factory line!" Her anger grew, as did the intensity of her lightning. At this rate, it was unlikely she'd stop even if he fell into a gibbering mess.
HK Fifty HK Fifty folclor folclor

Zerek, knowing 09 quite well, figured out that his rant preceded by the prefix 'threat' was probably going to lead to harm to his person. Seeing 09 shut up and throw a punch, he quickly ducked under the blow, and was instantly shoved out of the way by Why'nn. This suprised him for two reasons. First, he was more than a little surprised that she didn't just start blasting regardless of his position in the line of fire. Secondly, given her reaction last time, he didn't expect her to shock 09 again. On the more worrying end of things, however, was that he could see her scars burning again. He quickly filed that under 'problems for later' and drew one of his sabers, ready to deflect any blaster fire 09 threw out.
Hyperspace - to Hoth
shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25 folclor folclor

HK-50-09 , fully caught up in his narcissistic rant and the brutal assault he was about to deliver , failed to notice the Sith's powerful lighting until it had already impacted him. He crumpled to the floor only a scant few seconds after it hit him , vocabulator shrieking and frame writhing from the massive excess of electricity wracking his systems just as it had before. However , unlike the last incident the droid's highly adaptive Rakatan construction managed to (after a few moments) mitigate the damage - though it was only just enough to allow him to articulate in his own Rakatani language.

"Warning : you're—"
A harsh and anguished yelp sounded from Oh-Nine's vocabulator then , interrupting his speech. "—Making an idiotic—" Another yelp. "—Mistake , you—" He yelped yet again, this time with a much shriller quality than the previous two - clearly his repair systems were starting to struggle to maintain their already small mitigation of the damage. "—Fripping Fleshsa––" Finally , the dull-silver machine's strenuous ability to speak gave way to meaningless screeching , while the droid's frame began to convulse with greater intensity.
Hyperspace - En-Route to Hoth
shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25 HK Fifty HK Fifty

Tears welled and she knew that if she didn't stop there would be no going back. Red eased back to a fiery orange but she didn't let up. Perhaps she would've of he hadn't spoken. "You're only doing this to yourself." Her words were soft and colored with grief. "I can't let you hurt someone who protected me. I can't let you kill Dad. You cannot kill me. I will not let you take HK-50-01 from me. You will never take anyone from me. I'll destroy you first."
HK Fifty HK Fifty folclor folclor

Like clockwork, 09 succumbed to the onslaught of electricity, writhing on the floor. Zerek, having a moment to clear his head, watched carefully and weighed his options. After a few seconds, he ignited his lightsaber and stopped the flow of lightning to 09, cautiously at first, then committing to it. He knew he'd likely end up regretting this, but it was worth a shot. Plus then Delrick would be around to help. He gave a quick look to Why'nn, asking her to stop, then looking down at 09, hoping that a display of mercy would help the tin can and gave him a chance. Hopefully the droid would back down for now.
Hoth Orbit (cloaked)
HK Fifty HK Fifty

Delrick smirked and nodded at the humorous remark 01 made concerning which HK unit the Grey Jedi was speaking with. Holding his hand out to help the class four droid to its feet, still chuckling, Delrick spoke. "Of course I do trust you. I left my daughter under your care."

He smiled in a friendly manner and took a step back after hearing the questioning statement to continue. "I think that's a fine choice, but let's raise the level a little. Can you set your wrist blaster to a low enough setting so that IF you manage to hit me with a lucky shot," Delrick threw in an exaggerated wink at this point. "It doesn't kill me, but just hurts?"
The Imperial Agent rolled his neck, a crackling sound could be heard followed by a look of relief, as his hand gripped the double vibro-blade in a vertical fashion. "And I'll limit my Force use to similar levels." With a slow breath he waited for the assassin to either reply or attack.

