Distinction between "Dynast" and "Patrician&q

Forest Eyes

New Member
This may just be me being dense, but reading through the 1E Dragon-Blooded book, the distinction between Patrician families and Dynastic families was nevery clear to me, beyond that Dynasts are higher up in the sociological food chain than Patricians, and that Dynasts are more likely to produce and/or marry Exalts than Patricians. I figured that "Dyanst" meant a member of the Great Houses, but then there were description of "a Patrician of House Ragara" or somesuch. So now I'm just totally confused.

Can someone clear this up?
A patrician is basically nobility, but not from one of the 11 houses. They generally have some Dragonblooded heritage, but usually much thinner. They go to the same schools as the Dynasts, and do much of the work of running the Thousand Scales. After all, what Dragonblooded really wants to spend their life filling out paperwork, organizing things and so forth. If a Dynast cannot find an available or appropriate spouse among either the Dragonblooded host or un-exalted Dynasts, then they will almost always marry a patrician. Patricians fulfil many of the roles of local governors and so forth, as well as filling most of the lesser house of the Deliberative.
To my understanding, Patrician is a un-exalted member of noble birth. "Dynasts" generally refer to the exalted members of the Great Dynast Houses.
StarHawk said:
To my understanding, Patrician is a un-exalted member of noble birth. "Dynasts" generally refer to the exalted members of the Great Dynast Houses.
No, Dynasts are anyone from the Great Houses, Exalted or not, whereas  Patricians are the next social class down, powerful in their own rights but not of Empress bloodline.

yup the social order is

Dragon Blooded Dynast

Out Caste Dragon Blooded

Mortal Dynast

Mortal Patrician

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