folclor folclor Wintermute Wintermute

Chuka stood silently, behind the faceplate of his helmet his face set in a mixture of pain, rage, and determination, looking between the two Mandalorians before him. He hoped they would help him, if not he would.... He didn't know what he would do, he was lost without a map or coordinates.
Hyperspace - En-Route to Hoth
shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25 HK Fifty HK Fifty

"Get out of the way!" Why'nn roared. She hadn't stopped channeling lightning and she couldn't understand why Zerek stepped in to protect someone who just attacked him. She didn't want to hurt Zerek, he was helpful and treated her so well. But the droid... Perhaps it was odd for her to not blink an eye at the idea of killing other people but be at a point of no return with a droid, but this was a decision she'd made that caused someone great harm. She knew it was wrong on some level, but she wasn't about to stop until the droid learned his lesson.


Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna Wintermute Wintermute

Ilya had been in shock. She didn't know what to say to the idea of Clan Lone losing honor. However, she would not turn her back on Chuka. She crossed to him and gently knocked her helmet against his. "Di'kut. Like I'd let you go without me." (Idiot.)
Hyperspace - to Hoth
shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25 folclor folclor

HK-50-09 heard the Sith's words , though they scarcely registered over the electrical agony wreaking havoc throughout his circuits. A few moments after his former target served to block the girl's lighting , with his systems crying out for a repair cycle , he slowly rose to his feet. Even the narcissistic assassin droid wasn't foolish enough to engage either of the others once again , and so he slowly made his way towards the exit , one foot erratically shuffling along behind the other's firmer steps.

Of course , the fact that the sull silver droid didn't intend to attempt to harm the two organics didn't preclude him from making his characteristic self-superior comments. Just 3 steps from the door , his upper torso half-turned back towards the two , and in his strained voice he muttered a statement just loud enough to be heard. "Reply : And I can't allow you to make me inferior again." However , he didn't reach for his blaster , nor did his forearm-mounted blaster arise from it's hidden compartment. In fact , his response had only a scarce Shadow of a threatening undertone - indeed , the droid's metallic voice conveyed bitterness above all else. Should he be allowed to , Oh-Nine would simply continue on his slow march away from the bridge.

Hoth Orbit (cloaked)

Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna

HK-50-01 brightened yet more at the comment referencing his care of his new Mistress , photoreceptors shifting to a bright green as he finally noticed (and thusly took) the offered hand. At the request he nodded - he hadn't done it before , but simply draining power supply to it's ion chargers should decrease the bolts' lethality. However , at the proposition that the Grey Jedi start to use the force , a shudder passed through his frame , remembering the last time he had fought a force user and the near total disaster that has ensued.

However , Oh-One was always a loyal droid , and the thought to refuse the Order (as he saw it) failed to so much as occur to him. Instead he spoke , with his mechanical tone betraying some nervousness even if it was more confident than usual.
"Answer/informational : Yes , of course I can accomplish that , Sir. Though I must warn you that I've not attempted this before , and while I'm fairly certain it will work , there's always the possibility that the bolts still could have lethal force." A moment after he was finished speaking he held his hand out in a motion expressing the benign nature of his actions , the forearm blaster springing forth quickly thereafter.

With a quick handmotion the class-four droid disabled or outright cut a few of the minute wires connecting it to it's power source , and took a moment to look it over.
Seeming to be satisfied with his work , the blaster slid back into its compartment and he once again turned his attention to the Jedi. "Query : would you like to strike first , or would you prefer if I did , sir?" Should the man request him to be the aggressor , the metallic warrior would quickly fire off a pair of bolts at his abdomen before charging in with his sword , feitningba stab to the abdomen before swiftly turning it towards the organic's knees in what would be a rather superficial (yet painful) cut.
folclor folclor HK Fifty HK Fifty

Zerek turn to Why'nn to respond to her request. "No. I'm giving him a chance." Turning to face 09, he saw the droid limping away as he held off the lightning, make his threat, then continue. 'If you try to make good on that, I'll hook you up to the generator and see which one shorts out first.' Now he just waited to see if Why'nn was going to stop shooting lightning, because he was fairly sure his lightsaber was violating several laws of physics right now.
folclor folclor Wintermute Wintermute

With his helmet clacking lightly to hers, the older warrior smiled a little. Glad that the women that was his equal in the hunt was not going to leave him just because his clan was dishonored. He reached up and gently grasped the back of her neck, as much of an outward public display of affection he was willing to show. "Vor'e." (Thanks) Chuka looked to Errin, wondering what his response would be.
Hoth Orbit (cloaked)
HK Fifty HK Fifty

Delrick smiled as he nodded, hearing that there may be more energy in the blast then intended. "01 that's fine, I'd rather take the hit, and have a bruised or cracked rib now then be bleeding and or dying in actual combat." Noting the faint shudder pass through the class four droid, the Grey Jedi waved his had, in a reassuring manner. "Don't worry, I'll only be using the Force to nudge or push you gently. I don't like using the flashy lightning or other harsher aspects of the Force unless I need to." Delrick nodded his consent to the droid attacking.

Quickly his blades came up spinning to deflect the pair blasts, both narrowly missing the droid and leaning smudges on the far bulkhead. If the Grey Jedi had time to react to those new blast smudges he might have cringed at the vocal onslaught he would get from T7 later, but he did not at this moment. Seeing the thrust rapidly following the shots, the human brought the right handed blade sweeping down to the right as he twisted-side stepped to the left and arched his stomach away from the offending blade, this would inadvertently ruin the cut aimed at his knee.
Hyperspace - En-Route to Hoth
shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25 HK Fifty HK Fifty

Why'nn glared at Zerek, but withdrew her assault. Even then, her eyes remained orange, as if burning. She crossed her arms, turning her chair to face the viewport. "If he threatens me again I will kill him. If he threatens my father I will kill him. If he insults HK-50-01 I will kill him. If you care about him you will reign him in. Otherwise you will lose him." It wasn't Sanguina, hadn't been at all during this encounter.
folclor folclor HK Fifty HK Fifty Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna

Zerek finally exhaled and extinguished his guard shoto as Why'nn stopped spamming lightning. "If he does any of those things, I'll deal with it. And could you stop throwing lightning everywhere? I don't want to have to replace something important on Hoth." He once again sat down to eat and then realized he just stood up to 09 and lived through it, and instantly found a way to distract himself from slipping into mild panic. "Are you sure you don't need something to eat?" Right after he asked, he began eating his waffles, which had gotten colder, but were still just above room temperature.

Maybe an hour later, the ship finally dropped out of hyperspace above Hoth. Zerek was quick to get back at the controls, making sure his ship left hyperspace safely and parked around Hoth before grabbing the communicator Delrick gave him. "Delrick, you there? There are some things we might need to talk about. Like now-ish." As he waited for a response, he looked over to Why'nn. "Do you think you can walk?"

Zakut was very glad to be back on his ship and out of the cold. It wasn't a great idea to step out into the cold without a coat. He got away with two lightsabers, which were very handy and at this point, he was heavily considering keeping at least one and selling the other. On one hand he could have one laser sword that could cut through anything and could probably give you some form of authority and a small fortune. Or he could have a lot of credits off of selling both. The first seemed a lot more favorable.

Zakut, in the cockpit starts the engines. He was going to sit in orbit for a little bit and take a few hour nap. In an outer rim planet like Hoth, nobody would be all the way out here. Then again, he was here too, so it's not impossible. Just, unlikely. The ship hovers before taking off into the atmosphere, which only took a few seconds until he almost broke into the xenosphere. Zakut always failed to appreciate how lucky he was to have such a fast ship and even luckier to have such a great hyperdrive. 0.2's were rare, and really expensive. Once in orbit, Zakut didn't waste any time turning off any systems except for the engines. It was probably dangerous, but he was already asleep before he could think about it.
Hoth Orbit
shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25 Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna HK Fifty HK Fifty

Why'nn had turned her chair away when he brought up food. Throughout the rest of the trip she conversed with him, still in a rather terrible mood. At his question she flicked one of her legs off the chair. When it hung, limp, not responding to her at all, she looked at him as if to say, 'That answer your question?' She sighed and crossed her arms, looking away. Her father's image hadn't appeared on holo yet and she wasn't happy with Zerek's question.
Hoth Orbit (cloaked)
HK Fifty HK Fifty shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25 folclor folclor sheesh sheesh

Just after the Grey Jedi had deflected the blaster shots, the holoterminal not but a few metres from where they were sparring began flashing and chirping that there was an incoming transmission.

"Delrick, you there? There are some things we might need to talk about. Like now-ish."

Delrick raised his hand, palm towards the class four droid indicating to stop. "It would seem our training time is at an end." He smiled at 01 as he moved to the terminal to acknowledge the call, a bit curious. 'Though what happened we need to talk now?' Grabbing a handheld voice transmitter and heading towards the bridge. "Zerek I'm here. Were you followed?" Two thoughts flashed through his mind. 'If you were what kind of renegade are you?' And 'Is my daughter safe?' The Grey Jedi come father did not want to appear worried, though he was.

He quickly walked through the short corridor to the bridge and installed himself in the pilots chair. "I'm sending you some coordinates to land at," There was a new beeping on the navigation sensor array. "And it looks like there is a ship just leaving the surface. It looks like a light freighter, probably a scavenger or smuggler." He marked it on the navicomputer as he began scanning the ship. 'Who are you and why are you here? '

The ship remained completely undetectable while it was cloaked, as it began to make its way to place itself between Zerek's ship and the freighter from the surface, to act as a shield if there was any hostile intent.
Hoth Orbit
Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna shadowstrikr25 shadowstrikr25 HK Fifty HK Fifty

She perked up. "Dad!" Why'nn scrambled, trying to get a better view of her father. "You're already here!" She smiled, though it bothered her greatly not to be able to stand up and walk over to talk to him. Instead, she used the Force to attempt to levitate near Zerek, hoping it would look like she was walking, or at least holding her own weight.

TommyGun15 TommyGun15 sheesh sheesh

Kaen watched as the acolytes were found to hold kolto shots. It irked her and she decided she would punish them once the ship had taken off. Droids got the boys loaded up, then left. That meant the ship was mostly empty. Only Kaen, Ceth, the acolytes, and the medical droids were aboard.
Hoth Orbit [Drifting]

Zakut had weird dreams when he slept this time. First he was taunting a droid to fight him, because obviously droids aren't as good as humans. They lack creativity mostly. This probably happened in the temple, but the droid wasn't as tall and it wasn't holding an elecro-staff. He wondered what droid it could be. The next dream was of Zakut staring at both of his lightsabers. His surroundings seemed foggy, but he could tell he was on his ship. The dream was nothing other than him staring. Just as he was about to do something, a voice rung in his head. 'Why am I here? I found two lightsabers!'. He awoke slowly, that thought still in his head. He responded "I'm here because I just found not one - but two lightsabers." He looked around, searching. "I don't know where you are, but do you want to buy one? It's only a few hundred thousand credits." Risky move. They might try to steal from him. 'Just in case...' His hand slowly slid down to his belt, where both of his sabers were.

Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna


As they were loaded onto the ship, he saw Kaen had brought another person with her. Likely her apprentice. Maybe he could do something with this knowledge. He noticed the medical droids on board. Odd that we were supposed to heal in 'The hold way' yet we have medical assistance on the ship. Eek asked, "Lord Kaen. If we're supposed to heal in the old way, why do we have medical droids?" Most medical droids didn't just hand you a wrap of bandages and tell you to heal yourself. They came standard with kolto and all other sorts of medical things that Eek didn't know about.

folclor folclor
TommyGun15 TommyGun15

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